Research Article
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Comparison Some Microbiological and Physicochemical Properties of Freeze Dryed and Spray Dryed Milk Powder

Year 2019, , 677 - 687, 28.06.2019


In this research,
and physicochemical
properties of milk powder produced by
freeze dryer and spray dryer
were determined during the storage
. Firstly,
ilks were divided into two groups. First group was dryed with freeze dryer.
Second group was dryed with spray dryer. Total aerobic mesophilic bacteria,
mould-yeast, total coliform and fecal coliform,
moisture, hunter
colour determination
, water activity, pH analyses were performed in 2., 4. and 6. days of storage at room temperatures. Water absorption index, water
solubility index
, protein and microscopy analysis was performed
in, and of storage, respectively. Moisture, water activity,
microbiological analysis, L value and
water absorption index values of freeze dryed milk powders were found lower
than spray dryed samples in all days of storage. Microbiological quality of
freeze dryed milk powder is better. It was thaught that the milk powder produced
by freeze drying may have a longer shelf life at room temperature.


  • Mujumdar A.S. 2007. Handbook of Industrial drying, Taylor and Francis group, U.K.
  • Yıldırım Ç., Güzeler N. 2013. Peyniraltı Suyu ve Yayıkaltının Toz Olarak Değerlendirilmesi. J.Agric. Fac. Ç.Ü., 28 (2): 11 – 20
  • Ratti C. 2001. Hot air and freeze-drying of high-value foods: a review, Journal of Food Engineering, 49, 311-319.
  • Esper A., Mühlbauer W. 1998. Solar drying- an effective means of food preservation. Renewable Energy, 15, 95-100.
  • Vega-Mercado H., Gongora-Nieto M. and Barbosa- Canovas G.V. 2001. Advances in dehydration of foods, Journal of Food Engineering, 49, 271-289
  • Datta A.K., George J.P. 2002. Development andvalidation of heat and mass transfer models for freeze-drying of vegetable slices. JournalTaylor& Francis Group, LLC., Floridal of Food Engineering, 52(1), 89-93.
  • Ma Y.H., Arsem H. 1982. Low pressure sublimation in combined radiant and microwave freeze drying. In Drying'82, Eds. Mujumdar, A. S., New York: McGraw-Hill.
  • Filkova I., Huang L.X. and Mujumdar A.S. 2006. Industrial Spray Drying Systems, 215-256, Handbook of Industrial Drying, A.S.Mujumdar (Ed.), 3rd Edition, CRCPress, Boca Raton, FL.
  • Vignolles M.L., Jeantet R., Lopez C. and Schuck P.2007. Free fat, surface fat and dairy powders: Interactions between process and product, Lait, 87:187-236.
  • AOAC 2000. Official Methods of Analysis (18th ed.). Arlington, VA, Association of Official Analytical Chemists.
  • Halkman A.K. 2005. Gıda Mikrobiyolojisi Uygulamaları. MERCK, Başak Matbaacılık ve Tanıtım Hizmetleri Ltd. Şti., Ankara, 358 s.
  • Feng N.K.,Zhi J.C., Chun N.L. and Che M.T. 1998. Scavenger and antioxidant properties of prenylflavones isolated from Artocarpus heterophyllus. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 25: 160-168
  • AOAC 2003. Official Methods of Analysis of the Association of Official's Analytical Chemists. 17th ed., Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Arlington, VA, USA.
  • Hunt M.C., Acton J. C., Benedict R.C., Calkins C.R., Cornforth D.P., Jeremiah L.E., Olson D.P., Salm C.P., Savell J.W. and Shivas S.D. 1991. Guidelines for meat colour evaluation. Chicago: American Meat Sci. Assoc. and Nati. Live Stock and Meat Board.
