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Emecik Apollon Tapınağı’nda Bulunan Adak Heykelciklerin Hammadde Kaynağı Araştırması

Year 2021, Volume: 9, 109 - 129, 29.06.2021


Emecik-Datça’da bulunan Arkaik Dönem’e tarih-lendirilen Apollon kutsal alanında yapılan çalışmalarda ele geçen 85 adet kireçtaşı heykelcik ICP-OES ve ICP-MS teknikleri ile analiz edilmiştir. Hammadde kaynağını bulmaya yönelik olarak yapılan çalışmada olası kaynak olarak Kıbrıs’tan ve Datça yarımadasındaki oluşumlardan jeolojik örnekler toplanmıştır. Örneklerin ince-kesitleri üzerinde yapılan mikro paleontolojik inceleme hammadde kaynağı olan kireçtaşının planktonik formiferal içeriğe sahip olduğunu göstermiştir. Nadir toprak elementleri ve diğer eser element analizlerine göre, 85 heykelcik Grup 1 ve Grup 2 olarak ikiye ayrılmıştır. Grup 1 olarak sınıflandırılan heykel-ciklerin yerel üretim olduğu anlaşılmaktadır. Grup 2’de yer alan heykelciklerin jeokimyasal özellikleri ise Kıbrıs’ta Pakhna formasyonundan alınan jeolojik örneklerle uyumludur. Böylelikle çalışmada elde edilen veriler, Kıbrıs kökenli hammadde ile yapılan heykelciklerin yanı sıra az sayıda da olsa eş-zamanlı olarak ya da ilk ithal örneklerden sonra Emecik’te yerel üretim olduğunu kanıtlamaktadır. Bu bulgu Arkaik Dönem içinde önemli bir yere sahip kireçtaşı heykelcikler için ilk kez Kıbrıs dışında bir yerel üretim olduğunu göstermesi açısından önemlidir.


