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Autoimmune Marker Prevalence in Pityriasis Rosea Patients

Year 2019, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 33 - 37, 30.04.2019


Introduction and Aim: Pityriasis rosea (PR) is an acute, self-limited papulo-squamous disorder which was described in 1798, firstly. The etiology of PR is unknown, infectious etiology has been the most investigated subject but no exact infectious origin is identified to date. Autoimmunity, genetic predisposition and atopi are the other subject matters which have been investigated.  The  prevalence of anti-nuclear antibody (ANA) was investigated in PR patients to evaluate the potential role of autoimmunity in etiopathogenesis of PR. 

Materials and method: This study is designed to compare the prevalence of serum anti-nuclear antibody (ANA) in PR patients and healthy volunteers. 

Results: ANA prevalence was 8,7% in PR group, where as it was 0, in the control group (p<0.05) . 

Conclusion: ANA prevalence of 8,7% among PR patients is statistically significant, but this rate is similar with the expected ANA prevalence among healthy population which is 4-5%. Further larger studies are needed to evaluate the part of autoimmunity in etiopathogenesis of PR. 


  • 1.Pityriasis rosea. Appearance and distribution of macules aid diagnosis. Karnath B, Hussain N, Bevin M. Postgrad Med. 2003 May;113(5):93-4, 97.
  • 2. Braun Falco O, Plewig G, Wolff HH, Burgdorf WHC. Dermatology. 2nd ed. Springer, Berlin, 2000; chapter 14: 435-439.
  • 3.Atypical presentations of pityriasis rosea: case presentations. Chuh A, Zawar V, Lee A.J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2005 Jan;19(1):120-6.
  • 4. Mosher DB, Fitzpatrick JB, Ortanne JP, Hori Y. Pityriasis Rosea. In: Freedberg IM, Eisen AZ, Wolff K, Austen KF, Goldsmith LA, Katz SF, Fitzpatrick JB, editors. Dermatology in general medicine. 6th ed. New York : McGraw Hill Company, 2004; 617-622.
  • 5.Recent upper respiratory tract infection and pityriasis rosea: a case-control study of 249 matched pairs. Chuang TY, Perry HO, Ilstrup DM, Kurland LT. Br J Dermatol. 1983 May;108(5):587-91.
  • 6.Pityriasis rosea--evidence for and against an infectious aetiology. Chuh A, Chan H, Zawar V. Epidemiol Infect. 2004 Jun;132(3):381-90.
  • 7.Pityriasis rosea is associated with systemic active infection with both human herpesvirus-7 and human herpesvirus-6. Watanabe T, Kawamura T, Jacob SE, Aquilino EA, Orenstein JM, Black JB, Blauvelt A. J Invest Dermatol. 2002 Oct;119(4):793-7.
  • 8.Human herpesvirus 7 in pityriasis rosea. Drago F, Ranieri E, Malaguti F, Losi E, Rebora A. Lancet. 1997 May 10;349(9062):1367-8.
  • 9.Pityriasis rosea is not associated with human herpesvirus 7. Kempf W, Adams V, Kleinhans M, Burg G, Panizzon RG, Campadelli-Fiume G, Nestle FO. Arch Dermatol. 1999 Sep;135(9):1070-2.
  • 10.Reactivation of human herpesvirus 6 in pityriasis rosea. Yasukawa M, Sada E, MacHino H, Fujita S. Br J Dermatol. 1999 Jan;140(1):169-70.
  • 11.Pityriasis rosea associated with herpesvirus 7 DNA. Offidani A, Pritelli E, Simonetti O, Cellini A, Giornetta L, Bossi G. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2000 Jul;14(4):313-4.
  • 12.Detection of human herpesvirus 7 in pityriasis rosea by nested PCR. Karabulut AA, Koçak M, Yilmaz N, Eksioglu M. Int J Dermatol. 2002 Sep;41(9):563-7.
  • 13.Human herpesvirus 6 and 7 DNA in peripheral blood leucocytes and plasma in patients with pityriasis rosea by polymerase chain reaction: a prospective case control study. Chuh AA, Chiu SS, Peiris JS. Acta Derm Venereol. 2001 Aug-Sep;81(4):289-90.
  • 15. A prospective case control study of autoimmune markers in patients with pityriasis rosea. Chuh AA. Clin Exp Dermatol. 2003 Jul;28(4):449-50.
  • 16. Pityriasis rosea: elucidation of environmental factors in modulated autoagressive etiology and dengue virus infection. Singh M, Pawar M, Chuh A, Zawar V. ActaDermatovenerol Alp Pannonica Adriat. 2019 Mar;28(1):15-20. 14.Pityriasis rosea--an autoaggressive disease? Statistical studies in relation to aethiology and pathogenesis. Burch PR, Rowell NR. Br J Dermatol. 1970 Jun;82(6):549-60.
  • 17. Wilkinson SM, Smith RG, Danis MJ et al. Pityriasis rosea and discoid eczema: dose related reactions to treatment with gold. Ann Rheum Dis. 1992; 51: 881-884.
  • 18.Naturally occurring T lymphocytotoxic antibody in viral and related skin diseases.Hosokawa H, Horio S, Takiuchi Y, Maruyama N, Asada Y. Acta Derm Venereol. 1984;64(4):275-80.
  • 19.UVB phototherapy for Pityriasis rosea. Valkova S, Trashlieva M, Christova P.J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2004 Jan;18(1):111-2.
  • 20. Immunohistologic studies in pityriasis rosea. Evidence for cellular immune reaction in the lesional epidermis. Aiba S, Tagami H. Arch Dermatol. 1985 Jun;121(6):761-5.

