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Öğrenme Merkezli Liderlik ve Öğretmenlerin Örgütsel Kimlik Algıları Arasındaki İlişki

Year 2023, , 97 - 110, 30.01.2023


Araştırmada öğretmenlerin görüşlerine göre okul müdürlerinin öğrenme merkezli liderlik davranışları ile öğretmenlerin örgütsel kimlik algıları arasında anlamlı bir ilişki olup olmadığını ortaya çıkarmak amaçlanmıştır. İlişkisel tarama yönteminin kullanıldığı araştırmanın çalışma grubunu 2020-2021 eğitim öğretim yılında Bolu ili merkez ilçede bulunan orta öğretim kurumlarında görev yapan ve çalışmaya gönüllü olarak katılan 266 öğretmen oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmada veri toplama aracı olarak kişisel bilgiler formu ile birlikte öğrenme merkezli liderlik ölçeği ve öğretmen örgütsel kimlik algısı ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Araştırma sonucuna göre, öğretmenlerin öğrenme merkezli liderlik ile örgütsel kimlik algıları yüksek düzeydedir. Öğretmenlerin öğrenme merkezli liderliğe ve örgütsel kimlik algılarına yönelik görüşlerinde cinsiyet, bulunduğu okulda çalışma süresi, okul müdürüyle çalışma süresi gibi değişkenler farklılık oluşturmamaktadır. Kıdem değişkeni öğretmenlerin öğrenme merkezli liderliğe yönelik görüşlerinde ölçek toplamı ile öğrenme desteği sağlama ve öğrenme programlarını yönetme ve model olma alt boyutlarında anlamlı fark oluştururken, örgütsel kimlik algılarında farklılık oluşturmamıştır. Öğrenme merkezli liderlik ile örgütsel kimlik arasında pozitif yönlü, orta düzeyli bir ilişki vardır.


