Research Article
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Effects of Digitalization on Labour Markets : Digital Education

Year 2024, Volume: 14 Issue: 3, 677 - 699, 30.09.2024


Digital transformation has brought about changes in the skills and competency levels needed in labor markets. This trend has been further spurred by the COVID-19 pandemic, highlighting the need for digitization and accelerating its adoption. This study investigated the impact of digitalization on the education labour market. In the research, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 20 people working as educators in the private sector.As a result of the research, similar results have been determined in the studies on the effects of digitalization on labor markets in the literature. The study noted that educators who don't adapt to digital skills risk unemployment, while those who upskill can expect higher salaries. Additionally, it found that digitalization has transformed and accelerated education, while also enabling educators to enhance their own professional development. To keep pace with digital transformation, educators are recommended to adapt their educational content, methods, and personal competencies to align with this evolving landscape.


  • Alexandrova, G. N., and Glukhov G. V. (2021). Role of additional education in the context of labor market volatility. S. I. Ashmarina, V.V. Mantulenko (Eds). Digital economy and the new labor market: jobs, competencies and innovative HR technologies in (pp. 3-8). Berlin: Springer.
  • Andersson. P., and Mattsson LG. (2021). Future digitalization of education after Covid-19, Business Perspectives and Research. 3–16.
  • Anthonysamy, L., and Sh, H., Koo, A.C. (2020). Self-regulated learning strategies and non-academic outcomes in higher education blended learning environments, a one decade review, Education and Information Technologies, 25 (10Sp.), 3677-3704. doi:10.1007/s10639-020-10134-2.
  • Aspers, P., and Corte, U.(2019). What is qualitative in qualitative research? C. Benzecry, A. Deener (Ed.). Qualitative Sociology in (42:139–160).Berlin: Springer. (22.04.2022).
  • Bartilus, A. (2024). Digitalization in education and e-learning. / (10.07.2024).
  • Bashkireva, T., Bashkireva A., Morozov A., Tsvetkov S., and Popov A. (2020). Problems of the formation of digital competence in the modern educational space, Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 1691 (2020), 1-5. https,// (21.02.2022).
  • Berg, B. L, and Lune H.(2021). Qualitative research methods for the social sciences (9th Edition). Essex: Pearson.
  • Chinoracký, R., and Čorejová, T. (2019). Impact of digital technologies on the labor market and the transport sector. Transportation Research Procedia. 40(2019),994-1001. https,// (14.04.2022).
  • Chopra, A., and Bhilare, P. (2020). Future of work, an empirical study to understand expectations of the millennials from organizations. Business Perspectives and Research. 8(2), 1–17. doi: 10.1177/2278533719887457.
  • Crisan, G.A., Popescu, M.E., Militaru, E., Cristescu, A. (2023). EU diversity in terms of digitalization on the labor market in the post Covid-19 Context, economies, 11(293).
  • Cöbek, B., and Ünişen, A. (2022). Future of distance education according to teachers' opinions and its suitability within the context of basic principles of turkish national education in current situation, Journal of History School, 58, 1597-1618.
  • Curnow, C. (2021). Supporting labor market resiliency and future readiness, the case for measuring qualification demand in real-time. American Instıtutes for Research. April 2021, 1-7.
  • Çoşkunserçe, O., and Aydoğdu, Ş. (2022). Investigating the digital qualifications of undergraduate students in terms of various variables. Journal of Educational Technology & Online Learning. 5(4), 1219-1237.
  • Daniele, S. (2021). Digital transformation, Covid-19, and the future of work. International Journal of Business Management and Economic Research(IJBMER). 12(3), 1945-1952.
  • Didier, N. (2021). Are we ready? labour market transit to the digital economy, JACE, 0(0) 1–25.
  • Dyka, N., Trekyak, O., Yakunin, Y., Shopina, M., Tsybulska, S., and Horobets (2023). The impact of digitalization of education on the development of crucial teacher competencies, Revista de la Universidad del Zulia, 3ª época. Año 14, N° 41, 2023.
  • Eysenbach, G. and Köhler, C. (2002). How do consumers search for and appraise health information on the World Wide Web? Qualitative study using focus groups, usability tests, and in-depth interviews. Bmj. 324 (7337), 573-577. doi:10.1136/bmj.324.7337.573.
