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Ultraviyole (UV) Işıma ile Kürlenebilen Poliüretan Akrilat Kaplama Filmlerin Alev Geciktirici Özelliğinin Alümina Trihidrat Dolgu Malzemesi Kullanılarak İyileştirilmesi

Year 2019, Volume: 34 Issue: 3, 11 - 20, 30.09.2019


Bu çalışmada, ultraviyole (UV) ile kürlenebilen poliüretan akrilat (PU) kaplama filmlerin alev geciktirici özelliği iyileştirilmiştir. Bu amaçla alümina trihidrat (ATH) dolgu malzemesi, bir fotobaşlatıcı ve UV ile kürlenebilen PU içeren pat ile karıştırılmıştır. ATH dolgu oranı düzgün bir kaplama elde edilecek şekilde hassas olarak ayarlanmıştır. Kaplanmış filmler galyum (Ga) ve civa (Hg) lambaları ile donatılmış bir UV kürleme sistemi ile kürlenmiştir. UV ile kürlenen filmlerin kimyasal değişimleri ve kürlenme derecesi Fourier Transform Infrared Spektroskopisi (FTIR) ve pendulum sertlik test cihazı ile incelenmiştir. UV ile kürlenen filmlerin termal özellikleri Diferansiyel Taramalı Kalorimetre (DSC) kullanılarak değerlendirilmiştir. Ayrıca, UV ile kürlenen filmlerin yanma davranışını belirlemek için dikey yanma ve sınırlı oksijen indeksi (LOI) ölçümleri yapılmıştır. Filmlerin başarılı bir şekilde polimerleştirilmesi FTIR sonuçları ile kanıtlanmıştır. ATH'nin eklenmesi, filmlerin sertlik değerlerinin az bir miktar artmasına sebep olmuştur. DSC sonuçları, ATH ilavesinin sadece entalpi değerlerini artırmakla kalmayıp, aynı zamanda kaplanmış filmlerin alev geciktirici özelliğini de artırdığını göstermiştir ve maksimum LOI değeri % 31,5 olarak elde edilmiştir. 


