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Antikçağ’da Knidos ve Çevresi MÖ 700-400

Year 2017, Volume: 5, 0 - 0, 01.06.2017


Scholars still debate the issue of the location of Cnidus. On contrary to the views of some scholars, it ap- pears that Cnidus was not relocated from Burgaz to Tekir and that actually it lied just across the promontory of Triopium on the mainland at the tip of Cnidian Cherro- nesus from the colonial period onwards. It had surren- dered to the Persian general Harpagus in 546 BC. It does not seem to have involved in Ionian revolt, even though most of the Carian cities supported it. After the establish- ment of the Delian League in 478 BC, its military leaders, Pausanias and Cimon, sailed to the coasts of Caria and Lycia to control over the cities there and then get their financial support, including Cnidus. Having extended her political hegemony over the seas, Athens secured the overall control of the League by 454 BC. Then, by this ti- me onwards, she initiated to inscribe both the names and the payments of the League members on stone. In this study, we shall, first of all, concentrate on the issue of the location of Cnidus and then on the political relations of Cnidus with both the Persians and other Greek city-states during the first half of Vth century BC. Afterwards by taking into account the inscriptive evidence concerning the payments of Cnidus and the cities around her to the League as well as the other relevant literary sources, we shall try to make new inferences about the political cir- cumstances around Cnidus and its vicinity within the context of Athenian struggle against Persia and Sparta until the end of Vth century BC.


  • Ancient Sources and Abbreviations
  • Ael. Herod. et Pseu. Herod.
  • Aesch. Pers. Arist. Hist. an. Arist. Pol. Arr. anab. Diod.
  • Etym. Magnum FGrHist.
  • Frontin. Strat. Hdt.
  • Hesych. Mela Nep. Paus.
  • (= Aelius Herodianus et Pseudo-Herodianus, De prosodia catholica) Aelius Herodianus et Pseudo-Herodianus, De prosodia catholica, Ed. A. Lentz, Grammatici Graeci, vol. 3/1 Leipzig 1867 (repr. Hildesheim 1965) 3-547.
  • (= Aeschylus, Persae) Aeschylus. Trans. H. W. Smyth, vol. I Cambridge, Massachusetts – London 1926 (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • (= Aristotle, Historia Animalium) The History of Animals. Trans. D’Archy Wentworth Thompson. London 1907.
  • (= Aristotle, Politica) Politics. Trans. H. Rackham. London – New York 1967 (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • (= Arrian, Anabasis) Arrian. vols. I-II. Trans. P. A. Brunt. Cambridge, Massachusetts – London 1976-1983 (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • (= Diodorus Sicilus, Bibliotheca Historica) Diodorus of Sicily. Trans. C. H. Oldfather, vols. I-VI; C. H. Sherman, vols. VII; C. B. Welles, vols. VIII; R. M. Geer, vols. IX-X; F. R. Walton, vols. XI- XII. Cambridge, Massachusetts – London 1933-2004 (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • (= Etymologicum magnum genuinum) Etymologicum magnum genuinum: Symeonis etymologicum: una cum magna grammatica: etymologicum magnum auctum. Trans. F. Lasserre – N. Livadaras. Roma 1976.
  • Die Fragmente der griechischen Historiker, vols. I-XV. Ed. F. Jacoby. Berlin – Leiden 1923-1958.
  • (= Sextus Iulius Frontinus, Strategemata) Frontinus, Strategemata, with an English translation by Charles E. Bennet. Edited and prepared for the press by M. B. McElwain. London – New York, Loeb Edition 1980.
  • (= Herodotus, Historiai) Herodotus. Trans. A. D. Godley. Cambridge, Massachusetts – London 1920 (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • (= Hesychius Alexandrinus, Lexicon) Hesychius, Lexicon. Translated by J. Alberti – W. C. M. Schmidt. Amsterdam 1965.
  • (= Pomponius Mela, De Chorographia) Pomponius Mela’s Description of the World. With an English translation by F. E. Romer. Ann Arbor 1998.
