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Future Insights for The Role of Materialism and Money Attitudes on Online Compulsive Buying

Yıl 2020, , 887 - 911, 30.10.2020


Bu çalışma materyalizm ve paraya karşı tutumun sanal kompulsif satın alma üzerindeki rolünü inceleme yoluyla kompulsif satin alma literatürü ile ilgili anlayışı genişletmeyi amaçlamaktadır. İki hafta boyunca bir araştırma şirketi tarafından 601 kişiden anket toplanmış, regresyon analizi kullanımıyla bir nedensel çalışma yapılmıştır.Materyalizmin başta mutluluk olmak üzere üç alt boyutunun da sanal kompulsif satin alma üstünde anlamlı etkisi bulunmuş, ancak paraya karşı tutumun güç dışındaki diğer iki boyutunun anlamlı etkisi saptanamamıştır Güç, online kompulsif satin alma üzerinde negatif anlamlı bir etkiye sahiptir Sanal kompulsif satin alma literatüründe parasal konularla ilgili bir boşluğu dolduracağı düşünülen çalışmada dijital çağ, post-materyalizm ve yoğun internet kullanımı gibi trendler ışığında gelecekle ilgili öngörülerde bulunulmuştur.


  • Abdullah, L. & Asngari, H. (2011). Factor analysis evidence in describing consumer preferences for a soft drink product in Malaysia, Journal of Applied Sciences, 11(1), 139-144.
  • Belk, R. W. (1984). Three scales to measure constructs related to materialism: Reliability, validity, and relationships to measures of happiness. Advances in Consumer Research. 11(1), 291-297.
  • Bilgen Kocatürk, E. (2017). Kompulsif Satın Alma Davranışı. İstanbul : Beta Yayınları.
  • Butler, P. & Peppard, J. (1998). Consumer purchasing on the Internet: Processes and prospects, European Management Journal, 16(5), 600-610.
  • Chui, C. T. B. & Sidin, S. M. (2011). Satisfying women's status desires: Role of money attitude and consumer vanity in status consumption, Asia-Pacific Advances in Consumer Research, 9, 328-335.
  • D’Astous, A (1990). An inquiry into the compulsive side of “normal” consumers, Journal of Consumer Policy, 13(1), 15-31.
  • Dittmar, H., Long, K. & Bond, R. (2007). When a better self is only a button click away: Associations between materialistic values, emotional and identity-related buying motives, and compulsive buying tendency online, Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 26(3), 334-361.
  • Durmuş, B., E. S. Yurtkoru & M. Çinko. (2011). Sosyal Bilimlerde SPSS’le Veri Analizi. 4. Baskı. İstanbul: Beta Basım Yayın.
  • Duroy, D., Gorse, P. & Lejoyeux, M. (2014). Characteristics of online compulsive buying in Parisian students, Addictive Behaviors, 39(12), 1827-1830.
  • Durvasula, S. & Lysonski, S. (2010). Money, money, money – how do attitudes toward money impact vanity and materialism? – The case of young Chinese consumers, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 27(2), 169-179.
  • Edwards, E. A. (1993). Development of a new scale for measuring compulsive buying behavior, Financial Counseling and Planning, 4, 67-85.
  • Eren, S. S., Eroğlu, F. & Hacioglu, G. (2012). Compulsive buying tendencies through materialistic and hedonic values among college students in Turkey, Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 58, 1370-1377.
  • Faber, R. J., O’Guinn, T. C. & Krych, R. (1987). Compulsive consumption, Advances in Consumer Research, 14, 132-135.
  • Faber, R. J. & O'Guinn, T. C. (1988). Compulsive consumption and credit abuse. Journal of Consumer Policy. 11(1), 97-109.
  • Faber, R. J. & O’Guinn, T.C. (1992). A clinical screener for compulsive buying, Journal of Consumer Research, 19(3), 459-469.
  • Furnham, A., Wilson, E. & Telford, K. (2012). The meaning of money: The validation of a short money-types measure, Personality and Individual Differences, 52(6), 707-711.
  • George, D. & Mallery, P. (2003). SPSS for Windows Step by Step: A Simple Guide and Reference, 11.0 Update, Fourth Ed. Boston : Allyn & Bacon.
  • Graham, J. F. (1999). Materialism and consumer behavior: Toward a clear understanding, Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 14(2), 241-258.
  • Gu, F. G. & Hung, K. H. (2009). Materialism among adolescents in China: A historical generation perspective, Journal of Asia Business Studies, Spring, 56-64.
