Research Article
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Year 2018, Volume: 16 Issue: 3, 357 - 374, 30.09.2018


Dante Gabriel Rossetti “Jenny” adlı şiirinin üzerinde
çalışmaya Found (Bulundu) adlı resminden neredeyse on yıl kadar önce
başlamıştır. Her ne kadar şairin her iki eseri de düşmüş kadın konusu üzerine
olsa da özellikle “Jenny,” şairin düşmüş kadına sempati duyan ve aynı zamanda
yargılayan çelişkili tutumunu ortaya çıkardığı ve Viktorya Çağı’nda etkin olan
erkek ikiyüzlülüğünü gösterdiği için dikkat çeker. Düşmüş kadının durumunu
yansıtma arzusuyla Viktoryen sansür çığlıklarının arasında kalmış olan Rossetti
bu durumun sonucunda Jenny’i sessizliği ve hareketsizliğiyle safi bir
spekülasyon nesnesine indirgemiştir. Şiir boyunca Jenny’i eril bakış açısı ve
yazarsal gücün spekülasyonlarına maruz bırakan Rossetti, şiirinin
konuşmacısının ataerkil düzenin geleneksel temsilcilerinden pek de farklı
olmadığını gösterir. Bu bağlamda, bu çalışmanın amacı şehvetli hazlara karşı
ilgisiz olduğunun ısrarla altını çizmesine ve bu sebepten ötürü sürekli övgü
beklemesine rağmen, önce kendisi ile Jenny ve sonra kuzeni Nell ile Jenny
arasında sonu gelmeyen karşılaştırmalarıyla, Rossetti’nin konuşmacısının
problematik tutumunun aslında Viktoryen ataerkil ikiyüzlülüğün nasıl da tipik
bir temsili olduğunu tartışmaktır. 


