Research Article
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Improving Pre-Service Social Studies Tearchers’ Scientific Research Self-Efficacies

Year 2024, Volume: 13 Issue: 4, 789 - 801, 31.10.2024


Bu araştırmada araştımacılar tarafından tasarlanan bilimsel araştırma öz yeterliliği kazandırmaya yönelik eğitim süreci aracılığıyla sosyal bilgiler öğretmen adaylarının bilimsel araştırma öz yeterliklerinin geliştirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Karma gömülü desen ile yürütülen araştırmanın uygulama süreci, dört hafta sürmüştür. Uygulama sürecinin ilk haftasında probleme dayalı öğrenme; ikinci haftasında 5E öğrenme; üçüncü haftasında 7E öğrenme ve dördüncü haftasında tam öğrenme yaklaşımına dayalı geiştirilen etkinlikler uygulanmıştır. Araştırmanın katılımcı grubu, Türkiye’deki bir üniversitenin sosyal bilgiler öğretmenliği bölümünün ikinci sınıflarında öğrenim görmekte olan 46 öğrenci oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmanın verileri; kişisel bilgi formu, Bilimsel Araştırma Öz-Yeterlilik Ölçeği ve yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme formu aracılığıyla toplanmıştır. Araştırmanın verileri çözümlenirken bağımlı örneklemler için t-testi ve Wilcoxon işaretli sıralar testinden yararlanılmıştır. Araştırmada uygulanan eğitim sürecinin sosyal bilgiler öğretmen adaylarının bilimsel araştırma öz yeterliliklerini hem genel olarak hem de alanyazın, yöntem, sonuç ve tartışma ve öneri geliştirme ve referans yazma boyutları kapsamında geliştirdiği belirlenmiştir. Araştırmada ayrıca sosyal bilgiler öğretmen adaylarının bilimsel araştırma öz yeterliği kazandırmaya yönelik eğitimin kendilerine hem genel bilimsel araştırma öz yeterliği hem de alanyazın, yöntem, sonuç ve tartışma ve öneri geliştirme ve referans yazma boyutları temelinde yeterlik kazandırdığı görüşüne sahip oldukları saptanmıştır. Araştırmada ulaşılan sonuçlara bağlı olarak çeşitli önerilerde bulunulmuştur.