  • Andrioti M. 2010, Cutting out the Middleman: Cypriot Itinerant Sculptors in the Early 6th Century BC. Un¬published Ph.D Thesis, Princeton University. Princeton
  • Andrioti M. 2016, “Toward Further Understanding the Mixed Character of the Archaic Statuettes of Cyp¬riot Type”. Eds. R. Maguire & J. Chick, Approaching Cyprus: Proceedings of the Post-Gradu¬ate Confer¬ence of Cypriot. Cambridge, 110-127.
  • Bellanca A., D. Masetti & R. Neri 1997, “Rare Earth Elements in Limestone/Marlstone Couplets from The Albian-Ccnomanian Cismon Section (Venetian Region, Northern Italy) Assessing REE Sensi¬tivity To Environmental Changes”. Chemical Geology 141, 141-152.
  • Berges D. & Tuna N. 2000, “Das Apollonheiligtum von Emecik. Bericht über die Ausgrabungen 1998-1999”. IstMitt 50, 171-214.
  • Berges D. 2006 Knidos, Beiträge zur Geschichte der archaischen Stadt. Mainz am Rheim.
  • Ducloz C. 1964, “Revision of the Pliocene and Quaternary stratigraphy of the Central Mesaoria”. Annual Report of the Geological Survey Department. Cyprus, 31-42.
  • Ducloz C. 1972. “The Geology of the Bellapais-Kythrea Area of the Central Kyrenia Range”. Cyprus Geol Surv Bull 6. Geol Surv Depart. Nicosia.
  • Elderfield H. & German C. R. 1989, “Rare Earth Elements in Saanich Inlet, British Columbia, a Season¬ally Anoxic Basin”. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 53, 2561-2571.
  • Fockenberg T. 2006, “Geochemische Analysen von Statuettenfragmenten und Gesteinsproben aus der Türkei und aus Zypern“. Eds. D. Berges & J. Nollé, Knidos: Beiträge zur Geschichte der archaischen Stadt. Mainz, 195-198.
  • Geological Survey Department 1979, Geological Map of Cyprus. 1:250 000. Geological Survey Depart¬ment of Cyprus, Nicosia. Panagos, P., Jones, A., Bosco, C. and Senthil Kumar P. S. (2011). European digital archive on soil maps (EuDASM): preserving important soil data for public free access. Inter¬national Journal of Digital Earth, 4 (5), pp. 434-443. [online] Available at¬ro¬ [Accessed 20 Apr. 2020].
  • Geological Survey Department 2019, Geology of Cyprus. [online] Available at moa/gsd/gsd.nsf/All/3ED655D39943ACEDC225839400340EBE/$file/GEOLOGY%20OF%20CYPRUS%20%20WEB.pdf?OpenElement [Accessed 20 Apr. 2020].
  • Gjerstad E. 1948, The Swedish Cyprus Expedition. Vol. IV. Part 2. The Cypro-Geometric, Cypro-Archaic and Cypro-Classical Periods. Swedish Cyprus Expedition.
  • Glascock M. & Neff H. 2003, “Neutron Activation Analysis and Provenance Research in Archaeology”. Meas. Sci. Technol. 14, 1516-1526.
  • Hakyemez H. Y. 2014, “Kuzey Kıbrıs’ın Temel Jeolojik Özellikleri”. TAPG Bulletin 26/2, 7-46.
  • Harrison R. W., W. L. Newell, I. Panayides, B. Stone, E. Tsiolakis, M. Necdet, H. Batıhanlı, A. Ozhur, A. Lord, O. Berksoy, Z. Zomeni & S. Schindler 2008, Bedrock Geologic Map of the Greater Lefkosia Area, Cyprus (No. 3046). Virginia.
  • Hermary A. 1991, “Sculptures Chypro-ioniennes du Musee de l’Hermitage a Leningrad”. RDAC, 173-178.
  • Iaccarino S. M., I. Premoli Silva, M. Biolzi, I. M. Foresi, F. Lirer, E. Turco & M. R. Petrizzo 2007, Practi¬cal Manual of Neogene Planktonic Foraminifera. International School on Planktonic Foraminifera 6th Course. Perugia, 181.
  • Jarvis K. E. 1989, “Determination of Rare Earth Elements in Geological Samples by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry”. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 1989, 4.
  • Jenkins I. 2000, “Cypriote Limestone Sculpture from Cnidus”. Eds. G. R. Tsetskhladze, A. J. N. Prag & A. M. Snodgrass, Periplous: Papers on Classical Art and Archaeology Presented to Sir John Boardman. London, 153-162.
  • Jenkins I. 2001, “Archaic Kouroi in Naucratis: The Case for Cypriot Origin”. American Journal of Ar¬chae¬ology 105/2, 163-179.
  • Kourou N., V. Karageorghis, Y. Maniatis, K. Polikreti, Y. Bassiakos & C. Xenophontos 2002, Limestone Statuettes of Cypriote Type Found in the Aegean: Provenance Studies. Nicosia.
  • Krauskopf, B.K. & Bird, D. K. 1995, Introduction to Geochemistry. New York.
  • Kurian S., B. N. Nath, V. Ramaswamy, D. Naman, T. G. Rao, K. K. Raju, K. Selveraj & C. T. A. Chen 2008, “Possible, Detrital, Diagenetic and Hydrothermal Sources for Holocene Sediments of the An¬daman Backarc Basin”. Mar. Geol. 247, 178-193.
  • Kyrieleis H. 1988, “Offering of the Common Man in the Heration at Samos”. Eds. R. Hägg, N. Marinatos & G. C. Nordquist, Early Greek cult practice, Proceedings of the fifth International symposium at the Swedish Institute in Athens, 26-29 June 1986, Stockholm-Göteborg, 215-221.