  • Aka, A. (2010). Theoretical Approaches to Identity. (C.U. Journal of Social Sciences, 34(1), 17-24.
  • Akdemir, B. and Calis Duman, M. (2016). A Research About the Relationship Between Emotional Commitment and Employee Performance) International Journal of Social Science, 46(4), 343-357.
  • Akgul, S. (2012). The relationship between primary school teachers' perceptions of organizational identity and their organizational commitment (Sakarya province Sample). (Unpublished master's thesis. Sakarya University Institute of Educational Sciences, Sakarya.
  • Aksoyalp, Y. (2010) . The Quality of the School Principal in the 21st Century: Instructional Leadership. The Journal of SAU Education Faculty, 20, 140-150.
  • Argon, T., Demirel, S. (2015). Information Management and Human Resources Management Tendency of School Administrators. Abant İzzet Baysal University Institute of Social Sciences, 15(3), 221-264.
  • Argon, T. & Erturk, R. (2013). Primary School Teachers' Inner Motivations and Perceptions Towards Organizational Identity. Educational Management in Theory and Practice 19(2), 159-179.
  • Arslan, M (2018). Examination of Organizational Identity Perceptions of Religious/Imam Hatip School Teachers in Terms of Some Variables . Science and Society. 8(15), 111-129.
  • Atakan-Duman, S., Paşamehmetoğlu, A. and Poyraz A. B. (2013). A Research For Determining the Relationship Between Organizational Identity Perception, Organizational Commitment and Organizational Citizenship Behavior. Journal of Business Economics and Political Science, 2(4) 75-89.
  • Aydın Turan, G.(2019). The relationship between organizational socialization and transformational leadership according to teachers' views. (Unpublished master's thesis), Marmara University Institute of Educational Sciences, Istanbul.
  • Bakan, İ., Erşahan, B., Büyükbeşe, T. and Kaya, İ. (2017). Employee’s Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Organizational Identity Perceptions in the context of Demographic Characteristics: A Field Study). Journal of Academic Research and Studies (AKAD), 9(17), 167-182.
  • Bakan, I., Dogan, I. F., Kocdemir, M. and Oguz, M. (2018). Effect of Learned Resourcefulness on Learning- Centered Leadership: A Field Research. PressAcademia Procedia (PAP), 7, 109-115.
  • Cobanoglu, F. (2008). Organizational identity and organizational effectiveness level in primary schools (Denizli province Sample). (Unpublished doctoral thesis), Hacettepe University ISS , Ankara.
  • Dağ Yalnızlar, N. (2019). The relationship between the level of secondary education institutions having effective school characteristics and teachers' organizational identity perceptions (Tekirdağ province Süleymanpaşa central district Sample). (Unpublished master's thesis)), Yıldız Technical University Institute of Social Sciences), Istanbul.
  • Eraslan, L. (2004). A Post-Modern Paradigm in Leadership: Transformational Leadership). Journal of Human Sciences), 1(1), 1- 32.
  • Erdinc, C. (2019). Examining the relationship between primary school teachers' organizational health perceptions and organizational identity levels (Soma district sample). (Unpublished master's thesis), Balikesir University Institute of Social Sciences), Balikesir.
  • Erturk, R. (2018a). Examining the Relationship Between Teachers' Organizational Justice Perceptions and Organizational Identity). Journal of Educational Theory and Practice Research, 4(1), 89-98.
  • Erturk, R. (2018b). The relationship between school principals' paternalistic leadership behaviors, teachers' perceptions of organizational citizenship and emotional commitment. E. Babaoğlan, E. Kıral, A. Çilek (Eds.), in the frames of Education (pp. 24-44). Ankara: Eyuder Publications).
  • Erturk, R. (2019). Ethical Leadership Behaviors of School Principals, Trust Perceptions of School Teachers and Organizational Commitment in Terms of Various Variables. Inonu University Journal of the Faculty of Education, 20(1), 119-135.
  • Ertürk, R. and Memişoğlu, S. P. (2018). Teachers' Views About Effective School . Jass Studies-The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies, 68(1), 55-76.
  • Filizöz, B. and Koparan, E. (2016). The Relationship between Organizational Citizenship and Organizational Identity: A Study on Academicians in a Union Context. Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 30(5), 1225-1240.
  • Gümüş, S, Bellibaş, M, S., Esen, M. and Gümüş, E. (2018). A Systematic Review of Studies on Leadership Modelsin Educational Research From 1980 to 2014. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 46(1), 25-48.
