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Yıl 2023, Cilt: 170 Sayı: 170, 31 - 55, 17.04.2023



  • Achour, Y., Boumezbeur, A., Hadji, R., Chouabbi, A., Cavaleiro, V., Bendaoud, EA. 2017. Landslide susceptibility mapping using analytic hierarchy process and information value methods along a highway road section in Constantine, Algeria. Arabian Journal of Geosciences 10, 194.
  • Akgun. A., Türk, N. 2010. Landslide susceptibility mapping for Ayvalik (Western Turkey) and its vicinity by multicriteria decision analysis. Environmental Earth Sciences 61, 595-611.
  • ANRH. 2007. Agence Nationale des resources hydriques. Carte des pluis moyens annuelles du Nord de l'Algérie,. INCT., Alger, Algerie.
  • Ayadi, A., Ousadou-Ayadi, F., Bourouis, S., Benhallou, H. 2002. Seismotectonics and seismic quietness of the Oranie region (Western Algeria): The Mascara earthquake of August 18 th 1994, M w= 5.7, M s= 6.0. Journal of Seismology 6, 13-23.
  • Baeza, C., Corominas, J. 2001. Assessment of shallow landslide susceptibility by means of multivariate statistical techniques. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms: The Journal of the British Geomorphological Research Group 26, 1251-1263.
  • Barredo, J., Benavides, A., Hervás, J., van Westen, CJ. 2000. Comparing heuristic landslide hazard assessment techniques using GIS in the Tirajana basin, Gran Canaria Island, Spain. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 2, 9-23.
  • Belayadi, I., Bezzeghoud, M., Nadji, A., Fontiela, J. 2017. Sismicité de l'Algérie Nord Occidentale entre 1790 et 2016: catalogue sismique. Comunicaçõe Geológicas 104.
  • Beneder. 2011. Carte d’occupation du sol wilaya d’Oran, Mascar et Sidi Belabess notice explicative. Bureau national d’études pour le développement rural, Rapport inédite.
  • Benouar, D., Aoudia, A., Maouche, S., Meghraoui, M. 1994. The 18 August 1994 Mascara (Algeria) earthquake—a quick‐look report. Terra Nova 6, 634-638.
  • Bonham-Carter, GF. 1989. Weights of evidence modeling: a new approach to mapping mineral potential Statistical applications in the earth sciences 171-183.
  • Bonham-Carter, GF. 1994. Geographic information systems for geoscientists-modeling with GIS Computer methods in the geoscientists 13, 398.
  • Bouhadad, Y., Laouami, N. 2002. Earthquake hazard assessment in the Oran region (Northwest Algeria). Natural Hazards 26, 227-243.
  • Bourenane, H., Bouhadad, Y., Guettouche, MS., Braham, M. 2015. GIS-based landslide susceptibility zonation using bivariate statistical and expert approaches in the city of Constantine (Northeast Algeria). Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment 74, 337-355.
  • Bourenane, H., Guettouche, MS, Bouhadad, Y., Braham, M. 2016. Landslide hazard mapping in the Constantine city, Northeast Algeria using frequency ratio, weighting factor, logistic regression, weights of evidence, and analytical hierarchy process methods. Arabian Journal of Geosciences 9, 154.
  • Chen, W.,Li W., Chai, H., Hou, E., Li, X., Ding, X. 2016. GIS-based landslide susceptibility mapping using analytical hierarchy process (AHP) and certainty factor (CF) models for the Baozhong region of Baoji City, China .Environmental Earth Sciences 75, 63.
  • Chen, W., Peng, J., Hong, H., Shahabi, H., Pradhan, B., Liu, J., Zhu, A-X., Pei, X., Duan, Z-l. 2018. Landslide susceptibility modelling using GIS-based machine learning techniques for Chongren County, Jiangxi Province, China. Science of the Total Environment 626, 1121-1135.
  • Chen, W., Pourghasemi, HR., Zhao, Z. 2017. A GIS-based comparative study of Dempster-Shafer, logistic regression and artificial neural network models for landslide susceptibility mapping. Geocarto international 32, 367-385.
  • Corominas, J., Van Westen, C. , Frattini, P., Cascini, L. Malet, J-P., Fotopoulou, S., Catani, F., Van Den Eeckhaut, M., Mavrouli, O., Agliardi, F., Pitilakis, K., Winter, M-G., Pastor, M., Ferlisi, S., Tofani, V., Herva´s, J., Smith J-T. 2014. Recommendations for the quantitative analysis of landslide risk. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment 73, 209-263.