  • Lipin B. R. & McKay G. A. 1989, “Geochemistry and Mineralogy of Rare Earth Elements”. Reviews in Min¬eralogy 21. Chantilly.
  • Liu Y. G., M. R. U. Miah & R. A. Schmitt 1988, “Cerium: A Chemical Tracer for Paleo-oceanic Redox Conditions”. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 52, 1361-1371.
  • Madhavaraju J., C. M. González-León, Y. I. Lee, J. S. Armstrong-Altrin & L. M. Reyes-Campero 2010, “Ge¬ochemistry of the Mural Formation (Aptian-Albian) of the Bisbee Group, Northern Sonora, Mex¬ico”. Cretaceous Res. 31, 400-414.
  • Mccay G. A., A. H. Robertson, D. Kroon, I. Raffi, R. M. Ellam & M. Necdet 2013, “Stratigraphy of Creta¬ceous to Lower Pliocene Sediments in the Northern Part of Cyprus Based on Comparative 87Sr/86Sr Isotopic, Nannofossil and Planktonic Foraminiferal Dating”. Geological Magazine 150/2, 333-359.
  • McLennan S. M. 1989, “Rare Earth Elements in Sedimentary Rocks: Influence of Provenance and Sedi¬mentary Processes”. Eds. B.R. Lipin & G. A. McKay, Geochemistry and Mineralogy of Rare Earth El¬ements. Reviews in Mineralogy 21. Chantilly, 169-200.
  • MTA 1997, Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü. 1:250.000 Ölçekli Türkiye Jeolojik Harita Serisi, Marmaris Paftası. Ankara.
  • Muşkara Ü. 2007, Provenance Studies on Limestone Archaeological Artifacts Using Trace Element Analy¬sis. Unpublished Master Thesis, Middle Eat Technical University. Ankara.
  • Muşkara Ü. 2013, Characterization of Emecik Limestone Figurines for Provenance Provenance. Un¬published PhD Thesis, Middle East Technical University. An¬kara.
  • Polikreti K., Y. Maniatis, Y. Bassiakos, N. Kourou & V. Karageorghis 2004, “Provenance of Archaeologi¬cal Limestone with EPR Spectroscopy”. Journal of Archaeological Science 31/7, 1015-1028.
  • Pryce F. N. 1928, Catalogue of Sculpture in the Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities of British Mu¬seum I.1. London.
  • Richter G. 1960, Archaic Greek Youths. London.
  • Riis P. J., M. Moltensen & P. Guldager 1989, Ancient Sculpture I. Aegean, Cypriote and Graeco-Phoeni¬cian. Copenhagen.
  • Robertson A. & Xenophontos C. 1993, “Development of Concepts Concerning the Troodos Ophiolite and Adjacent Units in Cyprus”. Geological Society, London, Special Publications 76/1, 85-119.
  • Robertson A. H. F. & Hudson J. D. 1974, “Pelagic Sediments in the Cretaceous and Tertiary History of the Troodos Massif, Cyprus”. Eds. K. J. Hsü & H. C. Jenkyns, Pelagic Sediments on Land and under the Sea. Oxford, 403-436.
  • Robertson A. H. F. 1977, “The Kannaviou Formation, Cyprus: Volcaniclastic Sedimentation of a Proba¬ble late Cretaceous Volcanic Arc”. Journal of the Geological Society 134/3, 269-292.
  • Schmidt G. 1968, Kyprische Bildwerke aus dem Heraion von Samos Vol. 7. Bonn.
  • Senff R. 1994, “Zyprische u. Ostgriechische Statuetten aus Milet”. Eds. R. Laffineur & F. Vandenabeele, Cypriote Stone Sculpture Proceedings of the Second International Conference of Cypriote Studies. Brus¬sels-Liege 17-19 May, 1993. Brussels-Liege: Leventis Foundation, 63-69.
  • Sholkovitz E. R. 1990, “Rare Earth Elements in Marine Sediments and Geochemical Standards”. Chem. Geol. 88, 333-347.
  • Sørensen L. W. 1978, “Early Archaic Limestone Statuettes in Cypriote Style: A Review of their Chronol¬ogy and Place of Manufacture”. RDAC, 111-121.
  • Tuna N. & Berges D. 2001, “Datça/Emecik/Sarıliman Mevkii Arkaik Tapınak 2000 Yılı Çalışmaları”. 23. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı II. Ankara, 89-100.
  • Tuna N. & Berges, D. 2001, “Datça/Emecik/Sarlliman Mevkii Arkaik Tapınak 1999 Yılı Çalışmaları”. 22. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı II. Ankara, 127-36.
  • Tuna N., N. Atıcı & İ. Sakarya 2004, “Datça/Emecik/Sarıliman Mevkii Arkaik Tapınak 2002 Yılı Çalışma¬ları”. 25. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı II. Ankara, 41-48.
  • Tuna N., N. Atıcı & İ. Sakarya 2008, “Emecik Sarıliman Apollon Kutsal Alanı 2006 Yılı Çalışmaları”. 29. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı II. Ankara, 141-154.
  • Tuna N., N. Atıcı, Ü. Muşkara & İ. Sakarya 2009, “Some Remarks on the Limestone Figurines Recently Found at the Archaic Sanctuary of Apollo in the Territory of Knidos”. Eds. V. Karageorghis & K. Ourania, Cyprus and The East Aegean: Intercultural Contacts From 3000 to 500 BC. Samos, 229-243.
  • van Pool T. L. & Leonard R. D. 2011, Quantitative analysis in archaeology. West Sussex.