  • (= Cornelius Nepos, Pausanias) Cornelius Nepos, On the Great Generals of Foreign Nations. Trans. J. C. Rolfe. Cambridge – Massachusetts 1966 (The Loeb Classical Library)
  • Oxyrhynchus Papyri XIII. Ed., Trans. and Notes B. P. Grenfell – A. S. Hunt. London 1919.
  • (= Pausanias, Description of Greece) Pausanian Description of Greece. Trans. W. H. Jones, vols. I-V. London – New York 1918-1935 (The Loeb Classical Library)
  • (= Pliny, Natural History) Pliny, Natural History. Trans. H. R. Rackham, W. H. S. Jones – D. E. Eichholz, vols. I-X. Cambridge, Massachusetts – London 1938-1971 (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • (= Plutarch, Parallel Lives) Cim. (= Cimon) Per. (= Pericles) Plutarch’s Lives, vols. I-XI. Trans. B. Perrin. London – New York 1959 (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • (= Plutarch, Moralia) Plutarch’s Moralia. Trans. F. C. Babbitt- W. C. Helmbold I-XIV. London – New York 1928-1967 (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • (= Propertius, Elegiae) Propertius, Elegies I-IV. Ed. L. Richardson, University of Oklahoma Press 1976.
  • (= Scholia in Theocritum) Scholia in Theocritum (scholia vetera), ed. K. Wendel, Scholia in Theocritum vetera. Leipzig – Teubner 1914.
  • (= Scylax, Periplous-Scylacis) Pseudo-Scylaks, Seyrüsefer. Çev. M. Arslan. Libri II (2016) 246-307.
  • (= Stephanus Byzantius, Ethnica) Stephani Byzantii, Ethnikon. Ed. A. Westermann. Libsae 1839. Stephani Byzantii Ethnica, volumen I: alpha-gamma. Ed. W. De Gruter. Berlin 2006.
  • (= Strabo, Geographica) The Geography of Strabo. Ed. H. L. Jones. Cambridge, Massachusetts – London 1924 (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • (= Thucydides) Thucydides, The Peloponnesian War. Trans. J. M. Dent – E. P. Dutton. London – New York 1910. A. W. Gomme, A Historical Commentary on Thucydides, V vols., Oxford 1945-1981.
  • (= Tibullus, Elegiae) Catullus Tibullus and Pervigilium Veneris. Trans. J. P. Postgate. Cambridge, Massachusetts – London 1914 (The Loeb Classical Library). (= Xenophon, Hellenica) Xenophon, Hellenica Trans. W. Miller, vols. I-VII. Cambridge, Massachusetts – London 1914. Ksenophon, Hellenika (Yunan Tarihi). Çev.: S. Sinanoğlu. Ankara 1999.
  • (= Zeno, Fragmenta= Fragmanlar) Fragmenta, ed. K. Müller, FHG 3. Paris (1841-1870) 175-182.
  • M. Arslan “Eurymedon Muharebesi’nden Sonra Aspendos ve Genel Olarak Pamphylia’nın Durumuna Bir Bakış”. Adalya XI (2008) 49 - 62. G. E. Bean – J. M. Cook, “The Cnidia”. ABSA 47 (1952) 171-213.
  • A. Bresson, “Cnide a l’époque classique: la cité et ses villes”. Revue des Études Anciennes 101 (1999) 83-114.
  • T. R. Bryce, The Lycians I, The Lycians in Literary and Epigraphic Sources. Copenhagen 1986.
  • J. B. Bury – R. Meiggs, A History of Greece to the Deat of Alexander the Great. London 1975.
  • A. B. Cook, “Zeus, Jupiter and the Oak. (Continued)” Classical Review 18/1 (1904) 75-89.
  • J. M. Cook, “Cnidian Peraea and Spartan Coins”. JHS 81 (1961) 56-72.
  • J. M. Cook, “Greek Settlements in the Eastern Aegean and Asia Minor”. CAH 3 (1975) 773-804.