Pitriyazis Rosea Olgularında Otoimmün Belirteçlerin Araştırılması

Year 2019, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 33 - 37, 30.04.2019


Giriş ve Amaç: Pitriyazis rosea (PR), ilk olarak 1798’de tanımlanmış; akut, kendini sınırlayan bir papulo skuamöz deri hastalığıdır. Etiyolojisi halen açıklığa kavuşmamış olan PR, ilk tanımlandığından beri enfeksiyöz ajanlarla bağlantısından şüphelenilip bu konuda birçok araştırmanın yapıldığı, ancak kesin bir sonuca varılamadığı bir hastalıktır. Etiyopatogenezdeki rolleri açısından otoimmünite, genetik yatkınlık ve atopi ise halen araştırılmakta olan diğer faktörlerdir. Bu çalışmada PR etyopatogenezinde otoimmünitenin rolünü değerlendirmek amacı ile tanı alan hastalarda (anti-nükleer antikor) ANA prevalansının araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. 

Materyal ve metod: Bu çalışmada, PR tanısı almış 46 hasta ve 26 sağlıklı kontrol dahil edilmiş olup bireylerde kanda, otoimmün belirteçlerden tarama testi olarak kabul edilen anti-nükleer antikor(ANA- indirect İFA Hep-2 BioSystemsᴿ) prevalansı araştırılmıştır. ANA pozitiflerde antistreptolizin-o (ASO), C-reaktif protein (CRP), romatoid faktör (RF), IgG, IgM, IgA, kompleman 3 ve 4 (C3 ve C4) düzeyleri de nefelometrik yöntemle; anti SSA (Ro), anti SSB (La), anti dsDNA, antihiston, anti U1RNP, anti Jo1, anti sentromer, anti-Scl-70, antisentromer antikor (ANCA), anti mitokondriyal, anti düz kas, anti Rib P protein, anti tiroglobulin (anti TG), anti tiroid peroksidaz antikor (anti TPO) testleri de immünblotting yöntemiyle araştırılmıştır.

Bulgular: PR’lı hastaların 4’ünde(%8,7) ANA (+) iken kontrol grubunda hepsi negatif saptanmış olup gruplar arası fark anlamlı bulunmuştur(p<0.05). Ancak istatistiksel olarak ANA pozitifliği ile PR arasında anlamlı ilişki bulunmamıştır.  

Sonuç: Çalışmamızda PR hastalarında saptanan ANA prevalansı istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulunsa da toplumda sağlıklı kişilerde de beklenen ANA prevalansı (%4-5) benzer oranlarda saptanabildiği için PR patogenezinde otoimmünitenin rolünü inceleyen daha geniş kapsamlı çalışmalara gereksinim vardır. 