  • Hair, Jr. J., Black, W., Babin, B. & Anderson, R. (2009). Multivariate Data Analysis, Prentice Hall.
  • Hanley, A. & Wilhelm, M. S. (1992). Compulsive buying: An exploration into self-esteem and money attitudes, Journal of Economic Psychology, 13(1), 5-18.
  • Kaiser, H. F. (1974). An index of factoral simplicity, Psychometrika, 39, 31-36.
  • Kasser, T. & Ryan, R. M. (1993). A Dark side of the American dream: Correlates of financial success as a central life aspiration, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 65(2), 410-422.
  • Kukar-Kinney, M., Scheinbaum, A. & Schaefers, T. (2016). Compulsive buying in online daily deal settings: An investigation of motivations and contextual elements, Journal of Business Research, 69 (2), 691-699.
  • Kukar-Kinney, M., Ridgway, N. M. & Monroe, K. B. (2009). The relationship between consumers’ tendencies to buy compulsively and their motivations to hope and buy on the Internet, Journal of Retailing, 85(3), 298-307.
  • Larose, R. & Eastin, M. S. (2002). Is online buying out of control? Electronic commerce and consumer self-regulation. Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, 46(4), 549-564.
  • Lee, Y. J. & Park, J. K. (2008). The mediating role of consumer conformity in e-compulsive buying, Advances in Consumer Research, 35, 387-392.
  • Li, N. & Zhang, P. (2002). Consumer online shopping attitudes and behavior: An assessment of research, Eight Americas Conference on Information Systems. 508-517.
  • Masuo, D. M., Malroutu, Y. L., Hanashiro, R. & Kim, J. H. (2004). College students’ money beliefs and behaviors: An Asian perspective, Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 25(4), 469-481.
  • Medina, J. F., Saegert, J. & A. Gresham. (1996). Comparison of Mexican-American and Anglo-American attitudes toward money. The Journal of Consumer Affairs, 30(1), 124-145.
  • Mitchell, T. R. & Mickel, A. E. (1999). The meaning of money: An individual differences perspective, Academy of Management Review. 24(3), 568-578.
  • Mowen, J. C. & Spears, N. (1999). Understanding compulsive buying among college students: A hierarchical approach, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 8(4), 407-430.
  • Mueller, A. L., Claes, J., Mitchell, E., Faber, R. J., Fischer, J. & Zwaan, M. (2011). Does compulsive buying differ between male and female students? Personality and Individual Differences, 50(8), 1309-1312.
  • Nga, J. K. H., Yong, L. H. L. & Sellappan, R. (2011). The influence of image consciousness, materialism and compulsive spending on credit card usage intentions among youth, Young Consumers: Insight and Ideas for Responsible Marketers. 12(3), 243 – 253.
  • Nnedum, O. A. U., Egwu, E. U., Obinna, E. J., Ntomchukwu, M. S. & Chukwukeluo, C. B. (2011). Materialism and meaning of money (MOM): Validation of money metaphor scale (MMS) in South Africa, International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, 76, 31-46.
  • Ogden, H. & Cheng, S. (2011). Cultural dimensions and materialism: Comparing Canada and China. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 23(4), 431–447.
  • O'Guinn, T. C. & Faber, R. J. (1989). Compulsive buying: A phenomenological exploration, Journal of Consumer Research, 16(2), 147-157.
  • Pallant, J. (2005). SPSS Survival Manual, Second Ed., Sydney: Ligare Pty Ltd,.
  • Pham, T. H., Yap, K. & Dowling, N. A. (2012). The impact of financial management practices and financial attitudes on the relationship between materialism and compulsive buying. Journal of Economic Psychology, 33(3), 461-470.
  • Phau, I. & Woo, C. (2008). Understanding compulsive buying tendencies among young Australians: The roles of money attitude and credit card usage. Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 26(5), 441-458.
  • Reeves, R. A., Baker, G. A. & Truluck, C. S. (2012). Celebrity worship, materialism, compulsive buying, and empty self. Psychology and Marketing, 29(9), 674-679.
  • Reid, G. (2018). How many Internet users will the world have in 2022, and in 2030?, Cybersecurity Ventures Online Magazine, July 19, 2018.