  • N. Demand, “Did Knidos Really Move? The Literary and Epigraphical Evidence”. Classical Antiquity 8/2 (1989) 224-237.
  • M. Demir, “Peloponnesos Savaşı (İ.Ö. 431-404) Sırasında Karia ve Lik- ya’ya Yönelik Atina Seferlerinin Amaçları: Yeni Bir Gözden Geçirme”. Adalya VII (2004) 69-100.
  • M. Demir, “Antik Dönem Atina Toplumunda Karyalı Köleler”. Olba XI (2005) 25-48.
  • E. M. Doksanaltı, “Knidos-Kap Krio Yerleşim Alanı”. İdol: Arkeologlar Derneği Dergisi 33 (2007) 8-17.
  • T. J. Figueira, Power of Money: Coinage and Politics in Athenian Empire. Pennsylvania 1998.
  • P. Flensted – Jensen, “Karia”. Eds. M. H. Hansen – T. H. Nielsen, An Inventory of Archaic and Classical Poleis. Oxford (2004) 1108-1137.
  • P. M. Fraser – G. E. Bean, The Rhodian Peraea and Islands. Oxford 1954. A. Hadji – Z. Kontes, “The Athenian Coinage Decree: Inscriptions, Coins and Athenian Politics”. Actas del XIII Congreso Internacional de Numismatica 1. Madrid (2005) 263-7.
  • Akurgal, The Proceedings of the Xth International Congress of Classical Ar- chaeology II. Ankara – İzmir 23-30 Eylül 1973. Ankara (1978) 1111-1133. P. McKechnie, Outsiders in the Greek Cities in the Fourth Century BC. London – New York 1989.
  • R. Meiggs, “The Crisis of Athenian Imperialism”. HSCP 67 (1963) 1-36. R. Meiggs, The Athenian Empire. Oxford 1972.
  • B. D. Meritt, “Perikles, the Athenian Mint, and the Hephaisteion”. Pro- ceedings of the American Philosophical Society. 119/4 (1975) 267-274.
  • B. D. Meritt, H. T. Wade Gery – M. F. McGregor, The Athenian Tribute Lists. vol. I. Cambridge, Mass 1939.
  • B. D. Meritt, H.T. Wade Gery – M. F. McGregor, The Athenian Tribute Lists, Vol. III. Princeton 1950.
  • E. W. Robinson, The First Democracies: Early Popular Government Out- side Athens. Stuttgart 1997.
  • R. Sealey, A History of the Greek City States, 700-338 B.C.. Berkeley 1976. J. P. Stronk, Ctesias’ Persian History. Düsseldorf 2010.
  • O. Tafrali, Topographie De Thessalonique. Paris 1913.

Ancient Cnidus and Its Vicinity 700-400 BC

Year 2017, Volume: 5, 0 - 0, 01.06.2017


Knidos’un lokalizasyonu konusunu hala tartışıl- maktadır. Bazı bilim adamlarının görüşlerinin aksine Knidos’un Burgaz’dan Tekir’e taşınmadığı, aslında kolo- nizasyon döneminden itibaren Knidos Kherrone- sos’unun ucunda anakara üzerindeki Triopion Bur- nu’nun hemen karşısında uzandığı görülmektedir. Kni- dos, MÖ 546’da Pers generali Harpagos’un eline geç- mişti. Karia kentlerinin çoğunun Ionia Ayaklanması’na destek vermesine rağmen Knidos isyana katılmamış gibi görünmektedir. Hatta isyan süreci ve sonrasında Persleri desteklemiş bile olabilirler. Pers tehdidine karşı MÖ 478 yılında Attika Delos Birliği kurulduktan sonra Pausanias ve Kimon gibi birliğin bazı askeri liderleri, kentleri hâkimiyet altına almak için Karia ve Lykia kıyılarına yelken açmışlar ve Knidos da dâhil olmak üzere onların maddi desteğini sağlamışlardır. Siyasi hâkimiyetini de- nizaşırı yerlere genişleten Atina, MÖ 454’ten sonra birli- ğin kontrolünü tamamen ele geçirmiştir. Bu tarihten itibaren Atina, Knidos ve çevresindeki birlik üyelerinin isimlerini ve yaptıkları ödemeleri taş bloklar üzerine kaydetmeye başlamıştır. Bu çalışmada öncelikle Kni- dos’un lokalizasyonu konusuna ve ardından MÖ V. yüz- yılın ilk yarısında Persler ve Hellen kent devletleriyle olan siyasi ilişkileri üzerine yoğunlaşılacaktır. Ardından Knidos ve çevresindeki kentlerin birliğe yaptığı epigrafik ödeme kayıtlarını ve ilgili edebi kaynakları dikkate alarak MÖ V. yüzyıl sonuna kadar Atinalıların Perslere ve Spartalılara karşı mücadelesi kapsamında Knidos ve çev- resindeki siyasi koşullar hakkında yeni çıkarımlarda bu- lunmaya odaklanılacaktır.