Project Number



  • Ağgül Yalçın, F., & Bayrakçeken, S. (2010). The effect of 5e learning model on pre-service science teachers' achievement of acids-bases subject. International Online Journal of Educational Sciences, 2(2), 508-531. Retrieved from
  • Albareda-Tiana, S., Vidal-Raméntol, S., Pujol-Valls, M., & Fernández-Morilla, M. (2018). Holistic approaches to develop sustainability and research competencies in pre-service teacher training. Sustainability, 10(10), 3698.
  • Allen, D. E., Donham, R. S., & Bernhardt, S. A. (2011). Problem‐based learning. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, 2011(128), 21-29.
  • Anisimova, T., Sabirova, F., & Shatunova, O. (2020). Formation of design and research competencies in future teachers in the framework of STEAM education. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (IIET), 15(2), 204-217. Retrieved from
  • Avcıoğlu, O. (2008). Investigation of the effects of 7E model on success, in the subject of Newton laws of second grade high school students? physics classes, (Master’s dissertation). Gazi University, Institue of Educational Sciences.
  • Aydoğdu, G. (2022). The effect of processing map literacy skill with activities based on the 5E model on student achievement, (Master’s dissertation). Gazi University, Institue of Educational Sciences.
  • Aygün, Y. İ. (2019). The examination of mathematical thinking processes of students diagnosed as gifted and undiagnosed in different environments, (Master’s dissertation). Amasya University, Institute of Science.
  • Başer, T. E. (2008). The influence of teaching activities appropriate for 5E model on 7th grade students’ academic achievement in mathematics lesson, (Master’s dissertation). Gazi University, Institue of Educational Sciences.
  • Bayram, H. (2021). Views of social studies teachers on scientific research methodology. Participatory Educational Research, 8(4), 64-83.
  • Bayram, H. (2022). 21. yüzyıl becerileri eğitiminde 7E öğrenme modeli [7E learning model in 21st century skills education]. In M. Şentürk, U. Şimşek ve Y. Topkaya (Eds.), Yenilikçi yaklaşımlarla 21. yüzyıl becerileri eğitimi [21st century skills training with innovative approaches] (pp.77-88). Pegem Academy publication.
  • Bucak, F. (2020). Evaluation of the use of the mastery learning model in the Turkish language teaching curriculum in the context of the analysis with the multi-complementary approach, (Master’s dissertation). Kilis 7 Aralık University, Institute of Graduate Education.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş. (1999). Research competencies of primary school teachers. Educational Administration Theory and Practice, 18(18), 257-269. Retrieved from
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2020). Sosyal bilimler için veri analizi el kitabı: İstatistik, araştırma deseni, SPSS uygulamaları ve yorum [Data analysis handbook for social sciences: Statistics, research design, SPSS applications and interpretation]. Pegem Academy Publication.
  • Bybee, R. W., Taylor, J. A., Gardner, A., Van Scotter, P., Powell, J. C., Westbrook, A., & Landes, N. (2006). The BSCS 5E instructional model: Origins and effectiveness. Colorado Springs. Retrieved from
  • Cortes, S. T. (2019). Needs Assessment on action research competencies of teacher-researchers in Surigao Del Sur, Philippines. Journal Of Education Naresuan University, 21(4), 1–19. Retrieved from
  • Creswell, J. W., & Plano-Clark, V. L. (2020). Designing and conducting mixed methods research. Pearson Education Inc.
  • Cross, N., Naughton, J., & Walker, D. (1981). Design method and scientific method. Design Studies, 2(4), 195-201.
  • Çelik, H., & Özbek, G. (2013). The effects of 7e instruction model on setting hypothesis and variables skills. The Journal of Industrial Arts Education Faculty of Gazi University, 31, 13-23. Retrieved from
  • Demir, S., & Şahin, F. (2015). Pre-school teacher candidates’ beliefs about to make experiments by using 5e method. International Journal of Social Science, 35, 385-397.
  • Demirezen, S. (2010). The effect of 7e model to students achievement, development of scientific process skills, conceptual achievement and retention levels in electrical circuits subject, (Doctoral dissertation). Gazi University, Institue of Educational Sciences.
  • Derling M., Madriz, J. L., López M., & Ramon, V. (2018). Research competencies of higher-education teaching staff based on emotional ıntelligence. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences. 9(5), 41-52.
  • Deveci, H. (2002). The effect of problembased learning to attitudes, success and retention in social studies, (Doctoral dissertation). Anadolu University, Institue of Educational Sciences.
