A New 6D Two-wing Hyperchaotic System: Dynamical Analysis, Circuit Design, and Sinchronization
Year 2024,
, 273 - 283, 30.11.2024
Michael Kopp
Inna Samuilik
This paper introduces a novel 6D dynamic system derived from modified 3D Lorenz equations of the second type using state feedback control. While the original 3D equations are formally simpler than the classical Lorentz equations, they produce topologically more complex attractors with a two-winged butterfly structure. The proposed system contains the fewest terms compared to existing literature. These terms comprise two cross-product nonlinearities, two piecewise linear functions, six linear terms, and one constant. The new 6D hyperchaotic system exhibits a rich array of dynamic characteristics, including hidden attractors and dissipative behavior. A thorough dynamic analysis of this system was performed. In particular, bifurcation diagrams were constructed, Lyapunov exponents and dimensions were calculated, and multistability and offset boosting control were analyzed to understand the systems behavior further. An electronic circuit of the 6D hyperchaotic two-winged butterfly system was developed in the Multisim computer environment. The designed electronic circuit showed excellent agreement with the simulation results of the new 6D dynamic system. Synchronization of two identical 6D hyperchaotic systems was achieved using the active control method.
- Adıyaman, Y., S. Emiro˘ glu, M. K. Uçar, and M. Yıldız, 2020 Dynamical
analysis, electronic circuit design and control application
of a different chaotic system. Chaos Theory and Applications 2:
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- Al-Azzawi, S. F. and A. S. Al-Obeidi, 2023 Dynamical analysis and
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Applied Mathematics-A Journal of Chinese Universities 38:
- Al-Azzawi, S. F. and A. M. Hasan, 2023 New 5d hyperchaotic
system derived from the sprott c system: Properties and anti
synchronization. Journal of Intelligent Systems and Control 2:
- Al-Obeidi, A. S. and S. F. Al-Azzawi, 2022 A novel six-dimensional
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synchronisation. International Journal of Computing Science
and Mathematics 15: 72–84.
- Al-Talib, Z. S. and S. F. Al-Azzawi, 2022 A new simple 6d hyperchaotic
system with nonhyperbolic equilibrium and its electronic
circuit. In 2022 Int. Conf. Computer Sci. Software Engineering
(CSASE) pp. 369–374.
- Al-Talib, Z. S. and S. F. Al-Azzawi, 2023a A new simple 6d hyperchaotic
system with hyperbolic equilibrium and its electronic
circuit. Iraqi Journal for Computer Science and Mathematics 4:
- Al-Talib, Z. S. and S. F. Al-Azzawi, 2023b A new simple 6d hyperchaotic
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circuit. Iraqi Journal For Computer Science and Mathematics 4:
- Aziz, S. M. and S. F. Al-Azzawi, 2022 A novel simple 6d hyperchaotic
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Sci. Software Engineering (CSASE) pp. 7–12.
- Benkouider, K., T. Bouden, M. E. Yalcin, and S. Vaidyanathan, 2020
A new family of 5d, 6d, 7d and 8d hyperchaotic systems from
the 4d hyperchaotic vaidyanathan system, the dynamic analysis
of the 8d hyperchaotic system with six positive lyapunov
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35: 241–257.
- Bhat, M. A. and M. Shikha, 2019 Complete synchronisation of
non-identical fractional order hyperchaotic systems using active
control. International Journal of Automation and Control 13:
- Binous, H. and N. Zakia, 2008 An improved
method for lyapunov exponents computation.
https://library.wolfram.com/infocenter/MathSource/7109/ .
- Bohr, T., M. H. Jensen, G. Paladin, and A. Vulpiani, 1998 Dynamical
Systems Approach to Turbulence. Cambridge Nonlinear Science
Series, Cambridge University Press.
- Chen, A., J. Lu, J. Lu, and S. Yu, 2006 Generating hyperchaotic lu
attractor via state feedback control. Physica A 364: 103–110.
- Chu, J. andW.W. Hu, 2016 Control chaos for permanent magnet
synchronous motor base on adaptive backstepping of error compensation.
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9: 163–174.
- Elwakil, A. S., S. Ozoguz, and M. P. Kennedy, 2002 Creation of
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et al., 2022 A new hyperchaotic system from t chaotic system:
dynamical analysis, circuit implementation, control and synchronization.
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- Frederickson, P., J. L. Kaplan, E. D. Yorke, and J. A. Yorke, 1983 The
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- Hu, G., 2009 Generating hyperchaotic attractors with three positive
lyapunov exponents via state feedback control. International
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and its control. Physics Letters A 366: 217–222.