  • Cruden, D.M., Varnes, D.J. 1996. Landslide Types and Processes, Special Report, Transportation Research Board, National Academy of Sciences, 247, 36-75.
  • Dahoua, L., Yakovitch, S., Hadji, RH. 2017. GIS-based technic for roadside-slope stability assessment: an bivariate approach for A1 East-west highway, North Algeria. Mining Science 24.
  • Djerbal, L., Khoudi, I., Alimrina, N., Melbouci, B., Bahar, R. 2017. Assessment and mapping of earthquake-induced landslides in Tigzirt City, Algeria. Natural Hazards 87, 1859-1879.
  • El Mekki, A., Hadji, R., Chemseddine, F. 2017 Use of slope failures inventory and climatic data for landslide susceptibility, vulnerability, and risk mapping in souk Ahras region. Mining Science 24
  • Ercanoglu, M., Gokceoglu, C., Van Asch, TW. 2004. Landslide susceptibility zoning north of Yenice (NW Turkey) by multivariate statistical techniques. Natural Hazards 32, 1-23
  • Flentje, PN., Miner, A., Whitt, G., Fell, R. 2007. Guideline for landslide susceptibility, hazard and risk zoning for land use planning. Australian geomechanics 42, 13-36
  • Fell, R., Corominas, J., Bonnard, C., Cascini, L., Leroi, E., Savage, WZ. 2008. Guidelines for landslide susceptibility, hazard and risk zoning for land-use planning. Engineering Geology 102, 99-111
  • Guemache, MA., Chatelain, J-L., Machane, D., Benahmed, S., Djadia, L. 2011. Failure of landslide stabilization measures: The Sidi Rached viaduct case (Constantine, Algeria). Journal of African Earth Sciences 59, 349-358
  • Guessoum, N., Benhamouche, AA., Bouhadad, Y., Bourenane, H., Abbouda, M. 2018. Field evidence of Quaternary seismites in the Mostaganem-Relizane (western Algeria) region: Seismotectonic implication. Arabian Journal of Geosciences 11, 641.
  • Hadji, R., Rais, K., Gadri, L., Chouabi, A., Hamed, Y. 2017. Slope failure characteristics and slope movement susceptibility assessment using GIS in a medium scale: a case study from Ouled Driss and Machroha municipalities, Northeast Algeria. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 42, 281-300.
  • Hallal, N., Yelles Chaouche, A., Hamai, L., Lamali, A., Dubois, L., Mohammedi, Y., Hamidatou, M., Djadia, L., Abtout, A. .2019. Spatiotemporal evolution of the El Biar landslide (Algiers): new field observation data constrained by ground-penetrating radar investigations. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment.
  • Intarawichian, N0, Dasananda, S. 2010. Analytical hierarchy process for landslide susceptibility mapping in lower Mae Chaem watershed, Northern Thailand. Suranaree Journal of Science & Technology 17.
  • Karim, Z., Hadji, R., Hamed, Y. 2019. GIS-based approaches for the landslide susceptibility prediction in Setif Region (NE Algeria). Geotechnical and Geological Engineering 37, 359-374
  • Khosravi, K., Nohani, E., Maroufinia, E., Pourghasemi, HR. 2016. A GIS-based flood susceptibility assessment and its mapping in Iran: a comparison between frequency ratio and weights-of-evidence bivariate statistical models with multi-criteria decision-making technique. Natural Hazards 83, 947-987.
  • Lee, S,. Ryu, J-H., Won, J-S., Park, H-J. 2004. Determination and application of the weights for landslide susceptibility mapping using an artificial neural network. Engineering Geology 71, 289-302.
  • Mahdadi, F., Boumezbeur, A., Hadji, R., Kanungo, DP., Zahri, F. 2018. GIS-based landslide susceptibility assessment using statistical models: a case study from Souk Ahras province, NE Algeria. Arabian Journal of Geosciences 11, 476.
  • Marinas, JL., Salord, R. 1991. Problems regarding the investigation of the 1790 oran seismic period. Tectonophysics 193, 237-239.
  • Merghadi, A., Abderrahmane, B., Tien Bui, D. 2018. Landslide susceptibility assessment at Mila Basin (Algeria): a comparative assessment of prediction capability of advanced machine learning methods. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 7, 268.
