Çanakkale Umurbey Ovası Topraklarının Erozyona Duyarlılığının Mevsimsel Değişimi
Year 2014,
Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 123 - 131, 01.06.2014
Mehmet Parlak
Yusuf Yiğini
Hüseyin Ekinci
Toprağın erozyona duyarlılığı, yağış veya yüzey akışla toprağın parçalanmaya direncidir. Çanakkale Umurbey Ovası topraklarının erozyona duyarlılığını (K faktörü) ıslak eleme ve Wischmeier ve Smith (1978) abağının eşitliği kullanarak belirlemek için dört mevsimde 17 toprak serisinden yüzey örnekleri alınmıştır.K faktörleri ve agregat stabiliteleri bakımından mevsimler arasındaki farkın karşılaştırılması tekrarlanan ölçümlü deneme düzeninde varyans analizine göre yapılmıştır. Farklı mevsimlerde alınan toprakların agregat stabilitesi değerleri (%2.76 ile %4.35) düşük, K faktörü değerleri ise 0.20 ile 0.30 arasında (fazla aşınabilir topraklar) saptanmıştır. Toprakların agregat stabilitesi değerlerini yükseltmek ve K faktörü değerlerini düşürmek için toprak koruyucu yöntem olarak bitkisel yöntemlere ağırlık verilmeli özellikle organik madde toprağa ilave edilmelidir
- Amezketa, E., 1999. Soil aggregate stability: a review. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture. 14: 83–171.
- Angers, D.A., 1992. Changes in soil aggregation and organic carbon under corn and alfalfa. Soil Science Society of American Journal. 56: 1244–1249.
- Anonim, 2011. Çanakkale Meteoroloji Müdürlüğü iklim Verileri (yayınlanmamış).
- Auerswald, K., Fiener, P., Martin, W., Elhaus, D., 2014. Use and misuse of the K factor equation in soil erosion modeling: An alternative equation for determining USLE nomograph soil erodibility values. Catena. 118: 220–225.
- Bajracharya, R.M., Elliot, W.J., Lal, R., 1992. Interrill erodibility of some Ohio soils based on field rainfall simulation. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 56: 267–272.
- Bajracharya, R.M., Lal, R., Hall, G.F., 1998. Temporal variation in properties of an uncropped, ploughed Miamian soil in relation to seasonal erodibility. Hydrological Processes. 12: 1021–1030.
- Balcı, N., 1996. Toprak Koruması. İstanbul Üniversitesi Yayın No: 3947, Orman Fakültesi Yayın No: 439. s. 490. İstanbul.
- Barthes, B., Roose., E., 2002. Aggregate stability as an indicator of soil susceptibility to runoff and erosion; validation at several levels. Catena. 47: 133–149.
- Başkan, O., Dengiz, O., 2008. Comparision of traditional and geostatistical methods to estimate soil erodibility factor. Arid Land Research and Management. 22: 29–45.
- Bayramin, İ., Dengiz, O., Başkan, O., Parlak, M., 2003. Soil erosion assessment with ICONA Model Case Study: Beypazarı Area.TÜBİTAK Agriculture and Foresty. 27 (2): 105–116.
- Blackman, J.D., 1992. Seasonal variation in the aggregate stability of dowland soils. Soil Use and Management. 8: 142–150.
- Bryan, R.B., 2000. Soil erodibility and processes of water erosion on hillslope. Geomorphology. 32: 385–415.
- Bryan, R.B., 1971. The influence of frost action on soil aggregate stability. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers. 54: 71–85.
- Bryan, R.B., 1996. Erosional response to variations in interstorm weathering conditions. In: Anderson, M.G., Brooks, S.A. (Eds.), Advances in Hillslope Processes:589–612. Wiley, Chichester.
- Bullock, M.S., Kemper., W.D., Nelson, S.D., 1988. Soi cohesion as affected by freezing, water content, time and tillage. Soil Science Society of American Journal. 52: 770–776.
- Caron, J., Espindola, C.R., Angers, D.A., 1996. Soil structural stability during rapid wetting: Influence of land use on some aggregate properties. Soil Science Society of American Journal. 60: 901–908.