  • Richards, L. (2009). Handling Qualitative Data: A Practical Guide (2nd ed.). London, Thousand Oaks, New Delhi: Sage Publications.
  • Richins, M. L. & Dawson, S. (1992). A consumer values orientation for materialism and its measurement: Scale development and validation. Journal of Consumer Research. 19(3), 303-316.
  • Roberts, J. A. & Martinez, C. R. (1997). The emerging consumer culture in Mexico. Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 10(½), 7-31.
  • Roberts, J. & Jones, E. (2001). Money attitudes credit card use and compulsive buying among American college students. The Journal of Consumer Affairs, 35(21), 213-240.
  • Roberts, J. A. & Sepulveda, C. J. M. (1999a). Money attitudes and compulsive buying. Journal of International Consumer Marketing. 11(4), 53-74.
  • Roberts, J. A. & Sepulveda, C. J. M. (1999b). Demographics and money attitudes: A test of Yamauchi and Templer’s (1982) money attitude scale in Mexico. Personality and Individual Differences. 27(1), 19-35.
  • Rose, G. M. & Orr, L. M. (2007). Measuring and exploring symbolic money meanings. Psychology and Marketing, 24(9), 743-761.
  • Rose, P. (2007). mediators of the association between narcissism and compulsive buying: the roles of materialism and impulse control. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 21(4), 576-581.
  • Rosse, E. & Codina, I. (2009). Internet: Un amplificateur pour les addictions comportementales, Psychotropes, 15(1). 10.02.2019.
  • Sabri, M. F., Hayhoe, C. R. & Ai, G. L. (2006). Attitudes, values and beliefs towards money: Gender and working sector comparison, Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences. and Humanities. 14(2), 121-130.
  • Scherhorn, G. L., Reisch, A. & Raab, G. (1990). Addictive buying in West Germany: An empirical study, Journal of Consumer Policy, 13(4), 355-387.
  • Shariff, S. P. & Khanekharab, J. (2017). Identity confusion and materialism mediate the relationship between excessive social network site usage and online compulsive buying, Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 20(8), 494-500.
  • Worlwide Digital Population as of January 2019. 20.02.2019.
  • Taneja, M. R. M. (2012). Money attitude – An abridgement, International Refereed Research Journal, 3(3), 94-98.
  • Todd, D. (2012). You are what you buy: Postmodern consumerism and the construction of self, University of Hawai’i at Hilo – Hawai’I Community College, HOHONU 2012, 10, 48-50. 02.02.2019.
  • Trotzke, P., Starcke, K, Müller, A. & Brand, M. (2015). Pathological buying online as a specific form of Internet addiction: A model-based experimental investigation. Plos One 10(10), 18.01.2019
  • Türkyılmaz, C. A., Kocamaz, I. & Uslu, A. (2016). Materialism and brand resonance as drivers of online compulsive buying behavior. International Journal of Social Science, 43(2), 91-107.
  • Valence, G., d’Astous, A. & Fortier, L. (1988). Compulsive buying: Concept and measurement, Journal of Consumer Policy, 11(4), 419-433.
  • Vicdan, H., Chapa, S. & Santos, G. (2007). Understanding compulsive buyer’s online shopping incidence: A closer look at the effects of sales promotions and bargains on Hispanic Americans. Journal of Customer Behavior, 6(1), 57-74.
  • Wallman, J. (2013). Stuffocation: Living More with Less, Crux Publishing.
  • Watson, J. J. (2003). The relationship of materialism to spending tendencies, saving, and debt. Journal of Economic Psychology. 24(6), 723-739.
  • Williams, J. (2014). 10 Reasons Why the Future will be Less Materialistic. December 18, 2014.
  • WTO (2018). World Trade Report 2018,
  • Xu, Y. (2008). The influence of public self-consciousness and materialism on young consumers’ compulsive buying. Young consumers Insight and Ideas for Responsible Marketers. 9(1), 37-48.
  • Yamauchi, K. T. & Templer, D. I. (1982). The development of a money attitude scale. Journal of Personality Assessment, 46(5), 522-528. Yu, T. & Wu, G, (2007). Determinants of Internet shopping behavior: An application of reasoned behavior theory. International Journal of Management, 24(4), 744-762.

