Manuscript Submission Guide
Before beginning the online submission process please read the Information for Authors and make sure you have the followings available:
Cover letter to the editor
- The category of the manuscript
- Confirming that “the paper is not under consideration for publication in another journal”.
- Including disclosure of any commercial or financial involvement.
- Confirming that the statistical design of the research article is reviewed.
- Confirming that last control for fluent English was done.
- Confirming that journal policies detailed in Information for Authors have been reviewed.
- Confirming that the references cited in the text and listed in the references section are in line with APA 6.
Copyright Agreement Form
Permission of previous published material if used in the present manuscript
Title page
- The category of the manuscript
- The title of the manuscript both in Turkish and in English
- All authors’ names and affiliations (institution, faculty/department, city, country), e-mail addresses
- Corresponding author’s email address, full postal address, telephone and fax number
- ORCIDs of all authors.
Main Manuscript Document
- The title of the manuscript both in Turkish and in English
- Abstracts (180-200 words) both in Turkish and in English
- Key words: 5 words both in Turkish and in English
- Extended Abstract (600-800 words) in English (only for Turkish articles)
- Main article sections
- Acknowledgement (if exits)
- References
- All tables, illustrations (figures) (including title, description, footnotes
Files to be uploaded separately
- Copyright Agreement Form
- Permissions obtained for previously published material if used in the present manuscript
- Title page
- Main Manuscript Document
- The title of the manuscript both in Turkish and in English
- Abstracts (180-200 words) both in Turkish and in English
- Key words: 5 words both in Turkish and in English
- Extended Abstract (600-800 words) in English (only for Turkish articles)
- Main article sections
- Acknowledgement (if exists)
- References
- All tables, illustrations (figures) (including title, description, footnotes)