The "Copyright Form" of the articles evaluated for publication in the Black Sea Journal of Engineering and Science should be signed by the author(s) and uploaded to the journal’s online manuscript submission system by the corresponding author as a supplementary file. For the download "
Copyright Form" please click
The author(s) who publish with the Black sea Journal of Engineering and Science agree to the following terms;
- Copyrights for articles published in the Black Sea Journal of Engineering and Science (BSJ Eng Sci) are held by the author(s), with first publication rights granted to the journal.
- The author(s) is(are) the sole owner(s) of the article, has(have) full right and title to copyright in the article and has(have) the right to reproduce the article for his/her/their own purposes provided the copies are not offered for sale.
- The author(s) must warrant that the work and all figures, illustrations, photographs, charts, and other supplementary material are original.
- The author(s) must take responsibility for all parts of the article.
- The author(s), upon the publication of their work, can publish it in online environments and/or social networks (personal webpages, course content websites, Researchgate, Facebook, etc.).
- Additionally, the author(s) is(are) to include the note indicating that their work has first been published in the BSJ Eng Sci and they also provide the link to the work as published in the journal.