  • Adams, James Eli. “Victorian Sexualities.” A Companion to Victorian Literature and Culture. Ed. Herbert F. Tucker. Malden, MA, USA: Blackwell Publishing, 1999. 125- 138. Anderson, Amanda. Tainted Souls and Painted Faces: The Rhetoric of Fallenness in Victorian Culture. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1993. Bentham, Jill. “Seeing is Believing?: The Influence of the Male Gaze in Dante Gabriel Rossetti’s ‘Jenny.’” Wordpress. 25 Apr. 2011, gaze-in-dante-gabriel-rossettis-jenny. Bentley, D. M. R. “‘Ah, Poor Jenny’s Case’: Rossetti and the Fallen Woman/Flower.” University of Toronto Quarterly, Volume 50, Number 2, Winter 1980/81, University of Toronto Press, pp. 177-198. Brown, Susan. “Economical Representations: Dante Gabriel Rossetti’s ‘Jenny,’ Augusta Webster’s ‘A Castaway,’ and the Campaign against the Contagious Diseases Acts.” Victorian Review, Vol. 17, No. 1 (Summer 1991), Victorian Studies Association of Western Canada, pp. 78-95. Burlinson, Kathryn. Christina Rossetti. Plymouth: Northcote, 1998. Byecroft, Breanna. “The Male Voyeur in D.G. Rossetti’s ‘Jenny.’” Brown University, 2003, Victorian Web Home. 26 Oct. 2003, Danahay, Martin A. “Dante Gabriel Rossetti’s Virtual Bodies.” Victorian Poetry, Vol. 36, No. 4 (Winter, 1998), pp. 379-398. West Virginia University Press. 09 Apr. 2018. Delightly, Dolly. “Dante Gabriel Rossetti: A beacon of lyric eroticism.” Book Me... 19 Jun. 2011, www.bookmebookblog.wordpress. com/2011/06/19/dante-gabriel-rossetti-a-beacon-of-lyric-eroticism. Donohoe, Jacqueline. “Dante Gabriel Rossetti’s ‘Jenny’ and Found: A Fractured Approach to Victorian Woman.” Dartmouth College, 2013. history/dante-gabriel-rossettis-jenny-and-found-fractured-approach-victorian-woman. Gray, Luccia. “Jenny, Lady Lilith and Celine Varens: Artistic Representation of Prostitution in Victorian England in Dante Gabriel Rossetti and Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre.” Wordpress. 15 May 2014, Harris, Daniel A. “D. G. Rossetti’s ‘Jenny’: Sex, Money, and the Interior Monologue.” Victorian Poetry, Vol. 22, No. 2, The Dramatic “I” Poem (Summer, 1984), West Virginia University Press, pp. 197- 215. Hughes, Linda K. “1870.” A Companion to Victorian Literature and Culture. Ed. Herbert F. Tucker. Malden, MA, USA: Blackwell Publishing, 1999. 35-50. Johnson, Lise. “The Book and the Flower: Rationality and Sensuality in Dante Gabriel Rossetti's ‘Jenny.’” The Journal of Narrative Technique, Vol. 10, No. 3 (Fall, 1980), Journal of Narrative Theory, pp. 156-169. Keefe, Reed. “D.G. Rossetti’s ‘Jenny’: Eschewing Thinking for Feeling.” Brown University, 2004. Victorian Web Home. 16 Oct. 2004, Lackey, Kris. “A Scholar-John: The Speaker in ‘Jenny.’"Victorian Poetry, Vol. 21, No. 4 (Winter, 1983), West Virginia University Press. pp. 425-431. Langer, Susanne. Problems of Art: Ten Philosophical Lectures. New York: Scribner’s, 1957. Meyer, Illona. “‘Crossing borders of representation’: Intersections of race, class and gender in Dante Gabriel Rossetti’s ‘Jenny’ and William Holman Hunt’s The Afterglow in Egypt.” Open Educational Resources. University of Oxford. 19 Apr. 2017,‘crossing-borders-representation’-intersections-race-class-and-gender-dante. Nead, Lynn. “The Magdalen of Modern Times: The Mythology of the Fallen Woman in Pre-Raphaelite Painting.” Oxford Art Journal. Vol. 7, No. 1, Correspondences (1984), pp. 26-37. Nochlin, Linda. “Lost and Found: Once More the Fallen Woman.” The Art Bulletin, Vol. 60, No. 1 (Mar., 1978), College Art Association, pp. 139-153. Payne, Jennifer. “Two literary treatments of prostitution in mid-19th century England: Rosetti’s ‘Jenny’ and Gaskell’s ‘Esther.’” European History Webring. 24 Aug. 1998, Rodgers, Wendell Stacy. D. G. Rossetti as Painter and Poet.” Victorian Poetry, Vol. 3, No. 1 (Winter, 1965), West Virginia University Press, pp. 9-18. Rossetti, Dante Gabriel. “Jenny.” Dante Gabriel Rossetti – poems –. Paris:, 2012. 133-142. Sheets, Robin. “Pornography and Art: The Case of Jenny.” Critical Inquiry, Vol. 14, No. 2 (Winter, 1988), The University of Chicago Press, pp. 315-334. Silvis, Jessica. “Saving the ‘Fallen Women.’” Write CSU. Columbus State University. 23 Aug. 2017, www.writecsu. Slinn, E. Warwick. “Poetry.” A Companion to Victorian Literature and Culture. Ed. Herbert F. Tucker. Malden, MA, USA: Blackwell Publishing, 1999. 307-322. Starzyk, Lawrence J. “Rossetti's ‘Jenny’: Aestheticizing the Whore.” Papers on Language & Literature 36.3 (2000): 227. Gale Student Resources In Context. 13 Apr. 2011, De Vane, William Clyde. “The Harlot and the Thoughtful Young Man: A Study of the Relation between Rossetti’s ‘Jenny’ and Browning’s ‘Fifine at the Fair.’” Studies in Philology, Vol. 29, No. 3 (Jul., 1932), pp. 463-484. University of North Carolina Press, 09 Apr. 2018
Year 2018, Volume: 16 Issue: 3, 357 - 374, 30.09.2018