  • Micheletti, N., Foresti, L., Robert, S., Leuenberger, M., Pedrazzini, A., Jaboyedoff, M., Kanevski, M. 2014. Machine learning feature selection methods for landslide susceptibility mapping. Mathematical Geosciences 46, 33-57
  • Mohammady, M., Pourghasemi, HR., Pradhan, B. 2012. Landslide susceptibility mapping at Golestan Province, Iran: a comparison between frequency ratio, Dempster–Shafer, and weights-of-evidence models. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 61, 221-236.
  • Mondal, S., Maiti, R. 2012. Landslide susceptibility analysis of Shiv-Khola watershed, Darjiling: a remote sensing & GIS based Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing 40, 483-496.
  • Pham, BT., Bui, DT., Prakash, I., Dholakia, M. 2017. Hybrid integration of Multilayer Perceptron Neural Networks and machine learning ensembles for landslide susceptibility assessment at Himalayan area (India) using GIS. Catena 149, 52-63.
  • Phukon, P., Chetia, D., Das, P. 2012. Landslide susceptibility assessment in the Guwahati city, Assam using analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and geographic information system (GIS). Int J Comput Appl Eng Sci 2, 1-6.
  • Regmi, NR., Giardino, JR., Vitek, JD. 2010. Modeling susceptibility to landslides using the weight of evidence approach: Western Colorado, USA. Geomorphology 115, 172-187.
  • Roukh, Z. 2020. Cartographie algébrique d'aléa multirisque du littoral Oranie, Nord Ouest de l'Algérie, (risque sismique, glissement de terrain, inondation). Thèse de doctorat, Université d'Oran 2, 289.
  • Saaty, TL. 1977. A scaling method for priorities in hierarchical structures. Journal of mathematical psychology 15, 234-281
  • Saaty, TL. 1980. The analytic hierarchy process: planning. Priority setting. Resource Allocation, MacGraw-Hill, New York. International Book Company, 287.
  • Santacana, N., Baeza, B., Corominas, J., De Paz, A., Marturiá, J. 2003. A GIS-based multivariate statistical analysis for shallow landslide susceptibility mapping in La Pobla de Lillet area (Eastern Pyrenees, Spain). Natural Hazards 30, 281-295.
  • Süzen, ML., Doyuran, V. 2004. Data driven bivariate landslide susceptibility assessment using geographical information systems: a method and application to Asarsuyu catchment, Turkey. Engineering Geology 71, 303-321.
  • Tehrany, MS., Pradhan, B., Jebur, MN. 2014. Flood susceptibility mapping using a novel ensemble weights-of-evidence and support vector machine models in GIS. Journal of hydrology 512, 332-343.
  • Thomas, G. 1985. Géodynamique d’un bassin intramontagneux Le bassin du Bas Chélif occidental (Algérie) durant le Mio-Plio- Quaternaire. Thèse de doctorat, Université de Pau, 594.
  • Xu, C., Xu, X., Dai, F., Saraf, AK. 2012. Comparison of different models for susceptibility mapping of earthquake triggered landslides related with the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake in China. Computers & Geosciences 46, 317-329.
  • Yalçın, A., Bulut, F. 2007. Landslide susceptibility mapping using GIS and digital photogrammetric techniques: a case study from Ardesen (NE-Turkey). Natural Hazards 41, 201-226.
  • Yalçın, A, Reis. S., Aydinoglu, A., Yomralioglu, T. 2011. A GIS-based comparative study of frequency ratio, analytical hierarchy process, bivariate statistics and logistics regression methods for landslide susceptibility mapping in Trabzon, NE Turkey. Catena 85, 274-287.
  • Yilmaz, I. 2009. Landslide susceptibility mapping using frequency ratio, logistic regression, artificial neural networks and their comparison: a case study from Kat landslides (Tokat—Turkey). Computers & Geosciences 35, 1125-1138.
  • Zare, M,. Pourghasemi, HR., Vafakhah, M., Pradhan, B. 2013. Landslide susceptibility mapping at Vaz Watershed (Iran) using an artificial neural network model: a comparison between multilayer perceptron (MLP) and radial basic function (RBF) algorithms. Arabian Journal of Geosciences 6, 2873-2888.
  • Zine el Abidine, R., Abdelmansour, N. 2019. Landslide susceptibility mapping using information value and frequency ratio for the Arzew sector (North-Western of Algeria). Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 160, 197-211.

