Research Article
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Prangos pabularia Bitkisinin Antioksidan ve Antimikrobiyal Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi

Year 2019, , 742 - 748, 30.09.2019


Tıbbi ve aromatik bitkiler, tarih öncesi çağlardan bu
yana tedavi edici özelliklerinin yanında gıda üretiminde tat ve aroma katmak amacıyla
yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır. Son yıllarda özellikle yurt dışında büyük ilgi
gören bitkilerle tedavi yöntemi, yurdumuzda da önem kazanmaya başlamıştır. Sunulan
çalışma Bitlis ilinde doğal olarak yetişen Prangos
bitkisinin antioksidan ve antimikrobiyal özelliklerini incelemek
amacıyla planlandı. Çalışmada kullanılan P.
bitki örnekleri Bitlis Kambos Dağı’ndan toplandı. Bitkinin yaprak
ve meyvelerinin uçucu yağları su distilasyonu ile elde edildi. Antioksidan
özelliklerinin belirlenmesi için DPPH metodu kullanıldı. Bitki meyvelerinin ve
yapraklarının antioksidan aktiviteleri sırasıyla %28.70 ve %25.54, IC50
değerleri ise 15.43 µg/ml ve 16.73 µg/ml olarak saptandı. Antimikrobiyal
aktivite ise disk difüzyon metodu kullanılarak belirlendi. Bitki meyvelerinden
elde edilen uçucu yağlar Proteus
ve Enterobacter aurogenes standart suşlarına karşı zayıf
antibiyotik etki gösterdi. Yapraklardan elde edilen uçucu yağlar ise bakteri ya
da mantar suşlarına karşı herhangi bir antibiyotik etki göstermedi. 


