Research Article
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Karia’da Kadınların Kamusal Rolünü Artıran Unsurlar

Year 2021, Volume: 9, 197 - 218, 29.06.2021


Antikçağda Hellen kadını denince akla ilk olarak Klasik Dönem Hellen dünyasının kültür merkezi olarak günümüze en çok kaynağın ve antikçağ yorumunun ulaşmasını sağlayan Atina'nın üst sınıftan kadınları gelir. Bununla birlikte, kadın yaşamının oikos’la (ev) sınırlandırıldığı bu ilk görüntü erkek yazarlar tarafından idealize edilmiştir ve Atina'da bile tüm kadınları temsil etmez. Atina kaynaklarının birçok başka kente ve döneme oranla çokluğu, araştırmacıları çoğu zaman Atinalı kadınlara odaklanmaya yöneltse de Hellen kadınlarının tümünün tek bir polis ve dönem üzerinden değerlendirilemeyeceği açıktır. Örneğin Karia, konuyla ilgili daha az edebî ve epigrafik kaynak kalmasına rağmen, kadınların yalnızca oikos dışındaki yaşamlarını değil, Hellen dünyasının başka yerlerinde olduğundan çok daha fazla güç kazandıklarını gösteren oldukça dikkat çekici bir bölgedir. Bu çalışmada amaç, Karia’da kadınların kamusal rollerinin artmasını etkileyen tüm olası unsurları incelemektir. Bu amaçla çalışma, kamuya kendini kadın üyeleri ile bir bütün olarak sunan Hekatomnos hanedanı ile başlatılmaktadır. Daha sonra Hellenistik Dönem’de kadınların az sayıdaki hayırseverlik faaliyetleri ele alınacak; son olarak ise Roma İmparatorluk politikası ile Karialı seçkin ailelerin hayırseverlik politikasının kadınların kamu alanındaki rolünün artışına etkisi tartışılacaktır.


  • Bean G. E. 2000, Eskiçağda Menderes’in Ötesi. Çev. P. Kurtoğlu, İstanbul.
  • Berthold R. M. 1978, “A Historical Fiction in Vitruvius”. Classical Philology 73/2, 129-134.
  • Bremen R. van 1993, “Women and Wealth”. Eds. A. Cameron & A. Kuhrt, Images of Women in Antiquity. London, 223-242.
  • Bremen R. van 1996, The Limits of Participation: Women and Civic Life in the Greek East in the Hellenistic and Roman Periods. Amsterdam.
  • Carney E. D. 1988, “Eponymous Women: Royal Women and City Names”. The Ancient History Bulletin II/6, 134-142.
  • Carney E. D. 2005, “Women and Dunasteia in Caria”. The American Journal of Philology 126/1, 65-91.
  • Carney E. D. 2021, “The First Basilissa: Phila, Daughter of Antipater and Wife of Demetrius Poliorcetes”. Eds. R. Ancona & G. Tsouvala, New Directions in the Study of Women in the Greco-Roman World. New York, 45-57.
  • Cluzeau F. 2011, “Yunanlara Özgü Politik Bir Kurum: Proksenia”. Eds. H. Şahin, E. Konyar & G. Ergin, Özsait Armağanı: Mehmet ve Nesrin Özsait Onuruna Sunulan Makaleler. Antalya, 97 107.
  • Collins A. Y. & Collins J. J. 2008, King and Messiah as Son of God: Divine, Human, and Angelic Messianic Figures in Biblical and Related Literature. Grand Rapids, Michigan - Cambridge, U.K.
  • Connelly J. B. 2007, Portrait of a Priestess: Women and Ritual in Ancient Greece. Princeton - Oxford.
  • Dignas B. 2006, “Benefitting Benefactors: Greek Priests and Euergetism”. L’antiquité classique 75, 71-84.
  • Dillon S. 2012, “Female Portraiture in the Hellenistic Period”. Eds. S. L. James & S. Dillon, A Companion to Women in the Ancient World. Malden, MA, 263-277.