  • Fedorova, A., Koropets, O. and Gatti, M. (2019). Digitalization of human resource management practices and its impact on employees' well-being. In Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference" Contemporary Issues in Business, Management, and Economics Engineering." Vilnius (pp. 740-749). doi:10.3846/cibmee.2019.075.
  • Finger, G. (2014). Elearning: exploring digital futures in the 21st century, Educ. Sci. 2014, 4, 209–212; doi:10.3390/educsci4030209.
  • Francia, L-L., Diaz, S-S., Guillén-Aparicio, P., Tello-Cabello,S., Herrera-Paico,N., and Collantes-Inga,Z. (2019). Digital competencies and education. Propósitos y Representaciones. 7 (2), pp. 569-588. doi:10.20511/pyr2019.v7n2.329.
  • Haradhan, M. (2018). Qualitative research methodology in social sciences and related subjects. Journal of Economic Development, Environment and People. 7 (1), pp. 23-48. doi:10.26458/jedep.v7i1.571.
  • Hetmańczyk, P. (2023). Digitalization and its impact on labour market and education. Selected aspects, Education and Information Technologies, Volume 29, pp. 11119–11134.
  • Jackson, R., Drummond D.K, and Camara S. (2007). What is qualitative research? Qualitative Research Reports in Communication. 8(1), 2007, pp. 21-28.
  • ILO.(2020). The future of work in the digital economy. Geneva:ILO.
  • ILO. (2021a). 2021 World employment and social outlook the role of digital labor platforms in transforming the world of work. Geneva: ILO.
  • ILO.(2021b). Shaping qualifications and lifelong learning for the future of work International labor conference 109th Session. Geneva:ILO.
  • Karaçay, G. and Alpkan, L. (2019). The effects of digital transformation on labour markets: social policiy recomendations for the turkish labour market. Turkish Administration Journal, 91 (488).
  • Kocabıyık, O. O.(2016). Olgubilim ve gömülü kuram: Bazı özellikler açısından karşılaştırma, Trakya University Journal of Education Faculty. 6(1), pp.55-66.
  • Kreinsen, H. H.(2016). Digitization of industrial work, development paths and prospects J LABOR Market. 49(1), pp. 1-14.
  • Lambert, R. and Herod, A. (2016). Neoliberal capitalism and precarious work: Ethnographies of accommodation and resistance. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Langthaler, M. and Bazafkan H. (2020). Digitalization, education, and qualifications development in the global south, an assessment of the debate with a focus on sub-Saharan Africa. Austrian Foundation for Development Research, https,// (21.04.2022).
  • Larson, A. and Lindfred L. (2019). How circular economy and digital transformation can affect labor. Larson, A., Lindfred L. (Ed.) in Digitalization, circular economy and the future of labor. (pp.280-315). UK: Routledge.
  • Lee, S-H. (2014). Digital literacy education for the development of digital literacy. International Journal of Digital Literacy and Digital Competence (IJDLDC). 5(3), doi: 10.4018/ijdldc.2014070103.
  • McGarr, O. and Mcdonagh, A. (2019). Digital Competence in Teacher Education. Output 1 of the Erasmus+ funded Developing Student Teachers’ Digital Competence (DICTE).
  • Morandini, M.C., Thum Thysen, A., and Vandeplas, A. (2020). Facing the digital transformation, are digital qualifications enough?, Economic Brief 054 | July 2020.
  • OECD.(2016). Qualifications for a digital world. France: OECD.
  • OECD.(2018). The future of education and qualifications education 2030. France: OECD.
  • OECD.(2019). The Future of Work OECD Employment Outlook 2019. France: OECD.
  • Onyema, E. M., Eucheria, C.N., Obafemi, F. A., Sen, S., Atonye, F. G., Sharma, A. and Alsayed, A. O. (2020). Impact of Coronavirus Pandemic on Education, Journal of Education and Practice, ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online) Vol.11, No.13.
  • Radmard, S. and Atik, Z. (2019). Digitalization activities in education and investigation on educational managers’ consistency to the process. İnternational Journal of Social and Humanities Sciences Research (JSHSR), 6(37).
  • Rajest, S. S., Regin, R., Ajitha, Y., Paramasivan, P., Christabel, J A. G. and Shynu, T. (2023). The Analysis of How Artificial Intelligence Has an Effect on Teachers and The Education System, EAI Endorsed Transactions on e-Learning, Volume 9.|
  • Reuter, J., Dias, FM, Mello, G., Souza, A., and Encarnação, R. (2021). The digital labor market – competencies for the future developed through games. In Conference 5th-6th July 2021. (pp.8281-8289). Edulearn21 Proceedings.