- Caron, J., Kay, B.D., Stone, J.A., 1992. Improvement of structural stability of a clay loam with drying. Soil Science Society of American Journal. 56: 1583–1590.
- Cebel, H., Akgül, S., Doğan, O., Elbaşı, F., 2013. Türkiye büyük toprak gruplarının erozyona duyarlılık “K” faktörleri. Toprak Su Dergisi. 2 (1): 30–45.
- Coote, D.R., Malcolm–Mcgovern, C.A., Wall, G.J., Dickinson, W.T., Rudra, R.P., 1988. Seasonal variation of erodibility indices based on shear strength and aggregate stability in some Ontario soils. Canadian Journal of Soil Science. 68: 405–416.
- Dimoyiannis, D., 2009. Seasonal soil aggregate stability variation in relation to rainfall and temperature under Mediterranean conditions. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 34: 860–866.
- Gee, G.W., Bauder, J.W., 1986. Particle size analysis. In: Klute, A. (Ed), Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 2, Agronomy 9: 337–382. Am. Soc. of Agron., Inc., Madison, Wisconsin, USA.
- Giovannini, G., Vallejo, R., Lucchesi, S., Bautista, S., Ciompi, S., Llovet, J., 2001. Effect of land use and eventual fire on soil erodibility in dry Mediterranean conditions. Forest Ecology and Management. 147: 15–23.
- Gollany, H.T., Schumacher, T.E., Evenson, P.D., Lindstrom, M.J., Lemne, G.D., 1991. Aggregate stability of an eroded and desurfaced typic Argiustoll. Soil Science Society of American Journal. 55: 811–816.
- Govers, G., Loch, R.J., 1993. Effects of initial water content and soil mechanical strength on the runoff erosion resistance of clay soils. Australian Journal of Soil Research. 31: 549–566.
- Haktanır, K., 1997. Doğal kaynak olarak toprak. İnsan Çevre Toplum (Editör: Ruşen Keleş). sayfa 193–225. İmge Kitapevi. Ankara.
- Kemper, W.D., Rosenau, R.C., 1986. Aggregate stability and size distribution. In: Klute, A. (Ed), Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 2, Agronomy 9: 425–442. Am. Soc. of Agron., Inc., Madison, Wisconsin, USA.
- Klute, A., Dirksen, C., 1986. Hydraulic conductivity and diffusivity. In: Klute, A. (Ed), Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 2. Agronomy 9: 687–732. Am. Soc. of Agron., Inc., Madison, Wisconsin, USA.
- Le Bissonais, Y., Blavet, D., Noni, G.D., Laurent, J.Y., Asseline, J., Chenu, C., 2007. Erodibility of Mediterranean vineyard soils: relevant aggregate stability methods and significiant soil variables. European Journal of Soil Science. 58: 188–195.
- Le Bissonnais, Y., Bruand, A., Jamagne, M., 1989. Laboratory experimental study of soil crusting: relations between aggregate breakdown mechanisms and crust structure. Catena. 16: 377–392.
- Legout, C., Leguedois, S., Le Bissonnais, Y., 2005. Aggregate breakdown dynamics under rainfall compared with aggregate stability measurements. European Journal of Soil Science. 56: 225–237.
- Lehrsch, G.A., Jolley, P.M., 1992. Temporal changes in wet aggregate stability. Transactions of the ASAE. 35: 493–498.
- Lehrsch, G.A., Sojka, R.E., Carter, D.L., Jolley, P.M., 1991. Freezing effects on aggregate stability affected by texture, mineralogy, and organic matter. Soil Science Society of American Journal. 55: 1401–1406.
- Lynch, J.M., Bragg, E., 1985. Microorganisms and soil aggregate stability. Advances in Soil Sciences. 2: 133– 171.
- Miller, W.P., Baharrudin, M.K., 1987. Interrill erodibility of highly weathered soils. Communication in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 18: 933–945.
- Mulla, D.J., Huyck, L.M., Reganold, J.P., 1992. Temporal variations in aggregate stability on conventional and alternative farms. Soil Science Society of American Journal. 56: 1620–1624.
- Mutchler, C.K., Carter, C.E., 1983. Soil erodibility variation during the year. Transactions of ASAE. 26: 1102– 1104.