Provenance Study of Votive Figurines from the Sanctuary of Apollon in Emecik

Year 2021, Volume: 9, 109 - 129, 29.06.2021


Eighty-five limestone figurines found in the archaic sanctuary of Apollon within the territory of Knidos, near the modern Emecik village of Datça were investigated by means of ICP-OES and ICP-MS techniques. The aim of this study was to determine the provenance of the raw materials of the figurines from Emecik. Geological reference samples collected from the Datça peninsula and Cyprus were investigated as the possible origin. Micropaleontologic analysis by thin sections was applied to identify planktonic foraminiferal species in the samples. Based upon REEs and trace element contents, Emecik figurines are characterized into Group 1 and Group 2. The raw material of the Group 1 figurines has been identified as local. The geochemical composition of Group 2 showed high similarity with examples collected at outcrops from the Pakhna formation in Cyprus, although they exhibit minor variations. Our data suggest that in parallel with the pre-dominance of the Cypriote source, simultaneous or asynchronous use of the local limestone type was evident in Emecik. This result can imply different connections and of itinerant sculptor routes from the Datça Peninsula to the other regions.


  • Andrioti M. 2010, Cutting out the Middleman: Cypriot Itinerant Sculptors in the Early 6th Century BC. Un¬published Ph.D Thesis, Princeton University. Princeton
  • Andrioti M. 2016, “Toward Further Understanding the Mixed Character of the Archaic Statuettes of Cyp¬riot Type”. Eds. R. Maguire & J. Chick, Approaching Cyprus: Proceedings of the Post-Gradu¬ate Confer¬ence of Cypriot. Cambridge, 110-127.
  • Bellanca A., D. Masetti & R. Neri 1997, “Rare Earth Elements in Limestone/Marlstone Couplets from The Albian-Ccnomanian Cismon Section (Venetian Region, Northern Italy) Assessing REE Sensi¬tivity To Environmental Changes”. Chemical Geology 141, 141-152.
  • Berges D. & Tuna N. 2000, “Das Apollonheiligtum von Emecik. Bericht über die Ausgrabungen 1998-1999”. IstMitt 50, 171-214.
  • Berges D. 2006 Knidos, Beiträge zur Geschichte der archaischen Stadt. Mainz am Rheim.
  • Ducloz C. 1964, “Revision of the Pliocene and Quaternary stratigraphy of the Central Mesaoria”. Annual Report of the Geological Survey Department. Cyprus, 31-42.
  • Ducloz C. 1972. “The Geology of the Bellapais-Kythrea Area of the Central Kyrenia Range”. Cyprus Geol Surv Bull 6. Geol Surv Depart. Nicosia.
  • Elderfield H. & German C. R. 1989, “Rare Earth Elements in Saanich Inlet, British Columbia, a Season¬ally Anoxic Basin”. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 53, 2561-2571.
  • Fockenberg T. 2006, “Geochemische Analysen von Statuettenfragmenten und Gesteinsproben aus der Türkei und aus Zypern“. Eds. D. Berges & J. Nollé, Knidos: Beiträge zur Geschichte der archaischen Stadt. Mainz, 195-198.
  • Geological Survey Department 1979, Geological Map of Cyprus. 1:250 000. Geological Survey Depart¬ment of Cyprus, Nicosia. Panagos, P., Jones, A., Bosco, C. and Senthil Kumar P. S. (2011). European digital archive on soil maps (EuDASM): preserving important soil data for public free access. Inter¬national Journal of Digital Earth, 4 (5), pp. 434-443. [online] Available at¬ro¬ [Accessed 20 Apr. 2020].
  • Geological Survey Department 2019, Geology of Cyprus. [online] Available at moa/gsd/gsd.nsf/All/3ED655D39943ACEDC225839400340EBE/$file/GEOLOGY%20OF%20CYPRUS%20%20WEB.pdf?OpenElement [Accessed 20 Apr. 2020].