GIS-based analytical hierarchy process, weight of evidence and logistic regression models for the landslide susceptibility predicting in Echorfa Region (northwestern of Algeria)

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 170 Sayı: 170, 31 - 55, 17.04.2023


The main objective of this study is destined to combine the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), Weight of Evidence (WOE), Logistic Regression (LR) methods and geographic information system (GIS) to predict landslide susceptibility of the Echorfa region (northwestern of Algeria). Nine factors such as slope, aspect, lithology, distance to faults, lineaments density, distance to the streams, precipitations, land use and altitude are included in landslide susceptibility evaluation process. A detailed landslide inventory map was established by satellite images and filed surveys. Three landslide susceptibility maps are established using the different statistical models. Five landslide susceptibility categories are generated by the GSI classification nil, low, moderate, high and very high susceptibility. The performance of the different models in landslide susceptibility is calculated based in the area under curve of the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) which give a satisfactory result. The results showed that the WOE is more performance than the two other techniques. The produced landslide susceptibility maps provide important spatial information about landslide prone area, where the constructed map’s content will help the decision makers in land use planning.


  • Achour, Y., Boumezbeur, A., Hadji, R., Chouabbi, A., Cavaleiro, V., Bendaoud, EA. 2017. Landslide susceptibility mapping using analytic hierarchy process and information value methods along a highway road section in Constantine, Algeria. Arabian Journal of Geosciences 10, 194.
  • Akgun. A., Türk, N. 2010. Landslide susceptibility mapping for Ayvalik (Western Turkey) and its vicinity by multicriteria decision analysis. Environmental Earth Sciences 61, 595-611.
  • ANRH. 2007. Agence Nationale des resources hydriques. Carte des pluis moyens annuelles du Nord de l'Algérie,. INCT., Alger, Algerie.
  • Ayadi, A., Ousadou-Ayadi, F., Bourouis, S., Benhallou, H. 2002. Seismotectonics and seismic quietness of the Oranie region (Western Algeria): The Mascara earthquake of August 18 th 1994, M w= 5.7, M s= 6.0. Journal of Seismology 6, 13-23.
  • Baeza, C., Corominas, J. 2001. Assessment of shallow landslide susceptibility by means of multivariate statistical techniques. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms: The Journal of the British Geomorphological Research Group 26, 1251-1263.
  • Barredo, J., Benavides, A., Hervás, J., van Westen, CJ. 2000. Comparing heuristic landslide hazard assessment techniques using GIS in the Tirajana basin, Gran Canaria Island, Spain. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 2, 9-23.
  • Belayadi, I., Bezzeghoud, M., Nadji, A., Fontiela, J. 2017. Sismicité de l'Algérie Nord Occidentale entre 1790 et 2016: catalogue sismique. Comunicaçõe Geológicas 104.
  • Beneder. 2011. Carte d’occupation du sol wilaya d’Oran, Mascar et Sidi Belabess notice explicative. Bureau national d’études pour le développement rural, Rapport inédite.
  • Benouar, D., Aoudia, A., Maouche, S., Meghraoui, M. 1994. The 18 August 1994 Mascara (Algeria) earthquake—a quick‐look report. Terra Nova 6, 634-638.
  • Bonham-Carter, GF. 1989. Weights of evidence modeling: a new approach to mapping mineral potential Statistical applications in the earth sciences 171-183.
  • Bonham-Carter, GF. 1994. Geographic information systems for geoscientists-modeling with GIS Computer methods in the geoscientists 13, 398.
  • Bouhadad, Y., Laouami, N. 2002. Earthquake hazard assessment in the Oran region (Northwest Algeria). Natural Hazards 26, 227-243.
  • Bourenane, H., Bouhadad, Y., Guettouche, MS., Braham, M. 2015. GIS-based landslide susceptibility zonation using bivariate statistical and expert approaches in the city of Constantine (Northeast Algeria). Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment 74, 337-355.
  • Bourenane, H., Guettouche, MS, Bouhadad, Y., Braham, M. 2016. Landslide hazard mapping in the Constantine city, Northeast Algeria using frequency ratio, weighting factor, logistic regression, weights of evidence, and analytical hierarchy process methods. Arabian Journal of Geosciences 9, 154.