- Nelson, R.E., Sommers, L.E., 1982. Total carbon, organic carbon and organic matter. In: Page, A. L., R. H. Miller and Keeney, D. R. (Ed.), Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 2, Agronomy 9: 539–579. Am. Soc. of Agron., Inc., Madison, Wisconsin, USA.
- Oades, J.M., 1993. The role of biology in the formation, stabilization and degradation of soil structure. Geoderma. 56: 377–400.
- Özdemir, N., 1994.Toprağın strüktürel dayanıklılığının ve erozyona karşı duyarlılığının mevsimsel değişimi. Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi. 25 (3): 319–326.
- Rauws, G., Auzet, A.V., 1989. Laboratory experiments on the effects of simulated wheel trackings on linear soil erosion. Soil and Tillage Research.19: 75–81.
- Rejman, J., Turski., R., Paluszek., J., 1998. Spatial and temporal variations in erodibility of loess soil. Soil and Tillage Research. 46: 61–68.
- Salvador Sanchis, M.P., Torri, D., Borselli, L., Poesen, J., 2007. Climate effects on soil erodibility. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 33: 1082–1097.
- Shiel, R.S., Adey, M.A., Lodder, M., 1988. The effect of successive wet/dry cycles on aggregate size distribution in a clay texture soil. Journal of Soil Science. 39: 71–80.
- Singh, M.J., Khera, K.L., 2010. Evaluation and estimation of soil erodibility by different techniques and their relationships. 19th World Congress of Soil Science, Soil Solutions for a Changing World. 1–6 August 2010, Brisbane, Australia. p. 37–40.
- Suwardji, P., Eberbach, P.L., 1998. Seasonal changes of physical properties of an Oxic Paleustalf (Red Kandosol) after 16 years of direct drilling or conventional cultivation. Soil and Tillage Research. 49: 65–77.
- Tang, K.L., 2004. Soil and Water Conservation in China. Science Press, Beijing.
- Torri, D., Poesen, J., Borselli, L., 1997. Predictability and uncertainty of the soil erodibility factor using a global dataset. Catena. 31: 1–22.
- Torri, D., Poesen, J., Borselli, L., 2002. Corrigendum to “Predictability and uncertainty of the soil erodibility factor using a global dataset” [Catena 31 (1997) 1–22] and to “Erratum to Predictability and uncertainty of the soil erodibility factor using a global dataset” [Catena 32 (1998) 307–308]. Catena. 46: 309–310.
- Truman, G.C., Bradford, J.M., Ferris, J.E., 1990. Influence of antecedent water content and rainfall energy on soil aggregate breakdown. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 54: 1385–1392.
- Türkeş, M., Sümer, U.M., Demir, İ., 2002. Re–evaluation of trends and changes in mean, maximum and minimum temperatures of Turkey for the period 1929–1999. International Journal of Climatology. 22: 947–977.
- Utomo, W.H., Dexter, A.R., 1982. Changes in soil aggregate stability induced by wetting and drying cycles in non–saturated soil. Journal of Soil Science. 33: 623–637.
- Wang, B., Zheng, F., Römkens, M.J.M., Darboux, F., 2013. Soil erodibility for water erosion: A perspective and Chinese experiences. Geomorphology. 187: 1–10.
- Wischmeier, W.H., Smith, D.D., 1978. Predicting rainfall erosion losses: a guide to conservation planning. Agricultural Handbook No: 537. United States Department of Agricultural Science and Education Administration, Agricultural Research, Washington, DC. 58 pp.
- Wischmeier, W.H., Mannering., J.V., 1969. Relation of soil properties to its erodibility. Soil Science Society of America Proceedings. 33: 131–137.
- Yiğini, Y., 2006. Çanakkale Umurbey Ovası Topraklarının Detaylı Toprak Etüt Haritalanması ve Arazi Değerlendirmesi. ÇOMÜ Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Toprak Anabilim Dalı, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, 174 s.
- Yiğini, Y., Ekinci, H., 2007. Umurbey Ovası topraklarının sorunları. Lapseki Sempozyumu 2007. s. 111–115. 23–24 Haziran, Çanakkale.