  • Rosak-Szyrocka, J. (2024). The era of digitalization in education where do universites 4.0 go?, University of Technology Management Systems in Production Engineering, Volume 32, Issue 1, pp. 54-66.
  • Sadiku,M.N.O, Adegoye, G.A., Majebi,A. A.,, Musa S.,.M. (2022). The future of education, IJTSRD, Volume 6, Issue 7. Selçuk, Z., and Palancı M. (2014). Tendencies of the research published in education and science journals, as well as content analysis. Eğitim ve Bilim. 39(173), pp. 23-48.
  • Shaikh, A. A. and Nikooherafmaher, S. (2022). The effects of digitalization on students’ learning experience after the rise of the Covid-19 pandemic (unpublished master’s thesis). Graduate School of Jönköping University, Sweden.
  • Singapore Ministry of Manpower (2021). Flexible work arrangements. Singapore: Ministry of Manpower. Stein, V. (2015). Human resources development in times of digitalization, a dynamization agenda. Competitiveness and Stability in the Knowledge-Based Economy“ (7th iCOnEc 2015, 20.-21.03.2015).
  • Timotheou, S., Miliou, O., Dimitriadis, Y., Sobrino, S.V., Giannoutsou, N., Cachia, R., Monés, A.M. and Ioannou, A. (2022). Impacts of digital technologies on education and factorsinfluencing schools’ digital capacity and transformation: A literature review, Education and Information Technologies, 28:6695–6726.
  • Yaseen, S. F. M., and Joshi, S. R. (2021). Positive impact of Covid-19 on Education, Special Issue of First International Conference on Management, Science and Technology, Volume 03 Issue 06S.
  • Yılmaz, E. O., and Toker, T. (2022). How did the covid-19 outbreak affected the digital compentencies of teachers?. National Education, Volume 51, Issue 235 (2713-2730).
  • Wagiran, P., Wardan, S., Herminarto, S., Sunaryo, and S., Afri ,Y.(2019). Competencies of future vocational teachers, the perspective of in-service teachers and educational experts, Cakrawala Pendidikan. 38(2), 387-397.
  • World Bank Report. (2019). The changing nature of work. Washington: World Bank.
  • Umanailo, M.C.B. (2019). Overview phenomenological research. Researchgate. Doi: 10.31222/
  • UNESCO. (2011). Digital literacy in education. France: UNESCO.
  • UNITED NATIONS. (2018). Building digital competencies to benefit from existing and emerging technologies, with a particular focus on gender and youth dimensions. Geneva: UNESCO.
  • Zabolotska, O., Zhyliak N., Hevchuk N., Petrenko N. and Alieko O. (2021). Digital competencies of teachers in the transformation of the educational environment. Journal of Optimization in Industrial Engineering. Special issue 2021. 25-32.
  • Zarifhonarvar, A. (2024). Economics of ChatGPT: a labor market view on the occupational impact of artificial intelligence, Journal of Electronic Business & Digital Economics, Vol. 3, No. 2, 100-116.

Dijitalleşmenin Emek Piyasalarına Etkileri : Dijital Eğitim

Year 2024, Volume: 14 Issue: 3, 677 - 699, 30.09.2024


Dijital dönüşüm ile birlikte emek piyasalarındaki ihtiyaç duyulan vasıf, yetkinlik seviyelerinde değişiklikleri beraberinde getirmiştir. Özellikle Covid-19 süreci dijitalleşmenin önemini vurgulamış ve etkilerinin hızla yayılmasına neden olmuştur. Bu çalışma dijitalleşmenin eğitim emek piyasalarına etkilerini ortaya koymak amacıyla yapılmıştır. Araştırmada özel sektörde eğitimci olarak çalışan 20 kişi ile yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme yapılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda literatürde dijitalleşmenin işgücü piyasalarına etkilerine ilişkin çalışmalarda da benzer sonuçlar tespit edilmiştir. Dijitalleşmenin eğitmenlerin yetkinlik seviyelerinin artmasına, kendilerini geliştirmelerine aynı zamanda yeni işlerin de ortaya çıkmasına, bazı mesleklerin ortadan kalkmasına neden olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Eğitmenlerin dijital yetkinliklere uyum sağlamadığında işsiz kalma ihtimali de tespit edilmiştir. Yetkinlik seviyelerini arttıran eğitmenlerin ise ücretlerinin daha yüksek seviyelerde olması da beklenilen sonuçlar arasındadır. Dijitalleşmenin eğitimde dönüşümü gerçekleştirdiği ve hızlandırdığı da tespit edilmiştir. Aynı zamanda dijitalleşme eğitmenlerin kendilerini geliştirmesine de imkan sağlamaktadır. Eğitmenlerin dijital dönüşüme ayak uyduracak şekilde eğitim içeriklerini, yöntemlerini, kendi yetkinliklerini bu sürece uyum sağlayacak şekilde geliştirmeleri önerilebilir.