  • Majors R.E. 2008. Practical aspects of solvent extraction. LCGC N Am; 26(12):1158–1166
  • Anderson R. A., Conway H. F., Pfeifer V. F. and Griffin E. L. 1969. Roll and extrusion-cooking of grain sorghum grits, Cereal Science Today, 14 (11), 372-376
  • Troller J. A., Christian J. H. B. 1978, Enzyme reactions and nonenzymatic browning, In: Water Activity and Food, Eds, Academic Press Inc., New York, 48-68
  • Ockerman H.W. 1985. Quality control of post-mortem muscle tissue (13th ed.). The Ohio State University. Columbus, OH, USA.
  • Baykal H., Karais K., Çalışkan Koç G. and Dirim S.N. 2018. The properties of cinnamon, carob and ginger enriched goat milk powder enriched goat milk powder. The Journal of Food 43 (4): 716-732
  • Namhong T. 2009. Production of instant goat milk powder by spray drying. Department of Food Science and Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology, Lanna, Thailand,181– 185.
  • Reddy R.S., Ramachandraa C.T., Hiregoudar S., Nidoni U., Ramb J. and Kammar M. 2014. Influence of processing conditions on functional and reconstitution properties of milk powder made from Osmanabadi goat milk by spray drying. Small Rumin Res, 119, 130–137
  • Smith K. 2008. Dried dairy ingredients, Wisconsin Center for Dairy Research, USA
  • Anonim 2013. Baharat Tebliği, Türk Gıda Kodeksi, Tebliğ No: 2013/12, Resmi Gazete Sayısı: 28614
  • Dirim S.N., Talih M. 2018. The effects of drying agents on properties of freeze dried cherry laurel powders. The Journal of Food. 43 (3): 461-475
  • Quek S.Y., Chok N.K. and Swedlund P. 2007. The physicochemical properties of spray-dried watermelon powder. Chem Eng Process, 46: 386- 392
  • Tontul İ., Ergin F., Eroğlu E., Küçükçetin A. and Topuz A., 2018. Physical and microbiological properties of yoghurt powder produced by refractance window drying. International Dairy Journal 85: 169-176
  • Yetişmeyen A.,Arıöz N. 1995. Determination of the quality characteristic butter milk of powder manufactured by using different concentration rate and drying temperatures. Journal of Food 20(2) 117-122
  • Schuck P., Dolivet A. 2002. Lactose crystallization: determination of α Lactose monohydrate in spray dried dairy products, Lait 82;413-421
  • Fyfe K., Kravckhuk O., Nguyen A. V., Deeth H., Bhandari B., 2011. Influence of dryer type on surface characteristics of milk powders. Drying Technology, 29: 758–769
  • SanthalakshmyS., Bosco S.J.D., Francis S. and Sabeena M., 2015. Effect of inlet temperature on physicochemical properties of spray-dried jamun fruit juice powder. Powder Technology 274: 37–43
  • Jones J.R., Prime D., Leaper M.C., Richardson D.J., Rielly C.D. and Stapley A.G.F. 2013. Effect of processing variables and bulk composition on the surface composition of spray dried powders of a model food system. Journal of Food Engineering 118, 19–30
  • Ishwarya S.P. and Anandharamakrishnan C. 2015. Spray-Freeze-Drying approach for soluble coffee processing and its effect on quality characteristics. Journal of Food Engineering 149 (2015) 171–180
  • Aalaei K., Sjöholm I., Rayner M., Tareke E., 2017. The İmpact of different drying techniques and controlled storage on the development of advanced glycation end products in skim milk powders using ısotope dilution Esı-lc-Ms/Ms. Food Bioprocess Technol 10:1704–1714

Dondurularak ve Püskürterek Kurutulmuş Süt Tozlarının Bazı Mikrobiyolojik ve Fizikokimyasal Özelliklerinin Karşılaştırılması