- Young, R.A., Onstad, C.A., McCool, D.K., Benoit, G.R., 1983. Temporal changes in soil erodibility. Proc. Natural Resources Modelling Symp.,October 16–21, Colorado. ARS 30, USA.
Seasonal Change of Erodibility in the Soils of Çanakkale-Umurbey Plain
Year 2014,
Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 123 - 131, 01.06.2014
Mehmet Parlak
Yusuf Yiğini
Hüseyin Ekinci
Soil erodibility is the resistance of soil to detachment by rainfall impact or surface flow force. Surface soil samples were taken from 17 soil series in four seasons to determine the erosion sensitivity of the soils of Çanakkale Umurbey Plain (K–factor) by using wet sieving method and the equations of Wischmeier and Smith (1978) nomograph’ s equation. Differences in K factors and aggregate stabilities by season were compared with repeated measurement variance analysis. Aggregate stabilities of the soil samples taken at different seasons varied between 2.76 – 4.35% (low) and K–factors varied between 0.20 – 0.30 (highly erodible). Vegetative measures and especially organic matter supplementation should be emphasized as a soil conservation method to improve the aggregate stabilities and to reduce K–factor values
- Amezketa, E., 1999. Soil aggregate stability: a review. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture. 14: 83–171.
- Angers, D.A., 1992. Changes in soil aggregation and organic carbon under corn and alfalfa. Soil Science Society of American Journal. 56: 1244–1249.
- Anonim, 2011. Çanakkale Meteoroloji Müdürlüğü iklim Verileri (yayınlanmamış).
- Auerswald, K., Fiener, P., Martin, W., Elhaus, D., 2014. Use and misuse of the K factor equation in soil erosion modeling: An alternative equation for determining USLE nomograph soil erodibility values. Catena. 118: 220–225.
- Bajracharya, R.M., Elliot, W.J., Lal, R., 1992. Interrill erodibility of some Ohio soils based on field rainfall simulation. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 56: 267–272.
- Bajracharya, R.M., Lal, R., Hall, G.F., 1998. Temporal variation in properties of an uncropped, ploughed Miamian soil in relation to seasonal erodibility. Hydrological Processes. 12: 1021–1030.
- Balcı, N., 1996. Toprak Koruması. İstanbul Üniversitesi Yayın No: 3947, Orman Fakültesi Yayın No: 439. s. 490. İstanbul.
- Barthes, B., Roose., E., 2002. Aggregate stability as an indicator of soil susceptibility to runoff and erosion; validation at several levels. Catena. 47: 133–149.
- Başkan, O., Dengiz, O., 2008. Comparision of traditional and geostatistical methods to estimate soil erodibility factor. Arid Land Research and Management. 22: 29–45.
- Bayramin, İ., Dengiz, O., Başkan, O., Parlak, M., 2003. Soil erosion assessment with ICONA Model Case Study: Beypazarı Area.TÜBİTAK Agriculture and Foresty. 27 (2): 105–116.
- Blackman, J.D., 1992. Seasonal variation in the aggregate stability of dowland soils. Soil Use and Management. 8: 142–150.
- Bryan, R.B., 2000. Soil erodibility and processes of water erosion on hillslope. Geomorphology. 32: 385–415.
- Bryan, R.B., 1971. The influence of frost action on soil aggregate stability. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers. 54: 71–85.
- Bryan, R.B., 1996. Erosional response to variations in interstorm weathering conditions. In: Anderson, M.G., Brooks, S.A. (Eds.), Advances in Hillslope Processes:589–612. Wiley, Chichester.
- Bullock, M.S., Kemper., W.D., Nelson, S.D., 1988. Soi cohesion as affected by freezing, water content, time and tillage. Soil Science Society of American Journal. 52: 770–776.
- Caron, J., Espindola, C.R., Angers, D.A., 1996. Soil structural stability during rapid wetting: Influence of land use on some aggregate properties. Soil Science Society of American Journal. 60: 901–908.
- Caron, J., Kay, B.D., Stone, J.A., 1992. Improvement of structural stability of a clay loam with drying. Soil Science Society of American Journal. 56: 1583–1590.