  • Dingil F. 2006, Principatus Devri Karia’sında Leiturgia ve Arkhe ve Üstlenen Kadınlar. Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Ankara Üniversitesi. Ankara.
  • Dmitriev S. 2005, City Government in Hellenistic and Roman Asia Minor. Oxford.
  • Dmitriev S. 2018, The Birth of the Athenian Community: From Solon to Cleisthenes. London - New York.
  • Eck W. 1980, “Die Präsenz senatorischer Familien in den Städten des Imperium Romanum bis zum spä¬ten 3. Jahrhundert”. Eds. W. Eck, H. Galsterer & H. Wolff, Studien zur antiken Sozialgeschichte: Fest¬schrift Friedrich Vittinghoff (Kölner historische Abhandlungen, 28). Köln - Wien, 283-322.
  • Gardner J. F. 1986, Women in Roman Law and Society. London.
  • Gauthier P. 1985, Les cités grecques et leurs bienfaiteurs (IVe–Ie siècle avant J.-C.), contribution à l’histoire des institutions (BCH Suppl. 12). Paris.
  • Grubbs J. E. 2002, Women and the Law in the Roman Empire: A Sourcebook on Marriage, Divorce and Widowhood. London - New York.
  • Halfmann H. 1979, Die Senatoren aus dem östlichen Teil des Imperium Romanum bis zum Ende des 2. Jahr¬hunderts n. Chr. (Hypomnemata 58). Göttingen.
  • Herda A. 2013, “Greek (and our) Views on the Karians”. Eds. A. Mouton, I. Rutherford & I. Yakubovich, Luwi¬an Identities. Culture, Language and Religion Between Anatolia and the Aegean. Leiden - Boston, 421-506.
  • Hekster O. 2004, “Hercules, Omphale, and Octavian’s ‘Counter-Propaganda’”. Bulletin Antieke Bescha¬ving 79, 159-166.
  • Kearsley R. A. 2005, “Women and Public Life in Imperial Asia Minor: Hellenistic Tradition and Augustan Ideology”. Ancient West and East IV/1, 98-121.
  • Kelen A. 2001, The Gratis Economy: Privately Provided Public Goods. Budapest.
  • Konuk K. 2009, “The Coinage of Hyssaldomos, Dynast of Mylasa”. Eds. R. Einicke, S. Lehmann, H. Löhr, G. Mehnert, A. Mehnert & A. Slawisch, Zurück zum Gegenstand. Festschrift für Andreas E. Furtwängler. Langenweißbach, 357-363.
  • LaBuff J. 2016, Polis Expansion and Elite Power in Hellenistic Karia. Lanham, Bulder, New York & London.
  • Laumonier A. 1934, “Inscriptions de Carie”. Bulletin de correspondance hellénique 58, 291-380.
  • Laumonier A. 1958, Les cultes indigènes en Carie. Paris.
  • LSAM Fr. Sokolowski, Lois sacrées de l’Asie Mineure. Paris 1955.
  • Ma J. 1999, Antiochos III and the Cities of Western Asia Minor. New York.
  • Mack W. 2014, “Consulting the Oracle at Dodona about a Female Proxenos? Lhôte no.15 Reconsidered (SEG 56 663)”. Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 188, 155–158.
  • Mack W. 2015, Proxeny and Polis. Institutional Networks in the Ancient Greek World. Oxford.
  • Magie D. 1950, Roman Rule in Asia Minor, to the end of the third century after Christ, I-II. Princeton.
  • Malay H. 1983, “Three Decrees from Kyme”. Epigraphica Anatolica II, 1-20.
  • Mirón D. 2018, “From Family to Politics: Queen Apollonis as Agent of Dynastic/Political Loyalty”. Eds. C. Dunn & E. Carney, Royal Women and Dynastic Loyalty. Cham, 31-48.