  • Alexandrova, G. N., and Glukhov G. V. (2021). Role of additional education in the context of labor market volatility. S. I. Ashmarina, V.V. Mantulenko (Eds). Digital economy and the new labor market: jobs, competencies and innovative HR technologies in (pp. 3-8). Berlin: Springer.
  • Andersson. P., and Mattsson LG. (2021). Future digitalization of education after Covid-19, Business Perspectives and Research. 3–16.
  • Anthonysamy, L., and Sh, H., Koo, A.C. (2020). Self-regulated learning strategies and non-academic outcomes in higher education blended learning environments, a one decade review, Education and Information Technologies, 25 (10Sp.), 3677-3704. doi:10.1007/s10639-020-10134-2.
  • Aspers, P., and Corte, U.(2019). What is qualitative in qualitative research? C. Benzecry, A. Deener (Ed.). Qualitative Sociology in (42:139–160).Berlin: Springer. (22.04.2022).
  • Bartilus, A. (2024). Digitalization in education and e-learning. / (10.07.2024).
  • Bashkireva, T., Bashkireva A., Morozov A., Tsvetkov S., and Popov A. (2020). Problems of the formation of digital competence in the modern educational space, Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 1691 (2020), 1-5. https,// (21.02.2022).
  • Berg, B. L, and Lune H.(2021). Qualitative research methods for the social sciences (9th Edition). Essex: Pearson.
  • Chinoracký, R., and Čorejová, T. (2019). Impact of digital technologies on the labor market and the transport sector. Transportation Research Procedia. 40(2019),994-1001. https,// (14.04.2022).
  • Chopra, A., and Bhilare, P. (2020). Future of work, an empirical study to understand expectations of the millennials from organizations. Business Perspectives and Research. 8(2), 1–17. doi: 10.1177/2278533719887457.
  • Crisan, G.A., Popescu, M.E., Militaru, E., Cristescu, A. (2023). EU diversity in terms of digitalization on the labor market in the post Covid-19 Context, economies, 11(293).
  • Cöbek, B., and Ünişen, A. (2022). Future of distance education according to teachers' opinions and its suitability within the context of basic principles of turkish national education in current situation, Journal of History School, 58, 1597-1618.
  • Curnow, C. (2021). Supporting labor market resiliency and future readiness, the case for measuring qualification demand in real-time. American Instıtutes for Research. April 2021, 1-7.
  • Çoşkunserçe, O., and Aydoğdu, Ş. (2022). Investigating the digital qualifications of undergraduate students in terms of various variables. Journal of Educational Technology & Online Learning. 5(4), 1219-1237.
  • Daniele, S. (2021). Digital transformation, Covid-19, and the future of work. International Journal of Business Management and Economic Research(IJBMER). 12(3), 1945-1952.
  • Didier, N. (2021). Are we ready? labour market transit to the digital economy, JACE, 0(0) 1–25.
  • Dyka, N., Trekyak, O., Yakunin, Y., Shopina, M., Tsybulska, S., and Horobets (2023). The impact of digitalization of education on the development of crucial teacher competencies, Revista de la Universidad del Zulia, 3ª época. Año 14, N° 41, 2023.
  • Eysenbach, G. and Köhler, C. (2002). How do consumers search for and appraise health information on the World Wide Web? Qualitative study using focus groups, usability tests, and in-depth interviews. Bmj. 324 (7337), 573-577. doi:10.1136/bmj.324.7337.573.
  • Fedorova, A., Koropets, O. and Gatti, M. (2019). Digitalization of human resource management practices and its impact on employees' well-being. In Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference" Contemporary Issues in Business, Management, and Economics Engineering." Vilnius (pp. 740-749). doi:10.3846/cibmee.2019.075.
  • Finger, G. (2014). Elearning: exploring digital futures in the 21st century, Educ. Sci. 2014, 4, 209–212; doi:10.3390/educsci4030209.