  • Gjerstad E. 1948, The Swedish Cyprus Expedition. Vol. IV. Part 2. The Cypro-Geometric, Cypro-Archaic and Cypro-Classical Periods. Swedish Cyprus Expedition.
  • Glascock M. & Neff H. 2003, “Neutron Activation Analysis and Provenance Research in Archaeology”. Meas. Sci. Technol. 14, 1516-1526.
  • Hakyemez H. Y. 2014, “Kuzey Kıbrıs’ın Temel Jeolojik Özellikleri”. TAPG Bulletin 26/2, 7-46.
  • Harrison R. W., W. L. Newell, I. Panayides, B. Stone, E. Tsiolakis, M. Necdet, H. Batıhanlı, A. Ozhur, A. Lord, O. Berksoy, Z. Zomeni & S. Schindler 2008, Bedrock Geologic Map of the Greater Lefkosia Area, Cyprus (No. 3046). Virginia.
  • Hermary A. 1991, “Sculptures Chypro-ioniennes du Musee de l’Hermitage a Leningrad”. RDAC, 173-178.
  • Iaccarino S. M., I. Premoli Silva, M. Biolzi, I. M. Foresi, F. Lirer, E. Turco & M. R. Petrizzo 2007, Practi¬cal Manual of Neogene Planktonic Foraminifera. International School on Planktonic Foraminifera 6th Course. Perugia, 181.
  • Jarvis K. E. 1989, “Determination of Rare Earth Elements in Geological Samples by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry”. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 1989, 4.
  • Jenkins I. 2000, “Cypriote Limestone Sculpture from Cnidus”. Eds. G. R. Tsetskhladze, A. J. N. Prag & A. M. Snodgrass, Periplous: Papers on Classical Art and Archaeology Presented to Sir John Boardman. London, 153-162.
  • Jenkins I. 2001, “Archaic Kouroi in Naucratis: The Case for Cypriot Origin”. American Journal of Ar¬chae¬ology 105/2, 163-179.
  • Kourou N., V. Karageorghis, Y. Maniatis, K. Polikreti, Y. Bassiakos & C. Xenophontos 2002, Limestone Statuettes of Cypriote Type Found in the Aegean: Provenance Studies. Nicosia.
  • Krauskopf, B.K. & Bird, D. K. 1995, Introduction to Geochemistry. New York.
  • Kurian S., B. N. Nath, V. Ramaswamy, D. Naman, T. G. Rao, K. K. Raju, K. Selveraj & C. T. A. Chen 2008, “Possible, Detrital, Diagenetic and Hydrothermal Sources for Holocene Sediments of the An¬daman Backarc Basin”. Mar. Geol. 247, 178-193.
  • Kyrieleis H. 1988, “Offering of the Common Man in the Heration at Samos”. Eds. R. Hägg, N. Marinatos & G. C. Nordquist, Early Greek cult practice, Proceedings of the fifth International symposium at the Swedish Institute in Athens, 26-29 June 1986, Stockholm-Göteborg, 215-221.
  • Lipin B. R. & McKay G. A. 1989, “Geochemistry and Mineralogy of Rare Earth Elements”. Reviews in Min¬eralogy 21. Chantilly.
  • Liu Y. G., M. R. U. Miah & R. A. Schmitt 1988, “Cerium: A Chemical Tracer for Paleo-oceanic Redox Conditions”. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 52, 1361-1371.
  • Madhavaraju J., C. M. González-León, Y. I. Lee, J. S. Armstrong-Altrin & L. M. Reyes-Campero 2010, “Ge¬ochemistry of the Mural Formation (Aptian-Albian) of the Bisbee Group, Northern Sonora, Mex¬ico”. Cretaceous Res. 31, 400-414.
  • Mccay G. A., A. H. Robertson, D. Kroon, I. Raffi, R. M. Ellam & M. Necdet 2013, “Stratigraphy of Creta¬ceous to Lower Pliocene Sediments in the Northern Part of Cyprus Based on Comparative 87Sr/86Sr Isotopic, Nannofossil and Planktonic Foraminiferal Dating”. Geological Magazine 150/2, 333-359.
  • McLennan S. M. 1989, “Rare Earth Elements in Sedimentary Rocks: Influence of Provenance and Sedi¬mentary Processes”. Eds. B.R. Lipin & G. A. McKay, Geochemistry and Mineralogy of Rare Earth El¬ements. Reviews in Mineralogy 21. Chantilly, 169-200.