  • Deveci, H. & Bayram, H. (2022). Sosyal bilgilerin tanımı, kapsamı ve önemi [Definition, scope and importance of social studies]. In Ö. Gürdoğan Bayır & T. Selanik Ay (Eds.). İlk ve ortaokularda uygulama örnekleriyle sosyal bilgiler öğretimi [Social studies teaching with example activities in primary and secondary schools] (pp.11-34). Vizetek Publication.
  • Eisenkraft, A. (2003). Expanding the 5E model. Science Teacher-Washington, 70(6), 56-59. Retrieved from
  • Ekmekçi, M. (2022). The effect of STEM education activities prepared according to the 5E Learning Model on the 7th grade students' conceptual understanding in the force and energy unit, (Master’s dissertation). Çukurova University, Institute of Social Sciences.
  • Erdemci, H. (2015). The effect of mobile portfolio (m-portfolio) supported mastery learning model on students' success and their attitudes towards using internet, (Doctoral dissertaiton). Fırat University, Institute of Educational Sciences.
  • Ersoy, M. (2014). The effect of mastery learning designed for distance education on students' success and attitude, (Master’s dissertation). İnönü University, Institute of Educational Sciences.
  • Evans, R. W. (2004). The social studies wars: What should we teach the children?. Teachers College Press.
  • Fazelian, P., & Soraghi, S., 2010. The effect of 5E instructional design model on learning and retention of sciences for middle class students. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 5, 140-143.
  • Gauch Jr, H. G., & Gauch, H. G. (2003). Scientific method in practice. Cambridge University Press.
  • Gönen, S., & Kocakaya, S. (2010). A physics lesson designed according to 7E model with the help of ınstructional technology (lesson plan). The Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, 11(1), 98-113. Retrieved from
  • Grau, G, I, F., Valls, C., Piqué, N., & Ruiz-Martín, H. (2021). The long-term effects of introducing the 5E model of instruction on students’ conceptual learning. International Journal of Science Education, 43(9), 1-18.
  • Güleç, S. (2020). The effect of 5E Learning Model applications on secondary school students' academic achievement, ecological footprint awareness and attitudes towards sustainable environment, (Master’s dissertation). Sivas Cumhuriyet University, Institute of Educational Sciences.
  • Gürbüz, F. (2012). The effect 7e model on academic achievement and retention of knowledge in the unit of ‘’Electricity in our Life’’ in 6th grade science and technology, (Doctoral dissertation). Atatürk University, Institute of Educational Sciences.
  • Gürel, D. (2021). 5E ve 7E modeli [5E and 7E models). In Polat, S. & Aksoy, B., Eds. Kuramdan uygulamaya sosyal bilgiler öğretiminde çağdaş öğrenme ve öğretme yaklaşımları [Contemporary learning and teaching approaches in social studies teaching from theory to practice] (pp.141-155). Pegem Academy Publication.
  • İlhan, A., Çelik, H. C., & Aslan, A. (2016). Evaluating the attitudes of university students about scientific research. İnonu University Journal of the Faculty of Education, 17(2), 0-0.
  • Kanlı, U. (2010). Roots and evolution of learning cycle model in light of constructivist theory-a sample activity. Education and Science, 34(151), 44-64. Retrieved from
  • Kanlı, U., & Yağbasan, R. (2008). The efficacy of the 7e learning cycle model based on laboratory approach on development of students science process skills. Gazi University, Journal of Gai Educational Faculty, 28(1), 91-125. Retrieved from
  • Karaca, A. (2007). Mastery learning model’s applicability in social studies teaching, (Master’s dissertation). Fırat University, Institute of Social Sciences.
  • Kaya, E., & Bayram, H. (2021). Utilization of the research compliance matrix in educational research design and evaluation: A design based research. International Journal of Education Technology and Scientific Researches, 6(15), 887-944.
  • Kıcır, S. (2014). The effects of 5E model on the scientific process skills, academic achievement and attitude towards the course of the unit the dreams which became real in the 5th grade social studies lesson, (Master’s dissertation). Akdeniz University, Institute of Educational Sciences.
  • Koichu, B., & Pinto, A. (2018). Developing education research competencies in mathematics teachers through TRAIL: Teacher-researcher alliance for ınvestigating learning. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, 18(1), 68-85.
  • Köksal, O. (2009). Teaching tenses in English to the students of the second stage at primary education through using 5e model in constructivist approach (7 th grade), (Master’s dissertation). Selçuk University, Institute of Social Sciences.
