Publication Principles


1. The Journal of Information and Communication Technologies is an international refereed journal in which scientific studies written in English or Turkish in the field of information and communication technologies are published. The journal started its publication life in 2019. It publishes two (2) issues per year, in December and June.

2. The journal publishes scientific articles from a wide range of fields of information and communication technologies and related disciplines that are of general importance for the field of information and communication technologies.

3. In addition, a special issue related to the verbal papers presented in national / international meetings (symposiums, congresses, conferences, etc.) and current developments in the field of education can be published, provided that it is not more than a number per year.

4. No copyright is paid to the author of the published articles.

5. The candidate article sent to the journal is first examined by the Secretariat and examined in terms of compliance with the spelling rules and journal template and then directed to the chief editor for evaluation. Candidate articles are examined in terms of publication, writing, quality, scope, research and compliance with ethical rules. Candidate articles are scanned using plagiarism control software. Candidate articles that are considered unsuitable are returned to the author without being evaluated by the referee.

6. All articles submitted to the journal are evaluated by at least two referees with the principle of blind review (double blinded method).

7. The article approved by the journal editor is sent to at least two referees from the relevant field for review. The authors re-submit their articles to the journal, taking into account the corrections and suggestions stated in the referee evaluation form. The editors of the journal decide the publication of the articles in which the corrections and suggestions are requested in line with the referee's opinions. Editor board; has the right to make corrections in the submitted articles, or even if the referee process is positive. Articles that are decided to be published are sent to the author(s) for a final review. The responsibility of the errors in the works and their compliance with the language rules belong to the author(s).

8. Author / authors can withdraw their work during the evaluation process. The author, who wishes to withdraw his work in the evaluation stage, should notify this request via e-mail to The review of the referee was positive and the article put in the publication order cannot be withdrawn from publication.

9. The editorial board's views are sought for the establishment, restructuring of the journal's publication principles and the determination of the referees when necessary.

10. Articles submitted to the journal must not have been published elsewhere or evaluated for publication.

11. The works sent to the journal are not returned, whether they are published or not.

12. Our journal is a free journal that does not demand money during the article application and publishing process.

13. In the journal, a maximum of one (1) and a maximum of two (2) academic studies can be published in a journal.

14. All articles published in the journal are open access and distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

15. For conflicts of interest or ethical reasons, the author / authors can identify the referees that the study does not want to be sent.

16. Author / authors can object to referee reports and editorial decisions. In such cases, the author (s) are asked to state the grounds for objection. The editorial board can start a re-evaluation process regarding the study by evaluating the grounds for objection.

17. Admission to the journal is made through the membership system at Articles that cannot be sent through this system will not be taken into consideration. The referee process is also operated through the same system.

18. Submitted studies will be evaluated for compliance of the journal's spelling rules. Studies found to be in compliance with these rules will be sent to two referees. If one of the referees reports negatively, the study will be sent to the third referee. Two positive reports will be accepted for publication. After the start of the Doi number study (December 15 - June 15), the articles whose referee process is over are left to the next issue.

19. Author / authors should prepare their work according to APA6 (American Psychological Association) standards.


Blind Refereeing

The Journal of Information and Communication Technologies makes use of double blind refereeing method in the review process of the articles. In the double blind refereeing method, the identity of authors and referees are concealed.

Initial Review Process

The articles which are submitted to the journal are first subject to preliminary review of writing rules and journal template suitability by the Secretariat, and then forwarded to the Editor-in-chief with the purpose of referee assignment. The submitted articles which are found to be unsuitable in terms of writing rules, originality, and accordance with the publication principles are returned to their author without a referee review. In the preliminary review, the field/department editors inspect the introduction, literature review, method, findings, results, assessment, and discussion sections of the articles with respect to suitability with the publication principles and content of the journal. The articles which are found ineligible after the review are returned to the author along with the review report prepared by the field editor in maximum of 30 days. The articles which are found to be eligible are taken under referee review.