  • Ancient Sources and Abbreviations
  • Ael. Herod. et Pseu. Herod.
  • Aesch. Pers. Arist. Hist. an. Arist. Pol. Arr. anab. Diod.
  • Etym. Magnum FGrHist.
  • Frontin. Strat. Hdt.
  • Hesych. Mela Nep. Paus.
  • (= Aelius Herodianus et Pseudo-Herodianus, De prosodia catholica) Aelius Herodianus et Pseudo-Herodianus, De prosodia catholica, Ed. A. Lentz, Grammatici Graeci, vol. 3/1 Leipzig 1867 (repr. Hildesheim 1965) 3-547.
  • (= Aeschylus, Persae) Aeschylus. Trans. H. W. Smyth, vol. I Cambridge, Massachusetts – London 1926 (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • (= Aristotle, Historia Animalium) The History of Animals. Trans. D’Archy Wentworth Thompson. London 1907.
  • (= Aristotle, Politica) Politics. Trans. H. Rackham. London – New York 1967 (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • (= Arrian, Anabasis) Arrian. vols. I-II. Trans. P. A. Brunt. Cambridge, Massachusetts – London 1976-1983 (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • (= Diodorus Sicilus, Bibliotheca Historica) Diodorus of Sicily. Trans. C. H. Oldfather, vols. I-VI; C. H. Sherman, vols. VII; C. B. Welles, vols. VIII; R. M. Geer, vols. IX-X; F. R. Walton, vols. XI- XII. Cambridge, Massachusetts – London 1933-2004 (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • (= Etymologicum magnum genuinum) Etymologicum magnum genuinum: Symeonis etymologicum: una cum magna grammatica: etymologicum magnum auctum. Trans. F. Lasserre – N. Livadaras. Roma 1976.
  • Die Fragmente der griechischen Historiker, vols. I-XV. Ed. F. Jacoby. Berlin – Leiden 1923-1958.
  • (= Sextus Iulius Frontinus, Strategemata) Frontinus, Strategemata, with an English translation by Charles E. Bennet. Edited and prepared for the press by M. B. McElwain. London – New York, Loeb Edition 1980.
  • (= Herodotus, Historiai) Herodotus. Trans. A. D. Godley. Cambridge, Massachusetts – London 1920 (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • (= Hesychius Alexandrinus, Lexicon) Hesychius, Lexicon. Translated by J. Alberti – W. C. M. Schmidt. Amsterdam 1965.
  • (= Pomponius Mela, De Chorographia) Pomponius Mela’s Description of the World. With an English translation by F. E. Romer. Ann Arbor 1998.
  • (= Cornelius Nepos, Pausanias) Cornelius Nepos, On the Great Generals of Foreign Nations. Trans. J. C. Rolfe. Cambridge – Massachusetts 1966 (The Loeb Classical Library)
  • Oxyrhynchus Papyri XIII. Ed., Trans. and Notes B. P. Grenfell – A. S. Hunt. London 1919.
