Today's Silent War: Agroterrorism
Year 2024,
Volume: 6 Issue: 3, 672 - 679, 23.12.2024
Emine Yurt
Sümeyra Sevim
Agroterrorism is a type of bioterrorism attack that targets agriculture and livestock. The main goal of agricultural terrorism is to inflict economic losses and disrupt stability by causing panic among the public. In past wars, attempts were made to weaken the enemy by infecting animals and crops. Today, it is possible to use pathogenic microorganisms to directly attack humans or agricultural products. Such attacks can cause famine in countries whose economies are based on agricultural production. Biological agents are more attractive to terrorist groups because of their low cost, the insidious nature of the agent, and their ability to disperse over wide areas. The global effects of Covid-19 have still not been overcome. In this context, countries need to develop national control mechanisms by conducting risk analyzes in order to ensure food safety and minimize potential health risks.
- Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service [APHIS]. (2023). Animal Disease Information, Erişim Tarihi: 24.01.2024,
- Boac, J. M., Casada, M. E., Maghirang, R. G., Harner, III J. P. (2010). 3-D and quasi-2-D discrete element modeling of grain commingling in a bucket elevator boot system, American Society of Agricultural and
- Biological Engineers (ASABE) 2010 Annual International Meeting, (p.1), Pennsylvania, doi:10.13031/2013.39812
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC]. (2006). Animals as Sentinels of Bioterrorism Agents. Erişim Tarihi: 24.01.2024,
- Chalk, P. (2004). Agroterrorism: What is the threat and what can be done about It?. RAND Corporation, Erişim Tarihi:03.03.2024,
- Cıtak, E. (2022). How prepared are we for the newface of terrorısm? assessment on the potentıal threat of agroterrorısm. Eurasian Research Journal, 4(4), 53-64. doi:10.53277/2519-2442-2022.4-04
- Djurle, A., Young, B., Berlin, A., Vågsholm, I., Blomström, A. L., Nygren, J., Kvarnheden, A. (2022). Addressing biohazards to food security in primary production. Food Security, 14(6), 1475-1497. doi:10.1007/s12571-022-01296-7
- Donachie, D., Ewann, F., Poudevigne, F. (2023). Animal Agrocrime: An Overlooked Biological Threat. Health Security, 21(5), 415-420. doi:10.1089/hs.2022.0144
- Elbers, A., Knutsson, R. (2013). Agroterrorism targeting livestock: A reviewwith a focus on early detection systems. Health Security, 11(1): 25-35. doi:10.1089/bsp.2012.0068
- Gill, K. M. (2015). Agroterrorism: The Risks to the United States Food Supply and National Security. US Army Medical Department Journal, 7, 9-15.
- Harrison, J. A., Hamilton, R, D., Jayaratne, K. S. U. (2010). Agrosecurity awareness curriculum design, delivery and evaluation with first responders to agricultural and food emergencies. Food Protection Trends, 30(6): 340-345.
- International Plant Protection Convention [IPPC]. (2007). Framework forpest risk analysis. International Standard for Phytosanitary Measures 2. Produced by the Secretariat of the IPPC. Revised 2019. Erişim Tarihi: 03.03.2024,
- Mårtensson, P. Å., Hedström, L., Sundelius, B., Skiby, J. E., Elbers, A., Knutsson, R. (2013). Actionable knowledge
and strategic decision making for bio-and agroterrorism threats: building a collaborative early warning culture. Biosecurity and Bioterrorism, 11(1), 46-54. doi:10.1089/bsp.2013.0039
- Mijalković, S., Bajagić, M. (2023). Methodological guidelines for conceptual divergence of bioterrorism, agroterrorism, biosecurity and agrosecurity. Bezbednost, Belgrad, 65(1), 65-86.
- Moats, J. B. (2007). Terrorism in the Barnyard, Agroterrorism: A guide for first responders. 10, United States of America: Texas A&M University Press.
- Monke, J. (2006). Agroterrorism: Threats and preparedness. Congressional Research Service, Defense Technıcal İnformation Center, Erişim Tarihi: 26.02.2024,
- Pakdemirli, B., Birişik, N., Aslan, S., Öz, S. (2021). Önemli bir tarım, gıda güvenliği ve çevre riski olarak “Agroterörizm” üzerine bir değerlendirme. Bahri Dağdaş Hayvancılık Araştırma Dergisi, 10(2), 176-194.
- Radosavljević, V., Stojković, K., Anđelković, R., Andrejić, M. (2010). Agroterorizam kao aktuelni izazov. Vojnosanitetski Pregled, 67(11), 933-940.
- Rohn, E., Erez, G. (2013). A framework for agro-terrorism intentions detection using overt data sources. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 80(9), 1877-1884.
- Suffert, F. (2017). Characterization of the threat resulting from plant pathogen use as anti-crop bioweapons: An EU perspective on agroterrorism. Practical Tools for Plant and Food Biosecurity, 8, 31-60. doi:10.1007/978-3-
- Thomas, J. (2018). A Quick Glance at Agroterrorism Response. The Social Science Research Network, Erişim Tarihi: 23.02.2024.