  • Chen, W.,Li W., Chai, H., Hou, E., Li, X., Ding, X. 2016. GIS-based landslide susceptibility mapping using analytical hierarchy process (AHP) and certainty factor (CF) models for the Baozhong region of Baoji City, China .Environmental Earth Sciences 75, 63.
  • Chen, W., Peng, J., Hong, H., Shahabi, H., Pradhan, B., Liu, J., Zhu, A-X., Pei, X., Duan, Z-l. 2018. Landslide susceptibility modelling using GIS-based machine learning techniques for Chongren County, Jiangxi Province, China. Science of the Total Environment 626, 1121-1135.
  • Chen, W., Pourghasemi, HR., Zhao, Z. 2017. A GIS-based comparative study of Dempster-Shafer, logistic regression and artificial neural network models for landslide susceptibility mapping. Geocarto international 32, 367-385.
  • Corominas, J., Van Westen, C. , Frattini, P., Cascini, L. Malet, J-P., Fotopoulou, S., Catani, F., Van Den Eeckhaut, M., Mavrouli, O., Agliardi, F., Pitilakis, K., Winter, M-G., Pastor, M., Ferlisi, S., Tofani, V., Herva´s, J., Smith J-T. 2014. Recommendations for the quantitative analysis of landslide risk. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment 73, 209-263.
  • Cruden, D.M., Varnes, D.J. 1996. Landslide Types and Processes, Special Report, Transportation Research Board, National Academy of Sciences, 247, 36-75.
  • Dahoua, L., Yakovitch, S., Hadji, RH. 2017. GIS-based technic for roadside-slope stability assessment: an bivariate approach for A1 East-west highway, North Algeria. Mining Science 24.
  • Djerbal, L., Khoudi, I., Alimrina, N., Melbouci, B., Bahar, R. 2017. Assessment and mapping of earthquake-induced landslides in Tigzirt City, Algeria. Natural Hazards 87, 1859-1879.
  • El Mekki, A., Hadji, R., Chemseddine, F. 2017 Use of slope failures inventory and climatic data for landslide susceptibility, vulnerability, and risk mapping in souk Ahras region. Mining Science 24
  • Ercanoglu, M., Gokceoglu, C., Van Asch, TW. 2004. Landslide susceptibility zoning north of Yenice (NW Turkey) by multivariate statistical techniques. Natural Hazards 32, 1-23
  • Flentje, PN., Miner, A., Whitt, G., Fell, R. 2007. Guideline for landslide susceptibility, hazard and risk zoning for land use planning. Australian geomechanics 42, 13-36
  • Fell, R., Corominas, J., Bonnard, C., Cascini, L., Leroi, E., Savage, WZ. 2008. Guidelines for landslide susceptibility, hazard and risk zoning for land-use planning. Engineering Geology 102, 99-111
  • Guemache, MA., Chatelain, J-L., Machane, D., Benahmed, S., Djadia, L. 2011. Failure of landslide stabilization measures: The Sidi Rached viaduct case (Constantine, Algeria). Journal of African Earth Sciences 59, 349-358
  • Guessoum, N., Benhamouche, AA., Bouhadad, Y., Bourenane, H., Abbouda, M. 2018. Field evidence of Quaternary seismites in the Mostaganem-Relizane (western Algeria) region: Seismotectonic implication. Arabian Journal of Geosciences 11, 641.
  • Hadji, R., Rais, K., Gadri, L., Chouabi, A., Hamed, Y. 2017. Slope failure characteristics and slope movement susceptibility assessment using GIS in a medium scale: a case study from Ouled Driss and Machroha municipalities, Northeast Algeria. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 42, 281-300.
  • Hallal, N., Yelles Chaouche, A., Hamai, L., Lamali, A., Dubois, L., Mohammedi, Y., Hamidatou, M., Djadia, L., Abtout, A. .2019. Spatiotemporal evolution of the El Biar landslide (Algiers): new field observation data constrained by ground-penetrating radar investigations. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment.
  • Intarawichian, N0, Dasananda, S. 2010. Analytical hierarchy process for landslide susceptibility mapping in lower Mae Chaem watershed, Northern Thailand. Suranaree Journal of Science & Technology 17.
  • Karim, Z., Hadji, R., Hamed, Y. 2019. GIS-based approaches for the landslide susceptibility prediction in Setif Region (NE Algeria). Geotechnical and Geological Engineering 37, 359-374
  • Khosravi, K., Nohani, E., Maroufinia, E., Pourghasemi, HR. 2016. A GIS-based flood susceptibility assessment and its mapping in Iran: a comparison between frequency ratio and weights-of-evidence bivariate statistical models with multi-criteria decision-making technique. Natural Hazards 83, 947-987.