Year 2019, , 677 - 687, 28.06.2019


çalışmada dondurularak ve püskürterek kurutulan süt tozlarının bazı
mikrobiyolojik ve fizikokimyasal özellikleri depolama süresi boyunca
araştırılmıştır. İlk olarak sütler iki gruba ayrılmıştır. İlk grup süt
dondurarak kurutucu ile;ikinci grup ise püskürtmeli kurutucu ile kurutulmuştur.
Oda sıcaklığında, depolamanın 2., 6.günlerinde toplam aerofilik mezofilik
bakteri, maya-küf, toplam koliform ve fekal koliform, nem, hunter renk analizi,
su aktivitesi, pH analizleri yapılmıştır. Su absorplama indeksi, suda çözünme
indeksi, protein ve mikroskopik analizler depolamanın sırasıyla 2.,
6.günlerinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Dondurarak kurutma ile üretilen örneklerin
nem, su aktivitesi, mikrobiyolojik analiz, L
değeri ve su absorplama indeksi sonuçları bütün depolama günleri için
püskürterek kurutma ile üretilen örneklerin değerlerinden daha düşük olarak
bulunmuştur. Dondurarak kurutulan örneklerin mikrobiyolojik kalitesinin daha
iyi olduğu saptanmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlar düşünüldüğünde dondurarak kurutma
ile üretilen süt tozlarının oda sıcaklığında daha uzun raf ömrüne sahip olabileceği