- United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs [UNODA]. (1972). Convention on the prohibition of the
development, production and stockpiling of bacteriological (biological) and toxin weapons and on their destruction, Erişim Tarihi: 20.02.2024,
- Utami, R. R. M., Puspitasari, M. (2023). Agricultural terrorism and food insecurity in Indonesia: a policy analysis. Technium Social Sciences Journal, 46(1), 362-379.
- Vasconcelos Gioia, G., Lamielle, G., Aguanno, R., ElMasry, I., Mouillé, B., De Battisti C., … Sumption, K. (2021). Informing resilience building: FAO's Surveillance Evaluation Tool (SET) Biothreat Detection Module will help assess national capacities to detect agro-terrorism and agro-crime. One Health Outlook, 3, 1-13. doi:10.1186/s42522-021-00045-8
- World Organisation for Animal Health [WHO]. (2023). Deadly Cultures: Bioweapons from 1945 to the Present. Historical Context and Overiew. OIE-Terrestrial Code Online Access. Erişim Tarihi: 24.01.2024,
- Yadigaroğlu, H., Öztürk, T. (Eds.). (2017). Biyoterörizm, modern savaş ve biyolojinin araçsallaştırılması: 1. Dünya Savaşı’nda Almanya örneği. Zamanın izleri: İlkeler, İdeolojiler ve İsyanlar. (1. Baskı). Trabzon: Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi Yayınları; 281-300.
- Yüksel, O., Erdem, R. (2016). Biyoterörizm ve sağlık. Hacettepe Sağlık İdaresi Dergisi, 19(2).
- Zilinskas, R. A. (2017). A brief history of biological weapons programmes and theuse of animal pathogens as biological warfare agents. Revue Scientifique Et Technique (International Office of Epizootics), 36(2), 415-422. doi:10.20506/rst.36.2.2662
Günümüzün Sessiz Savaşı: Agroterörizm
Year 2024,
Volume: 6 Issue: 3, 672 - 679, 23.12.2024
Emine Yurt
Sümeyra Sevim
Erratum Note
Bandırma Onyedi Eylül Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri ve Araştırmaları Dergisi’nin 2024 yılı 6(2) sayısında yayınlanan “Günümüzün Sessiz Savaşı: Agroterörizm” başlıklı makalede sehven yapılmış olan yazım düzenlemeleri tekrar düzenlenerek yazar ORCID bilgileri, Tablo 1, Tablo 3’de imla hataları ve kaynaklar bölümünde kısaltma düzeltmesi yapılmıştır.
Agroterörizm, biyoterörizmin tarım ve hayvancılığı hedef alan saldırı türüdür. Tarımsal terörizmde temel hedef, ekonomik kayıplar verdirmek, halk arasında paniğe yol açarak istikrarı bozmaktır. Geçmişte yaşanan savaşlarda hayvanlara ve mahsullere hastalık bulaştırarak düşman zayıflatılmaya çalışılmıştır. Günümüzde de patojen mikroorganizmaların doğrudan insanlara veya tarım ürünlerine saldırı amacıyla kullanılması mümkündür. Bu tür saldırılar ekonomisi tarımsal üretime dayalı olan ülkelerde kıtlığa neden olabilmektedir. Biyolojik ajanlar, maliyetinin düşük olması, etkenin sinsice ilerlemesi, geniş alanlara dağılabilmeleri nedeni ile terör odaklarına daha cazip gelmektedir. Covid-19’un küresel boyuttaki etkileri hala aşılabilmiş değildir. Bu kapsamda bakıldığında ülkelerin gıda güvenliğini sağlamak ve potansiyel sağlık risklerini en aza indirmek amacıyla risk analizlerini yaparak ulusal kontrol mekanizmalarını geliştirmeleri gerekmektedir.
Supporting Institution
Yazarlar araştırmanın yürütülmesi sürecinde bir finansal destek almadığını beyan etmiştir
- Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service [APHIS]. (2023). Animal Disease Information, Erişim Tarihi: 24.01.2024,
- Boac, J. M., Casada, M. E., Maghirang, R. G., Harner, III J. P. (2010). 3-D and quasi-2-D discrete element modeling of grain commingling in a bucket elevator boot system, American Society of Agricultural and
- Biological Engineers (ASABE) 2010 Annual International Meeting, (p.1), Pennsylvania, doi:10.13031/2013.39812
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC]. (2006). Animals as Sentinels of Bioterrorism Agents. Erişim Tarihi: 24.01.2024,
- Chalk, P. (2004). Agroterrorism: What is the threat and what can be done about It?. RAND Corporation, Erişim Tarihi:03.03.2024,
- Cıtak, E. (2022). How prepared are we for the newface of terrorısm? assessment on the potentıal threat of agroterrorısm. Eurasian Research Journal, 4(4), 53-64. doi:10.53277/2519-2442-2022.4-04
- Djurle, A., Young, B., Berlin, A., Vågsholm, I., Blomström, A. L., Nygren, J., Kvarnheden, A. (2022). Addressing biohazards to food security in primary production. Food Security, 14(6), 1475-1497. doi:10.1007/s12571-022-01296-7
- Donachie, D., Ewann, F., Poudevigne, F. (2023). Animal Agrocrime: An Overlooked Biological Threat. Health Security, 21(5), 415-420. doi:10.1089/hs.2022.0144
- Elbers, A., Knutsson, R. (2013). Agroterrorism targeting livestock: A reviewwith a focus on early detection systems. Health Security, 11(1): 25-35. doi:10.1089/bsp.2012.0068
- Gill, K. M. (2015). Agroterrorism: The Risks to the United States Food Supply and National Security. US Army Medical Department Journal, 7, 9-15.