  • [1] Yılmaz G., Ayla K., Koyuncu M. 2016 Türkiye’de Yetişen Heptaptera Marg. Reuter (Apiaceae) Türlerinin Meyve Morfolojisi ve Anatomisi, Ankara Üniversitesi Eczacılık Fakültesi Dergisi, 40(2): 26-42.
  • [2] Aćimović M.G., Kostadinović L.M., Popović S.J., Dojčinović N.S. 2015. Apiaceae Seeds As Functional Food, Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 60(3): 237-246.
  • [3] Almurabet E.M.S. 2018. Apiaceae Familyasına Ait Bazı Türlerin Antimikrobiyal Aktivitesinin İncelenmesi. Kastamonu Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Biyoloji Anabilim Dalı, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, 136s, Kastamonu.
  • [4] Koul S.K., Thakur R.S. 1978. The Essential Oil of Prangos Pabularia Lindl, India Perfumer, 22(4): 284-286.
  • [5] Özbek H. 2005. Cinsel ve Jinekolojik Sorunların Tedavisinde Bitkilerin Kullanımı, Van Tıp Dergisi, 12 (2):170-174.
  • [6] Rojas R., Bustamante B., Bauer J., Fernandez I., Alban J., Lock O. 2003. Antimicrobial Activity of Some Selected Peruvian Medicinal Plants, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 88(2-3): 199-204.
  • [7] Salvat A., Antonacci L., Fortunato R.H., Suarez E.Y., Goday H.M. 2004. Antimicrobial Activity in Methanolic Extracts of Several Plant Species from Northern Argentina, Phytomed, 11(2-3): 230-234.
  • [8] Chanwitheesuk A., Teerawutgulrag A., Rakariyatham N. 2005. Screening of Antioxidant Activity and Antioxidant Compounds of Some Edible Plants of Thailand, Food Chemistry, 92(3): 491-497.
  • [9] Ivanova D., Gerova D., Chervenkov T., Yankova T. 2005. Polyphenols and Antioxidant Capacity of Bulgarian Medicinal Plants, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 96(1-2): 145-150.
  • [10]. Cuendet M., Hostettmann K., Potterat O. 1997. Iridoidglucosides with Freeradicals Cavening Properties From Fagrea blumei, Helvatica Chimica Acta, 80(4): 1144-1152.
  • [11]. National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards (NCCLS).1997. Performance Standards for Antimicrobial Disk Susceptibility Tests. Approved Standard M2-A6. Wayne, Pa: National Committee For Clinical Laboratory Standards.
  • [12] Barry A.L., Thornsberry C.1985. Susceptibility Tests: Diffusion Test Procedures. In: Manual of Clin Microbiol for Microbiol Lennette,Edited by E.H., Balows A., Hausler W.J., Shadomy H.J., American Society for Microbiology, 978-987.
  • [13] Kılıç A. 2008. Uçucu Yağ Elde Etme Yöntemleri, Bartın Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, 10(13): 37-45.
  • [14] Tirzitis G., Bartosz G. 2010. Determination of Antiradical and Antioxidant Activity: Basic Principles and New Insights, Acta Biochimica Polonica, 57(1): 139-142.
  • [15] Ahmed J., Güvenç A., Küçükboyacı N., Baldemir A., Coşkun M. 2011. Total Phenolic Contents and Antioxidant Activities of Prangos Lindl. (Umbelliferae) Species Growing in Konya Province (Turkey), Turkish Journal of Biology, 353-360.
  • [16] Martins N., Barros L., Santos-Buelga C., Ferreira I.C. 2016. Antioxidant Potential of Two Apiaceae Plant Extracts: A Comparative Study Focused on The Phenolic Composition, Industrial Crops and Products, 79, 188-194.
  • [17] Cesur C., Şenkal B.C., Yaman C., Uskutoğlu T., Koç M. 2017. Antioxidant Activity of Fruit Extracts of Prangos ferulacea (L.) Lindl. From Turkey, Iğdır Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 7(4): 249-256.
  • [18] Kafash-Farkhad N., Asadi-Samani M., Rafieian-Kopaei M. 2013. A Review on Phytochemistry and Pharmacological Effects of Prangos ferulacea (L.) Lindl, Life Science Journal, 10: 360-367.
  • [19] Öke‐Altuntas F., Aslim B., Duman H., Gulpinar A.R., Kartal M. 2015. The Relative Contributions of Chlorogenic Acid and Rutin to Antioxidant Activities of Two Endemic P. rangos (U mbelliferae) Species (P. heynia and P. denticulata), Journal of Food Biochemistry, 39(4): 409-416.
  • [20] Esmaeili H., Karami A., Maggi F.2018. Essential Oil Composition, Total Phenolic and Flavonoids Contents, and Antioxidant Activity of Oliveria Decumbens Vent. (Apiaceae) At Different Phenological Stages, Journal of Cleaner Production, 198: 91-95.
  • [21] Çoruh N., Sağdıçoğlu Celep A., Özgökçe F. 2007. Antioxidant Properties of Prangos ferulacea (L.) Lindl., Chaerophyllum macropodum Boiss. and Heracleum persicum Desf. from Apiaceae Family Used as Food in Eastern Anatolia and Their Inhibitory Effects on Glutathione-S-transferase, Food Chemistry, 100(3): 1237-1242.
  • [22] Evren M., Tekgüler B. 2011. Uçucu Yağların Antimikrobiyel Özellikleri, Elek Mikrobiyoloji Derisi, 9(3): 28-40.
  • [23] Özek G., Özek T., Işcan G., Başer K.H.C., Hamzaoglu E., Duran A. 2007. Comparison of Hydrodistillation and Microdistillation Methods for The Analysis of Fruit Volatiles of Prangos Pabularia Lindl. and evaluation of its antimicrobial activity, South African Journal of Botany,73(4): 563-569.
  • [24] Razavi S.M., Zarrini G., Zahri S., Mohammadi S. 2010. Biological Activity of Prangos uloptera DC. Roots. A Medicinal Plant From Iran, Natural Product Research, 24(9): 797-803.
  • [25] Tan N., Bilgin M., Tan E., Miski M. 2017. Antibacterial Activities of Pyrenylated Coumarins From The Roots of Prangos hulusii, Molecules, 22(7): 1098, doi:10.3390.
  • [26] Mulaudzi R.B., Ndhlala A.R., Finnie J.F., Van Staden, J. 2009. Antimicrobial, Anti-İnflammatory and Genotoxicity Activity of Alepidea Amatymbica and Alepidea Natalensis (Apiaceae), South African Journal of Botany, 75(3): 584-587.
  • [27] Tada Y., Shikishima Y., Takaishi Y., Shibata H., Higuti T., Honda G., Ito M., Takeda Y., Kodzhimatov O. K., Ashurmetov O., Ohmoto Y. 2002. Coumarins and γ-pyrone Derivatives From Prangos pabularia: Antibacterial Activity and Inhibition of Cytokine Release, Phytochemistry, 59(6): 649-654.
  • [28] Durmaz H., Sagun E., Tarakci Z., Ozgokce F. 2006. Antibacterial Activities of Allium Vineale, Chaerophyllum Macropodum and Prangos Ferulacea, African Journal of Biotechnology, 5(19): 1795–1798.
  • [29] Dikpınar T., Süzgeç-Selçuk S., Çelik B.Ö., Uruşak E.A. 2018. Antimicrobial Activity of Rhizomes of Ferulago trachycarpa Boiss. and Bioguided Isolation of Active Coumarin Constituents, Industrial Crops and Products, 123, 762-767.

