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Ders Dışı Sportif Etkinliklere Yönelik Ebeveyn Tutum ve Görüşleri

Year 2019, Volume: 48 Issue: 2, 1163 - 1201, 30.10.2019


Bu araştırmada, ebeveynlerinin lise öğrencilerinin
ders dışı spor etkinliklerine katılımlarına karşı tutum ve görüşleri
incelenmiştir. Nicel ve nitel araştırma yaklaşımlarının birlikte kullanıldığı
karma araştırma yaklaşımlarından açımlayıcı sıralı desen ile kurgulanan
araştırma 2014-2015 Eğitim-Öğretim yılı ikinci döneminde Kırıkkale il
merkezindeki farklı liselerde öğrenim gören öğrencilerin ebeveynleri üzerinde
gerçekleştirilmiştir. Veri toplama aracı olarak araştırmacı tarafından
hazırlanan “Yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme formu” ve Yılmaz ve Güven (2015)
tarafından geliştirilen “Ders Dışı Sportif Etkinliklere Yönelik Ebeveyn Tutum
Ölçeği” kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın nicel bölümünde istatistiksel yöntem
olarak t testi, tek yönlü varyans analizi (ANOVA) ve Pearson Korelasyon
analizinden faydalanılmıştır. Araştırmanın nitel bölümünde ise içerik analizi
tekniğine başvurulmuştur. Araştırma bulgularına göre; ebeveynin öğrenim durumu,
gelir durumu, öğrencilerin sınıf düzeyine göre ders dışı sportif etkinlik
puanlarında anlamlı fark olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Araştırmanın nitel
bölümünde; ebeveynlerin ders dışı spor etkinlikleri hakkında olumlu görüşleri
olduğu, çocukların bu etkinliklere katılımını destekledikleri belirlenmiştir.


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  • Anderson, J. C., Funk, J. B., Elliott, R., & Smith, P. H. (2003). Parental support a pressure and children’s extracurricular activities: Relationships with amount of involvement and affective experience of participation. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 24(2), 241-257.
  • Barber, B. L., Eccles, J. S., & Stone, M.R. (2001). Whatever happened to the jock, the brain, and the princess? Young adult pathways linked to adolescent activity involvement and social identities. Journal of Adolescent Research, 16(5), 429-455.
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  • Behtoui, A. (2019). Swedish young people’s after-school extra-curricular activities: attendance, opportunities and consequences. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 40(3), 340-356.
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Parents’ Attitude and Opinions towards Extracurricular Sport Activity

Year 2019, Volume: 48 Issue: 2, 1163 - 1201, 30.10.2019


In this research, the attitude and opinions of
parents towards high school students’ participaton in extracurricular sport
activities were investigated. The research, fictionalized by explanatory
sequential design amongst the mixed approach designs in which quantitative and
qualitative approaches are used together, was applied on parents of high school
students participating at different high schools in 2014-2015 academic years
fall semester in Kırıkkale. As a data collection tool, “Parent Attitude Scale
towards Extracurricular Sport Activities” developed by Yılmaz & Güven
(2015) and “Semi-structured Interview Form” created by researcher were used. In
the analysis of survey data from the quantitative phase of the research, t-test,
analysis of variance (ANOVA), Pearson correlation test was used as statistical
methods. In qualitative data analysis, it was benefited from content analysis
technique. According to research findings, it was figured out that significant
difference were determined considering the state of parent’s education,  income state of family, students’ grade
level. In the part of qualitative part of research; it was determined that
parents had positive opinions on extracurricular sport activities; they
supported attendance of children to these activities.