  • Mitchell S. 2017, “The Greek Impact in Asia Minor 400-250 BCE”. Eds. B. Chrubasik & D. King, Hellenism and the Local Communities of the Eastern Mediterranean, 400 BCE - 250 CE. Oxford, 13-28.
  • Nafissi M. 2015, “Königliche Ansprüche der Hekatomniden: Das neue Monument für die Basileis Kariens aus Iasos”. Eds. E. Winter & K. Zimmermann, Zwischen Satrapen und Dynasten. Kleinasien im 4. Jahr¬hundert v. Chr. (Asia Minor Studien 76). Bonn, 21-48.
  • Nollé J. 19962, “Frauen wie Omphale? Überlegungen zu, ‘politischen’ Ämtern von Frauen im kaiserzeit¬lichen Kleinasien”. Ed. M. H. Dettenhofer, Reine Männersache? Frauen in Männerdomänen der anti¬ken Welt. München, 229-259.
  • Öncü Ö. E. 2018, “MÖ 4. Yüzyıl Karia İmar Programında Mimarlar ve Mimari Atölyeler”. Ordu Üniver¬sitesi Sosyal Bilimler Araştırmaları Dergisi VIII/3, 663-676.
  • Partida E. 2009, “From Hypaethral Depots to Hypaethral Exhibitions: Casting Light on Architecture and Society in 4th-3rd cent. B.C. Delphi (with plates 29-39, 6 figures)”. MDAI(A) 124, 273-324.
  • Penrose W. D. Jr. 2021, “Power and Patronage: Rethinking the Legacy of Artemisia II”. Eds. R. Ancona & G. Tsouvala, New Directions in the Study of Women in the Greco Roman World. New York, 59 77.
  • Pleket H. W. 1969, Epigraphica, II. Texts on the Social History of the Greek World. Leiden.
  • Price S. R. F. 1985, Rituals and Power: The Roman imperial cult in Asia Minor. Cambridge.
  • Quass F. 1993, Die Honoratiorenschicht in den Städten des griechischen Osten. Sttutgart.
  • Ramsey G. 2013, “The Queen and the City: Royal Female Intervention and Patronage in Hellenistic Civic Communities”. Eds. L. Foxhall & G. Neher, Gender and the City before Modernity. Chichester, 20-37.
  • Rhodes P. J. & Osborne R. (Eds.) 2003, Greek Historical Inscriptions, 404-323 BC. Oxford.
  • Rigsby K. J. 2003, “Chrysogone’s Mother”. Museum Helveticum 60/1, 60-64.
  • Robert J. & Robert L. 1983, Fouilles d’Amyzon en Carie, I. Exploration, histoire, monnaies et inscriptions. Paris.
  • Sarıkaya S. 2019, “Diadokhoi Kaynaklarından Heidelberg Epitome’si: Metin ve Çevirisi”. Cedrus VII, 389-414.
  • Schol. Plat. Men. “In Menexenum”. Ed. D. Cufalo, Scholia Graeca in Platonem, I. Scholia ad Dialogos Tet¬ralogiarum I-VII continens. Roma 2007, 270-274.
  • Stevenson T. R. 1992, “The Ideal Benefactor and the Father Analogy in Greek and Roman Thought”. The Classical Quarterly 42/2, 421-436.
  • Thomas Y. 2005, “Roma Hukukunda Cinsiyet Ayrımı”. Eds. G. Duby - M. Perrot - P. S. Pantel, Kadınların Tarihi, I. Ana Tanrıçalardan Hıristiyan Azizelere. Çev. A. Fehmi, İstanbul.
  • Veyne P. 1990, Bread and Circuses: Historical Sociology and Political Pluralism. Çev. B. Pearce, London.
  • Walbank F. W. 19842, “Monarchies and Monarchic Ideas”. Eds. F. W. Walbank, A. E. Astin, M. W. Frederiksen & R. M. Ogilvie, The Cambridge Ancient History, VII/1. The Hellenistic World. Camb¬ridge, 62‑100.
  • Weeda L. 2015, Vergil’s Political Commentary in the Eclogues, Georgics and Aeneid. Warsaw - Berlin.