- Jung, W., S. J. Elliot, and J. Cheer, 2019 Local active control of road
noise inside a vehicle. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing
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of a new 6d hyper-chaotic system via bifurcation, the poincare
notion, and its circuit implementation. Indian Journal of Physics
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- Kozlovska, O., F. Sadyrbaev, and I. I. Samuilik, 2024 A new 3d
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- Li, X., 2009 Modified projective synchronization of a new hyperchaotic
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- Michael Kopp and Andrii Kopp, 2022 A new 6d chaotic generator:
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- Rajagopal, K., L. Guessas, S. Vaidyanathan, A. Karthikeyan, and
A. Srinivasan, 2017a Dynamical analysis and fpga implementation
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- Rajagopal, K., G. Laarem, A. Karthikeyan, and A. Srinivasan, 2017b
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- Ramakrishnan, R., 2018 Chaos and its applications to Communication
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- Sabaghian, A., S. Balochian, and M. Yaghoobi, 2020 Synchronisation
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the presence of disturbance and parametric uncertainty with
unknown bounds. Connection Science 32: 362–383.
- Sedra, A. S. and K. C. Smith, 1998 Microelectronics Circuits, 4th ed.
Oxford University Press, New York.
- Singh, J. P. and B. K. Roy, 2016 The nature of lyapunov exponents is
(+, +, -, -), is it a hyperchaotic system? Chaos, Solitons & Fractals
92: 73–85.
- Soldatenko, S., A. Bogomolov, and A. Ronzhin, 2021 Mathematical
modelling of climate change and variability in the context of
outdoor ergonomics. Mathematics 9.
- Tohidi, S., Y. Yildiz, and I. Kolmanovsky, 2020 Adaptive state
observers for incrementally quadratic nonlinear systems with
application to chaos synchronization. Automatica 121: 1–11.
- Vaidyanathan, S., 2013 A ten-term novel 4d hyperchaotic system
with three quadratic nonlinearities and its control. International
Journal of Control Theory and Applications 6: 97–109.
- Vaidyanathan, S. and C. K. Volos, 2015 Analysis and adaptive control
of a novel 3-d conservative no-equilibrium chaotic system.
Archives of Control Sciences 25: 333–353.
- Vaidyanathan, S., C. K. Volos, and V. T. Pham, 2014 Hyperchaos,
adaptive control and synchronization of a novel 5-d hyperchaotic
system with three positive lyapunov exponents and its
spice implementation. Archives of Control Sciences 24: 409–446.
- Wang, J. and Z. Chen, 2008 A novel hyperchaotic system and
its complex dynamics. International Journal of Bifurcation and
Chaos 18: 3309–3324.
- Wen, J., Y. Feng, X. Tao, , and Y. Cao, 2021 Dynamical analysis of
a new chaotic system: Hidden attractor, coexisting-attractors,
offset boosting, and dsp realization. IEEE Access 9: 167920–
- Yang, L., Q. Yang, and G. Chen, 2020 Hidden attractors, singularly
degenerate heteroclinic orbits, multistability and physical realization
of a new 6d hyperchaotic system. Communications in
Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 90: 105362.
- Yang, Q. and C. Chen, 2013 A 5d hyperchaotic system with three
positive lyapunov exponents coined. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 23: 1350109.
- Yang, Q., D. Zhu, and L. Yang, 2018 A new 7d hyperchaotic system
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Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 28: 1850057.
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memristive hopfield neural network dynamics analysis
and its application in secure communication. Circuit World
50: 67–81.
- Yousefpour, A., A. H. Hosseinloo, M. R. H. Yazdi, and A. Bahrami,
2020 Disturbance observer-based terminal sliding mode control
for effective performance of a nonlinear vibration energy harvester.
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 31:
- Yu, S., W. K. S. Tang, J. Lu, and G. Chen, 2008 Multi-wing butterfly
attractors from the modified lorenz systems. 2008 IEEE International
Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Seattle,WA,
USA pp. 768–771.
- Zhang, H., W. Zhang, Y. Zhao, and M. Ji, 2020 Adaptive state
observers for incrementally quadratic nonlinear systems with
application to chaos synchronization. Circuits, Systems, and
Signal Processing 39: 1290–1306.
Year 2024,
, 273 - 283, 30.11.2024
Michael Kopp
Inna Samuilik
- Adıyaman, Y., S. Emiro˘ glu, M. K. Uçar, and M. Yıldız, 2020 Dynamical
analysis, electronic circuit design and control application
of a different chaotic system. Chaos Theory and Applications 2:
- Al-Azzawi, S. F. and A. S. Al-Obeidi, 2021 Chaos synchronization
in a new 6d hyperchaotic system with self-excited attractors and
seventeen terms. Asian-European Journal of Mathematics 14:
- Al-Azzawi, S. F. and A. S. Al-Obeidi, 2023 Dynamical analysis and
anti-synchronization of a new 6d model with self-excited attractors.