  • Hallinger, P.(2005) Instructional leadership and the school principal: a passing fancy that refuses to fade away, Leadership and Policy in Schools, 4(3), 221-239, doi: 10.1080/15700760500244793.
  • Karasar, N. (2014). Scientific research method, concepts, principles, techniques. Ankara: Nobel Academic Publishing.
  • Kasap Cobanoglu, F. (2008). Organizational identity and organizational effectiveness in primary schools (Denizli province Sample). (Unpublished doctoral thesis), Hacettepe University Institute of Social Sciences, Ankara.
  • Kilickaya, H. (2019). The relationship between the perceptions of organizational identity and organizational commitment of teachers who work at religious/imam hatip high schools (Istanbul sample). (Unpublished master's thesis), Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa Graduate Education Institute, Istanbul.
  • Kilinc, C. , Bellibas, M S. and Gümüş, S. (2017). Adaptation of the learning-centered leadership scale (LCLS) into Turkish: Validity and reliability study. İnönü University Journalof Faculty of Education, 18(3), 132-144.
  • Liu, S., Hallinger, P. and Feng, D (2016). Supporting the professional learning of teachers in China: Does principal leadership make a difference?. Teaching and Teacher Education, 59, 79-91.
  • Marks, H.M. and Printy, S. M. (2003). Principal Leadership and School Performance: Educational Administration Quarterly, 39(3), 370-397.
  • Murphy, J., Elliott, S. N., Goldring, E., & Porter, A. C. (2006). Learning-centered leadership: A Conceptual foundation. Learning Sciences Institute, Vanderbilt University. Retrieved from on 23.01.2021.
  • Ocel, H. (2013). The relationships between the strength of organizational identity, perceived prestige and person-organization coherency and contextual performance: The mediating role of organizational commitment, Turkish Journal of Psychology, 28(71), 37-53.
  • Özdemir, S. and Sezgin, F. (2002). Effective schools and instructional leadership. Kyrgyzstan Manas Journal of Social Sciences. 2(3), 266-282.
  • Polat, L. (2020). Learning-centered leadership as a predictor of teacher professionalism (Unpublished master's thesis), Karabuk University Graduate Education Institute, Karabuk.
  • Sun, M., Youngs, P., Yang, H., Chu, H., and Zhao, Q. (2012). Association of district principal evaluation with learning-centered leadership practice: Evidence from michigan and Beijing. Educ Asse Eval Acc. 24, 189-213.
  • Şahin, E. (2014). Organizational identity, organizational image, organizational identification and organizational justice in secondary education institutions (Bursa Sample). (Unpublished doctoral thesis), Ege University Institute of Social Sciences, İzmir.
  • Sanli, O and Arabaci, I. B (2016). Examination of High School Teachers' Perceptions of Organizational Identity in Terms of Some Variables. Bartın University Education Faculty Journal, 5(2), 443-458.
  • Tabak, H. and Boyacı, M. (2019). Development of the Teacher's Perception of Organizational Identity Scale (TPOIS): Validity and Reliability Study). Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Education Faculty Journal, 52, 96-117.
  • Tan, C. Y (2014). Influence of Contextual Challenges and Constraints on Learning-Centered leadership. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 25(3), 451–468.
  • Tasdan, M. (2013). Developing Organizational Identity Perception Scale in Primary Schools). Ankara University Educational Sciences Faculty Journal, 46(2), 1-24.
  • Tasdan, M. (2015). Organizational Identity Perceptions of Primary School Teachers .Education and Science, 40(180), 327-342.
  • Uğurlu, C. T. and Arslan, C. (2015). Examination of Teachers' Organizational Identity and Confidence Levels in School in Terms of Some Variables. Elementary Education Online, 14(1), 72‐85,
  • Yaykıran, Z. (2020). Examination of the relationship between primary school teachers' perceptions of organizational identity and organizational identification levels. (Unpublished doctoral thesis), Hacettepe University Institute of Educational Sciences, Ankara.
  • Yildiz, S. (2007). Social Characteristics of Identity and National Identity Concepts. National Folklore, 74, 10-16.
  • Yılmaz, E., Turgut, M., and Yavuz, M. (2016). Examination of Organizational Identity Perceptions of Primary School Teachers in Terms of Some Variables. International Academic Research Congress. INES.
  • Zengin, M. (2019). The relationship between the transformational leadership characteristics of school principals, school safety and organizational image in secondary education. (Unpublished doctoral thesis), Atatürk University Institute of Educational Sciences, Erzurum.