Future Insights for the Role of Materialism and Money Attitudes on Online Compulsive Buying

Yıl 2020, , 887 - 911, 30.10.2020


The study aims to expand understanding of compulsive buying behavior literature by examining the role of materialism and money attitudes on online compulsive buying behavior. A causal study using regression analysis was employed. An online survey was conducted over two-weeks period by a research company and a total of 601 valid and complete responses were received. All three dimensions, particularly happiness, of materialism have significantly influence on online compulsive buying. However, dimensions of attitudes towards money, except power, don’t have influence on online compulsive buying. Moreover, power has a negative influence on online compulsive buying. This research fills a gap in online compulsive buying literature which is related to monetary and material issues suggesting future insights in the light of several future trends like the digital age, post-materialism and massive internet usage.


  • Abdullah, L. & Asngari, H. (2011). Factor analysis evidence in describing consumer preferences for a soft drink product in Malaysia, Journal of Applied Sciences, 11(1), 139-144.
  • Belk, R. W. (1984). Three scales to measure constructs related to materialism: Reliability, validity, and relationships to measures of happiness. Advances in Consumer Research. 11(1), 291-297.
  • Bilgen Kocatürk, E. (2017). Kompulsif Satın Alma Davranışı. İstanbul : Beta Yayınları.
  • Butler, P. & Peppard, J. (1998). Consumer purchasing on the Internet: Processes and prospects, European Management Journal, 16(5), 600-610.
  • Chui, C. T. B. & Sidin, S. M. (2011). Satisfying women's status desires: Role of money attitude and consumer vanity in status consumption, Asia-Pacific Advances in Consumer Research, 9, 328-335.
  • D’Astous, A (1990). An inquiry into the compulsive side of “normal” consumers, Journal of Consumer Policy, 13(1), 15-31.
  • Dittmar, H., Long, K. & Bond, R. (2007). When a better self is only a button click away: Associations between materialistic values, emotional and identity-related buying motives, and compulsive buying tendency online, Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 26(3), 334-361.
  • Durmuş, B., E. S. Yurtkoru & M. Çinko. (2011). Sosyal Bilimlerde SPSS’le Veri Analizi. 4. Baskı. İstanbul: Beta Basım Yayın.
  • Duroy, D., Gorse, P. & Lejoyeux, M. (2014). Characteristics of online compulsive buying in Parisian students, Addictive Behaviors, 39(12), 1827-1830.
  • Durvasula, S. & Lysonski, S. (2010). Money, money, money – how do attitudes toward money impact vanity and materialism? – The case of young Chinese consumers, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 27(2), 169-179.
  • Edwards, E. A. (1993). Development of a new scale for measuring compulsive buying behavior, Financial Counseling and Planning, 4, 67-85.
  • Eren, S. S., Eroğlu, F. & Hacioglu, G. (2012). Compulsive buying tendencies through materialistic and hedonic values among college students in Turkey, Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 58, 1370-1377.
  • Faber, R. J., O’Guinn, T. C. & Krych, R. (1987). Compulsive consumption, Advances in Consumer Research, 14, 132-135.
  • Faber, R. J. & O'Guinn, T. C. (1988). Compulsive consumption and credit abuse. Journal of Consumer Policy. 11(1), 97-109.
  • Faber, R. J. & O’Guinn, T.C. (1992). A clinical screener for compulsive buying, Journal of Consumer Research, 19(3), 459-469.
  • Furnham, A., Wilson, E. & Telford, K. (2012). The meaning of money: The validation of a short money-types measure, Personality and Individual Differences, 52(6), 707-711.
  • George, D. & Mallery, P. (2003). SPSS for Windows Step by Step: A Simple Guide and Reference, 11.0 Update, Fourth Ed. Boston : Allyn & Bacon.
  • Graham, J. F. (1999). Materialism and consumer behavior: Toward a clear understanding, Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 14(2), 241-258.
  • Gu, F. G. & Hung, K. H. (2009). Materialism among adolescents in China: A historical generation perspective, Journal of Asia Business Studies, Spring, 56-64.
  • Hair, Jr. J., Black, W., Babin, B. & Anderson, R. (2009). Multivariate Data Analysis, Prentice Hall.