  • Laidlaw, A., Aiton, J. Struthers J., & Guild, S. (2012) Developing research skills in medical students: AMEE Guide No. 69, Medical Teacher, 34(9), 754-771.
  • McKillup, S. (2012). Statistics explained: An introductory guide for life scientists. Cambridge University Press.
  • Omotayo, S.A., & Adeleke, J.O. (2017). The 5E instructional model: A constructivist approach for enhancing students’ learning outcomes in mathematics. Journal of the International Society for Teacher Education, 21(2), 15-26. Retrieved from
  • Özbek, G., Çelik, H., Ulukök, Ş. & Sarı, U. (2012). 5e and 7e instructional models effect on science literacy. Journal of Research in Educationand Teaching, 1(3), 183-194. Retrieved from
  • Öztürk, Z. D. (2019). The effect of problem based learning method on students' academic achievements and scientific process skills in a science course, (Master’s dissertation). Pamukkale University, Institute of Educational Sciences.
  • Presnukhina, I. A., Sergeeva, M. G., Karavanova, L. Z., Belokon, O. V., & Khvorikova, E. G. (2020). Development of research skills in the future foreign language teacher in the system of continuing education. Revista Tempos E Espaços Em Educação, 13(32), 50. Retrieved from
  • Russell III, W. B., & Waters, S. (2021). Essentials of elementary social studies. Routledge.
  • Sakallı, A. F. (2011). The influence of constructive 5E model about teaching complex numbers subject on students academic achievement and attitudes, (Master’s dissertation). Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University, Institute of Science.
  • Senemoğlu, N. (2010). Gelişim, öğrenme ve öğretim: Kuramdan uygulamaya [Development, learning and teaching: From theory to practice]. Gazi Bookstore.
  • Serin, G. (2009). The effect of problem based learning instruction on 7th grade students’ science achievement, attitude toward science and scientific process skills (Doctoral dissertation). Middle East Technical University, Institute of Science.
  • Sornsakda, S., Suksringarm, P. & Singseewo, A. (2009). Effects of learning environmental education using the 7e-learning cycle with metacognitive techniques and the teacher’s handbook approaches on learning achievement, ıntegrated science process skills and critical thinking of mathayomsuksa 5 students with different learning achievement. Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences. 6(5), 297-303. Retrieved from
  • Söyleyici, H. (2018). Investigating the effect of problem-based learning on the scientific process skills, scientific attitudes, achievements and conceptual knowledge of middle school: Unit light, (Master’s dissertation). Trakya University, Institute of Science.
  • Tabachnick, B. G., & Fidell, L. S. (2019). Using multivariate statistics. Pearson.
  • Towne, L., & Shavelson, R. J. (2002). Scientific research in education. National Academy Press Publications Sales Office.
  • Tuncer, M., & Ozeren, E. (2012). The development of a self-efficacy scale for scientific research and an evaluation of prospective teachers’ views about that scale. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 51, 553-561.
  • Turgut, Ü., Gürbüz, F., & Salar, R. (2013, March). The effect of 7e model on academic achievement sandretention in the unit electricity in our life 6th grade science and technology course. 7th International Technology, Education and Development Conference. Valencia, Spain.
  • Tüysüz, M., & Geban, Ö. (2020). The effect of 5E learning cycle and multiple intelligence approach on 9th grade students’ achievement, attitude, and motivation toward chemistry on unit of chemical properties. Bartın University Journal of Faculty of Education, 9(3), 612-644. Retrieved from
  • Wareerat, K., Rujroad, K., Skonchai, C., Wanintorn, S., & Sureeporn, S. (2016). The development of the teachers’ researcher network to create ınstructional ınnovation for raising students’ learning achievement in science and mathematics, Thailand. Advanced Science Letters, 22(12), 4514–4518.
  • Yıldız, N. (2010). The effect of experiment applications on the success, attitude and scientific process abilities of the students in the solution of the learning scenarıos based on problems in science education, (Master’s dissertation). Marmara University, Institute of Educational Sciences.
  • Zıngal, Y. (2015). The effect of the 7E learning model on conducting a lesson on attitude of student towards the course on the subjects of social studies in the unit of 'Demokrasinin seruveni', (Master’s dissertation). Ağrı İbrahim Çeçen University, Institute of Social Sciences.
  • Zia, A., & Choudhary, F. R. (2020). 5E instructional model: A constructivist model for teaching chemistry at higher secondary level. Pakistan Journal of Educational Research, 3(2), 16-32.