  • (= Pausanias, Description of Greece) Pausanian Description of Greece. Trans. W. H. Jones, vols. I-V. London – New York 1918-1935 (The Loeb Classical Library)
  • (= Pliny, Natural History) Pliny, Natural History. Trans. H. R. Rackham, W. H. S. Jones – D. E. Eichholz, vols. I-X. Cambridge, Massachusetts – London 1938-1971 (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • (= Plutarch, Parallel Lives) Cim. (= Cimon) Per. (= Pericles) Plutarch’s Lives, vols. I-XI. Trans. B. Perrin. London – New York 1959 (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • (= Plutarch, Moralia) Plutarch’s Moralia. Trans. F. C. Babbitt- W. C. Helmbold I-XIV. London – New York 1928-1967 (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • (= Propertius, Elegiae) Propertius, Elegies I-IV. Ed. L. Richardson, University of Oklahoma Press 1976.
  • (= Scholia in Theocritum) Scholia in Theocritum (scholia vetera), ed. K. Wendel, Scholia in Theocritum vetera. Leipzig – Teubner 1914.
  • (= Scylax, Periplous-Scylacis) Pseudo-Scylaks, Seyrüsefer. Çev. M. Arslan. Libri II (2016) 246-307.
  • (= Stephanus Byzantius, Ethnica) Stephani Byzantii, Ethnikon. Ed. A. Westermann. Libsae 1839. Stephani Byzantii Ethnica, volumen I: alpha-gamma. Ed. W. De Gruter. Berlin 2006.
  • (= Strabo, Geographica) The Geography of Strabo. Ed. H. L. Jones. Cambridge, Massachusetts – London 1924 (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • (= Thucydides) Thucydides, The Peloponnesian War. Trans. J. M. Dent – E. P. Dutton. London – New York 1910. A. W. Gomme, A Historical Commentary on Thucydides, V vols., Oxford 1945-1981.
  • (= Tibullus, Elegiae) Catullus Tibullus and Pervigilium Veneris. Trans. J. P. Postgate. Cambridge, Massachusetts – London 1914 (The Loeb Classical Library). (= Xenophon, Hellenica) Xenophon, Hellenica Trans. W. Miller, vols. I-VII. Cambridge, Massachusetts – London 1914. Ksenophon, Hellenika (Yunan Tarihi). Çev.: S. Sinanoğlu. Ankara 1999.
  • (= Zeno, Fragmenta= Fragmanlar) Fragmenta, ed. K. Müller, FHG 3. Paris (1841-1870) 175-182.
  • M. Arslan “Eurymedon Muharebesi’nden Sonra Aspendos ve Genel Olarak Pamphylia’nın Durumuna Bir Bakış”. Adalya XI (2008) 49 - 62. G. E. Bean – J. M. Cook, “The Cnidia”. ABSA 47 (1952) 171-213.
  • A. Bresson, “Cnide a l’époque classique: la cité et ses villes”. Revue des Études Anciennes 101 (1999) 83-114.
  • T. R. Bryce, The Lycians I, The Lycians in Literary and Epigraphic Sources. Copenhagen 1986.
  • J. B. Bury – R. Meiggs, A History of Greece to the Deat of Alexander the Great. London 1975.
  • A. B. Cook, “Zeus, Jupiter and the Oak. (Continued)” Classical Review 18/1 (1904) 75-89.
  • J. M. Cook, “Cnidian Peraea and Spartan Coins”. JHS 81 (1961) 56-72.
  • J. M. Cook, “Greek Settlements in the Eastern Aegean and Asia Minor”. CAH 3 (1975) 773-804.
  • N. Demand, “Did Knidos Really Move? The Literary and Epigraphical Evidence”. Classical Antiquity 8/2 (1989) 224-237.
  • M. Demir, “Peloponnesos Savaşı (İ.Ö. 431-404) Sırasında Karia ve Lik- ya’ya Yönelik Atina Seferlerinin Amaçları: Yeni Bir Gözden Geçirme”. Adalya VII (2004) 69-100.