- Cebel, H., Akgül, S., Doğan, O., Elbaşı, F., 2013. Türkiye büyük toprak gruplarının erozyona duyarlılık “K” faktörleri. Toprak Su Dergisi. 2 (1): 30–45.
- Coote, D.R., Malcolm–Mcgovern, C.A., Wall, G.J., Dickinson, W.T., Rudra, R.P., 1988. Seasonal variation of erodibility indices based on shear strength and aggregate stability in some Ontario soils. Canadian Journal of Soil Science. 68: 405–416.
- Dimoyiannis, D., 2009. Seasonal soil aggregate stability variation in relation to rainfall and temperature under Mediterranean conditions. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 34: 860–866.
- Gee, G.W., Bauder, J.W., 1986. Particle size analysis. In: Klute, A. (Ed), Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 2, Agronomy 9: 337–382. Am. Soc. of Agron., Inc., Madison, Wisconsin, USA.
- Giovannini, G., Vallejo, R., Lucchesi, S., Bautista, S., Ciompi, S., Llovet, J., 2001. Effect of land use and eventual fire on soil erodibility in dry Mediterranean conditions. Forest Ecology and Management. 147: 15–23.
- Gollany, H.T., Schumacher, T.E., Evenson, P.D., Lindstrom, M.J., Lemne, G.D., 1991. Aggregate stability of an eroded and desurfaced typic Argiustoll. Soil Science Society of American Journal. 55: 811–816.
- Govers, G., Loch, R.J., 1993. Effects of initial water content and soil mechanical strength on the runoff erosion resistance of clay soils. Australian Journal of Soil Research. 31: 549–566.
- Haktanır, K., 1997. Doğal kaynak olarak toprak. İnsan Çevre Toplum (Editör: Ruşen Keleş). sayfa 193–225. İmge Kitapevi. Ankara.
- Kemper, W.D., Rosenau, R.C., 1986. Aggregate stability and size distribution. In: Klute, A. (Ed), Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 2, Agronomy 9: 425–442. Am. Soc. of Agron., Inc., Madison, Wisconsin, USA.
- Klute, A., Dirksen, C., 1986. Hydraulic conductivity and diffusivity. In: Klute, A. (Ed), Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 2. Agronomy 9: 687–732. Am. Soc. of Agron., Inc., Madison, Wisconsin, USA.
- Le Bissonais, Y., Blavet, D., Noni, G.D., Laurent, J.Y., Asseline, J., Chenu, C., 2007. Erodibility of Mediterranean vineyard soils: relevant aggregate stability methods and significiant soil variables. European Journal of Soil Science. 58: 188–195.
- Le Bissonnais, Y., Bruand, A., Jamagne, M., 1989. Laboratory experimental study of soil crusting: relations between aggregate breakdown mechanisms and crust structure. Catena. 16: 377–392.
- Legout, C., Leguedois, S., Le Bissonnais, Y., 2005. Aggregate breakdown dynamics under rainfall compared with aggregate stability measurements. European Journal of Soil Science. 56: 225–237.
- Lehrsch, G.A., Jolley, P.M., 1992. Temporal changes in wet aggregate stability. Transactions of the ASAE. 35: 493–498.
- Lehrsch, G.A., Sojka, R.E., Carter, D.L., Jolley, P.M., 1991. Freezing effects on aggregate stability affected by texture, mineralogy, and organic matter. Soil Science Society of American Journal. 55: 1401–1406.
- Lynch, J.M., Bragg, E., 1985. Microorganisms and soil aggregate stability. Advances in Soil Sciences. 2: 133– 171.
- Miller, W.P., Baharrudin, M.K., 1987. Interrill erodibility of highly weathered soils. Communication in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 18: 933–945.
- Mulla, D.J., Huyck, L.M., Reganold, J.P., 1992. Temporal variations in aggregate stability on conventional and alternative farms. Soil Science Society of American Journal. 56: 1620–1624.
- Mutchler, C.K., Carter, C.E., 1983. Soil erodibility variation during the year. Transactions of ASAE. 26: 1102– 1104.
- Nelson, R.E., Sommers, L.E., 1982. Total carbon, organic carbon and organic matter. In: Page, A. L., R. H. Miller and Keeney, D. R. (Ed.), Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 2, Agronomy 9: 539–579. Am. Soc. of Agron., Inc., Madison, Wisconsin, USA.
