Writing Rules

Please read the "publication ethics" heading before reading the spelling rules.
The publication language of the journal is Turkish. Articles written in English and Arabic can also be published. The Turkish Language Institution Spelling Guide is taken as a basis for the writing of Turkish articles.  https://www.tdk.gov.tr/tdk/kurumsal/yazim-kilavuzu/
You can access the article template that you will use in your work from the "Article Template" section.
Authors who will send articles to Bitlis Eren University Social Science Journal (BEU SBD) should pay attention to the journal writing rules, the general framework of which is determined below:
1. The Turkish abstract, the English title of the article, the English abstract and keywords should be complete. Abstracts and keywords should be placed right after the title. Abstract minimum 100 and maximum 200 words; Keywords should be at least three and at most five words.
2. The article should consist of at least 4.000 words and at most 10.000 words.
3. The page dimensions of the journal should be adjusted 2,5 cm from the top, 2.5 cm from the bottom, 2.5 cm from the left and 2.5 cm from the right.
4. In the text;
• Font Book Antiqua,
• The Turkish title of the article is 14 pt, bold, lowercase, left aligned,
• The English title of the article is 12 pt, italic, bold, lowercase,
• Author names are in 11 font size, their names are lowercase, surnames are uppercase,
• Abstract and Abstract titles are 9 points; contents and keywords 9 point,
• The titles in the article should be numbered according to their level,
• 1 cm indention at each paragraph,
• If any, the footnote part is to be Book Antiqua, 9 pt,
• In-Table Information: 10 point,
• Paragraph Spacing: 6 pt,
• Line Spacing: 1,5,
One Level Titles 
Second Level Titles
• Main headings are in 10 font size, bold, left justified and capital letters,
• Second headings are 10 pt, bold, left justified, lower case,
• Third headings are in 10 font size, bold, italic, left justified and lowercase,
• Fourth headings are in 10 font size, left justified and in lower case,
• Line spacing in the text is single, 10 pt, justified and space after paragraphs is 6 nk and then 6 nk,
• The first paragraph after the headings is aligned with the heading, the first line of the next paragraphs is 0.75 inside,
• The bibliography should be used in 10 points, left justified and should not be numbered in the title.
• Second lines in the bibliography should start 0.75 indented.
• Abbreviations should be written clearly and abbreviated form in parentheses when first shown. It should be given in abbreviated form in later impressions.
• In the text, "double quotes" should be used in direct quotations not exceeding three lines. Double quotes should not be used in the text, except for direct quotations.
• When quoting long (more than three lines) from a source, it should be indented from the right and left (0.5 cm) and in 10 font size (without quotes). At the end of the citation, the cited source should be given in parentheses along with the page number.
• Special terms and phrases in the text should be shown in 'single quotes'. If it is not a proper name, the words inside the quotation should be written in lower case. Single quotes or italics should be preferred (rather than underlined or bold) for words or phrases that are to be emphasized.
• Foreign words in the text should be written in italics. If a Turkish term or phrase is to be given in a foreign language, it should be written in italics in parentheses.
• Numbers in the text should be written in text if they are single digits, and in numbers if they are two or more digits.
• When numbering in the text, point should be preferred instead of th/third/th suffixes.
• % sign should be used for the word percent.
• If a citation is made from within another citation, it should be cited with the phrase 'as cited in'.
5. The dimensions given in the tables and special drawings should be taken into account. The table or figure should be centered on the page, the names of the tables should be written above and the names of photographs or figures should be written below. Table names should be set to 10 points, table content should be set to 9 points. This measure must be observed in order to avoid shifts and distortions in the figures in the tables.
6. For articles written in languages other than Latin letters, the title, abstract, keywords and bibliography written in Latin letters must also be included.
7. The in-text citation system should be used in the articles. Explanations other than citations should be stated in footnote form at the bottom of the relevant page. Every reference in the text must be included in the bibliography. Works that are not cited in the text should not be included in the bibliography.
8. Citations in the text should be given in parentheses (author's surname, publication year of the source: following the relevant page number order) and the bibliography list containing the complete and full citation of the references used should be shown at the end of the text in accordance with the citation system.
9. APA 7th edition rules should be applied for in-text citation notation and bibliography writing. Citation (reference) and Bibliography writing examples are shown below.
10. Detailed information on APA 7th Edition can be accessed via https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/references/examples. In quoting and citations, the differences in citing and referencing styles in Turkish and English versions should be considered based on the language of the original text.
11. Bitlis Eren University Social Science Journal (BEU SBD) bibliography, the references only quoted/cited in the article should be included, any references that are not used in the text should not be included in the bibliography and references should be listed in an alphabetical order regarding the surnames of the authors.
12. Short quotations should be written in quotation marks. Quotations longer than 4 lines should be written as a separate paragraph, at an indent of 1 cm with 10 pt. Quotation marks should not be used for such cases. If more than one article of an author published on the same issue is used, the letters "a, b, c, ..." should be used respectively to distinguish the publications and this usage should be included both in text and in the references part.
Note: For the chapters/articles in the book, the English word “In” and its Turkish equivalent “içinde” have been removed from the bibliography.