  • Hanley, A. & Wilhelm, M. S. (1992). Compulsive buying: An exploration into self-esteem and money attitudes, Journal of Economic Psychology, 13(1), 5-18.
  • Kaiser, H. F. (1974). An index of factoral simplicity, Psychometrika, 39, 31-36.
  • Kasser, T. & Ryan, R. M. (1993). A Dark side of the American dream: Correlates of financial success as a central life aspiration, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 65(2), 410-422.
  • Kukar-Kinney, M., Scheinbaum, A. & Schaefers, T. (2016). Compulsive buying in online daily deal settings: An investigation of motivations and contextual elements, Journal of Business Research, 69 (2), 691-699.
  • Kukar-Kinney, M., Ridgway, N. M. & Monroe, K. B. (2009). The relationship between consumers’ tendencies to buy compulsively and their motivations to hope and buy on the Internet, Journal of Retailing, 85(3), 298-307.
  • Larose, R. & Eastin, M. S. (2002). Is online buying out of control? Electronic commerce and consumer self-regulation. Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, 46(4), 549-564.
  • Lee, Y. J. & Park, J. K. (2008). The mediating role of consumer conformity in e-compulsive buying, Advances in Consumer Research, 35, 387-392.
  • Li, N. & Zhang, P. (2002). Consumer online shopping attitudes and behavior: An assessment of research, Eight Americas Conference on Information Systems. 508-517.
  • Masuo, D. M., Malroutu, Y. L., Hanashiro, R. & Kim, J. H. (2004). College students’ money beliefs and behaviors: An Asian perspective, Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 25(4), 469-481.
  • Medina, J. F., Saegert, J. & A. Gresham. (1996). Comparison of Mexican-American and Anglo-American attitudes toward money. The Journal of Consumer Affairs, 30(1), 124-145.
  • Mitchell, T. R. & Mickel, A. E. (1999). The meaning of money: An individual differences perspective, Academy of Management Review. 24(3), 568-578.
  • Mowen, J. C. & Spears, N. (1999). Understanding compulsive buying among college students: A hierarchical approach, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 8(4), 407-430.
  • Mueller, A. L., Claes, J., Mitchell, E., Faber, R. J., Fischer, J. & Zwaan, M. (2011). Does compulsive buying differ between male and female students? Personality and Individual Differences, 50(8), 1309-1312.
  • Nga, J. K. H., Yong, L. H. L. & Sellappan, R. (2011). The influence of image consciousness, materialism and compulsive spending on credit card usage intentions among youth, Young Consumers: Insight and Ideas for Responsible Marketers. 12(3), 243 – 253.
  • Nnedum, O. A. U., Egwu, E. U., Obinna, E. J., Ntomchukwu, M. S. & Chukwukeluo, C. B. (2011). Materialism and meaning of money (MOM): Validation of money metaphor scale (MMS) in South Africa, International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, 76, 31-46.
  • Ogden, H. & Cheng, S. (2011). Cultural dimensions and materialism: Comparing Canada and China. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 23(4), 431–447.
  • O'Guinn, T. C. & Faber, R. J. (1989). Compulsive buying: A phenomenological exploration, Journal of Consumer Research, 16(2), 147-157.
  • Pallant, J. (2005). SPSS Survival Manual, Second Ed., Sydney: Ligare Pty Ltd,.
  • Pham, T. H., Yap, K. & Dowling, N. A. (2012). The impact of financial management practices and financial attitudes on the relationship between materialism and compulsive buying. Journal of Economic Psychology, 33(3), 461-470.
  • Phau, I. & Woo, C. (2008). Understanding compulsive buying tendencies among young Australians: The roles of money attitude and credit card usage. Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 26(5), 441-458.
  • Reeves, R. A., Baker, G. A. & Truluck, C. S. (2012). Celebrity worship, materialism, compulsive buying, and empty self. Psychology and Marketing, 29(9), 674-679.
  • Reid, G. (2018). How many Internet users will the world have in 2022, and in 2030?, Cybersecurity Ventures Online Magazine, July 19, 2018.
  • Richards, L. (2009). Handling Qualitative Data: A Practical Guide (2nd ed.). London, Thousand Oaks, New Delhi: Sage Publications.
  • Richins, M. L. & Dawson, S. (1992). A consumer values orientation for materialism and its measurement: Scale development and validation. Journal of Consumer Research. 19(3), 303-316.