  • MTA 1997, Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü. 1:250.000 Ölçekli Türkiye Jeolojik Harita Serisi, Marmaris Paftası. Ankara.
  • Muşkara Ü. 2007, Provenance Studies on Limestone Archaeological Artifacts Using Trace Element Analy¬sis. Unpublished Master Thesis, Middle Eat Technical University. Ankara.
  • Muşkara Ü. 2013, Characterization of Emecik Limestone Figurines for Provenance Provenance. Un¬published PhD Thesis, Middle East Technical University. An¬kara.
  • Polikreti K., Y. Maniatis, Y. Bassiakos, N. Kourou & V. Karageorghis 2004, “Provenance of Archaeologi¬cal Limestone with EPR Spectroscopy”. Journal of Archaeological Science 31/7, 1015-1028.
  • Pryce F. N. 1928, Catalogue of Sculpture in the Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities of British Mu¬seum I.1. London.
  • Richter G. 1960, Archaic Greek Youths. London.
  • Riis P. J., M. Moltensen & P. Guldager 1989, Ancient Sculpture I. Aegean, Cypriote and Graeco-Phoeni¬cian. Copenhagen.
  • Robertson A. & Xenophontos C. 1993, “Development of Concepts Concerning the Troodos Ophiolite and Adjacent Units in Cyprus”. Geological Society, London, Special Publications 76/1, 85-119.
  • Robertson A. H. F. & Hudson J. D. 1974, “Pelagic Sediments in the Cretaceous and Tertiary History of the Troodos Massif, Cyprus”. Eds. K. J. Hsü & H. C. Jenkyns, Pelagic Sediments on Land and under the Sea. Oxford, 403-436.
  • Robertson A. H. F. 1977, “The Kannaviou Formation, Cyprus: Volcaniclastic Sedimentation of a Proba¬ble late Cretaceous Volcanic Arc”. Journal of the Geological Society 134/3, 269-292.
  • Schmidt G. 1968, Kyprische Bildwerke aus dem Heraion von Samos Vol. 7. Bonn.
  • Senff R. 1994, “Zyprische u. Ostgriechische Statuetten aus Milet”. Eds. R. Laffineur & F. Vandenabeele, Cypriote Stone Sculpture Proceedings of the Second International Conference of Cypriote Studies. Brus¬sels-Liege 17-19 May, 1993. Brussels-Liege: Leventis Foundation, 63-69.
  • Sholkovitz E. R. 1990, “Rare Earth Elements in Marine Sediments and Geochemical Standards”. Chem. Geol. 88, 333-347.
  • Sørensen L. W. 1978, “Early Archaic Limestone Statuettes in Cypriote Style: A Review of their Chronol¬ogy and Place of Manufacture”. RDAC, 111-121.
  • Tuna N. & Berges D. 2001, “Datça/Emecik/Sarıliman Mevkii Arkaik Tapınak 2000 Yılı Çalışmaları”. 23. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı II. Ankara, 89-100.
  • Tuna N. & Berges, D. 2001, “Datça/Emecik/Sarlliman Mevkii Arkaik Tapınak 1999 Yılı Çalışmaları”. 22. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı II. Ankara, 127-36.
  • Tuna N., N. Atıcı & İ. Sakarya 2004, “Datça/Emecik/Sarıliman Mevkii Arkaik Tapınak 2002 Yılı Çalışma¬ları”. 25. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı II. Ankara, 41-48.
  • Tuna N., N. Atıcı & İ. Sakarya 2008, “Emecik Sarıliman Apollon Kutsal Alanı 2006 Yılı Çalışmaları”. 29. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı II. Ankara, 141-154.
  • Tuna N., N. Atıcı, Ü. Muşkara & İ. Sakarya 2009, “Some Remarks on the Limestone Figurines Recently Found at the Archaic Sanctuary of Apollo in the Territory of Knidos”. Eds. V. Karageorghis & K. Ourania, Cyprus and The East Aegean: Intercultural Contacts From 3000 to 500 BC. Samos, 229-243.
  • van Pool T. L. & Leonard R. D. 2011, Quantitative analysis in archaeology. West Sussex.
There are 49 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Articles