Sosyal Bilgiler Öğretmen Adaylarının Bilimsel Araştırma Öz Yeterliklerinin Geliştirilmesi

Year 2024, Volume: 13 Issue: 4, 789 - 801, 31.10.2024


Supporting Institution

Ağrı İbrahim Çeçen Üniversitesi

Project Number



  • Ağgül Yalçın, F., & Bayrakçeken, S. (2010). The effect of 5e learning model on pre-service science teachers' achievement of acids-bases subject. International Online Journal of Educational Sciences, 2(2), 508-531. Retrieved from
  • Albareda-Tiana, S., Vidal-Raméntol, S., Pujol-Valls, M., & Fernández-Morilla, M. (2018). Holistic approaches to develop sustainability and research competencies in pre-service teacher training. Sustainability, 10(10), 3698.
  • Allen, D. E., Donham, R. S., & Bernhardt, S. A. (2011). Problem‐based learning. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, 2011(128), 21-29.
  • Anisimova, T., Sabirova, F., & Shatunova, O. (2020). Formation of design and research competencies in future teachers in the framework of STEAM education. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (IIET), 15(2), 204-217. Retrieved from
  • Avcıoğlu, O. (2008). Investigation of the effects of 7E model on success, in the subject of Newton laws of second grade high school students? physics classes, (Master’s dissertation). Gazi University, Institue of Educational Sciences.
  • Aydoğdu, G. (2022). The effect of processing map literacy skill with activities based on the 5E model on student achievement, (Master’s dissertation). Gazi University, Institue of Educational Sciences.
  • Aygün, Y. İ. (2019). The examination of mathematical thinking processes of students diagnosed as gifted and undiagnosed in different environments, (Master’s dissertation). Amasya University, Institute of Science.
  • Başer, T. E. (2008). The influence of teaching activities appropriate for 5E model on 7th grade students’ academic achievement in mathematics lesson, (Master’s dissertation). Gazi University, Institue of Educational Sciences.
  • Bayram, H. (2021). Views of social studies teachers on scientific research methodology. Participatory Educational Research, 8(4), 64-83.
  • Bayram, H. (2022). 21. yüzyıl becerileri eğitiminde 7E öğrenme modeli [7E learning model in 21st century skills education]. In M. Şentürk, U. Şimşek ve Y. Topkaya (Eds.), Yenilikçi yaklaşımlarla 21. yüzyıl becerileri eğitimi [21st century skills training with innovative approaches] (pp.77-88). Pegem Academy publication.
  • Bucak, F. (2020). Evaluation of the use of the mastery learning model in the Turkish language teaching curriculum in the context of the analysis with the multi-complementary approach, (Master’s dissertation). Kilis 7 Aralık University, Institute of Graduate Education.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş. (1999). Research competencies of primary school teachers. Educational Administration Theory and Practice, 18(18), 257-269. Retrieved from
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2020). Sosyal bilimler için veri analizi el kitabı: İstatistik, araştırma deseni, SPSS uygulamaları ve yorum [Data analysis handbook for social sciences: Statistics, research design, SPSS applications and interpretation]. Pegem Academy Publication.
  • Bybee, R. W., Taylor, J. A., Gardner, A., Van Scotter, P., Powell, J. C., Westbrook, A., & Landes, N. (2006). The BSCS 5E instructional model: Origins and effectiveness. Colorado Springs. Retrieved from
  • Cortes, S. T. (2019). Needs Assessment on action research competencies of teacher-researchers in Surigao Del Sur, Philippines. Journal Of Education Naresuan University, 21(4), 1–19. Retrieved from
  • Creswell, J. W., & Plano-Clark, V. L. (2020). Designing and conducting mixed methods research. Pearson Education Inc.
  • Cross, N., Naughton, J., & Walker, D. (1981). Design method and scientific method. Design Studies, 2(4), 195-201.
  • Çelik, H., & Özbek, G. (2013). The effects of 7e instruction model on setting hypothesis and variables skills. The Journal of Industrial Arts Education Faculty of Gazi University, 31, 13-23. Retrieved from
  • Demir, S., & Şahin, F. (2015). Pre-school teacher candidates’ beliefs about to make experiments by using 5e method. International Journal of Social Science, 35, 385-397.
  • Demirezen, S. (2010). The effect of 7e model to students achievement, development of scientific process skills, conceptual achievement and retention levels in electrical circuits subject, (Doctoral dissertation). Gazi University, Institue of Educational Sciences.
