Writing Rules

The articles should be written in a simple and understandable language as possible. All submitted articles should be prepared in MS Word format. The contents and writing rules of the submitted article(s) are checked by the editor whether they comply with the writing rules of journal, and then the potential referees are assigned to article(s) having a command on the subject of the article(s). Articles prepared on the lights of referees' recommended suggestions and the corrections have been done properly along with editorial approval are accepted for publication. Article(s) are not written according to authors’ instructions and the writing rules of journal will be returned back to the author(s). The contents of the articles submitted to our journal must be original, unpublished or not sent for publication before. The article(s) to be submitted for evaluation must be clearly indicated with a preface note that it has not been sent or published in another journal. The use of "ORCID Number" has been made compulsory for international acceptance in the time of article submission in our journal.

For the Journal Template 

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