  • M. Demir, “Antik Dönem Atina Toplumunda Karyalı Köleler”. Olba XI (2005) 25-48.
  • E. M. Doksanaltı, “Knidos-Kap Krio Yerleşim Alanı”. İdol: Arkeologlar Derneği Dergisi 33 (2007) 8-17.
  • T. J. Figueira, Power of Money: Coinage and Politics in Athenian Empire. Pennsylvania 1998.
  • P. Flensted – Jensen, “Karia”. Eds. M. H. Hansen – T. H. Nielsen, An Inventory of Archaic and Classical Poleis. Oxford (2004) 1108-1137.
  • P. M. Fraser – G. E. Bean, The Rhodian Peraea and Islands. Oxford 1954. A. Hadji – Z. Kontes, “The Athenian Coinage Decree: Inscriptions, Coins and Athenian Politics”. Actas del XIII Congreso Internacional de Numismatica 1. Madrid (2005) 263-7.
  • Akurgal, The Proceedings of the Xth International Congress of Classical Ar- chaeology II. Ankara – İzmir 23-30 Eylül 1973. Ankara (1978) 1111-1133. P. McKechnie, Outsiders in the Greek Cities in the Fourth Century BC. London – New York 1989.
  • R. Meiggs, “The Crisis of Athenian Imperialism”. HSCP 67 (1963) 1-36. R. Meiggs, The Athenian Empire. Oxford 1972.
  • B. D. Meritt, “Perikles, the Athenian Mint, and the Hephaisteion”. Pro- ceedings of the American Philosophical Society. 119/4 (1975) 267-274.
  • B. D. Meritt, H. T. Wade Gery – M. F. McGregor, The Athenian Tribute Lists. vol. I. Cambridge, Mass 1939.
  • B. D. Meritt, H.T. Wade Gery – M. F. McGregor, The Athenian Tribute Lists, Vol. III. Princeton 1950.
  • E. W. Robinson, The First Democracies: Early Popular Government Out- side Athens. Stuttgart 1997.
  • R. Sealey, A History of the Greek City States, 700-338 B.C.. Berkeley 1976. J. P. Stronk, Ctesias’ Persian History. Düsseldorf 2010.
  • O. Tafrali, Topographie De Thessalonique. Paris 1913.
There are 54 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Muzaffer Demir This is me

Alican Doğan This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 5


APA Demir, M., & Doğan, A. (2017). Ancient Cnidus and Its Vicinity 700-400 BC. Cedrus, 5.
AMA Demir M, Doğan A. Ancient Cnidus and Its Vicinity 700-400 BC. Cedrus. June 2017;5.
Chicago Demir, Muzaffer, and Alican Doğan. “Ancient Cnidus and Its Vicinity 700-400 BC”. Cedrus 5, June (June 2017).
EndNote Demir M, Doğan A (June 1, 2017) Ancient Cnidus and Its Vicinity 700-400 BC. Cedrus 5
IEEE M. Demir and A. Doğan, “Ancient Cnidus and Its Vicinity 700-400 BC”, Cedrus, vol. 5, 2017.
ISNAD Demir, Muzaffer - Doğan, Alican. “Ancient Cnidus and Its Vicinity 700-400 BC”. Cedrus 5 (June 2017).
JAMA Demir M, Doğan A. Ancient Cnidus and Its Vicinity 700-400 BC. Cedrus. 2017;5.
MLA Demir, Muzaffer and Alican Doğan. “Ancient Cnidus and Its Vicinity 700-400 BC”. Cedrus, vol. 5, 2017.
Vancouver Demir M, Doğan A. Ancient Cnidus and Its Vicinity 700-400 BC. Cedrus. 2017;5.

The issue of the relevant year publishes a maximum of 25 articles, with article acceptance dates falling between 15th October and 1st May. As of October 2024, Cedrus will accept articles only in foreign languages.