
Bitlis Eren University Social Science Journal has been published since 2012. It is a peer-reviewed, electronic, international, academic journal in which studies on all fields of social sciences are published. It is published twice a year, in June and December.

Articles should be written in APA 7 style.
• Articles that are not prepared according to the template below will not be evaluated.
Click for sample article template.
The similarity index value of the articles must be below 20 %. Articles above this value are rejected without being evaluated.


1- Ethics committee permission (name of board, date of evaluation, ethics permission certificate number) must be obtained from the author's workıng instıtution for the studies done in all areas requestıng ethics commıttee's permission on the amendment made to the TR Index 2020 criteria. Information regarding rthics committee permission received should be included in the method section and on the first/ last page of the study.

2- Bitlis Eren University Social Science Journal  will continue its publication life with a new article template as of June 2022. Authors should adapt their work to the article template in accordance with the writing rules of the journal and upload them to the journal system. The template can be accessed from the "Article Template" tab.

3- As of the 2021 December issue of our journal, number referees will not be included in the journal's credits. Researchers who act as referees will be given a "Refereeing Document" upon their request.

Last Update Time: 4/19/24, 2:43:58 PM