Year 2021, Volume: 9, 197 - 218, 29.06.2021



  • Bean G. E. 2000, Eskiçağda Menderes’in Ötesi. Çev. P. Kurtoğlu, İstanbul.
  • Berthold R. M. 1978, “A Historical Fiction in Vitruvius”. Classical Philology 73/2, 129-134.
  • Bremen R. van 1993, “Women and Wealth”. Eds. A. Cameron & A. Kuhrt, Images of Women in Antiquity. London, 223-242.
  • Bremen R. van 1996, The Limits of Participation: Women and Civic Life in the Greek East in the Hellenistic and Roman Periods. Amsterdam.
  • Carney E. D. 1988, “Eponymous Women: Royal Women and City Names”. The Ancient History Bulletin II/6, 134-142.
  • Carney E. D. 2005, “Women and Dunasteia in Caria”. The American Journal of Philology 126/1, 65-91.
  • Carney E. D. 2021, “The First Basilissa: Phila, Daughter of Antipater and Wife of Demetrius Poliorcetes”. Eds. R. Ancona & G. Tsouvala, New Directions in the Study of Women in the Greco-Roman World. New York, 45-57.
  • Cluzeau F. 2011, “Yunanlara Özgü Politik Bir Kurum: Proksenia”. Eds. H. Şahin, E. Konyar & G. Ergin, Özsait Armağanı: Mehmet ve Nesrin Özsait Onuruna Sunulan Makaleler. Antalya, 97 107.
  • Collins A. Y. & Collins J. J. 2008, King and Messiah as Son of God: Divine, Human, and Angelic Messianic Figures in Biblical and Related Literature. Grand Rapids, Michigan - Cambridge, U.K.
  • Connelly J. B. 2007, Portrait of a Priestess: Women and Ritual in Ancient Greece. Princeton - Oxford.
  • Dignas B. 2006, “Benefitting Benefactors: Greek Priests and Euergetism”. L’antiquité classique 75, 71-84.
  • Dillon S. 2012, “Female Portraiture in the Hellenistic Period”. Eds. S. L. James & S. Dillon, A Companion to Women in the Ancient World. Malden, MA, 263-277.
  • Dingil F. 2006, Principatus Devri Karia’sında Leiturgia ve Arkhe ve Üstlenen Kadınlar. Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Ankara Üniversitesi. Ankara.
  • Dmitriev S. 2005, City Government in Hellenistic and Roman Asia Minor. Oxford.
  • Dmitriev S. 2018, The Birth of the Athenian Community: From Solon to Cleisthenes. London - New York.
  • Eck W. 1980, “Die Präsenz senatorischer Familien in den Städten des Imperium Romanum bis zum spä¬ten 3. Jahrhundert”. Eds. W. Eck, H. Galsterer & H. Wolff, Studien zur antiken Sozialgeschichte: Fest¬schrift Friedrich Vittinghoff (Kölner historische Abhandlungen, 28). Köln - Wien, 283-322.
  • Gardner J. F. 1986, Women in Roman Law and Society. London.
  • Gauthier P. 1985, Les cités grecques et leurs bienfaiteurs (IVe–Ie siècle avant J.-C.), contribution à l’histoire des institutions (BCH Suppl. 12). Paris.
  • Grubbs J. E. 2002, Women and the Law in the Roman Empire: A Sourcebook on Marriage, Divorce and Widowhood. London - New York.
  • Halfmann H. 1979, Die Senatoren aus dem östlichen Teil des Imperium Romanum bis zum Ende des 2. Jahr¬hunderts n. Chr. (Hypomnemata 58). Göttingen.
  • Herda A. 2013, “Greek (and our) Views on the Karians”. Eds. A. Mouton, I. Rutherford & I. Yakubovich, Luwi¬an Identities. Culture, Language and Religion Between Anatolia and the Aegean. Leiden - Boston, 421-506.