Single author books
In Text:
(Taşkıran, 2015: 27).
In the bibliography:
Taşkıran, H. (2015). Selçuklu devletlerinde suikastlar. Selenge Publishing.
Note: In APA 7th edition, there is no “publication place” information in book tags. If there is a DOI number, it should be added to the bottom as “http…”. In APA 7th edition, instead of writing “Doi:…” the web address starting with “http” is to be added.
Single author articles
In Text:
(Şengül, 2018: 120).
In the bibliography:
Şengül, M. A. (2018). A novel of quest overshadowed by love: Şanzelize Düğün Salonu. Journal of Turkology, 28(1), 115–138.
Books with two authors
In the text:
(Erat & Arap, 2016: 90).
In the bibliography:
Erat, V. & Arap, I. (2016). Dünyada ve Türkiye’de bilim iktidar ilişkisinin evrimi. Notabene Publishing.
Articles with two authors
In the text:
(Sengul & Parlakpinar, 2017: 75)
In the bibliography:
Şengül, M. B. & Parlakpınar, M. (2017). ‘New woman’ ın the novel Genç Kız Kalbi of Mehmet Rauf. Journal of Turkish & Islamic World Social Research, 3(7), 70-80.
Books with more than two authors
In the text:
(Koçak & Demirtaş & Taşkıran, 2016: 101).
In the bibliography:
Koçak, Z., Demirtaş, M. & Taşkıran, H. (2016). XIX. yüzyılda Ahlat’ın demografik durumu.  Gece Kitaplığı Publications.
Note: If the number of authors in the studies is more than three, et al. should be used.
Collection of essays
In the text:
(Kalaycıoğlu and Sarıbay, 1986: 3)
In the bibliography:
Kalaycıoğlu, E. & Sarıbay, A. Y. (Editors). (2011). Türk siyasal hayatının gelişimi. Beta Publishing.
Chapter Books
In the text:
(Gencer, 2021: 170).
In the bibliography:
Gencer, F. (2021). Muş tarihinde Alaaddin Paşazadeler dönemi. Alanoğlu, M. & Alican, M. (Editörler), Muş Tarihi. (ss. 168-202). İdeal Kültür Publishing.
Authorless/collective publications
In the text:
(TODAIE, 1991: 101)
In the bibliography:
TODAIE (1966). Merkezi hükümet teşkilatı kuruluş ve görevleri. Merkezi Hükümet Teşkilatı Araştırma Projesi Raporu. TODAIE Publication.
Papers in Symposium
In the text:
(Şengül, 2019: 62)
In the bibliography:
Şengül, M. B. (2019, 8-10 Mart). Türk Yurdu dergisinde yer alan şiirlerde Çanakkale Zaferi. [Conference presentation full text]. İKSAD 3. International Social Sciences Congress, Adana, Türkiye.
In the text:
(Kürüm, 2013: 67)
In the bibliography:
Kürüm, E. (2013). Muhsin İlyas Subaşı hayatı sanatı ve eserleri üzerine bir inceleme [Unpublished Phd Thesis]. Atatürk University.
In the text:
(Aka, 2012: 177)
In the bibliography:
Aka, I. (2012). Timur. Diyanet Encyclopedia of Islam (Vol. 41, pp. 177). Türkiye Diyanet Foundation Publications.
Archive Document
In text:
(BOA, HAT, 825/37404-Z, 8.R.1236/13 Jan 1821)
In the bibliography:
BOA, HAT, 825/37404-Z, 8.R.1236/13 Jan 1821.
Note: The name of the institution from which the archive document was obtained should be given in the first work in the bibliography.
In the text:
(Akşam, 18 Mart 1950)
In the bibliography:
Akşam (1950, 18 Mart).
Report and Technical Texts
In the text:
(Baral vd., 2019)
In the bibliography:
Baral, P., Larsen, M. & Archer, M. (2019). Para ağaçta yetişir mi? Güneydoğu Asya'da restorasyon finansmanı. Atlantik Konseyi. https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/in-depth-researchreports/report/does-money-grow-on-trees-restoring-financing-in-southeast-asia/
Web page
In the text:
(Access to Nationality, 2020)
In the bibliography:
Access to Nationality, (2020, February 16). Mipex.eu. http://www.mipex.eu/access-nationality.
Website News
In the text:
(Toner, 2020, September 24)
In the bibliography:
Toner, K. (2020, September 24). When Covid-19 hit, he turned his newspaper route into a lifeline for senior citizens.
CNN. https://www.cnn.com/2020/06/04/us/coronavirus-newspaper-deliveryman-groceries-senior-citizens-cnnheroes-trnd/index.html.
Social Media Channels
In the text:
(Bitlis Eren Üniversitesi, 2021)
In the bibliography:
Bitlis Eren Üniversitesi [@beusosyalmed]. (2021, 13 Şubat). Bitlis Girişimci İş İnsanları Derneği (BİGİAD), Üniversitemiz Kayak Merkezinde Kış Etkinliği düzenledi. View: https://twitter.com/beusosyalmed. [Image attached] [Tweet]. Twitter.