Research Article
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Humanoid Robot-Assisted Turkish Dialogue Application for the Education of Children with Down Syndrome

Year 2024, Volume: 11 Issue: 1, 140 - 149, 31.05.2024


With the advancements in educational technologies, the use of robots in education is becoming increasingly widespread. Around the world, robotic activities and educational programs are being organized to enhance students' cognitive and social skills. However, unfortunately, robot-assisted educational studies and applications for students requiring special education are limited. This research aims to present a humanoid robot-assisted learning environment for children with Down syndrome. In this study, an original dataset for children with Down syndrome has been generated using Turkish natural language processing techniques. This dataset includes special scenarios and a question-answer dataset to assist in improving the cognitive and social skills of the children. The NAO humanoid robot, part of the inventory of Iskenderun Technical University, is prepared to interact with children and use this special dataset. This unique method and dataset aim to create a reciprocal chat environment with children with Down syndrome and improve their focus, attention, concentration, and communication skills. This is an important step as an example of Turkish humanoid robot-assisted education applications in the literature. The next stages of our research will involve using this unique method and dataset with more children with Down syndrome and examining its impacts. This study, which is expected to be an important educational material in terms of improving the communication skills of children who need special education, carries national importance due to being in Turkish and will make significant contributions to special education in our country.


  • Povian, C. M., Gurza, V. G., & Dumitrescu, C. (2014). Special education tools, concepts and design for children in need. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 141, 996-1002.
  • Arpacık, Ö., Kurşun, E., & Göktaş, Y. (2013). Zihinsel engelli öğrencilere yönelik etkileşimli tahtalara uygun içerik geliştirme deneyimi: Bir durum çalışması. In International Instructional Technologies &Teacher Education Symposium, Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon. 4(1), 332-343.
  • Özdemir, D., Karaman, S., Özgenel, C., & Özbolat, A. (2015). Zihinsel Engellilere Yönelik Robot Destekli Öğrenme Ortamlarında Etkileşim Alternatiflerinin Belirlenmesi. Journal of Research in Education and Teaching, 4(1), 2146-919.
  • McBride, N. (2020). Robot enhanced therapy for autistic children: An ethical analysis. IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, 39(1), 51-60.
  • Ramirez-Duque, A. A., Bastos, T., Munera, M., Cifuentes, C. A., & Frizera-Neto, A. (2020). Robot-Assisted Intervention for children with special needs: A comparative assessment for autism screening. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 127, 103484.
  • Feil-Seifer, D., & Mataric, M. J. (2008, August). B 3 IA: A control architecture for autonomous robot-assisted behavior intervention for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. In RO-MAN 2008-the 17th IEEE international symposium on robot and human interactive communication, 328-333.
  • Belpaeme, T., Kennedy, J., Ramachandran, A., Scassellati, B., & Tanaka, F. (2018). Social robots for education: A review. Science robotics, 3(21), eaat5954.
  • Chalmers, C., Keane, T., Boden, M., & Williams, M. (2022). Humanoid robots go to school. Education and Information Technologies, 27(6), 7563-7581.
  • Conti, D., Di Nuovo, S., Buono, S., & Di Nuovo, A. (2017). Robots in education and care of children with developmental disabilities: a study on acceptance by experienced and future professionals. International Journal of Social Robotics, 9, 51-62.
  • Keane, T., Chalmers, C., Williams, M., & Boden, M. (2016). The impact of humanoid robots on students' computational thinking. In Australian Council for Computers in Education 2016 Conference: Refereed Proceedings, 93-102.
  • Cashin, A., & Barker, P. (2009). The triad of impairment in autism revisited. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing, 22(4), 189-193.
  • Wall, K. (2009). Autism and Early Years Practice: A Student Companion. Autism and Early Years Practice, 1-176.
  • Dautenhahn, K., Nehaniv, C. L., Walters, M. L., Robins, B., Kose-Bagci, H., Assif, N., & Blow, M. (2009). KASPAR–a minimally expressive humanoid robot for human–robot interaction research. Applied Bionics and Biomechanics, 6(3, 4), 369-397.
  • Kanda, T., Hirano, T., Eaton, D., & Ishiguro, H. (2004). Interactive robots as social partners and peer tutors for children: A field trial. Human–Computer Interaction, 19(1-2), 61-84.
  • Alwaneen, T. H., Azmi, A. M., Aboalsamh, H. A., Cambria, E., & Hussain, A. (2022). Arabic question answering system: a survey. Artificial Intelligence Review, 1-47.
  • Zaib, M., Zhang, W. E., Sheng, Q. Z., Mahmood, A., & Zhang, Y. (2022). Conversational question answering: A survey. Knowledge and Information Systems, 64(12), 3151-3195.
  • Heilman, M., & Smith, N. A. (2010, June). Good question! statistical ranking for question generation. In Human language technologies: The 2010 annual conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 609-617.
  • Derici, C., Çelik, K., Özgür, A., Güngör, T., Kutbay, E., Aydın, Y., & Kartal, G. (2014, April). Rule-based focus extraction in Turkish question answering systems. In 2014 22nd Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), 1604-1607.
  • Caro, K., Encinas-Monroy, I. A., Amado-Sanchez, V. L., Islas-Cruz, O. I., Ahumada-Solorza, E. A., & Castro, L. A. (2020). Using a Gesture-based videogame to support eye-hand coordination and pre-literacy skills of children with down syndrome. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 79, 34101-34128.
  • Zdravkova, K. (2020). Educational Games for Children with Down Syndrome. In Societal Challenges in the Smart Society (pp. 109-118). Universidad de La Rioja.
  • Tohma, K., Okur, H. I., Kutlu, Y., & Sertbas, A. (2023). Sentiment Analysis in Turkish Question Answering Systems: An application of Human-Robot Interaction. IEEE Access.
  • Yiğit, G., & Amasyalı, F. (2021). Soru Cevaplama Sistemleri Üzerine Detaylı Bir Çalışma: Veri Kümeleri, Yöntemler ve Açık Araştırma Alanları. Bilişim Teknolojileri Dergisi, 14(3), 239-254.
  • Pot, E., Monceaux, J., Gelin, R., & Maisonnier, B. (2009, September). Choregraphe: a graphical tool for humanoid robot programming. In RO-MAN 2009-The 18th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, 46-51.

