Article Evaluation Process

Articles submitted to our journal for publication are subjected to the Preliminary Review stage. At this stage, the editor first checks the text for compliance with the journal's writing rules. Texts that do not comply with the writing rules are rejected directly, and the appropriate ones are examined for plagiarism/similarity via iThenticate software. If a similarity exceeding 20% in total or 3% from a single source is detected, the article is rejected. The manuscript is then reviewed by a member of the Editorial Board, taking into account its field. Articles approved by the Editorial Board member are assigned to the relevant Field Editors. Subsequently, the manuscript is examined by the Field Editor in terms of form, spelling rules and compliance with the ISNAD Citation System. Authors of the manuscripts for which corrections are requested must make their corrections within 15 days. At this stage, the manuscript that is examined twice but fails to pass this process is returned to the author and cannot be processed again in the same publication period.

Articles that pass the Preliminary Review phase are included in the evaluation process with at least two reviewers within the framework of the principle of double blind review. The reviewers are determined by the field editor by paying attention to the fact that the author and the reviewer do not work in the same institution. As a result of the referee evaluation, articles with two rejections or one rejection and one major decision are rejected. Articles with one acceptance/minor correction and one rejection/major correction are sent to a third referee or rejected according to the editor's decision. Manuscripts with two acceptances, two minor corrections and one acceptance and one minor correction complete the peer review phase after the necessary corrections are made.

Articles that pass the peer review are sent to the Language Editor for the review of the Öz/Abstract sections. After the edits in this section are made by the author, the article is accepted and the editing and proofreading stage is started. At this stage, without interfering with the content of the text, within the knowledge of the author, the final reading is completed by making corrections to the language and style of the text in order to ensure unity of linguistic expression and spelling.

Reviewing Criteria

In order to be a reviewer in our journal, it is required to have at least a doctoral degree. In addition, if the title of the author(s) of the article is associate professor and above, the reviewers must also be associate professors and/or professors.

Last Update Time: 2/5/25, 5:03:34 PM

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