Üftade Muşkara This is me 0000-0002-4709-8821

Sezgin Bakırdere This is me 0000-0001-9746-3682

Numan Tuna This is me 0000-0003-1749-613X

Osman Yavuz Ataman This is me

Publication Date June 29, 2021
Submission Date February 1, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 9


APA Muşkara, Ü., Bakırdere, S., Tuna, N., Ataman, O. Y. (2021). Provenance Study of Votive Figurines from the Sanctuary of Apollon in Emecik. Cedrus, 9, 109-129.
AMA Muşkara Ü, Bakırdere S, Tuna N, Ataman OY. Provenance Study of Votive Figurines from the Sanctuary of Apollon in Emecik. Cedrus. June 2021;9:109-129.
Chicago Muşkara, Üftade, Sezgin Bakırdere, Numan Tuna, and Osman Yavuz Ataman. “Provenance Study of Votive Figurines from the Sanctuary of Apollon in Emecik”. Cedrus 9, June (June 2021): 109-29.
EndNote Muşkara Ü, Bakırdere S, Tuna N, Ataman OY (June 1, 2021) Provenance Study of Votive Figurines from the Sanctuary of Apollon in Emecik. Cedrus 9 109–129.
IEEE Ü. Muşkara, S. Bakırdere, N. Tuna, and O. Y. Ataman, “Provenance Study of Votive Figurines from the Sanctuary of Apollon in Emecik”, Cedrus, vol. 9, pp. 109–129, 2021.
ISNAD Muşkara, Üftade et al. “Provenance Study of Votive Figurines from the Sanctuary of Apollon in Emecik”. Cedrus 9 (June 2021), 109-129.
JAMA Muşkara Ü, Bakırdere S, Tuna N, Ataman OY. Provenance Study of Votive Figurines from the Sanctuary of Apollon in Emecik. Cedrus. 2021;9:109–129.
MLA Muşkara, Üftade et al. “Provenance Study of Votive Figurines from the Sanctuary of Apollon in Emecik”. Cedrus, vol. 9, 2021, pp. 109-2.
Vancouver Muşkara Ü, Bakırdere S, Tuna N, Ataman OY. Provenance Study of Votive Figurines from the Sanctuary of Apollon in Emecik. Cedrus. 2021;9:109-2.

The issue of the relevant year publishes a maximum of 25 articles, with article acceptance dates falling between 15th October and 1st May. As of October 2024, Cedrus will accept articles only in foreign languages.