Detecting of Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Specifications of Prangos Pabularia

Year 2019, , 742 - 748, 30.09.2019


Medicinal and aromatic plants have been used
extensively since prehistoric times in order to give taste and aroma in food
production. In recent years, the treatment method with plants of great interest
especially in abroad, has started to gain importance in our country. The
present study was planed to determine antioxidant and antimicrobial properties
of Prangos pabularia which growed
naturally in Bitlis city. The samples of P.
plant were picked up from Kambos Mountain in Bitlis. Essential
oils of leaves and fruits of plant obtained by water distillation. To determine
antioxidant properties, DPPH method was used. Antioxidant activities of fruits
and leaves of the plant were determined as 28.70% and 25.54%, IC50
values detected as 15.43 µg/ml and 16.73 µg/ml respectively. Antimicrobial
activity was detected by disc diffusion method. The essential oil of fruits of
plant showed thin antibiotic activity against Proteus mirabilis and Enterobacter aurogenes. The essential
oil of leaves of the plant did not show antibiotic effect against any bacterial
or fungi strain.


  • [1] Yılmaz G., Ayla K., Koyuncu M. 2016 Türkiye’de Yetişen Heptaptera Marg. Reuter (Apiaceae) Türlerinin Meyve Morfolojisi ve Anatomisi, Ankara Üniversitesi Eczacılık Fakültesi Dergisi, 40(2): 26-42.
  • [2] Aćimović M.G., Kostadinović L.M., Popović S.J., Dojčinović N.S. 2015. Apiaceae Seeds As Functional Food, Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 60(3): 237-246.
  • [3] Almurabet E.M.S. 2018. Apiaceae Familyasına Ait Bazı Türlerin Antimikrobiyal Aktivitesinin İncelenmesi. Kastamonu Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Biyoloji Anabilim Dalı, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, 136s, Kastamonu.
  • [4] Koul S.K., Thakur R.S. 1978. The Essential Oil of Prangos Pabularia Lindl, India Perfumer, 22(4): 284-286.
  • [5] Özbek H. 2005. Cinsel ve Jinekolojik Sorunların Tedavisinde Bitkilerin Kullanımı, Van Tıp Dergisi, 12 (2):170-174.
  • [6] Rojas R., Bustamante B., Bauer J., Fernandez I., Alban J., Lock O. 2003. Antimicrobial Activity of Some Selected Peruvian Medicinal Plants, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 88(2-3): 199-204.
  • [7] Salvat A., Antonacci L., Fortunato R.H., Suarez E.Y., Goday H.M. 2004. Antimicrobial Activity in Methanolic Extracts of Several Plant Species from Northern Argentina, Phytomed, 11(2-3): 230-234.
  • [8] Chanwitheesuk A., Teerawutgulrag A., Rakariyatham N. 2005. Screening of Antioxidant Activity and Antioxidant Compounds of Some Edible Plants of Thailand, Food Chemistry, 92(3): 491-497.
  • [9] Ivanova D., Gerova D., Chervenkov T., Yankova T. 2005. Polyphenols and Antioxidant Capacity of Bulgarian Medicinal Plants, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 96(1-2): 145-150.
  • [10]. Cuendet M., Hostettmann K., Potterat O. 1997. Iridoidglucosides with Freeradicals Cavening Properties From Fagrea blumei, Helvatica Chimica Acta, 80(4): 1144-1152.
  • [11]. National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards (NCCLS).1997. Performance Standards for Antimicrobial Disk Susceptibility Tests. Approved Standard M2-A6. Wayne, Pa: National Committee For Clinical Laboratory Standards.
  • [12] Barry A.L., Thornsberry C.1985. Susceptibility Tests: Diffusion Test Procedures. In: Manual of Clin Microbiol for Microbiol Lennette,Edited by E.H., Balows A., Hausler W.J., Shadomy H.J., American Society for Microbiology, 978-987.
  • [13] Kılıç A. 2008. Uçucu Yağ Elde Etme Yöntemleri, Bartın Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, 10(13): 37-45.
  • [14] Tirzitis G., Bartosz G. 2010. Determination of Antiradical and Antioxidant Activity: Basic Principles and New Insights, Acta Biochimica Polonica, 57(1): 139-142.
  • [15] Ahmed J., Güvenç A., Küçükboyacı N., Baldemir A., Coşkun M. 2011. Total Phenolic Contents and Antioxidant Activities of Prangos Lindl. (Umbelliferae) Species Growing in Konya Province (Turkey), Turkish Journal of Biology, 353-360.