Down Sendromlu Çocukların Eğitimi İçin İnsansı Robot Destekli Türkçe Diyalog Uygulaması

Year 2024, Volume: 11 Issue: 1, 140 - 149, 31.05.2024


Eğitim teknolojilerindeki gelişmelerle birlikte, eğitim alanında robot kullanımı giderek yaygınlaşmaktadır. Dünya çapında, öğrencilerin bilişsel ve sosyal becerilerini geliştiren robotik etkinlikler ve eğitim programları düzenlenmektedir. Ancak, özel eğitime ihtiyaç duyan öğrencilere yönelik robot destekli eğitim çalışmaları ve uygulamaları ne yazık ki kısıtlıdır. Bu araştırma, down sendromlu çocuklara yönelik insansı robot destekli bir öğrenme ortamı sunmayı amaçlamaktadır. Bu çalışmada, Türkçe doğal dil işleme teknikleri kullanılarak down sendromlu çocuklar için özgün bir veriseti oluşturulmuştur. Bu veriseti, çocukların bilişsel ve sosyal becerilerini geliştirmeye yardımcı olacak özel senaryolar ve bir soru-cevap veri seti içermektedir. Çalışmada İskenderun Teknik Üniversitesi envanterinde bulunan NAO insansı robot, çocuklarla etkileşim sağlamak ve bu özel verisetini kullanmak üzere hazırlanmıştır. Bu özgün yöntem ve veriseti, down sendromlu çocuklarla karşılıklı sohbet ortamı oluşturmayı ve onların odaklanma, dikkat, konsantrasyon ve iletişim becerilerini geliştirmeyi hedeflemektedir. Bu, literatürde Türkçe insansı robot destekli eğitim uygulamalarının bir örneği olarak önemli bir adımdır. Araştırmamızın sonraki aşamaları, down sendromlu çocuklarla bu özgün yöntem ve verisetinin kullanılması ve etkilerinin incelenmesi olacaktır. Özel eğitime ihtiyaç duyan çocukların iletişim becerilerinin geliştirilmesi açısından önemli bir eğitim materyali olması beklenen bu çalışma, Türkçe olması nedeniyle ulusal düzeyde önem taşımaktadır ve ülkemizdeki özel eğitime önemli katkılar sağlayacaktır.


