Writing Rules

Bozok University Journal of Faculty of Theology (BOZIFDER) is a national academic journal published by Yozgat Bozok University Faculty of Theology as two issues per year on 30 June and 31 December.

- The article acceptance dates are 1 February - 1 April (till 31 March at 23:59) for the issue dated 30 June and 1 August - 1 October (till 30 September at 23:59) for the issue dated 31 December. However, if the number of articles reaches a sufficient level, the article acceptance process can be closed before these dates.

- The article volume should not be less than 4000 words and should not exceed 9000 words.

- Abstract has to be between 350-500 words and must be arranged as a single paragraph; Keywords must be at least 5 and the first keyword must indicate the field of the article and the phrases ‘Keywords’ and 'Anahtar Kelimeler' must be written in italics.

- Manuscripts have to be written in accordance with the article template in the link.

- For translations, the document showing that the copyright has been obtained must be sent together with the article from the Additional Files section.

In the research article type, only the works of researchers with a PhD degree are accepted for evaluation. For research articles with more than one author, at least one author must have a PhD degree.

- For articles requiring Ethics Committee Approval Certificate, the relevant document must be sent together with the article from the Additional Files section.

- Articles are scanned with iThenticate similarity programme at the preliminary review stage and the article is rejected if the similarity exceeds 20% in total and 3% in total from a single source.

- Articles submitted to our journal for publication are subjected to Pre-Check, Plagiarism Scan, Referee Evaluation and Turkish-English Language Check. The manuscripts that are examined twice at the Pre-Control stage but fail to pass this process are returned to the author and are not processed again in the same publication period. The manuscripts that pass the Preliminary Control stage are included in the evaluation process in which at least two referees take part within the framework of the principle of double blind peer review.

- Priority is given to the date of arrival in the publication of articles.

- A maximum of one study by the same author can be published in our journal in a year.

- Articles that are not prepared in accordance with the ISNAD Citation System 2nd Edition and Article Writing Word Template are rejected DIRECTLY at the Preliminary Control Stage and will not be processed again in the same publication period.

- Bozok University Journal of Faculty of Theology (BOZIFDER) started to use ISNAD Citation System as of 01/07/2018.

For detailed information: http://www.isnadsistemi.org/

Last Update Time: 1/27/25, 5:24:27 PM

Bozok University Journal of Faculty of Theology (BOZIFDER) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Non-Derivatives 4.0 International Licence (CC BY NC ND).