Volume: 2010 Issue: 2, 2/1/10

Year: 2010



1. Kalın Barsak Lipomu: Altı Olgunun Klinikopatolojik Değerlendirilmesi


2. The Effect of Nicotine Treatment on Propofol Injection Pain


3. Diagnosis and Long-term Follow-up of Patients with Fibrous Dysplasia of the Chest Wall


5. The Effect of Regular Training with Vitamin E Supplementation on the Thioredoxine System in Rats


6. Nadir Bir Anjiyomiksolipoma Olgusu: Diğer Vasküler ve Miksod Tümörler ile Ayırıcı Tanı


7. Iatrogenic Cushing Syndrome Due to Topical Steroid Administration in an Infant


8. Gebelikle İlişkili Bir Aplastik Anemi Olgusu


10. Akut Pulmoner Embolili Hastada Ters McConnell Bulgusu


11. Paraneoplastik Limbik Ensefalit: Olgu Sunumu


12. İzole İnguinal Mesane Hernisi


15. The Effects of Gabapentin Therapy on Pruritus, Quality of Life, Depression and Sleep Quality in Pruritic Hemodialysis Patients


17. Reliability of the Turkish Version of a New Coma Scale: FOUR Score


18. Trakya Populasyonundaki Ailevi Akdeniz Ateşi Hastalarında MEFV Geni Ekson 2 Ve Ekson 10 Gen Bölgesi Mutasyonları


19. The relationship between the inflammatory markers and arterial distensibility in patients with sarcoidosis


20. Türkiye'nin Üç Büyük Kentinde Taksi Şoförlerine Yönelik Gasp Amaçlı Cinayetler, 1996-2006


21. Medico-Legal Autopsy Results of Preschool Childhood Deaths


22. Anaplasmosis Seropositivity in People Exposured to Tick Bite


23. Trace Elements in a Rat Model of Cadmium Toxicity: the Effects of Taurine, Melatonin and N-Acetylcysteine