yazı nikâhta zikredilen denklik/kefâet şartları ve bunların fıkhî tesiri
hakkındadır. Bu çerçevede denklik şartlarının ne olduğu ve bunların hukukî
açıdan tesiri olup olmadığı ele alınmıştır. Yazının metaryallerini toplamak
için ilgili klasik fıkhî ve diğer eserler derinlemesine araştırılmıştır. Tabiatıyla
yeni çalışmalardan da istifade edilmiştir. Elde edilen bulgular sistemli bir
şekilde tasnif edilerek yorumlamaya tabi tutulmuştur. Evklilikte denklik
meselesine genellikle lüzûm şartı çerçevesinde temas edilmiştir. Buna göre evlilik
akdinin bağlayıcı olabilmesi için denklik gerekli olmaktadır. İslam fakihleri evlilik
akdinin bağlayıcı olabilmesi, diğer bir ifadeyle veli veya kıza fesih yetkisi
vermekten hali olması için bazı vasıflar sıralamışlardır. Her bir şartta olmasa
da genel olarak denkliğin nikâh akdinde şart olduğu hususunda çoğunluk görüş
birliğine varmıştır.
This article is about the
conditions of equivalence in marriage and their fiqhi effect. In this context,
it is discussed what the equivalence requirements are and whether they have
legal effect. To collect the material of the manuscript, related classical
fiqhi and other works have been investigated in depth. Naturally, new studies have
also been utilized. The findings have been systematically classified and
interpreted. The issue of equivalence in marriage is often addressed within the
framework of the requirement. Accordingly, the equivalence is necessary for the
marriage contract to be binding. The Islamic faqihs listed some qualifications
for the marriage contract to be binding, which implies the parent or his/her
doughter is not authorised the power of termination. They agreed that, even if
not in every condition, the equivalence is a condition in the marriage
As a fiqhi term, it can be
said that equivalence is defined as the man being equivalent to the woman he
wants to marry in various respects, in the context of marriage contract. The
main parties of the equivalence are man and woman, but during the contract it
was deemed necessary that the man is equivalent to the woman, not the woman is
equivalent to the man. For this reason, whether he is equivalent to the woman
or not, the man can aspire to the woman and make a marriage contraction with
her, if she is consent. On the other hand, if the man is not equivalent to the
woman, the termination of the current contract may be in question. The
termination of the marriage contract can be requested by the woman herself or
by her parents. The faqihs have cited the qualifications that allow for
termination as eight issues: religion, lineage, nobility, liberty, profession,
property, age difference and state of imperfection. There has been no alliance
of the scholars in any of these qualifications. On the contrary, there is a
conflict even in the religion that is mentioned as the most important
condition. As a matter of fact, a group of scholars who could be considered as
minorities did not regard the equivalence as a condition of marriage in terms
of establishment and binding. The opinions of these scholars who do not accept
the equivalence may constitute a problem in the nature of the religious
criterion. The criterion of religion includes the difference of religion or
religiosity, or both. However, various situations are mentioned among the
conditions of marriage, in which woman is forbidden to man or man is forbidden
to woman because of the difference in religion, and eventually, the scholars
agree that the a muslim woman is forbidden to a non-muslim (disbeliever) man.
Therefore, it would be more appropriate to take the criterion of religion in
terms of religiosity rather than religion difference. It can be said that the
opinions of the faqihs who do not accept the equivalence in the context of the
mentioned evidence are preferred. Accordingly, it can be considered that
qualifications that are subject of equivalence have no fiqhi effect, however
play a guiding role in choosing the right spouse.
Birincil Dil | Türkçe |
Bölüm | Makaleler |
Yazarlar | |
Yayımlanma Tarihi | 29 Haziran 2020 |
Gönderilme Tarihi | 22 Ocak 2020 |
Yayımlandığı Sayı | Yıl 2020 |
Correspondence Address
Cukurova University, Faculty of Theology, Balcali Campus, 01330, Saricam/Adana.