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Holistic Nutrition Approach: Spiritual, Mental and Physical Nutrition

Year 2023, Volume: 37 Issue: 2, 551 - 560, 08.12.2023


The phrase "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food (Hippocrates)", which was said 2500
years ago, is considered a milestone in emphasizing the relationship between nutrition and health, and is still valid for current nutritional approaches. Personalized nutrition habits, it is a factor that can be accelerated depending on demographic variables, can be revised according to trend suggestions without taking specialist’ opinion, and unfortunately, its long-term effects are ignored and held responsible for miraculous changes. And so, it is accepted as one of the major reasons for the increase in obesity, high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, etc. diagnoses on a global scale.
In modern medical science based on scientific data rather than popular discourses, it is emphasized that all possible factors related to nutrition should be evaluated together in the treatment and prevention of many acute and chronic disorders. Because nutrition has not only physical, but also spiritual and mental healing effects. In other words, instead of recommending direct therapy according to the patient's complaint in the treatment of a disease, it is important to evaluate all the factors that may induced these complaints together and to be able to solve the underlying problem. In this context, in addition to the nutritional habits that can treat or prevent the disease, the individual's spiritual, mental and physical status should also be addressed. The purpose of this review is to examine the role of the holistic approach to spiritual, mental and physical nutrition for a sustainable healthy life.

Project Number



  • Ablay, M., Çay, K. ve Aydeniz-Güneşer, B. 2021. Populer Beslenme Trendleri: Vejetaryenizm ve Veganizm. 7. Uluslararası Mühendislik Mimarlık ve Tasarım Kongresi, 21-22 Mayıs, Turkiye, p:963.
  • Acton, C. 2013. The importance of nutrition in wound healing. Wounds UK, 9(3).
  • Branca, F., Anna, L., Stineke, O., Victor, A., Gunhild, A. S., Ruth. R., Mario. A. and Ashkan, A. 2019. Transforming the food system to fight non-communicable diseases. Bmj, 364.
  • Cheney, A. M., McCarthy, W. J., Pozar, M., Reaves, C., Ortiz, G., Lopez, D., Saldivar, P. A. and Gelberg, L. 2023. Ancestral recipes: a mixed-methods analysis of MyPlate-based recipe dissemination for Latinos in rural communities. BMC Public Health, 23(1): 1-15.
  • Datz, T. 2023. Harvard researchers launch Healthy Eating Plate. (Erişim tarihi: 06.07.2023).
  • Dave, L. A., Hodgkinson, S. M., Roy, N. C., Smith, N. W. and McNabb, W. C. 2021. The role of holistic nutritional properties of diets in the assessment of food system and dietary sustainability. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 1-21.
  • Elshahat, S., Moffat, T., Gagnon, O., Charkatli, L. and Gomes-Szoke, E. D. 2023. The relationship between diet/nutrition and the mental health of immigrants in Western societies through a holistic bio-psycho-sociocultural lens: A scoping review. Appetite, 106463.
  • FAO 2010. Sustainable diets and biodiversity: Directions and solutions for policy, research, and action. Proceedings of the International Scientific Symposium Biodiversity and Sustainable Diets United Against Hunger, 3–5 Nov 2010, Rome, Italy, p:7. (Erişim tarihi: 12.06.2023).
  • Fardet, A. and Rock, E. 2014. Toward a new philosophy of preventive nutrition: from a reductionist to a holistic paradigm to improve nutritional recommendations. Advances in Nutrition, 5(4): 430-446.
  • Gray, D. and Cooper, P. 2001. Nutrition and wound healing: what is the link? Journal of Wound Care, 10(3): 86- 89.
  • Hermann, J. 2021. USDA myplate plan. Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service.
  • Jacobs Jr, D. R. and Steffen, L. M. 2003. Nutrients, foods, and dietary patterns as exposures in research: a framework for food synergy. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 78(3): 508S-513S.
  • Lee, J. C. B., Robert, C., Naharudin, N. B., Erdt, M., Vijayakumar, H. and Theng, Y. L. 2020. Examining the effectiveness of a holistic nutrition programme among community-dwelling elderly in Singapore. Proceedings of Singapore Healthcare, 29(1): 10-18.
  • Liposits, G., Singhal, S. and Krok-Schoen, J. L. 2023. Interventions to improve nutritional status for older patients with cancer–a holistic approach is needed. Current Opinion in Supportive and Palliative Care, 17(1): 15-21.
  • McIlwaine, C. 2003. Importance of holistic nutritional assessment in wound healing. Journal of Wound Care, 12(8): 285-288.
  • Moughan, P. J. 2020. Holistic properties of foods: a changing paradigm in human nutrition. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 100(14): 5056-5063.
  • Nestle, M. 1998. In defense of the USDA food guide pyramid. Nutrition Today, 33: 189-197.
  • Olatona, F. A., Onabanjo, O. O., Ugbaja, R. N., Nnoaham, K. E. and Adelekan, D. A. 2018. Dietary habits and metabolic risk factors for non-communicable diseases in a university undergraduate population. Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition, 37: 1-9.
  • Ornish, D., Brown, S. E., Billings, J. H., Scherwitz, L. W., Armstrong, W. T., Ports, T. A…and Brand, R. J. 1990. Can lifestyle changes reverse coronary heart disease? The Lifestyle Heart Trial. The Lancet, 336(8708): 129-133.
  • Özcan, T. ve Baysal, S. 2016. Vejetaryen beslenme ve sağlık üzerine etkileri. Bursa Uludag Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Derg., 30(2): 101-116.
  • Phelan, J. M., Rosenkranz, R. R., Phelan, C. J. and Rosenkranz, S. K. 2023. Holistic Framework to Contextualize Dietary Quality Assessment: A Critical Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(5): 3986.
  • Robison, J. I., Wolfe, K. I. and Edwards, L. 2004. Holistic nutrition: nourishing the body, mind, and spirit. Complementary Health Practice Review, 9(1): 11-20.
  • Rudkowska, I., Paradis, A. M., Thifault, E., Julien, P., Barbier, O., Couture, P., Lemieux, S. and Vohl, M. C. 2013. Differences in metabolomic and transcriptomic profiles between responders and non-responders to an n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) supplementation. Genes & Nutrition, 8: 411–23.
  • USDA 2011. U.S. Department of Agriculture. (Erişim tarihi: 06.07.2023).
  • Vegan Topluluğu (Vegan Society) 2021. Definition of veganism. (Erişim tarihi: 14.05.2023).
  • Yüksel, A. ve Özkul, E. 2021. Sürdürülebilir diyet modellerinin değerlendirilmesi. Bursa Uludag Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Derg., 35(2): 467-481.
  • Zeisel, S. H. 2007. Nutrigenomics and metabolomics will change clinical nutrition and public health practice: insights from studies on dietary requirements for choline. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 86: 542–8.