  • [16] Martins N., Barros L., Santos-Buelga C., Ferreira I.C. 2016. Antioxidant Potential of Two Apiaceae Plant Extracts: A Comparative Study Focused on The Phenolic Composition, Industrial Crops and Products, 79, 188-194.
  • [17] Cesur C., Şenkal B.C., Yaman C., Uskutoğlu T., Koç M. 2017. Antioxidant Activity of Fruit Extracts of Prangos ferulacea (L.) Lindl. From Turkey, Iğdır Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 7(4): 249-256.
  • [18] Kafash-Farkhad N., Asadi-Samani M., Rafieian-Kopaei M. 2013. A Review on Phytochemistry and Pharmacological Effects of Prangos ferulacea (L.) Lindl, Life Science Journal, 10: 360-367.
  • [19] Öke‐Altuntas F., Aslim B., Duman H., Gulpinar A.R., Kartal M. 2015. The Relative Contributions of Chlorogenic Acid and Rutin to Antioxidant Activities of Two Endemic P. rangos (U mbelliferae) Species (P. heynia and P. denticulata), Journal of Food Biochemistry, 39(4): 409-416.
  • [20] Esmaeili H., Karami A., Maggi F.2018. Essential Oil Composition, Total Phenolic and Flavonoids Contents, and Antioxidant Activity of Oliveria Decumbens Vent. (Apiaceae) At Different Phenological Stages, Journal of Cleaner Production, 198: 91-95.
  • [21] Çoruh N., Sağdıçoğlu Celep A., Özgökçe F. 2007. Antioxidant Properties of Prangos ferulacea (L.) Lindl., Chaerophyllum macropodum Boiss. and Heracleum persicum Desf. from Apiaceae Family Used as Food in Eastern Anatolia and Their Inhibitory Effects on Glutathione-S-transferase, Food Chemistry, 100(3): 1237-1242.
  • [22] Evren M., Tekgüler B. 2011. Uçucu Yağların Antimikrobiyel Özellikleri, Elek Mikrobiyoloji Derisi, 9(3): 28-40.
  • [23] Özek G., Özek T., Işcan G., Başer K.H.C., Hamzaoglu E., Duran A. 2007. Comparison of Hydrodistillation and Microdistillation Methods for The Analysis of Fruit Volatiles of Prangos Pabularia Lindl. and evaluation of its antimicrobial activity, South African Journal of Botany,73(4): 563-569.
  • [24] Razavi S.M., Zarrini G., Zahri S., Mohammadi S. 2010. Biological Activity of Prangos uloptera DC. Roots. A Medicinal Plant From Iran, Natural Product Research, 24(9): 797-803.
  • [25] Tan N., Bilgin M., Tan E., Miski M. 2017. Antibacterial Activities of Pyrenylated Coumarins From The Roots of Prangos hulusii, Molecules, 22(7): 1098, doi:10.3390.
  • [26] Mulaudzi R.B., Ndhlala A.R., Finnie J.F., Van Staden, J. 2009. Antimicrobial, Anti-İnflammatory and Genotoxicity Activity of Alepidea Amatymbica and Alepidea Natalensis (Apiaceae), South African Journal of Botany, 75(3): 584-587.
  • [27] Tada Y., Shikishima Y., Takaishi Y., Shibata H., Higuti T., Honda G., Ito M., Takeda Y., Kodzhimatov O. K., Ashurmetov O., Ohmoto Y. 2002. Coumarins and γ-pyrone Derivatives From Prangos pabularia: Antibacterial Activity and Inhibition of Cytokine Release, Phytochemistry, 59(6): 649-654.
  • [28] Durmaz H., Sagun E., Tarakci Z., Ozgokce F. 2006. Antibacterial Activities of Allium Vineale, Chaerophyllum Macropodum and Prangos Ferulacea, African Journal of Biotechnology, 5(19): 1795–1798.
  • [29] Dikpınar T., Süzgeç-Selçuk S., Çelik B.Ö., Uruşak E.A. 2018. Antimicrobial Activity of Rhizomes of Ferulago trachycarpa Boiss. and Bioguided Isolation of Active Coumarin Constituents, Industrial Crops and Products, 123, 762-767.
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Araştırma Makalesi

Fatih Çağlar Çelikezen

Funda Turhan Aykanat This is me 0000-0002-5909-6938

İbrahim Halil Şahin This is me 0000-0002-9215-8176

Şükrü Hayta 0000-0001-8304-5236

Publication Date September 30, 2019
Submission Date January 31, 2019
Acceptance Date May 28, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


IEEE F. Ç. Çelikezen, F. Turhan Aykanat, İ. H. Şahin, and Ş. Hayta, “Prangos pabularia Bitkisinin Antioksidan ve Antimikrobiyal Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi”, Bitlis Eren Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 742–748, 2019, doi: 10.17798/bitlisfen.520058.

Bitlis Eren University
Journal of Science Editor
Bitlis Eren University Graduate Institute
Bes Minare Mah. Ahmet Eren Bulvari, Merkez Kampus, 13000 BITLIS