Applied Mathematics-A Journal of Chinese Universities 38:
- Al-Azzawi, S. F. and A. M. Hasan, 2023 New 5d hyperchaotic
system derived from the sprott c system: Properties and anti
synchronization. Journal of Intelligent Systems and Control 2:
- Al-Obeidi, A. S. and S. F. Al-Azzawi, 2022 A novel six-dimensional
hyperchaotic system with self-excited attractors and its chaos
synchronisation. International Journal of Computing Science
and Mathematics 15: 72–84.
- Al-Talib, Z. S. and S. F. Al-Azzawi, 2022 A new simple 6d hyperchaotic
system with nonhyperbolic equilibrium and its electronic
circuit. In 2022 Int. Conf. Computer Sci. Software Engineering
(CSASE) pp. 369–374.
- Al-Talib, Z. S. and S. F. Al-Azzawi, 2023a A new simple 6d hyperchaotic
system with hyperbolic equilibrium and its electronic
circuit. Iraqi Journal for Computer Science and Mathematics 4:
- Al-Talib, Z. S. and S. F. Al-Azzawi, 2023b A new simple 6d hyperchaotic
system with hyperbolic equilibrium and its electronic
circuit. Iraqi Journal For Computer Science and Mathematics 4:
- Aziz, S. M. and S. F. Al-Azzawi, 2022 A novel simple 6d hyperchaotic
system with hidden attractors. In 2022 Int. Conf. Computer
Sci. Software Engineering (CSASE) pp. 7–12.
- Benkouider, K., T. Bouden, M. E. Yalcin, and S. Vaidyanathan, 2020
A new family of 5d, 6d, 7d and 8d hyperchaotic systems from
the 4d hyperchaotic vaidyanathan system, the dynamic analysis
of the 8d hyperchaotic system with six positive lyapunov
exponents and an application to secure communication design.
International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control
35: 241–257.
- Bhat, M. A. and M. Shikha, 2019 Complete synchronisation of
non-identical fractional order hyperchaotic systems using active
control. International Journal of Automation and Control 13:
- Binous, H. and N. Zakia, 2008 An improved
method for lyapunov exponents computation.
https://library.wolfram.com/infocenter/MathSource/7109/ .
- Bohr, T., M. H. Jensen, G. Paladin, and A. Vulpiani, 1998 Dynamical
Systems Approach to Turbulence. Cambridge Nonlinear Science
Series, Cambridge University Press.
- Chen, A., J. Lu, J. Lu, and S. Yu, 2006 Generating hyperchaotic lu
attractor via state feedback control. Physica A 364: 103–110.
- Chu, J. andW.W. Hu, 2016 Control chaos for permanent magnet
synchronous motor base on adaptive backstepping of error compensation.
International Journal of Automation and Computing
9: 163–174.
- Elwakil, A. S., S. Ozoguz, and M. P. Kennedy, 2002 Creation of
a complex butterfly attractor using a novel lorenz-type system.
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I 49: 527–530.
- Emiroglu, S., A. Akgül, Y. Adı yaman, T. E. Gümü˘s, Y. Uyaroglu,
et al., 2022 A new hyperchaotic system from t chaotic system:
dynamical analysis, circuit implementation, control and synchronization.
Circuit World 48: 265–277.
- Frederickson, P., J. L. Kaplan, E. D. Yorke, and J. A. Yorke, 1983 The
liapunov dimension of strange attractors. Journal of differential
equations 92: 185–207.
- Ghosh, D. and S. Bhattacharya, 2010 Projective synchronization
of new hyperchaotic system with fully unknown parameters.
Nonlinear Dynamics 61: 11–21.
- Hu, G., 2009 Generating hyperchaotic attractors with three positive
lyapunov exponents via state feedback control. International
Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 19: 651–660.
- Jia, Q., 2007 Hyperchaos generated from the lorenz chaotic system
and its control. Physics Letters A 366: 217–222.
- Jung, W., S. J. Elliot, and J. Cheer, 2019 Local active control of road
noise inside a vehicle. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing
121: 144–157.
- Khattar, D., N. Agrawal, and M. Sirohi, 2024 Qualitative analysis
of a new 6d hyper-chaotic system via bifurcation, the poincare
notion, and its circuit implementation. Indian Journal of Physics
98: 259–273.
- Kopp, M. I., A. V. Tur, and V. V. Yanovsky, 2023 Chaotic dynamics
of magnetic fields generated by thermomagnetic instability in a
nonuniformly rotating electrically conductive fluid. Journal of
Physical Studies 27: 2403.
