
Journal of Information and Communication Technologies; is a free, open-access, multidisciplinary, internationally refereed journal with research and compilation studies published online in Turkish or English. Our journal aims to provide national and international academics, researchers, students and science enthusiasts with high scientific and original works. The journal publishes scientific articles from a wide range of fields of information and communication technology research and related disciplines, of general importance to the information and communication technology research community. Journal; It provides a platform for publishing scientific research in the fields of information and communication technologies. The main criteria in the review and selection process are related to the importance of the contribution to the field of information and communication technologies. There are publications from original qualitative, quantitative and mixed research methods related to every field of information and communication technologies. Great attention is paid to author information fields and article review and acceptance processes, and it is aimed to increase the quality level in every issue.

Last Update Time: 2/16/21, 2:36:42 PM


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Journal of Information and Communication Technologies