  • Amman, M.T. (2000). “Spor sosyolojisinde seçme konular” Sporda sosyal bilimler. H.C. İkizler (Ed.), Bursa: Alfa.
  • Anderson, C.B., Hughes, S.O., & Fuemmeler, B.F. (2009). Parent-child attitude congruence on type and intensity of physical activity: Testing multiple mediators of sedentary behavior in older children. Health Psychol, 28(4), 428-38.
  • Anderson, J. C., Funk, J. B., Elliott, R., & Smith, P. H. (2003). Parental support a pressure and children’s extracurricular activities: Relationships with amount of involvement and affective experience of participation. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 24(2), 241-257.
  • Barber, B. L., Eccles, J. S., & Stone, M.R. (2001). Whatever happened to the jock, the brain, and the princess? Young adult pathways linked to adolescent activity involvement and social identities. Journal of Adolescent Research, 16(5), 429-455.
  • Barron, J. M., Ewing, B. T., & Waddell, G. R. (2000). The effects of high school athletic participation on education and labor market outcomes. Review of Economics and Statistics, 82(3), 409-421. doi:10.1162/003465300558902
  • Behtoui, A. (2019). Swedish young people’s after-school extra-curricular activities: attendance, opportunities and consequences. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 40(3), 340-356.
  • Blomfield, C. J., & Barber, B. L. (2011). Developmental experiences during extracurricular activities and Australian adolescents’ self-concept: Particularly important for youth from disadvantaged schools. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 40(5), 582-594. doi: 10.1007/s10964-010-9563-0
  • Bogdan, R. C., & Biklen, S. K. (2003). Qualitative Research for Education: An Introduction to Theories and Methods (4th ed.), New York: Pearson Education.
  • Brocskman, R., Jago, R., Fox, K. R., Thompson, J. L., Cartwright, K., & Page, A. S. (2009). Get off the sofa and go and play": family and socioeconomic influences on the physical activity of 10-11 year old children. BMC Public Health, 21(9), 253. doi: 10.1186/1471 2458-9-253.
  • Broh, B. A. (2002). Linking extracurricular programming to academic achievement: Who benefits and why? Sociology of Education, 75(1), 69-91. doi: 10.2307/3090254
  • Brott, P. E., & Myers, J. E. (2002). Development of professional school counselor identity a grounded theory. In S. B. Merriam (Ed), Qualitative research in practice examples for discussion and analysis (pp. 145-160), San Francisco: Jossey-Bass A Wiley.
  • Brown, B. A., Frankel, B. G., & Fennell, M. P. (1989). Hugs or shrugs: Parental and peer influence on continuity of involvement in sport by female adolescents. Sex Roles, 20(7-8), 397-412. doi:10.1007/BF00287999
  • Carter, E., Swedeen, B., Moss, C., & Pesko, M. (2010). “What are you doing after school?” Promoting extracurricular involvement for transition-age youth with disabilities. Intervention in School and Clinic, 43(5), 275–283.
  • Chiu, C. Y., & Lau, E. Y. H. (2018). Extracurricular participation and young children's outcomes in Hong Kong: Maternal involvement as a moderator. Children and Youth Services Review, 88, 476-485.
  • Coakley, J. (2006). The good father: Parental expectations and youth sports. Leisure Studies, 25(2), 153-163.
  • Coakley, J. (2003). Sports in society (Issues and Controversies). (Eighth Edition). Singapore.
  • Cohen, L., Manion, L., & Morrison, K. (2004). A Guide to teaching practice. Psychology Press.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2013). Araştırma deseni: Nicel, nitel ve karma yöntem yaklaşımları (S. B. Demir, Çev.). Ankara: Eğiten kitap.
  • Creswell, J. W., & Clark, V. L. P. (2007). Designing conducting mixed methods research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Darling, N. (2005). Participation in extracurricular activities and adolescent adjustment: Cross-sectional and longitudinal findings. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 34(5), 493-505. doi:10.1007/s10964-005-7266-8
  • Dörnyei, Z. (2007). Research methods in applied linguistics. Oxford: Oxford University.
  • Eccles, J. S., & Barber, B. L. (1999). Student council, volunteering, basketball, or marching band: What kind of extracurricular involvement matters? Journal of Adolescent Research, 14(1), 10−43.
  • Ekici, S., Bayrakdar, A., & Uğur, A. O. (2009). Ortaöğretim kurumlarındaki yöneticilerin ve öğrencilerin ders dışı etkinliklere bakış açılarının incelenmesi. Uluslararası İnsan Bilimleri Dergisi, 6(1), 430-444.
  • Ekiz, D. (2009). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri: Yaklaşım, yöntem ve teknikler. Ankara: Anı.
  • Ekiz, D. (2003). Eğitim araştırmalarında yöntem ve metotlarına giriş: Nitel, nicel ve eleştirel kuram metodolojisi. Ankara: Anı.
  • Fantuzzo, J., Tighe, E., & Childs, S. (2000). Family involvement questionnaire: A multivariate assessment of family participation in early childhood education. Journal of Educational Psychology, 92(2), 367.
  • Fauth, R. C., Roth, J. L., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (2007). Does the neighborhood context alter the link between youth’s after-school time activities and developmental outcomes? A multilevel analysis. Developmental Psychology, 43(3), 760-777.
  • Fejgin, N. (1994). Participation in high school competitive sports: A subversion of school mission or contribution to academic goals. Contemporary Issues in Sociology of Sport, 11(3), 211-230.
  • Fletcher, A. C., Elder, G. H. J., & Mekos, D. (2000). Parental influences on adolescent involvement in community activities. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 10(1), 29-48.
  • Floyd, M. F., Bocarro, J. N., & Thompson, T. D. (2008). Research on race and ethnicity in leisure studies: A review of five major journals. Journal of Leisure Research, 40(1), 1-22.
  • Franklin, J. (2004, December). It takes a community: Keeping extracurricular activities available for at-risk students. Education Update, 46(8). Retrieved fromından erişilmiştir.
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There are 90 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Studies on Education
Journal Section Article

Aynur Yılmaz 0000-0001-7562-9469

Özbay Güven

Publication Date October 30, 2019
Submission Date June 29, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 48 Issue: 2


APA Yılmaz, A., & Güven, Ö. (2019). Parents’ Attitude and Opinions towards Extracurricular Sport Activity. Çukurova Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 48(2), 1163-1201.

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Cukurova University Faculty of Education

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