  • Hekster O. 2004, “Hercules, Omphale, and Octavian’s ‘Counter-Propaganda’”. Bulletin Antieke Bescha¬ving 79, 159-166.
  • Kearsley R. A. 2005, “Women and Public Life in Imperial Asia Minor: Hellenistic Tradition and Augustan Ideology”. Ancient West and East IV/1, 98-121.
  • Kelen A. 2001, The Gratis Economy: Privately Provided Public Goods. Budapest.
  • Konuk K. 2009, “The Coinage of Hyssaldomos, Dynast of Mylasa”. Eds. R. Einicke, S. Lehmann, H. Löhr, G. Mehnert, A. Mehnert & A. Slawisch, Zurück zum Gegenstand. Festschrift für Andreas E. Furtwängler. Langenweißbach, 357-363.
  • LaBuff J. 2016, Polis Expansion and Elite Power in Hellenistic Karia. Lanham, Bulder, New York & London.
  • Laumonier A. 1934, “Inscriptions de Carie”. Bulletin de correspondance hellénique 58, 291-380.
  • Laumonier A. 1958, Les cultes indigènes en Carie. Paris.
  • LSAM Fr. Sokolowski, Lois sacrées de l’Asie Mineure. Paris 1955.
  • Ma J. 1999, Antiochos III and the Cities of Western Asia Minor. New York.
  • Mack W. 2014, “Consulting the Oracle at Dodona about a Female Proxenos? Lhôte no.15 Reconsidered (SEG 56 663)”. Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 188, 155–158.
  • Mack W. 2015, Proxeny and Polis. Institutional Networks in the Ancient Greek World. Oxford.
  • Magie D. 1950, Roman Rule in Asia Minor, to the end of the third century after Christ, I-II. Princeton.
  • Malay H. 1983, “Three Decrees from Kyme”. Epigraphica Anatolica II, 1-20.
  • Mirón D. 2018, “From Family to Politics: Queen Apollonis as Agent of Dynastic/Political Loyalty”. Eds. C. Dunn & E. Carney, Royal Women and Dynastic Loyalty. Cham, 31-48.
  • Mitchell S. 2017, “The Greek Impact in Asia Minor 400-250 BCE”. Eds. B. Chrubasik & D. King, Hellenism and the Local Communities of the Eastern Mediterranean, 400 BCE - 250 CE. Oxford, 13-28.
  • Nafissi M. 2015, “Königliche Ansprüche der Hekatomniden: Das neue Monument für die Basileis Kariens aus Iasos”. Eds. E. Winter & K. Zimmermann, Zwischen Satrapen und Dynasten. Kleinasien im 4. Jahr¬hundert v. Chr. (Asia Minor Studien 76). Bonn, 21-48.
  • Nollé J. 19962, “Frauen wie Omphale? Überlegungen zu, ‘politischen’ Ämtern von Frauen im kaiserzeit¬lichen Kleinasien”. Ed. M. H. Dettenhofer, Reine Männersache? Frauen in Männerdomänen der anti¬ken Welt. München, 229-259.
  • Öncü Ö. E. 2018, “MÖ 4. Yüzyıl Karia İmar Programında Mimarlar ve Mimari Atölyeler”. Ordu Üniver¬sitesi Sosyal Bilimler Araştırmaları Dergisi VIII/3, 663-676.
  • Partida E. 2009, “From Hypaethral Depots to Hypaethral Exhibitions: Casting Light on Architecture and Society in 4th-3rd cent. B.C. Delphi (with plates 29-39, 6 figures)”. MDAI(A) 124, 273-324.
  • Penrose W. D. Jr. 2021, “Power and Patronage: Rethinking the Legacy of Artemisia II”. Eds. R. Ancona & G. Tsouvala, New Directions in the Study of Women in the Greco Roman World. New York, 59 77.
  • Pleket H. W. 1969, Epigraphica, II. Texts on the Social History of the Greek World. Leiden.
  • Price S. R. F. 1985, Rituals and Power: The Roman imperial cult in Asia Minor. Cambridge.