The Relationship Between Learning - Centered Leadership and Teachers’ Organizational Identitiy Perceptions

Year 2023, , 97 - 110, 30.01.2023


In the study, it is aimed to reveal whether there is a significant relationship between the learning-centered leadership behaviors of school principals and teachers' perceptions about organizational identity according to teachers' views. 266 teachers working in secondary education institutions in the central district of Bolu province in the 2020-2021 academic year who voluntarily participated in the study make up the study group of the research in which the relational screening method has been used. In the research, as for data collection tools, learning-centered leadership scale and teacher organizational identity perception scale have been used together with the personal information form. When the result of the research is considered, teachers' perceptions of learning-centered leadership and organizational identity are high. Variables such as gender, working time at the school, working time with the school principal do not make difference in teachers' views on learning-centered leadership and organizational identity perceptions. While the seniority variable creates a significant difference in the teachers' views on learning-centered leadership in the sub-dimensions of providing learning support, managing learning programs and being a model, it does not make difference in their perceptions of organizational identity. There is a positive, reasonable relationship between learning-centered leadership and organizational identity.


  • Aka, A. (2010). Theoretical Approaches to Identity. (C.U. Journal of Social Sciences, 34(1), 17-24.
  • Akdemir, B. and Calis Duman, M. (2016). A Research About the Relationship Between Emotional Commitment and Employee Performance) International Journal of Social Science, 46(4), 343-357.
  • Akgul, S. (2012). The relationship between primary school teachers' perceptions of organizational identity and their organizational commitment (Sakarya province Sample). (Unpublished master's thesis. Sakarya University Institute of Educational Sciences, Sakarya.
  • Aksoyalp, Y. (2010) . The Quality of the School Principal in the 21st Century: Instructional Leadership. The Journal of SAU Education Faculty, 20, 140-150.
  • Argon, T., Demirel, S. (2015). Information Management and Human Resources Management Tendency of School Administrators. Abant İzzet Baysal University Institute of Social Sciences, 15(3), 221-264.
  • Argon, T. & Erturk, R. (2013). Primary School Teachers' Inner Motivations and Perceptions Towards Organizational Identity. Educational Management in Theory and Practice 19(2), 159-179.
  • Arslan, M (2018). Examination of Organizational Identity Perceptions of Religious/Imam Hatip School Teachers in Terms of Some Variables . Science and Society. 8(15), 111-129.
  • Atakan-Duman, S., Paşamehmetoğlu, A. and Poyraz A. B. (2013). A Research For Determining the Relationship Between Organizational Identity Perception, Organizational Commitment and Organizational Citizenship Behavior. Journal of Business Economics and Political Science, 2(4) 75-89.
  • Aydın Turan, G.(2019). The relationship between organizational socialization and transformational leadership according to teachers' views. (Unpublished master's thesis), Marmara University Institute of Educational Sciences, Istanbul.
  • Bakan, İ., Erşahan, B., Büyükbeşe, T. and Kaya, İ. (2017). Employee’s Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Organizational Identity Perceptions in the context of Demographic Characteristics: A Field Study). Journal of Academic Research and Studies (AKAD), 9(17), 167-182.
  • Bakan, I., Dogan, I. F., Kocdemir, M. and Oguz, M. (2018). Effect of Learned Resourcefulness on Learning- Centered Leadership: A Field Research. PressAcademia Procedia (PAP), 7, 109-115.
  • Cobanoglu, F. (2008). Organizational identity and organizational effectiveness level in primary schools (Denizli province Sample). (Unpublished doctoral thesis), Hacettepe University ISS , Ankara.
  • Dağ Yalnızlar, N. (2019). The relationship between the level of secondary education institutions having effective school characteristics and teachers' organizational identity perceptions (Tekirdağ province Süleymanpaşa central district Sample). (Unpublished master's thesis)), Yıldız Technical University Institute of Social Sciences), Istanbul.
  • Eraslan, L. (2004). A Post-Modern Paradigm in Leadership: Transformational Leadership). Journal of Human Sciences), 1(1), 1- 32.
  • Erdinc, C. (2019). Examining the relationship between primary school teachers' organizational health perceptions and organizational identity levels (Soma district sample). (Unpublished master's thesis), Balikesir University Institute of Social Sciences), Balikesir.
  • Erturk, R. (2018a). Examining the Relationship Between Teachers' Organizational Justice Perceptions and Organizational Identity). Journal of Educational Theory and Practice Research, 4(1), 89-98.
  • Erturk, R. (2018b). The relationship between school principals' paternalistic leadership behaviors, teachers' perceptions of organizational citizenship and emotional commitment. E. Babaoğlan, E. Kıral, A. Çilek (Eds.), in the frames of Education (pp. 24-44). Ankara: Eyuder Publications).
  • Erturk, R. (2019). Ethical Leadership Behaviors of School Principals, Trust Perceptions of School Teachers and Organizational Commitment in Terms of Various Variables. Inonu University Journal of the Faculty of Education, 20(1), 119-135.
  • Ertürk, R. and Memişoğlu, S. P. (2018). Teachers' Views About Effective School . Jass Studies-The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies, 68(1), 55-76.