  • Lee, S,. Ryu, J-H., Won, J-S., Park, H-J. 2004. Determination and application of the weights for landslide susceptibility mapping using an artificial neural network. Engineering Geology 71, 289-302.
  • Mahdadi, F., Boumezbeur, A., Hadji, R., Kanungo, DP., Zahri, F. 2018. GIS-based landslide susceptibility assessment using statistical models: a case study from Souk Ahras province, NE Algeria. Arabian Journal of Geosciences 11, 476.
  • Marinas, JL., Salord, R. 1991. Problems regarding the investigation of the 1790 oran seismic period. Tectonophysics 193, 237-239.
  • Merghadi, A., Abderrahmane, B., Tien Bui, D. 2018. Landslide susceptibility assessment at Mila Basin (Algeria): a comparative assessment of prediction capability of advanced machine learning methods. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 7, 268.
  • Micheletti, N., Foresti, L., Robert, S., Leuenberger, M., Pedrazzini, A., Jaboyedoff, M., Kanevski, M. 2014. Machine learning feature selection methods for landslide susceptibility mapping. Mathematical Geosciences 46, 33-57
  • Mohammady, M., Pourghasemi, HR., Pradhan, B. 2012. Landslide susceptibility mapping at Golestan Province, Iran: a comparison between frequency ratio, Dempster–Shafer, and weights-of-evidence models. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 61, 221-236.
  • Mondal, S., Maiti, R. 2012. Landslide susceptibility analysis of Shiv-Khola watershed, Darjiling: a remote sensing & GIS based Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing 40, 483-496.
  • Pham, BT., Bui, DT., Prakash, I., Dholakia, M. 2017. Hybrid integration of Multilayer Perceptron Neural Networks and machine learning ensembles for landslide susceptibility assessment at Himalayan area (India) using GIS. Catena 149, 52-63.
  • Phukon, P., Chetia, D., Das, P. 2012. Landslide susceptibility assessment in the Guwahati city, Assam using analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and geographic information system (GIS). Int J Comput Appl Eng Sci 2, 1-6.
  • Regmi, NR., Giardino, JR., Vitek, JD. 2010. Modeling susceptibility to landslides using the weight of evidence approach: Western Colorado, USA. Geomorphology 115, 172-187.
  • Roukh, Z. 2020. Cartographie algébrique d'aléa multirisque du littoral Oranie, Nord Ouest de l'Algérie, (risque sismique, glissement de terrain, inondation). Thèse de doctorat, Université d'Oran 2, 289.
  • Saaty, TL. 1977. A scaling method for priorities in hierarchical structures. Journal of mathematical psychology 15, 234-281
  • Saaty, TL. 1980. The analytic hierarchy process: planning. Priority setting. Resource Allocation, MacGraw-Hill, New York. International Book Company, 287.
  • Santacana, N., Baeza, B., Corominas, J., De Paz, A., Marturiá, J. 2003. A GIS-based multivariate statistical analysis for shallow landslide susceptibility mapping in La Pobla de Lillet area (Eastern Pyrenees, Spain). Natural Hazards 30, 281-295.
  • Süzen, ML., Doyuran, V. 2004. Data driven bivariate landslide susceptibility assessment using geographical information systems: a method and application to Asarsuyu catchment, Turkey. Engineering Geology 71, 303-321.
  • Tehrany, MS., Pradhan, B., Jebur, MN. 2014. Flood susceptibility mapping using a novel ensemble weights-of-evidence and support vector machine models in GIS. Journal of hydrology 512, 332-343.
  • Thomas, G. 1985. Géodynamique d’un bassin intramontagneux Le bassin du Bas Chélif occidental (Algérie) durant le Mio-Plio- Quaternaire. Thèse de doctorat, Université de Pau, 594.
  • Xu, C., Xu, X., Dai, F., Saraf, AK. 2012. Comparison of different models for susceptibility mapping of earthquake triggered landslides related with the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake in China. Computers & Geosciences 46, 317-329.
  • Yalçın, A., Bulut, F. 2007. Landslide susceptibility mapping using GIS and digital photogrammetric techniques: a case study from Ardesen (NE-Turkey). Natural Hazards 41, 201-226.