  • Roberts, J. A. & Martinez, C. R. (1997). The emerging consumer culture in Mexico. Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 10(½), 7-31.
  • Roberts, J. & Jones, E. (2001). Money attitudes credit card use and compulsive buying among American college students. The Journal of Consumer Affairs, 35(21), 213-240.
  • Roberts, J. A. & Sepulveda, C. J. M. (1999a). Money attitudes and compulsive buying. Journal of International Consumer Marketing. 11(4), 53-74.
  • Roberts, J. A. & Sepulveda, C. J. M. (1999b). Demographics and money attitudes: A test of Yamauchi and Templer’s (1982) money attitude scale in Mexico. Personality and Individual Differences. 27(1), 19-35.
  • Rose, G. M. & Orr, L. M. (2007). Measuring and exploring symbolic money meanings. Psychology and Marketing, 24(9), 743-761.
  • Rose, P. (2007). mediators of the association between narcissism and compulsive buying: the roles of materialism and impulse control. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 21(4), 576-581.
  • Rosse, E. & Codina, I. (2009). Internet: Un amplificateur pour les addictions comportementales, Psychotropes, 15(1). 10.02.2019.
  • Sabri, M. F., Hayhoe, C. R. & Ai, G. L. (2006). Attitudes, values and beliefs towards money: Gender and working sector comparison, Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences. and Humanities. 14(2), 121-130.
  • Scherhorn, G. L., Reisch, A. & Raab, G. (1990). Addictive buying in West Germany: An empirical study, Journal of Consumer Policy, 13(4), 355-387.
  • Shariff, S. P. & Khanekharab, J. (2017). Identity confusion and materialism mediate the relationship between excessive social network site usage and online compulsive buying, Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 20(8), 494-500.
  • Worlwide Digital Population as of January 2019. 20.02.2019.
  • Taneja, M. R. M. (2012). Money attitude – An abridgement, International Refereed Research Journal, 3(3), 94-98.
  • Todd, D. (2012). You are what you buy: Postmodern consumerism and the construction of self, University of Hawai’i at Hilo – Hawai’I Community College, HOHONU 2012, 10, 48-50. 02.02.2019.
  • Trotzke, P., Starcke, K, Müller, A. & Brand, M. (2015). Pathological buying online as a specific form of Internet addiction: A model-based experimental investigation. Plos One 10(10), 18.01.2019
  • Türkyılmaz, C. A., Kocamaz, I. & Uslu, A. (2016). Materialism and brand resonance as drivers of online compulsive buying behavior. International Journal of Social Science, 43(2), 91-107.
  • Valence, G., d’Astous, A. & Fortier, L. (1988). Compulsive buying: Concept and measurement, Journal of Consumer Policy, 11(4), 419-433.
  • Vicdan, H., Chapa, S. & Santos, G. (2007). Understanding compulsive buyer’s online shopping incidence: A closer look at the effects of sales promotions and bargains on Hispanic Americans. Journal of Customer Behavior, 6(1), 57-74.
  • Wallman, J. (2013). Stuffocation: Living More with Less, Crux Publishing.
  • Watson, J. J. (2003). The relationship of materialism to spending tendencies, saving, and debt. Journal of Economic Psychology. 24(6), 723-739.
  • Williams, J. (2014). 10 Reasons Why the Future will be Less Materialistic. December 18, 2014.
  • WTO (2018). World Trade Report 2018,
  • Xu, Y. (2008). The influence of public self-consciousness and materialism on young consumers’ compulsive buying. Young consumers Insight and Ideas for Responsible Marketers. 9(1), 37-48.
  • Yamauchi, K. T. & Templer, D. I. (1982). The development of a money attitude scale. Journal of Personality Assessment, 46(5), 522-528. Yu, T. & Wu, G, (2007). Determinants of Internet shopping behavior: An application of reasoned behavior theory. International Journal of Management, 24(4), 744-762.
Toplam 67 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Makaleler

Filiz Eroğlu 0000-0002-3223-953X

Ebru Bilgen Kocatürk 0000-0001-9845-6871

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Ekim 2020
Gönderilme Tarihi 21 Şubat 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020

Kaynak Göster

APA Eroğlu, F., & Bilgen Kocatürk, E. (2020). Future Insights for the Role of Materialism and Money Attitudes on Online Compulsive Buying. Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi, 18(38), 887-911.

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