  • Filizöz, B. and Koparan, E. (2016). The Relationship between Organizational Citizenship and Organizational Identity: A Study on Academicians in a Union Context. Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 30(5), 1225-1240.
  • Gümüş, S, Bellibaş, M, S., Esen, M. and Gümüş, E. (2018). A Systematic Review of Studies on Leadership Modelsin Educational Research From 1980 to 2014. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 46(1), 25-48.
  • Hallinger, P.(2005) Instructional leadership and the school principal: a passing fancy that refuses to fade away, Leadership and Policy in Schools, 4(3), 221-239, doi: 10.1080/15700760500244793.
  • Karasar, N. (2014). Scientific research method, concepts, principles, techniques. Ankara: Nobel Academic Publishing.
  • Kasap Cobanoglu, F. (2008). Organizational identity and organizational effectiveness in primary schools (Denizli province Sample). (Unpublished doctoral thesis), Hacettepe University Institute of Social Sciences, Ankara.
  • Kilickaya, H. (2019). The relationship between the perceptions of organizational identity and organizational commitment of teachers who work at religious/imam hatip high schools (Istanbul sample). (Unpublished master's thesis), Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa Graduate Education Institute, Istanbul.
  • Kilinc, C. , Bellibas, M S. and Gümüş, S. (2017). Adaptation of the learning-centered leadership scale (LCLS) into Turkish: Validity and reliability study. İnönü University Journalof Faculty of Education, 18(3), 132-144.
  • Liu, S., Hallinger, P. and Feng, D (2016). Supporting the professional learning of teachers in China: Does principal leadership make a difference?. Teaching and Teacher Education, 59, 79-91.
  • Marks, H.M. and Printy, S. M. (2003). Principal Leadership and School Performance: Educational Administration Quarterly, 39(3), 370-397.
  • Murphy, J., Elliott, S. N., Goldring, E., & Porter, A. C. (2006). Learning-centered leadership: A Conceptual foundation. Learning Sciences Institute, Vanderbilt University. Retrieved from on 23.01.2021.
  • Ocel, H. (2013). The relationships between the strength of organizational identity, perceived prestige and person-organization coherency and contextual performance: The mediating role of organizational commitment, Turkish Journal of Psychology, 28(71), 37-53.
  • Özdemir, S. and Sezgin, F. (2002). Effective schools and instructional leadership. Kyrgyzstan Manas Journal of Social Sciences. 2(3), 266-282.
  • Polat, L. (2020). Learning-centered leadership as a predictor of teacher professionalism (Unpublished master's thesis), Karabuk University Graduate Education Institute, Karabuk.
  • Sun, M., Youngs, P., Yang, H., Chu, H., and Zhao, Q. (2012). Association of district principal evaluation with learning-centered leadership practice: Evidence from michigan and Beijing. Educ Asse Eval Acc. 24, 189-213.
  • Şahin, E. (2014). Organizational identity, organizational image, organizational identification and organizational justice in secondary education institutions (Bursa Sample). (Unpublished doctoral thesis), Ege University Institute of Social Sciences, İzmir.
  • Sanli, O and Arabaci, I. B (2016). Examination of High School Teachers' Perceptions of Organizational Identity in Terms of Some Variables. Bartın University Education Faculty Journal, 5(2), 443-458.
  • Tabak, H. and Boyacı, M. (2019). Development of the Teacher's Perception of Organizational Identity Scale (TPOIS): Validity and Reliability Study). Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Education Faculty Journal, 52, 96-117.
  • Tan, C. Y (2014). Influence of Contextual Challenges and Constraints on Learning-Centered leadership. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 25(3), 451–468.
  • Tasdan, M. (2013). Developing Organizational Identity Perception Scale in Primary Schools). Ankara University Educational Sciences Faculty Journal, 46(2), 1-24.
  • Tasdan, M. (2015). Organizational Identity Perceptions of Primary School Teachers .Education and Science, 40(180), 327-342.
  • Uğurlu, C. T. and Arslan, C. (2015). Examination of Teachers' Organizational Identity and Confidence Levels in School in Terms of Some Variables. Elementary Education Online, 14(1), 72‐85,
  • Yaykıran, Z. (2020). Examination of the relationship between primary school teachers' perceptions of organizational identity and organizational identification levels. (Unpublished doctoral thesis), Hacettepe University Institute of Educational Sciences, Ankara.
  • Yildiz, S. (2007). Social Characteristics of Identity and National Identity Concepts. National Folklore, 74, 10-16.
  • Yılmaz, E., Turgut, M., and Yavuz, M. (2016). Examination of Organizational Identity Perceptions of Primary School Teachers in Terms of Some Variables. International Academic Research Congress. INES.
  • Zengin, M. (2019). The relationship between the transformational leadership characteristics of school principals, school safety and organizational image in secondary education. (Unpublished doctoral thesis), Atatürk University Institute of Educational Sciences, Erzurum.
There are 44 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Other Fields of Education
Journal Section Articles

Nuri Akgün 0000-0003-3225-6193

Işıl Tabak 0000-0002-7368-0778

Publication Date January 30, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Akgün, N., & Tabak, I. (2023). The Relationship Between Learning - Centered Leadership and Teachers’ Organizational Identitiy Perceptions. Bartın University Journal of Faculty of Education, 12(1), 97-110.
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