  • Francia, L-L., Diaz, S-S., Guillén-Aparicio, P., Tello-Cabello,S., Herrera-Paico,N., and Collantes-Inga,Z. (2019). Digital competencies and education. Propósitos y Representaciones. 7 (2), pp. 569-588. doi:10.20511/pyr2019.v7n2.329.
  • Haradhan, M. (2018). Qualitative research methodology in social sciences and related subjects. Journal of Economic Development, Environment and People. 7 (1), pp. 23-48. doi:10.26458/jedep.v7i1.571.
  • Hetmańczyk, P. (2023). Digitalization and its impact on labour market and education. Selected aspects, Education and Information Technologies, Volume 29, pp. 11119–11134.
  • Jackson, R., Drummond D.K, and Camara S. (2007). What is qualitative research? Qualitative Research Reports in Communication. 8(1), 2007, pp. 21-28.
  • ILO.(2020). The future of work in the digital economy. Geneva:ILO.
  • ILO. (2021a). 2021 World employment and social outlook the role of digital labor platforms in transforming the world of work. Geneva: ILO.
  • ILO.(2021b). Shaping qualifications and lifelong learning for the future of work International labor conference 109th Session. Geneva:ILO.
  • Karaçay, G. and Alpkan, L. (2019). The effects of digital transformation on labour markets: social policiy recomendations for the turkish labour market. Turkish Administration Journal, 91 (488).
  • Kocabıyık, O. O.(2016). Olgubilim ve gömülü kuram: Bazı özellikler açısından karşılaştırma, Trakya University Journal of Education Faculty. 6(1), pp.55-66.
  • Kreinsen, H. H.(2016). Digitization of industrial work, development paths and prospects J LABOR Market. 49(1), pp. 1-14.
  • Lambert, R. and Herod, A. (2016). Neoliberal capitalism and precarious work: Ethnographies of accommodation and resistance. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Langthaler, M. and Bazafkan H. (2020). Digitalization, education, and qualifications development in the global south, an assessment of the debate with a focus on sub-Saharan Africa. Austrian Foundation for Development Research, https,// (21.04.2022).
  • Larson, A. and Lindfred L. (2019). How circular economy and digital transformation can affect labor. Larson, A., Lindfred L. (Ed.) in Digitalization, circular economy and the future of labor. (pp.280-315). UK: Routledge.
  • Lee, S-H. (2014). Digital literacy education for the development of digital literacy. International Journal of Digital Literacy and Digital Competence (IJDLDC). 5(3), doi: 10.4018/ijdldc.2014070103.
  • McGarr, O. and Mcdonagh, A. (2019). Digital Competence in Teacher Education. Output 1 of the Erasmus+ funded Developing Student Teachers’ Digital Competence (DICTE).
  • Morandini, M.C., Thum Thysen, A., and Vandeplas, A. (2020). Facing the digital transformation, are digital qualifications enough?, Economic Brief 054 | July 2020.
  • OECD.(2016). Qualifications for a digital world. France: OECD.
  • OECD.(2018). The future of education and qualifications education 2030. France: OECD.
  • OECD.(2019). The Future of Work OECD Employment Outlook 2019. France: OECD.
  • Onyema, E. M., Eucheria, C.N., Obafemi, F. A., Sen, S., Atonye, F. G., Sharma, A. and Alsayed, A. O. (2020). Impact of Coronavirus Pandemic on Education, Journal of Education and Practice, ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online) Vol.11, No.13.
  • Radmard, S. and Atik, Z. (2019). Digitalization activities in education and investigation on educational managers’ consistency to the process. İnternational Journal of Social and Humanities Sciences Research (JSHSR), 6(37).
  • Rajest, S. S., Regin, R., Ajitha, Y., Paramasivan, P., Christabel, J A. G. and Shynu, T. (2023). The Analysis of How Artificial Intelligence Has an Effect on Teachers and The Education System, EAI Endorsed Transactions on e-Learning, Volume 9.|
  • Reuter, J., Dias, FM, Mello, G., Souza, A., and Encarnação, R. (2021). The digital labor market – competencies for the future developed through games. In Conference 5th-6th July 2021. (pp.8281-8289). Edulearn21 Proceedings.
  • Rosak-Szyrocka, J. (2024). The era of digitalization in education where do universites 4.0 go?, University of Technology Management Systems in Production Engineering, Volume 32, Issue 1, pp. 54-66.