  • Yalçın, A, Reis. S., Aydinoglu, A., Yomralioglu, T. 2011. A GIS-based comparative study of frequency ratio, analytical hierarchy process, bivariate statistics and logistics regression methods for landslide susceptibility mapping in Trabzon, NE Turkey. Catena 85, 274-287.
  • Yilmaz, I. 2009. Landslide susceptibility mapping using frequency ratio, logistic regression, artificial neural networks and their comparison: a case study from Kat landslides (Tokat—Turkey). Computers & Geosciences 35, 1125-1138.
  • Zare, M,. Pourghasemi, HR., Vafakhah, M., Pradhan, B. 2013. Landslide susceptibility mapping at Vaz Watershed (Iran) using an artificial neural network model: a comparison between multilayer perceptron (MLP) and radial basic function (RBF) algorithms. Arabian Journal of Geosciences 6, 2873-2888.
  • Zine el Abidine, R., Abdelmansour, N. 2019. Landslide susceptibility mapping using information value and frequency ratio for the Arzew sector (North-Western of Algeria). Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 160, 197-211.
Toplam 55 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Makaleler

Roukh Zine El Abidine Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-4108-025X

Nadjı Abdelmansour Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-0197-6585

Yayımlanma Tarihi 17 Nisan 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 170 Sayı: 170

Kaynak Göster

APA Zine El Abidine, R., & Abdelmansour, N. (2023). GIS-based analytical hierarchy process, weight of evidence and logistic regression models for the landslide susceptibility predicting in Echorfa Region (northwestern of Algeria). Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, 170(170), 31-55. https://doi.org/10.19111/bulletinofmre.1035480
AMA Zine El Abidine R, Abdelmansour N. GIS-based analytical hierarchy process, weight of evidence and logistic regression models for the landslide susceptibility predicting in Echorfa Region (northwestern of Algeria). Bull.Min.Res.Exp. Nisan 2023;170(170):31-55. doi:10.19111/bulletinofmre.1035480
Chicago Zine El Abidine, Roukh, ve Nadjı Abdelmansour. “GIS-Based Analytical Hierarchy Process, Weight of Evidence and Logistic Regression Models for the Landslide Susceptibility Predicting in Echorfa Region (northwestern of Algeria)”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 170, sy. 170 (Nisan 2023): 31-55. https://doi.org/10.19111/bulletinofmre.1035480.
EndNote Zine El Abidine R, Abdelmansour N (01 Nisan 2023) GIS-based analytical hierarchy process, weight of evidence and logistic regression models for the landslide susceptibility predicting in Echorfa Region (northwestern of Algeria). Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 170 170 31–55.
IEEE R. Zine El Abidine ve N. Abdelmansour, “GIS-based analytical hierarchy process, weight of evidence and logistic regression models for the landslide susceptibility predicting in Echorfa Region (northwestern of Algeria)”, Bull.Min.Res.Exp., c. 170, sy. 170, ss. 31–55, 2023, doi: 10.19111/bulletinofmre.1035480.
ISNAD Zine El Abidine, Roukh - Abdelmansour, Nadjı. “GIS-Based Analytical Hierarchy Process, Weight of Evidence and Logistic Regression Models for the Landslide Susceptibility Predicting in Echorfa Region (northwestern of Algeria)”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 170/170 (Nisan 2023), 31-55. https://doi.org/10.19111/bulletinofmre.1035480.
JAMA Zine El Abidine R, Abdelmansour N. GIS-based analytical hierarchy process, weight of evidence and logistic regression models for the landslide susceptibility predicting in Echorfa Region (northwestern of Algeria). Bull.Min.Res.Exp. 2023;170:31–55.
MLA Zine El Abidine, Roukh ve Nadjı Abdelmansour. “GIS-Based Analytical Hierarchy Process, Weight of Evidence and Logistic Regression Models for the Landslide Susceptibility Predicting in Echorfa Region (northwestern of Algeria)”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, c. 170, sy. 170, 2023, ss. 31-55, doi:10.19111/bulletinofmre.1035480.
Vancouver Zine El Abidine R, Abdelmansour N. GIS-based analytical hierarchy process, weight of evidence and logistic regression models for the landslide susceptibility predicting in Echorfa Region (northwestern of Algeria). Bull.Min.Res.Exp. 2023;170(170):31-55.

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