- Kozlovska, O., F. Sadyrbaev, and I. I. Samuilik, 2024 A new 3d
chaotic attractor in gene regulatory network. Mathematics 12:
- Li, X., 2009 Modified projective synchronization of a new hyperchaotic
system via nonlinear control. Communications in Theoretical
Physics 52: 274–278.
- Lorenz, E. N., 1963 Deterministic nonperiodic flow. Journal of
atmospheric sciences 20: 130–141.
- Michael Kopp and Andrii Kopp, 2022 A new 6d chaotic generator:
Computer modelling and circuit design. International Journal of
Engineering and Technology Innovation 12: 288–307.
- Rajagopal, K., L. Guessas, S. Vaidyanathan, A. Karthikeyan, and
A. Srinivasan, 2017a Dynamical analysis and fpga implementation
of a novel hyperchaotic system and its synchronization
using adaptive sliding mode control and genetically optimized
pid control. Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2017: 1–14.
- Rajagopal, K., G. Laarem, A. Karthikeyan, and A. Srinivasan, 2017b
Fpga implementation of adaptive sliding mode control and genetically
optimized pid control for fractional-order induction
motor system with uncertain load. Advances in Difference Equations
2017: 1–20.
- Ramakrishnan, R., 2018 Chaos and its applications to Communication
Systems. Scholars’ Press, Cambridge.
- Sabaghian, A., S. Balochian, and M. Yaghoobi, 2020 Synchronisation
of 6d hyper-chaotic system with unknown parameters in
the presence of disturbance and parametric uncertainty with
unknown bounds. Connection Science 32: 362–383.
- Sedra, A. S. and K. C. Smith, 1998 Microelectronics Circuits, 4th ed.
Oxford University Press, New York.
- Singh, J. P. and B. K. Roy, 2016 The nature of lyapunov exponents is
(+, +, -, -), is it a hyperchaotic system? Chaos, Solitons & Fractals
92: 73–85.
- Soldatenko, S., A. Bogomolov, and A. Ronzhin, 2021 Mathematical
modelling of climate change and variability in the context of
outdoor ergonomics. Mathematics 9.
- Tohidi, S., Y. Yildiz, and I. Kolmanovsky, 2020 Adaptive state
observers for incrementally quadratic nonlinear systems with
application to chaos synchronization. Automatica 121: 1–11.
- Vaidyanathan, S., 2013 A ten-term novel 4d hyperchaotic system
with three quadratic nonlinearities and its control. International
Journal of Control Theory and Applications 6: 97–109.
- Vaidyanathan, S. and C. K. Volos, 2015 Analysis and adaptive control
of a novel 3-d conservative no-equilibrium chaotic system.
Archives of Control Sciences 25: 333–353.
- Vaidyanathan, S., C. K. Volos, and V. T. Pham, 2014 Hyperchaos,
adaptive control and synchronization of a novel 5-d hyperchaotic
system with three positive lyapunov exponents and its
spice implementation. Archives of Control Sciences 24: 409–446.
- Wang, J. and Z. Chen, 2008 A novel hyperchaotic system and
its complex dynamics. International Journal of Bifurcation and
Chaos 18: 3309–3324.
- Wen, J., Y. Feng, X. Tao, , and Y. Cao, 2021 Dynamical analysis of
a new chaotic system: Hidden attractor, coexisting-attractors,
offset boosting, and dsp realization. IEEE Access 9: 167920–
- Yang, L., Q. Yang, and G. Chen, 2020 Hidden attractors, singularly
degenerate heteroclinic orbits, multistability and physical realization
of a new 6d hyperchaotic system. Communications in
Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 90: 105362.
- Yang, Q. and C. Chen, 2013 A 5d hyperchaotic system with three
positive lyapunov exponents coined. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 23: 1350109.
- Yang, Q., D. Zhu, and L. Yang, 2018 A new 7d hyperchaotic system
with five positive lyapunov exponents coined. International
Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 28: 1850057.
- Yin, X., J. Chen, W. Yu, Y. Huang, W. Wei, et al., 2022 Fivedimensional
memristive hopfield neural network dynamics analysis
and its application in secure communication. Circuit World
50: 67–81.
- Yousefpour, A., A. H. Hosseinloo, M. R. H. Yazdi, and A. Bahrami,
2020 Disturbance observer-based terminal sliding mode control
for effective performance of a nonlinear vibration energy harvester.
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 31:
- Yu, S., W. K. S. Tang, J. Lu, and G. Chen, 2008 Multi-wing butterfly
attractors from the modified lorenz systems. 2008 IEEE International
Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Seattle,WA,
USA pp. 768–771.
- Zhang, H., W. Zhang, Y. Zhao, and M. Ji, 2020 Adaptive state
observers for incrementally quadratic nonlinear systems with
application to chaos synchronization. Circuits, Systems, and
Signal Processing 39: 1290–1306.