- Harrison, J. A., Hamilton, R, D., Jayaratne, K. S. U. (2010). Agrosecurity awareness curriculum design, delivery and evaluation with first responders to agricultural and food emergencies. Food Protection Trends, 30(6): 340-345.
- International Plant Protection Convention [IPPC]. (2007). Framework forpest risk analysis. International Standard for Phytosanitary Measures 2. Produced by the Secretariat of the IPPC. Revised 2019. Erişim Tarihi: 03.03.2024,
- Mårtensson, P. Å., Hedström, L., Sundelius, B., Skiby, J. E., Elbers, A., Knutsson, R. (2013). Actionable knowledge
and strategic decision making for bio-and agroterrorism threats: building a collaborative early warning culture. Biosecurity and Bioterrorism, 11(1), 46-54. doi:10.1089/bsp.2013.0039
- Mijalković, S., Bajagić, M. (2023). Methodological guidelines for conceptual divergence of bioterrorism, agroterrorism, biosecurity and agrosecurity. Bezbednost, Belgrad, 65(1), 65-86.
- Moats, J. B. (2007). Terrorism in the Barnyard, Agroterrorism: A guide for first responders. 10, United States of America: Texas A&M University Press.
- Monke, J. (2006). Agroterrorism: Threats and preparedness. Congressional Research Service, Defense Technıcal İnformation Center, Erişim Tarihi: 26.02.2024,
- Pakdemirli, B., Birişik, N., Aslan, S., Öz, S. (2021). Önemli bir tarım, gıda güvenliği ve çevre riski olarak “Agroterörizm” üzerine bir değerlendirme. Bahri Dağdaş Hayvancılık Araştırma Dergisi, 10(2), 176-194.
- Radosavljević, V., Stojković, K., Anđelković, R., Andrejić, M. (2010). Agroterorizam kao aktuelni izazov. Vojnosanitetski Pregled, 67(11), 933-940.
- Rohn, E., Erez, G. (2013). A framework for agro-terrorism intentions detection using overt data sources. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 80(9), 1877-1884.
- Suffert, F. (2017). Characterization of the threat resulting from plant pathogen use as anti-crop bioweapons: An EU perspective on agroterrorism. Practical Tools for Plant and Food Biosecurity, 8, 31-60. doi:10.1007/978-3-
- Thomas, J. (2018). A Quick Glance at Agroterrorism Response. The Social Science Research Network, Erişim Tarihi: 23.02.2024.
- United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs [UNODA]. (1972). Convention on the prohibition of the
development, production and stockpiling of bacteriological (biological) and toxin weapons and on their destruction, Erişim Tarihi: 20.02.2024,
- Utami, R. R. M., Puspitasari, M. (2023). Agricultural terrorism and food insecurity in Indonesia: a policy analysis. Technium Social Sciences Journal, 46(1), 362-379.
- Vasconcelos Gioia, G., Lamielle, G., Aguanno, R., ElMasry, I., Mouillé, B., De Battisti C., … Sumption, K. (2021). Informing resilience building: FAO's Surveillance Evaluation Tool (SET) Biothreat Detection Module will help assess national capacities to detect agro-terrorism and agro-crime. One Health Outlook, 3, 1-13. doi:10.1186/s42522-021-00045-8
- World Organisation for Animal Health [WHO]. (2023). Deadly Cultures: Bioweapons from 1945 to the Present. Historical Context and Overiew. OIE-Terrestrial Code Online Access. Erişim Tarihi: 24.01.2024,
- Yadigaroğlu, H., Öztürk, T. (Eds.). (2017). Biyoterörizm, modern savaş ve biyolojinin araçsallaştırılması: 1. Dünya Savaşı’nda Almanya örneği. Zamanın izleri: İlkeler, İdeolojiler ve İsyanlar. (1. Baskı). Trabzon: Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi Yayınları; 281-300.
- Yüksel, O., Erdem, R. (2016). Biyoterörizm ve sağlık. Hacettepe Sağlık İdaresi Dergisi, 19(2).
- Zilinskas, R. A. (2017). A brief history of biological weapons programmes and theuse of animal pathogens as biological warfare agents. Revue Scientifique Et Technique (International Office of Epizootics), 36(2), 415-422. doi:10.20506/rst.36.2.2662