  • Sadiku,M.N.O, Adegoye, G.A., Majebi,A. A.,, Musa S.,.M. (2022). The future of education, IJTSRD, Volume 6, Issue 7. Selçuk, Z., and Palancı M. (2014). Tendencies of the research published in education and science journals, as well as content analysis. Eğitim ve Bilim. 39(173), pp. 23-48.
  • Shaikh, A. A. and Nikooherafmaher, S. (2022). The effects of digitalization on students’ learning experience after the rise of the Covid-19 pandemic (unpublished master’s thesis). Graduate School of Jönköping University, Sweden.
  • Singapore Ministry of Manpower (2021). Flexible work arrangements. Singapore: Ministry of Manpower. Stein, V. (2015). Human resources development in times of digitalization, a dynamization agenda. Competitiveness and Stability in the Knowledge-Based Economy“ (7th iCOnEc 2015, 20.-21.03.2015).
  • Timotheou, S., Miliou, O., Dimitriadis, Y., Sobrino, S.V., Giannoutsou, N., Cachia, R., Monés, A.M. and Ioannou, A. (2022). Impacts of digital technologies on education and factorsinfluencing schools’ digital capacity and transformation: A literature review, Education and Information Technologies, 28:6695–6726.
  • Yaseen, S. F. M., and Joshi, S. R. (2021). Positive impact of Covid-19 on Education, Special Issue of First International Conference on Management, Science and Technology, Volume 03 Issue 06S.
  • Yılmaz, E. O., and Toker, T. (2022). How did the covid-19 outbreak affected the digital compentencies of teachers?. National Education, Volume 51, Issue 235 (2713-2730).
  • Wagiran, P., Wardan, S., Herminarto, S., Sunaryo, and S., Afri ,Y.(2019). Competencies of future vocational teachers, the perspective of in-service teachers and educational experts, Cakrawala Pendidikan. 38(2), 387-397.
  • World Bank Report. (2019). The changing nature of work. Washington: World Bank.
  • Umanailo, M.C.B. (2019). Overview phenomenological research. Researchgate. Doi: 10.31222/
  • UNESCO. (2011). Digital literacy in education. France: UNESCO.
  • UNITED NATIONS. (2018). Building digital competencies to benefit from existing and emerging technologies, with a particular focus on gender and youth dimensions. Geneva: UNESCO.
  • Zabolotska, O., Zhyliak N., Hevchuk N., Petrenko N. and Alieko O. (2021). Digital competencies of teachers in the transformation of the educational environment. Journal of Optimization in Industrial Engineering. Special issue 2021. 25-32.
  • Zarifhonarvar, A. (2024). Economics of ChatGPT: a labor market view on the occupational impact of artificial intelligence, Journal of Electronic Business & Digital Economics, Vol. 3, No. 2, 100-116.
There are 56 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Labor Economics
Journal Section Research Article

Burcu Arısoy 0000-0001-7452-2950

Early Pub Date September 27, 2024
Publication Date September 30, 2024
Submission Date March 11, 2024
Acceptance Date July 18, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 14 Issue: 3


APA Arısoy, B. (2024). Effects of Digitalization on Labour Markets : Digital Education. Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 14(3), 677-699.
AMA Arısoy B. Effects of Digitalization on Labour Markets : Digital Education. Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi. September 2024;14(3):677-699. doi:10.18074/ckuiibfd.1451262
Chicago Arısoy, Burcu. “Effects of Digitalization on Labour Markets : Digital Education”. Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 14, no. 3 (September 2024): 677-99.
EndNote Arısoy B (September 1, 2024) Effects of Digitalization on Labour Markets : Digital Education. Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 14 3 677–699.
IEEE B. Arısoy, “Effects of Digitalization on Labour Markets : Digital Education”, Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 677–699, 2024, doi: 10.18074/ckuiibfd.1451262.
ISNAD Arısoy, Burcu. “Effects of Digitalization on Labour Markets : Digital Education”. Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 14/3 (September 2024), 677-699.
JAMA Arısoy B. Effects of Digitalization on Labour Markets : Digital Education. Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi. 2024;14:677–699.
MLA Arısoy, Burcu. “Effects of Digitalization on Labour Markets : Digital Education”. Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 14, no. 3, 2024, pp. 677-99, doi:10.18074/ckuiibfd.1451262.
Vancouver Arısoy B. Effects of Digitalization on Labour Markets : Digital Education. Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi. 2024;14(3):677-99.