  • Quass F. 1993, Die Honoratiorenschicht in den Städten des griechischen Osten. Sttutgart.
  • Ramsey G. 2013, “The Queen and the City: Royal Female Intervention and Patronage in Hellenistic Civic Communities”. Eds. L. Foxhall & G. Neher, Gender and the City before Modernity. Chichester, 20-37.
  • Rhodes P. J. & Osborne R. (Eds.) 2003, Greek Historical Inscriptions, 404-323 BC. Oxford.
  • Rigsby K. J. 2003, “Chrysogone’s Mother”. Museum Helveticum 60/1, 60-64.
  • Robert J. & Robert L. 1983, Fouilles d’Amyzon en Carie, I. Exploration, histoire, monnaies et inscriptions. Paris.
  • Sarıkaya S. 2019, “Diadokhoi Kaynaklarından Heidelberg Epitome’si: Metin ve Çevirisi”. Cedrus VII, 389-414.
  • Schol. Plat. Men. “In Menexenum”. Ed. D. Cufalo, Scholia Graeca in Platonem, I. Scholia ad Dialogos Tet¬ralogiarum I-VII continens. Roma 2007, 270-274.
  • Stevenson T. R. 1992, “The Ideal Benefactor and the Father Analogy in Greek and Roman Thought”. The Classical Quarterly 42/2, 421-436.
  • Thomas Y. 2005, “Roma Hukukunda Cinsiyet Ayrımı”. Eds. G. Duby - M. Perrot - P. S. Pantel, Kadınların Tarihi, I. Ana Tanrıçalardan Hıristiyan Azizelere. Çev. A. Fehmi, İstanbul.
  • Veyne P. 1990, Bread and Circuses: Historical Sociology and Political Pluralism. Çev. B. Pearce, London.
  • Walbank F. W. 19842, “Monarchies and Monarchic Ideas”. Eds. F. W. Walbank, A. E. Astin, M. W. Frederiksen & R. M. Ogilvie, The Cambridge Ancient History, VII/1. The Hellenistic World. Camb¬ridge, 62‑100.
  • Weeda L. 2015, Vergil’s Political Commentary in the Eclogues, Georgics and Aeneid. Warsaw - Berlin.
There are 55 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Filiz Cluzeau 0000-0002-2769-2647

Publication Date June 29, 2021
Submission Date February 27, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 9


APA Cluzeau, F. (2021). Karia’da Kadınların Kamusal Rolünü Artıran Unsurlar. Cedrus, 9, 197-218.
AMA Cluzeau F. Karia’da Kadınların Kamusal Rolünü Artıran Unsurlar. Cedrus. June 2021;9:197-218.
Chicago Cluzeau, Filiz. “Karia’da Kadınların Kamusal Rolünü Artıran Unsurlar”. Cedrus 9, June (June 2021): 197-218.
EndNote Cluzeau F (June 1, 2021) Karia’da Kadınların Kamusal Rolünü Artıran Unsurlar. Cedrus 9 197–218.
IEEE F. Cluzeau, “Karia’da Kadınların Kamusal Rolünü Artıran Unsurlar”, Cedrus, vol. 9, pp. 197–218, 2021.
ISNAD Cluzeau, Filiz. “Karia’da Kadınların Kamusal Rolünü Artıran Unsurlar”. Cedrus 9 (June 2021), 197-218.
JAMA Cluzeau F. Karia’da Kadınların Kamusal Rolünü Artıran Unsurlar. Cedrus. 2021;9:197–218.
MLA Cluzeau, Filiz. “Karia’da Kadınların Kamusal Rolünü Artıran Unsurlar”. Cedrus, vol. 9, 2021, pp. 197-18.
Vancouver Cluzeau F. Karia’da Kadınların Kamusal Rolünü Artıran Unsurlar. Cedrus. 2021;9:197-218.

The issue of the relevant year publishes a maximum of 25 articles, with article acceptance dates falling between 15th October and 1st May.