  • Derling M., Madriz, J. L., López M., & Ramon, V. (2018). Research competencies of higher-education teaching staff based on emotional ıntelligence. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences. 9(5), 41-52.
  • Deveci, H. (2002). The effect of problembased learning to attitudes, success and retention in social studies, (Doctoral dissertation). Anadolu University, Institue of Educational Sciences.
  • Deveci, H. & Bayram, H. (2022). Sosyal bilgilerin tanımı, kapsamı ve önemi [Definition, scope and importance of social studies]. In Ö. Gürdoğan Bayır & T. Selanik Ay (Eds.). İlk ve ortaokularda uygulama örnekleriyle sosyal bilgiler öğretimi [Social studies teaching with example activities in primary and secondary schools] (pp.11-34). Vizetek Publication.
  • Eisenkraft, A. (2003). Expanding the 5E model. Science Teacher-Washington, 70(6), 56-59. Retrieved from
  • Ekmekçi, M. (2022). The effect of STEM education activities prepared according to the 5E Learning Model on the 7th grade students' conceptual understanding in the force and energy unit, (Master’s dissertation). Çukurova University, Institute of Social Sciences.
  • Erdemci, H. (2015). The effect of mobile portfolio (m-portfolio) supported mastery learning model on students' success and their attitudes towards using internet, (Doctoral dissertaiton). Fırat University, Institute of Educational Sciences.
  • Ersoy, M. (2014). The effect of mastery learning designed for distance education on students' success and attitude, (Master’s dissertation). İnönü University, Institute of Educational Sciences.
  • Evans, R. W. (2004). The social studies wars: What should we teach the children?. Teachers College Press.
  • Fazelian, P., & Soraghi, S., 2010. The effect of 5E instructional design model on learning and retention of sciences for middle class students. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 5, 140-143.
  • Gauch Jr, H. G., & Gauch, H. G. (2003). Scientific method in practice. Cambridge University Press.
  • Gönen, S., & Kocakaya, S. (2010). A physics lesson designed according to 7E model with the help of ınstructional technology (lesson plan). The Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, 11(1), 98-113. Retrieved from
  • Grau, G, I, F., Valls, C., Piqué, N., & Ruiz-Martín, H. (2021). The long-term effects of introducing the 5E model of instruction on students’ conceptual learning. International Journal of Science Education, 43(9), 1-18.
  • Güleç, S. (2020). The effect of 5E Learning Model applications on secondary school students' academic achievement, ecological footprint awareness and attitudes towards sustainable environment, (Master’s dissertation). Sivas Cumhuriyet University, Institute of Educational Sciences.
  • Gürbüz, F. (2012). The effect 7e model on academic achievement and retention of knowledge in the unit of ‘’Electricity in our Life’’ in 6th grade science and technology, (Doctoral dissertation). Atatürk University, Institute of Educational Sciences.
  • Gürel, D. (2021). 5E ve 7E modeli [5E and 7E models). In Polat, S. & Aksoy, B., Eds. Kuramdan uygulamaya sosyal bilgiler öğretiminde çağdaş öğrenme ve öğretme yaklaşımları [Contemporary learning and teaching approaches in social studies teaching from theory to practice] (pp.141-155). Pegem Academy Publication.
  • İlhan, A., Çelik, H. C., & Aslan, A. (2016). Evaluating the attitudes of university students about scientific research. İnonu University Journal of the Faculty of Education, 17(2), 0-0.
  • Kanlı, U. (2010). Roots and evolution of learning cycle model in light of constructivist theory-a sample activity. Education and Science, 34(151), 44-64. Retrieved from
  • Kanlı, U., & Yağbasan, R. (2008). The efficacy of the 7e learning cycle model based on laboratory approach on development of students science process skills. Gazi University, Journal of Gai Educational Faculty, 28(1), 91-125. Retrieved from
  • Karaca, A. (2007). Mastery learning model’s applicability in social studies teaching, (Master’s dissertation). Fırat University, Institute of Social Sciences.
  • Kaya, E., & Bayram, H. (2021). Utilization of the research compliance matrix in educational research design and evaluation: A design based research. International Journal of Education Technology and Scientific Researches, 6(15), 887-944.
  • Kıcır, S. (2014). The effects of 5E model on the scientific process skills, academic achievement and attitude towards the course of the unit the dreams which became real in the 5th grade social studies lesson, (Master’s dissertation). Akdeniz University, Institute of Educational Sciences.