  • Mujumdar A.S. 2007. Handbook of Industrial drying, Taylor and Francis group, U.K.
  • Yıldırım Ç., Güzeler N. 2013. Peyniraltı Suyu ve Yayıkaltının Toz Olarak Değerlendirilmesi. J.Agric. Fac. Ç.Ü., 28 (2): 11 – 20
  • Ratti C. 2001. Hot air and freeze-drying of high-value foods: a review, Journal of Food Engineering, 49, 311-319.
  • Esper A., Mühlbauer W. 1998. Solar drying- an effective means of food preservation. Renewable Energy, 15, 95-100.
  • Vega-Mercado H., Gongora-Nieto M. and Barbosa- Canovas G.V. 2001. Advances in dehydration of foods, Journal of Food Engineering, 49, 271-289
  • Datta A.K., George J.P. 2002. Development andvalidation of heat and mass transfer models for freeze-drying of vegetable slices. JournalTaylor& Francis Group, LLC., Floridal of Food Engineering, 52(1), 89-93.
  • Ma Y.H., Arsem H. 1982. Low pressure sublimation in combined radiant and microwave freeze drying. In Drying'82, Eds. Mujumdar, A. S., New York: McGraw-Hill.
  • Filkova I., Huang L.X. and Mujumdar A.S. 2006. Industrial Spray Drying Systems, 215-256, Handbook of Industrial Drying, A.S.Mujumdar (Ed.), 3rd Edition, CRCPress, Boca Raton, FL.
  • Vignolles M.L., Jeantet R., Lopez C. and Schuck P.2007. Free fat, surface fat and dairy powders: Interactions between process and product, Lait, 87:187-236.
  • AOAC 2000. Official Methods of Analysis (18th ed.). Arlington, VA, Association of Official Analytical Chemists.
  • Halkman A.K. 2005. Gıda Mikrobiyolojisi Uygulamaları. MERCK, Başak Matbaacılık ve Tanıtım Hizmetleri Ltd. Şti., Ankara, 358 s.
  • Feng N.K.,Zhi J.C., Chun N.L. and Che M.T. 1998. Scavenger and antioxidant properties of prenylflavones isolated from Artocarpus heterophyllus. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 25: 160-168
  • AOAC 2003. Official Methods of Analysis of the Association of Official's Analytical Chemists. 17th ed., Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Arlington, VA, USA.
  • Hunt M.C., Acton J. C., Benedict R.C., Calkins C.R., Cornforth D.P., Jeremiah L.E., Olson D.P., Salm C.P., Savell J.W. and Shivas S.D. 1991. Guidelines for meat colour evaluation. Chicago: American Meat Sci. Assoc. and Nati. Live Stock and Meat Board.
  • Majors R.E. 2008. Practical aspects of solvent extraction. LCGC N Am; 26(12):1158–1166
  • Anderson R. A., Conway H. F., Pfeifer V. F. and Griffin E. L. 1969. Roll and extrusion-cooking of grain sorghum grits, Cereal Science Today, 14 (11), 372-376
  • Troller J. A., Christian J. H. B. 1978, Enzyme reactions and nonenzymatic browning, In: Water Activity and Food, Eds, Academic Press Inc., New York, 48-68
  • Ockerman H.W. 1985. Quality control of post-mortem muscle tissue (13th ed.). The Ohio State University. Columbus, OH, USA.
  • Baykal H., Karais K., Çalışkan Koç G. and Dirim S.N. 2018. The properties of cinnamon, carob and ginger enriched goat milk powder enriched goat milk powder. The Journal of Food 43 (4): 716-732
  • Namhong T. 2009. Production of instant goat milk powder by spray drying. Department of Food Science and Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology, Lanna, Thailand,181– 185.
  • Reddy R.S., Ramachandraa C.T., Hiregoudar S., Nidoni U., Ramb J. and Kammar M. 2014. Influence of processing conditions on functional and reconstitution properties of milk powder made from Osmanabadi goat milk by spray drying. Small Rumin Res, 119, 130–137
  • Smith K. 2008. Dried dairy ingredients, Wisconsin Center for Dairy Research, USA
  • Anonim 2013. Baharat Tebliği, Türk Gıda Kodeksi, Tebliğ No: 2013/12, Resmi Gazete Sayısı: 28614
  • Dirim S.N., Talih M. 2018. The effects of drying agents on properties of freeze dried cherry laurel powders. The Journal of Food. 43 (3): 461-475
  • Quek S.Y., Chok N.K. and Swedlund P. 2007. The physicochemical properties of spray-dried watermelon powder. Chem Eng Process, 46: 386- 392
  • Tontul İ., Ergin F., Eroğlu E., Küçükçetin A. and Topuz A., 2018. Physical and microbiological properties of yoghurt powder produced by refractance window drying. International Dairy Journal 85: 169-176
  • Yetişmeyen A.,Arıöz N. 1995. Determination of the quality characteristic butter milk of powder manufactured by using different concentration rate and drying temperatures. Journal of Food 20(2) 117-122
  • Schuck P., Dolivet A. 2002. Lactose crystallization: determination of α Lactose monohydrate in spray dried dairy products, Lait 82;413-421
  • Fyfe K., Kravckhuk O., Nguyen A. V., Deeth H., Bhandari B., 2011. Influence of dryer type on surface characteristics of milk powders. Drying Technology, 29: 758–769
  • SanthalakshmyS., Bosco S.J.D., Francis S. and Sabeena M., 2015. Effect of inlet temperature on physicochemical properties of spray-dried jamun fruit juice powder. Powder Technology 274: 37–43
  • Jones J.R., Prime D., Leaper M.C., Richardson D.J., Rielly C.D. and Stapley A.G.F. 2013. Effect of processing variables and bulk composition on the surface composition of spray dried powders of a model food system. Journal of Food Engineering 118, 19–30
  • Ishwarya S.P. and Anandharamakrishnan C. 2015. Spray-Freeze-Drying approach for soluble coffee processing and its effect on quality characteristics. Journal of Food Engineering 149 (2015) 171–180
  • Aalaei K., Sjöholm I., Rayner M., Tareke E., 2017. The İmpact of different drying techniques and controlled storage on the development of advanced glycation end products in skim milk powders using ısotope dilution Esı-lc-Ms/Ms. Food Bioprocess Technol 10:1704–1714
There are 33 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Araştırma Makalesi

Sabire Yerlikaya

Hülya Şen Arslan This is me

Publication Date June 28, 2019
Submission Date January 10, 2019
Acceptance Date May 9, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


IEEE S. Yerlikaya and H. Şen Arslan, “Comparison Some Microbiological and Physicochemical Properties of Freeze Dryed and Spray Dryed Milk Powder”, Bitlis Eren Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 677–687, 2019, doi: 10.17798/bitlisfen.511313.

Bitlis Eren University
Journal of Science Editor
Bitlis Eren University Graduate Institute
Bes Minare Mah. Ahmet Eren Bulvari, Merkez Kampus, 13000 BITLIS