  • 1.Pityriasis rosea. Appearance and distribution of macules aid diagnosis. Karnath B, Hussain N, Bevin M. Postgrad Med. 2003 May;113(5):93-4, 97.
  • 2. Braun Falco O, Plewig G, Wolff HH, Burgdorf WHC. Dermatology. 2nd ed. Springer, Berlin, 2000; chapter 14: 435-439.
  • 3.Atypical presentations of pityriasis rosea: case presentations. Chuh A, Zawar V, Lee A.J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2005 Jan;19(1):120-6.
  • 4. Mosher DB, Fitzpatrick JB, Ortanne JP, Hori Y. Pityriasis Rosea. In: Freedberg IM, Eisen AZ, Wolff K, Austen KF, Goldsmith LA, Katz SF, Fitzpatrick JB, editors. Dermatology in general medicine. 6th ed. New York : McGraw Hill Company, 2004; 617-622.
  • 5.Recent upper respiratory tract infection and pityriasis rosea: a case-control study of 249 matched pairs. Chuang TY, Perry HO, Ilstrup DM, Kurland LT. Br J Dermatol. 1983 May;108(5):587-91.
  • 6.Pityriasis rosea--evidence for and against an infectious aetiology. Chuh A, Chan H, Zawar V. Epidemiol Infect. 2004 Jun;132(3):381-90.
  • 7.Pityriasis rosea is associated with systemic active infection with both human herpesvirus-7 and human herpesvirus-6. Watanabe T, Kawamura T, Jacob SE, Aquilino EA, Orenstein JM, Black JB, Blauvelt A. J Invest Dermatol. 2002 Oct;119(4):793-7.
  • 8.Human herpesvirus 7 in pityriasis rosea. Drago F, Ranieri E, Malaguti F, Losi E, Rebora A. Lancet. 1997 May 10;349(9062):1367-8.
  • 9.Pityriasis rosea is not associated with human herpesvirus 7. Kempf W, Adams V, Kleinhans M, Burg G, Panizzon RG, Campadelli-Fiume G, Nestle FO. Arch Dermatol. 1999 Sep;135(9):1070-2.
  • 10.Reactivation of human herpesvirus 6 in pityriasis rosea. Yasukawa M, Sada E, MacHino H, Fujita S. Br J Dermatol. 1999 Jan;140(1):169-70.
  • 11.Pityriasis rosea associated with herpesvirus 7 DNA. Offidani A, Pritelli E, Simonetti O, Cellini A, Giornetta L, Bossi G. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2000 Jul;14(4):313-4.
  • 12.Detection of human herpesvirus 7 in pityriasis rosea by nested PCR. Karabulut AA, Koçak M, Yilmaz N, Eksioglu M. Int J Dermatol. 2002 Sep;41(9):563-7.
  • 13.Human herpesvirus 6 and 7 DNA in peripheral blood leucocytes and plasma in patients with pityriasis rosea by polymerase chain reaction: a prospective case control study. Chuh AA, Chiu SS, Peiris JS. Acta Derm Venereol. 2001 Aug-Sep;81(4):289-90.
  • 15. A prospective case control study of autoimmune markers in patients with pityriasis rosea. Chuh AA. Clin Exp Dermatol. 2003 Jul;28(4):449-50.
  • 16. Pityriasis rosea: elucidation of environmental factors in modulated autoagressive etiology and dengue virus infection. Singh M, Pawar M, Chuh A, Zawar V. ActaDermatovenerol Alp Pannonica Adriat. 2019 Mar;28(1):15-20. 14.Pityriasis rosea--an autoaggressive disease? Statistical studies in relation to aethiology and pathogenesis. Burch PR, Rowell NR. Br J Dermatol. 1970 Jun;82(6):549-60.
  • 17. Wilkinson SM, Smith RG, Danis MJ et al. Pityriasis rosea and discoid eczema: dose related reactions to treatment with gold. Ann Rheum Dis. 1992; 51: 881-884.
  • 18.Naturally occurring T lymphocytotoxic antibody in viral and related skin diseases.Hosokawa H, Horio S, Takiuchi Y, Maruyama N, Asada Y. Acta Derm Venereol. 1984;64(4):275-80.
  • 19.UVB phototherapy for Pityriasis rosea. Valkova S, Trashlieva M, Christova P.J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2004 Jan;18(1):111-2.
  • 20. Immunohistologic studies in pityriasis rosea. Evidence for cellular immune reaction in the lesional epidermis. Aiba S, Tagami H. Arch Dermatol. 1985 Jun;121(6):761-5.
There are 19 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Clinical Sciences
Journal Section Research Article

Bahar Sevimli Dikicier 0000-0002-1912-3946

Güneş Gür Aksoy

Publication Date April 30, 2019
Acceptance Date April 22, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 3 Issue: 1


AMA Sevimli Dikicier B, Gür Aksoy G. Pitriyazis Rosea Olgularında Otoimmün Belirteçlerin Araştırılması. J Biotechnol and Strategic Health Res. April 2019;3(1):33-37. doi:10.34084/bshr.547089

Journal of Biotechnology and Strategic Health Research