  • Koichu, B., & Pinto, A. (2018). Developing education research competencies in mathematics teachers through TRAIL: Teacher-researcher alliance for ınvestigating learning. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, 18(1), 68-85.
  • Köksal, O. (2009). Teaching tenses in English to the students of the second stage at primary education through using 5e model in constructivist approach (7 th grade), (Master’s dissertation). Selçuk University, Institute of Social Sciences.
  • Laidlaw, A., Aiton, J. Struthers J., & Guild, S. (2012) Developing research skills in medical students: AMEE Guide No. 69, Medical Teacher, 34(9), 754-771.
  • McKillup, S. (2012). Statistics explained: An introductory guide for life scientists. Cambridge University Press.
  • Omotayo, S.A., & Adeleke, J.O. (2017). The 5E instructional model: A constructivist approach for enhancing students’ learning outcomes in mathematics. Journal of the International Society for Teacher Education, 21(2), 15-26. Retrieved from
  • Özbek, G., Çelik, H., Ulukök, Ş. & Sarı, U. (2012). 5e and 7e instructional models effect on science literacy. Journal of Research in Educationand Teaching, 1(3), 183-194. Retrieved from
  • Öztürk, Z. D. (2019). The effect of problem based learning method on students' academic achievements and scientific process skills in a science course, (Master’s dissertation). Pamukkale University, Institute of Educational Sciences.
  • Presnukhina, I. A., Sergeeva, M. G., Karavanova, L. Z., Belokon, O. V., & Khvorikova, E. G. (2020). Development of research skills in the future foreign language teacher in the system of continuing education. Revista Tempos E Espaços Em Educação, 13(32), 50. Retrieved from
  • Russell III, W. B., & Waters, S. (2021). Essentials of elementary social studies. Routledge.
  • Sakallı, A. F. (2011). The influence of constructive 5E model about teaching complex numbers subject on students academic achievement and attitudes, (Master’s dissertation). Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University, Institute of Science.
  • Senemoğlu, N. (2010). Gelişim, öğrenme ve öğretim: Kuramdan uygulamaya [Development, learning and teaching: From theory to practice]. Gazi Bookstore.
  • Serin, G. (2009). The effect of problem based learning instruction on 7th grade students’ science achievement, attitude toward science and scientific process skills (Doctoral dissertation). Middle East Technical University, Institute of Science.
  • Sornsakda, S., Suksringarm, P. & Singseewo, A. (2009). Effects of learning environmental education using the 7e-learning cycle with metacognitive techniques and the teacher’s handbook approaches on learning achievement, ıntegrated science process skills and critical thinking of mathayomsuksa 5 students with different learning achievement. Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences. 6(5), 297-303. Retrieved from
  • Söyleyici, H. (2018). Investigating the effect of problem-based learning on the scientific process skills, scientific attitudes, achievements and conceptual knowledge of middle school: Unit light, (Master’s dissertation). Trakya University, Institute of Science.
  • Tabachnick, B. G., & Fidell, L. S. (2019). Using multivariate statistics. Pearson.
  • Towne, L., & Shavelson, R. J. (2002). Scientific research in education. National Academy Press Publications Sales Office.
  • Tuncer, M., & Ozeren, E. (2012). The development of a self-efficacy scale for scientific research and an evaluation of prospective teachers’ views about that scale. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 51, 553-561.
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There are 64 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Studies on Education
Journal Section Articles

Hüseyin Bayram 0000-0001-6065-8865

Suat Polat 0000-0001-9286-8840

İbrahim Özgül 0000-0002-5325-8326

Suat Kaya 0000-0001-6593-3205

Project Number EF.22.001
Early Pub Date October 21, 2024
Publication Date October 31, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 13 Issue: 4


APA Bayram, H., Polat, S., Özgül, İ., Kaya, S. (2024). Improving Pre-Service Social Studies Tearchers’ Scientific Research Self-Efficacies. Bartın University Journal of Faculty of Education, 13(4), 789-801.

All the articles published in the journal are open access and distributed under the conditions of CommonsAttribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License 


Bartın University Journal of Faculty of Education