- Oades, J.M., 1993. The role of biology in the formation, stabilization and degradation of soil structure. Geoderma. 56: 377–400.
- Özdemir, N., 1994.Toprağın strüktürel dayanıklılığının ve erozyona karşı duyarlılığının mevsimsel değişimi. Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi. 25 (3): 319–326.
- Rauws, G., Auzet, A.V., 1989. Laboratory experiments on the effects of simulated wheel trackings on linear soil erosion. Soil and Tillage Research.19: 75–81.
- Rejman, J., Turski., R., Paluszek., J., 1998. Spatial and temporal variations in erodibility of loess soil. Soil and Tillage Research. 46: 61–68.
- Salvador Sanchis, M.P., Torri, D., Borselli, L., Poesen, J., 2007. Climate effects on soil erodibility. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 33: 1082–1097.
- Shiel, R.S., Adey, M.A., Lodder, M., 1988. The effect of successive wet/dry cycles on aggregate size distribution in a clay texture soil. Journal of Soil Science. 39: 71–80.
- Singh, M.J., Khera, K.L., 2010. Evaluation and estimation of soil erodibility by different techniques and their relationships. 19th World Congress of Soil Science, Soil Solutions for a Changing World. 1–6 August 2010, Brisbane, Australia. p. 37–40.
- Suwardji, P., Eberbach, P.L., 1998. Seasonal changes of physical properties of an Oxic Paleustalf (Red Kandosol) after 16 years of direct drilling or conventional cultivation. Soil and Tillage Research. 49: 65–77.
- Tang, K.L., 2004. Soil and Water Conservation in China. Science Press, Beijing.
- Torri, D., Poesen, J., Borselli, L., 1997. Predictability and uncertainty of the soil erodibility factor using a global dataset. Catena. 31: 1–22.
- Torri, D., Poesen, J., Borselli, L., 2002. Corrigendum to “Predictability and uncertainty of the soil erodibility factor using a global dataset” [Catena 31 (1997) 1–22] and to “Erratum to Predictability and uncertainty of the soil erodibility factor using a global dataset” [Catena 32 (1998) 307–308]. Catena. 46: 309–310.
- Truman, G.C., Bradford, J.M., Ferris, J.E., 1990. Influence of antecedent water content and rainfall energy on soil aggregate breakdown. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 54: 1385–1392.
- Türkeş, M., Sümer, U.M., Demir, İ., 2002. Re–evaluation of trends and changes in mean, maximum and minimum temperatures of Turkey for the period 1929–1999. International Journal of Climatology. 22: 947–977.
- Utomo, W.H., Dexter, A.R., 1982. Changes in soil aggregate stability induced by wetting and drying cycles in non–saturated soil. Journal of Soil Science. 33: 623–637.
- Wang, B., Zheng, F., Römkens, M.J.M., Darboux, F., 2013. Soil erodibility for water erosion: A perspective and Chinese experiences. Geomorphology. 187: 1–10.
- Wischmeier, W.H., Smith, D.D., 1978. Predicting rainfall erosion losses: a guide to conservation planning. Agricultural Handbook No: 537. United States Department of Agricultural Science and Education Administration, Agricultural Research, Washington, DC. 58 pp.
- Wischmeier, W.H., Mannering., J.V., 1969. Relation of soil properties to its erodibility. Soil Science Society of America Proceedings. 33: 131–137.
- Yiğini, Y., 2006. Çanakkale Umurbey Ovası Topraklarının Detaylı Toprak Etüt Haritalanması ve Arazi Değerlendirmesi. ÇOMÜ Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Toprak Anabilim Dalı, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, 174 s.
- Yiğini, Y., Ekinci, H., 2007. Umurbey Ovası topraklarının sorunları. Lapseki Sempozyumu 2007. s. 111–115. 23–24 Haziran, Çanakkale.
- Young, R.A., Onstad, C.A., McCool, D.K., Benoit, G.R., 1983. Temporal changes in soil erodibility. Proc. Natural Resources Modelling Symp.,October 16–21, Colorado. ARS 30, USA.