Holistik Beslenme Yaklaşımı: Ruhsal, Zihinsel ve Fiziksel Beslenme

Year 2023, Volume: 37 Issue: 2, 551 - 560, 08.12.2023


2500 yıl önce ifade edilen "Besinler ilacınız, ilacınız besininiz olsun (Hipokrat)" ifadesi, beslenme ve sağlık
arasındaki ilişkinin vurgulanmasında bir kilometre taşı olarak kabul edilirken, güncel beslenme yaklaşımları için de geçerliliğini sürdürmektedir. Kişiye özel beslenme alışkanlıkları; demografik değişkenlere bağlı olarak ivmelenebilen, uzman görüşü almaksızın trend önerilere göre revize edilebilen ve ne yazık ki uzun dönemdeki etkileri göz ardı edilerek mucizevi değişimlerden sorumlu tutulan bir etmendir. Bu nedenle, obezite, yüksek tansiyon, kardiyovasküler rahatsızlıklar, diyabet vb. tanılardaki küresel artışın majör sebeplerinden biri olarak kabul edilmektedir. Popüler söylemlerden ziyade bilimsel verilerden yola çıkan modern tıbbı disiplinlerde, gerek akut gerekse kronik birçok şikâyetin tedavisinde ve önlenmesinde, beslenmeyle ilişkili olası tüm faktörlerin birlikte değerlendirilmesi gerektiği üzerinde durulmaktadır. Çünkü beslenme sadece fiziksel değil, mental ve ruhsal olarak da iyileştirici etkilere sahiptir. Diğer bir ifadeyle, bir rahatsızlığın tedavisinde hastanın şikâyetine en uygun tedaviyi önermekten ziyade, bu şikâyeti tetikleyebilecek tüm faktörlerin göz önüne alınarak temelde yatan sorunun çözümlenebilmesi önem kazanmaktadır. Bu bağlamda hastalığı tedavi edebilecek veya önleyebilecek beslenme alışkanlıklarının yanı sıra bireyin ruhsal, zihinsel ve bedensel durumu da ele alınmalıdır.
Bu derlemenin amacı, sürdürülebilir sağlıklı bir yaşam için ruhsal, zihinsel ve bedensel beslenmede holistik yaklaşımın rolünün irdelenmesidir.