Referee Review Process

The articles are sent to the referees according to the content and referee speciality. The article which is found to be eligible by the editors is forwarded to at least two referees for review along with a review form. The referees are given 30 days for the review. Within this period, a new referee may be assigned in case the referee does not respond. It is obligatory to fill out the "Revision Template” which is prepared by the referees or the editors containing revisions within 30 days. The referees may decide on the suitability by inspecting the readjustments as well as requesting multiple revisions.
• Many factors take role in the selection of referee. Experience, suitability of field, past experiences between the editor and referee are the determining factors.
• Author(s) may request to exclude certain referees for the reason of conflict of interests.
• The referee list is reviewed and refreshed and published on the index periodically with every issue by the Editors.
• The referees are sent refereeing certification after the publication issue which includes the reviewed articles.
Review Results
The feedback received from the referees is examined by the field/department editors in 14 days at the latest. As a result of this examination, the field editor informs the editors of the final evaluation. The editors prepare the editorial board remarks in accordance with the field editor and referee assessments. A new referee may be assigned following the review report; in addition, there may be an approval, revision or rejection decision.

How Long Is The Publication Process?

The publication evaluation process of the articles submitted to the Journal of Information and Communication Technologies is expected to be completed in approximately 6 months. However, this period may be longer depending on the requests of the referee or editors from the author (s), the author (s) to complete the corrections and the re-evaluation processes of the work.
Revision Directions and Uploading Guide
At The Journal of Information and Communication Technologies, one or more revisions may be requested by the field editors and/or referees for the articles in review process. The authors are obligated to apply the requested revisions by using the “Revision Template”. The authors should make the revisions by using “Track changes” feature or by using the red colour on the original document. The authors should upload the documents; (1) revised document with track changes, (2) the “Author Revision Chart” prepared by using the “Revision Template”.


The articles accepted in the publication after the evaluation in the Journal of Information and Communication Technologies are as follows; Plagiarism check reconstruction, bibliography editing, sending and citation control, layout and stringing, DOI numbering processes.
Plagiarism Inspection
Due to the publication ethics of The Journal of Information and Communication Technologies, every article which went through the “Blind Referee Review Process” has to be re-inspected for plagiarism for the revisions made after the referee requests. Within this context, English and Turkish copies of every article goes through plagiarism inspection. The plagiarism inspection is made by Turnitin and iThenticate softwares. The board makes the final decision in light of the plagiarism inspection report of every article. Revision of the mistakes can be request from the authors or the articles may be returned. The financial responsibilities occurred within the inspection belong to the author(s).

Language Regulation

Articles submitted to the Journal of Information and Communication Technologies should have a clear and simple language quality in accordance with the grammar rules of the full text language (Turkish or English) and scientific literature. The Journal Editorial Board may request language proofreading at the evaluation stages of the articles submitted or after the acceptance stage. Applications of non-Turkish authors will be evaluated directly in English, and after the acceptance phase, a broad summary translation in Turkish will be requested from the authors. The Journal of Information and Communication Technologies will assist the authors in the preparation of the Turkish abstract. The Journal Editorial Board reserves the right not to publish studies that are insufficient in terms of language and expression, even if the referee process is positive.

Bibliography, Submission and Citation Control

The Journal of Information and Communication Technologies considers that the submissions and references of the works accepted as a result of evaluation within the scope of publication ethics are correct and complete. Studies accepted in this context are checked by the editorial board for reference, reference and citation. Regarding bibliography and citation control, the authors are obliged to carry out the works and procedures given by the editorial board. Procedures and principles of Turkish citation for Turkish full text and English citation procedures and principles for full text in English are taken into consideration. The material responsibility of the audit performed belongs to the author (s). Even if the journal editorial board referee process has been successful, the bibliography has the right not to publish studies that are inadequate in terms of sending and citation control processes.

Layout and Typesetting Procedure

Due to the publication ethics of The Journal of Information and Communication Technologies, it is obligatory that the articles are prepared in a common typesetting and complete page layout. Within this context, the approved articles are adjusted in terms of page layout and typesetting by the board. The financial responsibility of the control belongs to the author(s). The journal board has the claim to not publish articles which are found to be inadequate in terms of compliance with the layout and typesetting rules even when the review process is affirmative.

DOI Number Assignment

Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is a unique access number which enables the identification and accessibility of each article published electronically. Every article published at The Journal of Information and Communication Technologies is assigned with a DOI number. The articles which went through the reference control and print-ready after the approval process are assigned a DOI number by the board.

Last Update Time: 2/16/21, 2:44:33 PM


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Journal of Information and Communication Technologies