  • Adams, James Eli. “Victorian Sexualities.” A Companion to Victorian Literature and Culture. Ed. Herbert F. Tucker. Malden, MA, USA: Blackwell Publishing, 1999. 125- 138. Anderson, Amanda. Tainted Souls and Painted Faces: The Rhetoric of Fallenness in Victorian Culture. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1993. Bentham, Jill. “Seeing is Believing?: The Influence of the Male Gaze in Dante Gabriel Rossetti’s ‘Jenny.’” Wordpress. 25 Apr. 2011, gaze-in-dante-gabriel-rossettis-jenny. Bentley, D. M. R. “‘Ah, Poor Jenny’s Case’: Rossetti and the Fallen Woman/Flower.” University of Toronto Quarterly, Volume 50, Number 2, Winter 1980/81, University of Toronto Press, pp. 177-198. Brown, Susan. “Economical Representations: Dante Gabriel Rossetti’s ‘Jenny,’ Augusta Webster’s ‘A Castaway,’ and the Campaign against the Contagious Diseases Acts.” Victorian Review, Vol. 17, No. 1 (Summer 1991), Victorian Studies Association of Western Canada, pp. 78-95. Burlinson, Kathryn. Christina Rossetti. Plymouth: Northcote, 1998. Byecroft, Breanna. “The Male Voyeur in D.G. Rossetti’s ‘Jenny.’” Brown University, 2003, Victorian Web Home. 26 Oct. 2003, Danahay, Martin A. “Dante Gabriel Rossetti’s Virtual Bodies.” Victorian Poetry, Vol. 36, No. 4 (Winter, 1998), pp. 379-398. West Virginia University Press. 09 Apr. 2018. Delightly, Dolly. “Dante Gabriel Rossetti: A beacon of lyric eroticism.” Book Me... 19 Jun. 2011, www.bookmebookblog.wordpress. com/2011/06/19/dante-gabriel-rossetti-a-beacon-of-lyric-eroticism. Donohoe, Jacqueline. “Dante Gabriel Rossetti’s ‘Jenny’ and Found: A Fractured Approach to Victorian Woman.” Dartmouth College, 2013. history/dante-gabriel-rossettis-jenny-and-found-fractured-approach-victorian-woman. Gray, Luccia. “Jenny, Lady Lilith and Celine Varens: Artistic Representation of Prostitution in Victorian England in Dante Gabriel Rossetti and Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre.” Wordpress. 15 May 2014, Harris, Daniel A. “D. G. Rossetti’s ‘Jenny’: Sex, Money, and the Interior Monologue.” Victorian Poetry, Vol. 22, No. 2, The Dramatic “I” Poem (Summer, 1984), West Virginia University Press, pp. 197- 215. Hughes, Linda K. “1870.” A Companion to Victorian Literature and Culture. Ed. Herbert F. Tucker. Malden, MA, USA: Blackwell Publishing, 1999. 35-50. Johnson, Lise. “The Book and the Flower: Rationality and Sensuality in Dante Gabriel Rossetti's ‘Jenny.’” The Journal of Narrative Technique, Vol. 10, No. 3 (Fall, 1980), Journal of Narrative Theory, pp. 156-169. Keefe, Reed. “D.G. Rossetti’s ‘Jenny’: Eschewing Thinking for Feeling.” Brown University, 2004. Victorian Web Home. 16 Oct. 2004, Lackey, Kris. “A Scholar-John: The Speaker in ‘Jenny.’"Victorian Poetry, Vol. 21, No. 4 (Winter, 1983), West Virginia University Press. pp. 425-431. Langer, Susanne. Problems of Art: Ten Philosophical Lectures. New York: Scribner’s, 1957. Meyer, Illona. “‘Crossing borders of representation’: Intersections of race, class and gender in Dante Gabriel Rossetti’s ‘Jenny’ and William Holman Hunt’s The Afterglow in Egypt.” Open Educational Resources. University of Oxford. 19 Apr. 2017,‘crossing-borders-representation’-intersections-race-class-and-gender-dante. Nead, Lynn. “The Magdalen of Modern Times: The Mythology of the Fallen Woman in Pre-Raphaelite Painting.” Oxford Art Journal. Vol. 7, No. 1, Correspondences (1984), pp. 26-37. Nochlin, Linda. “Lost and Found: Once More the Fallen Woman.” The Art Bulletin, Vol. 60, No. 1 (Mar., 1978), College Art Association, pp. 139-153. Payne, Jennifer. “Two literary treatments of prostitution in mid-19th century England: Rosetti’s ‘Jenny’ and Gaskell’s ‘Esther.’” European History Webring. 24 Aug. 1998, Rodgers, Wendell Stacy. D. G. Rossetti as Painter and Poet.” Victorian Poetry, Vol. 3, No. 1 (Winter, 1965), West Virginia University Press, pp. 9-18. Rossetti, Dante Gabriel. “Jenny.” Dante Gabriel Rossetti – poems –. Paris:, 2012. 133-142. Sheets, Robin. “Pornography and Art: The Case of Jenny.” Critical Inquiry, Vol. 14, No. 2 (Winter, 1988), The University of Chicago Press, pp. 315-334. Silvis, Jessica. “Saving the ‘Fallen Women.’” Write CSU. Columbus State University. 23 Aug. 2017, www.writecsu. Slinn, E. Warwick. “Poetry.” A Companion to Victorian Literature and Culture. Ed. Herbert F. Tucker. Malden, MA, USA: Blackwell Publishing, 1999. 307-322. Starzyk, Lawrence J. “Rossetti's ‘Jenny’: Aestheticizing the Whore.” Papers on Language & Literature 36.3 (2000): 227. Gale Student Resources In Context. 13 Apr. 2011, De Vane, William Clyde. “The Harlot and the Thoughtful Young Man: A Study of the Relation between Rossetti’s ‘Jenny’ and Browning’s ‘Fifine at the Fair.’” Studies in Philology, Vol. 29, No. 3 (Jul., 1932), pp. 463-484. University of North Carolina Press, 09 Apr. 2018
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Beşeri Bilimler Sayısı

Merve Sarı

Publication Date September 30, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 16 Issue: 3


APA Sarı, M. (2018). “‘REMEMBER JENNY’: REPRESENTATION OF THE FALLEN WOMAN THROUGH MALE GAZE IN DANTE GABRIEL ROSSETTI’S ‘JENNY’. Manisa Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 16(3), 357-374.