Supporting Institution


Project Number





  • Ablay, M., Çay, K. ve Aydeniz-Güneşer, B. 2021. Populer Beslenme Trendleri: Vejetaryenizm ve Veganizm. 7. Uluslararası Mühendislik Mimarlık ve Tasarım Kongresi, 21-22 Mayıs, Turkiye, p:963.
  • Acton, C. 2013. The importance of nutrition in wound healing. Wounds UK, 9(3).
  • Branca, F., Anna, L., Stineke, O., Victor, A., Gunhild, A. S., Ruth. R., Mario. A. and Ashkan, A. 2019. Transforming the food system to fight non-communicable diseases. Bmj, 364.
  • Cheney, A. M., McCarthy, W. J., Pozar, M., Reaves, C., Ortiz, G., Lopez, D., Saldivar, P. A. and Gelberg, L. 2023. Ancestral recipes: a mixed-methods analysis of MyPlate-based recipe dissemination for Latinos in rural communities. BMC Public Health, 23(1): 1-15.
  • Datz, T. 2023. Harvard researchers launch Healthy Eating Plate. (Erişim tarihi: 06.07.2023).
  • Dave, L. A., Hodgkinson, S. M., Roy, N. C., Smith, N. W. and McNabb, W. C. 2021. The role of holistic nutritional properties of diets in the assessment of food system and dietary sustainability. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 1-21.
  • Elshahat, S., Moffat, T., Gagnon, O., Charkatli, L. and Gomes-Szoke, E. D. 2023. The relationship between diet/nutrition and the mental health of immigrants in Western societies through a holistic bio-psycho-sociocultural lens: A scoping review. Appetite, 106463.
  • FAO 2010. Sustainable diets and biodiversity: Directions and solutions for policy, research, and action. Proceedings of the International Scientific Symposium Biodiversity and Sustainable Diets United Against Hunger, 3–5 Nov 2010, Rome, Italy, p:7. (Erişim tarihi: 12.06.2023).
  • Fardet, A. and Rock, E. 2014. Toward a new philosophy of preventive nutrition: from a reductionist to a holistic paradigm to improve nutritional recommendations. Advances in Nutrition, 5(4): 430-446.
  • Gray, D. and Cooper, P. 2001. Nutrition and wound healing: what is the link? Journal of Wound Care, 10(3): 86- 89.
  • Hermann, J. 2021. USDA myplate plan. Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service.
  • Jacobs Jr, D. R. and Steffen, L. M. 2003. Nutrients, foods, and dietary patterns as exposures in research: a framework for food synergy. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 78(3): 508S-513S.
  • Lee, J. C. B., Robert, C., Naharudin, N. B., Erdt, M., Vijayakumar, H. and Theng, Y. L. 2020. Examining the effectiveness of a holistic nutrition programme among community-dwelling elderly in Singapore. Proceedings of Singapore Healthcare, 29(1): 10-18.
  • Liposits, G., Singhal, S. and Krok-Schoen, J. L. 2023. Interventions to improve nutritional status for older patients with cancer–a holistic approach is needed. Current Opinion in Supportive and Palliative Care, 17(1): 15-21.
  • McIlwaine, C. 2003. Importance of holistic nutritional assessment in wound healing. Journal of Wound Care, 12(8): 285-288.
  • Moughan, P. J. 2020. Holistic properties of foods: a changing paradigm in human nutrition. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 100(14): 5056-5063.
  • Nestle, M. 1998. In defense of the USDA food guide pyramid. Nutrition Today, 33: 189-197.
  • Olatona, F. A., Onabanjo, O. O., Ugbaja, R. N., Nnoaham, K. E. and Adelekan, D. A. 2018. Dietary habits and metabolic risk factors for non-communicable diseases in a university undergraduate population. Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition, 37: 1-9.
  • Ornish, D., Brown, S. E., Billings, J. H., Scherwitz, L. W., Armstrong, W. T., Ports, T. A…and Brand, R. J. 1990. Can lifestyle changes reverse coronary heart disease? The Lifestyle Heart Trial. The Lancet, 336(8708): 129-133.
  • Özcan, T. ve Baysal, S. 2016. Vejetaryen beslenme ve sağlık üzerine etkileri. Bursa Uludag Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Derg., 30(2): 101-116.
  • Phelan, J. M., Rosenkranz, R. R., Phelan, C. J. and Rosenkranz, S. K. 2023. Holistic Framework to Contextualize Dietary Quality Assessment: A Critical Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(5): 3986.
  • Robison, J. I., Wolfe, K. I. and Edwards, L. 2004. Holistic nutrition: nourishing the body, mind, and spirit. Complementary Health Practice Review, 9(1): 11-20.
  • Rudkowska, I., Paradis, A. M., Thifault, E., Julien, P., Barbier, O., Couture, P., Lemieux, S. and Vohl, M. C. 2013. Differences in metabolomic and transcriptomic profiles between responders and non-responders to an n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) supplementation. Genes & Nutrition, 8: 411–23.
  • USDA 2011. U.S. Department of Agriculture. (Erişim tarihi: 06.07.2023).
  • Vegan Topluluğu (Vegan Society) 2021. Definition of veganism. (Erişim tarihi: 14.05.2023).
  • Yüksel, A. ve Özkul, E. 2021. Sürdürülebilir diyet modellerinin değerlendirilmesi. Bursa Uludag Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Derg., 35(2): 467-481.
  • Zeisel, S. H. 2007. Nutrigenomics and metabolomics will change clinical nutrition and public health practice: insights from studies on dietary requirements for choline. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 86: 542–8.
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Food Sciences (Other)
Journal Section Review

Buket Aydeniz-güneşer 0000-0003-2197-5504

Azime Miray Kahraman 0000-0002-9788-8602

Project Number Bulunmamaktadır
Early Pub Date December 8, 2023
Publication Date December 8, 2023
Submission Date July 13, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 37 Issue: 2


APA Aydeniz-güneşer, B., & Kahraman, A. M. (2023). Holistik Beslenme Yaklaşımı: Ruhsal, Zihinsel ve Fiziksel Beslenme. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 37(2), 551-560.


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