  • Povian, C. M., Gurza, V. G., & Dumitrescu, C. (2014). Special education tools, concepts and design for children in need. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 141, 996-1002.
  • Arpacık, Ö., Kurşun, E., & Göktaş, Y. (2013). Zihinsel engelli öğrencilere yönelik etkileşimli tahtalara uygun içerik geliştirme deneyimi: Bir durum çalışması. In International Instructional Technologies &Teacher Education Symposium, Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon. 4(1), 332-343.
  • Özdemir, D., Karaman, S., Özgenel, C., & Özbolat, A. (2015). Zihinsel Engellilere Yönelik Robot Destekli Öğrenme Ortamlarında Etkileşim Alternatiflerinin Belirlenmesi. Journal of Research in Education and Teaching, 4(1), 2146-919.
  • McBride, N. (2020). Robot enhanced therapy for autistic children: An ethical analysis. IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, 39(1), 51-60.
  • Ramirez-Duque, A. A., Bastos, T., Munera, M., Cifuentes, C. A., & Frizera-Neto, A. (2020). Robot-Assisted Intervention for children with special needs: A comparative assessment for autism screening. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 127, 103484.
  • Feil-Seifer, D., & Mataric, M. J. (2008, August). B 3 IA: A control architecture for autonomous robot-assisted behavior intervention for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. In RO-MAN 2008-the 17th IEEE international symposium on robot and human interactive communication, 328-333.
  • Belpaeme, T., Kennedy, J., Ramachandran, A., Scassellati, B., & Tanaka, F. (2018). Social robots for education: A review. Science robotics, 3(21), eaat5954.
  • Chalmers, C., Keane, T., Boden, M., & Williams, M. (2022). Humanoid robots go to school. Education and Information Technologies, 27(6), 7563-7581.
  • Conti, D., Di Nuovo, S., Buono, S., & Di Nuovo, A. (2017). Robots in education and care of children with developmental disabilities: a study on acceptance by experienced and future professionals. International Journal of Social Robotics, 9, 51-62.
  • Keane, T., Chalmers, C., Williams, M., & Boden, M. (2016). The impact of humanoid robots on students' computational thinking. In Australian Council for Computers in Education 2016 Conference: Refereed Proceedings, 93-102.
  • Cashin, A., & Barker, P. (2009). The triad of impairment in autism revisited. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing, 22(4), 189-193.
  • Wall, K. (2009). Autism and Early Years Practice: A Student Companion. Autism and Early Years Practice, 1-176.
  • Dautenhahn, K., Nehaniv, C. L., Walters, M. L., Robins, B., Kose-Bagci, H., Assif, N., & Blow, M. (2009). KASPAR–a minimally expressive humanoid robot for human–robot interaction research. Applied Bionics and Biomechanics, 6(3, 4), 369-397.
  • Kanda, T., Hirano, T., Eaton, D., & Ishiguro, H. (2004). Interactive robots as social partners and peer tutors for children: A field trial. Human–Computer Interaction, 19(1-2), 61-84.
  • Alwaneen, T. H., Azmi, A. M., Aboalsamh, H. A., Cambria, E., & Hussain, A. (2022). Arabic question answering system: a survey. Artificial Intelligence Review, 1-47.
  • Zaib, M., Zhang, W. E., Sheng, Q. Z., Mahmood, A., & Zhang, Y. (2022). Conversational question answering: A survey. Knowledge and Information Systems, 64(12), 3151-3195.
  • Heilman, M., & Smith, N. A. (2010, June). Good question! statistical ranking for question generation. In Human language technologies: The 2010 annual conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 609-617.
  • Derici, C., Çelik, K., Özgür, A., Güngör, T., Kutbay, E., Aydın, Y., & Kartal, G. (2014, April). Rule-based focus extraction in Turkish question answering systems. In 2014 22nd Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), 1604-1607.
  • Caro, K., Encinas-Monroy, I. A., Amado-Sanchez, V. L., Islas-Cruz, O. I., Ahumada-Solorza, E. A., & Castro, L. A. (2020). Using a Gesture-based videogame to support eye-hand coordination and pre-literacy skills of children with down syndrome. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 79, 34101-34128.
  • Zdravkova, K. (2020). Educational Games for Children with Down Syndrome. In Societal Challenges in the Smart Society (pp. 109-118). Universidad de La Rioja.
  • Tohma, K., Okur, H. I., Kutlu, Y., & Sertbas, A. (2023). Sentiment Analysis in Turkish Question Answering Systems: An application of Human-Robot Interaction. IEEE Access.
  • Yiğit, G., & Amasyalı, F. (2021). Soru Cevaplama Sistemleri Üzerine Detaylı Bir Çalışma: Veri Kümeleri, Yöntemler ve Açık Araştırma Alanları. Bilişim Teknolojileri Dergisi, 14(3), 239-254.
  • Pot, E., Monceaux, J., Gelin, R., & Maisonnier, B. (2009, September). Choregraphe: a graphical tool for humanoid robot programming. In RO-MAN 2009-The 18th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, 46-51.
There are 23 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Kadir Tohma 0000-0002-2631-7810

Yakup Kutlu 0000-0002-9853-2878

Publication Date May 31, 2024
Submission Date May 20, 2023
Acceptance Date August 3, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 11 Issue: 1


APA Tohma, K., & Kutlu, Y. (2024). Down Sendromlu Çocukların Eğitimi İçin İnsansı Robot Destekli Türkçe Diyalog Uygulaması. Bilecik Şeyh Edebali Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 11(1), 140-149.