  • 1. Asif, A., Shi, W., Shen, X., Nie, K., 2005. Physical and Thermal Properties of UV Curable Waterborne Polyurethane Dispersions Incorporating Hyperbranched Aliphatic Polyester of Varying Generation Number, Polymer, 46(24), 11066–11078.
  • 2. Bai, C.Y., Zhang, X.Y., Dai, J.B., Li, W.H., 2006. A New UV Curable Waterborne Polyurethane: Effect of CC Content on the Film Properties, Prog. Org. Coat., 55(3), 291–295.
  • 3. Chattopadhyay, D.K., Raju, K.V.S.N., 2007. Structural Engineering of Polyurethane Coatings for High Performance Applications, Prog. Polym. Sci., 32(3), 352–418.
  • 4. Schwalm, R., 2007. UV Coatings: Basic, Recent Developments and New Application, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 316.
  • 5. Chang, W.Y., Pan, Y.W., Chuang, C.N., Guo, J.J., Chen, S.H., Wang, C.K., Hsieh, K.H., 2015. Fabrication and Characterization of Waterborne Polyurethane (WPU) with Aluminum Trihydroxide (ATH) and Mica as Flame Retardants, J. Polym. Res., 22(12), 243.
  • 6. Akbulut, G., Karagüzel Kayaoğlu, B., Eren, M., Yıldız, B., Orbay, M., 2016. The Effect of Different Radiation Sources for the UV Curing of a Screen-printed, Water-based Polyurethane Acrylate Binder, Color. Technol., 132(4), 269-279.
  • 7. Sow, C., Riedl, B., Blanchet, P., 2011. UV-Waterborne Polyurethane-acrylate Nanocomposite Coatings Containing Alumina and Silica Nanoparticles for Wood: Mechanical, Optical, and Thermal Properties Assessment, J. Coat. Technol. Res., 8(2), 211–221.
  • 8. Hilado, C.J., 1998. Flammability Handbook for Plastics, Fifth Edition. CRC Press.
  • 9. Prabhakar, M.N., Shah, A.U.R., J.I., Song, 2015. A Review on the Flammability and Flame Retardant Properties of Natural Fibers and Polymer Matrix Based Composites, Compos. Res., 28(2), 29–39.
  • 10. Sain, M., Park, S.H., Suhara, F., Law, S., 2004. Flame Retardant and Mechanical Properties of Natural Fibre-PP Composites Containing Magnesium Hydroxide, Polym. Degrad. Stab., 83(2), 363-367.
  • 11. Wang, X., Kalali, E.N., Wan, J.T., Wang, D.Y., 2017. Carbon-family Materials for Flame Retardant Polymeric Materials, Prog. Polym. Sci. 69, 22-46.
  • 12. Yu, L., Chen, L., Dong, L.P., Li, L.J., Wang, Y.Z., 2014. Organic–inorganic Hybrid Flame Retardant: Preparation, Characterization and Application in EVA, RSC Adv., 4(34), 17812-17821.
  • 13. Yeh, J.T., Yang, H.M., Huang, S.S., 1995. Combustion of Polyethylene Filled with Metallic Hydroxides and Crosslinkable Polyethylene, Polym. Degrad. Stab., 50(2), 229-234.
  • 14. Hornsby, P.R., 2001. Fire Retardant Fillers for Polymers, Int. Mater. Rev., 46(4), 199–210.
  • 15. Beyer, G., 2001. Flame Retardant Properties of EVA-nanocomposites and Improvements by Combination of Nanofillers with Aluminium Trihydrate, Fire Mater., 25(5), 193-197.
  • 16. Duquesne, S., Bras, M., Bourbigot, S., Delobel, R., Camino, G., Eling, B., Lindsay, C., Roels, T., Vezin, H., 2001. Mechanism of Fire Retardancy of Polyurethanes using Ammonium Polyphosphate, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 82(13), 3262-3274.
  • 17. Chapple, S., Anandjiwala, R., 2010. Flammability of Natural Fiber-reinforced Composites and Strategies for Fire Retardancy: A Review, J. Thermoplast. Compos. Mater., 23(6), 871-893.
  • 18. Duquesne, S., Bras, M., Bourbigot, S., Delobel, R., Vezin, H., Camino, G., Eling, B., Lindsay, C., Roels, T., 2003. Expandable Graphite: A Fire Retardant Additive for Polyurethane Coatings, Fire Mater., 27(3), 103–117.
  • 19. Vroman, I., Giraud, S., Bourbigot, S., Tighzert, M.R., 2005. Flame Retarded Polyurea with Microencapsulated Ammonium Phosphate for Textile Coating, Polym. Degrad. Stab., 88(1), 106–113.
  • 20. Chattopadhyay, D.K., Webster, D.C., 2009. Thermal Stability and Flame Retardancy of Polyurethanes, Prog. Polym. Sci., 34(10), 1068-1133.
  • 21. Hu, Y., Yu, B., Song, L., 2017. 3 - Novel Fire-retardant Coatings, in Novel Fire Retardant Polymers and Composite Materials, Wang, D.Y., Ed. Woodhead Publishing, 53–91.
  • 22. Dando, N.R., Kolek, P.L., Martin, E.S., Clever, T.R., 1996. Performance Optimization of 100% Solids, UV-cure Inks and Wood Fillers Using Aluminum Trihydroxide (ATH) Filler., J. Coat. Technol., 68(859), 67–72.
  • 23. Parker, A.A., Martin, E.S., Clever, T.R., 1994. Aluminum Trihydroxide (ATH)-a UV Transparent Filler for UV-Curable Coatings., J. Coat. Technol., 66(829), 39-46.
  • 24. Camino, G., Maffezzoli, A., Braglia, M., De Lazzaro, M., Zammarano, M., 2001. Effect of Hydroxides and Hydroxycarbonate Structure on Fire Retardant Effectiveness and Mechanical Properties in Ethylene-vinyl Acetate Copolymer, Polym. Degrad. Stab., 74(3), 457-464.
  • 25. Duquesne, S., Bras, M., Bourbigot, S., Delobel, R., Camino, G., Eling, B., Lindsay, C., Roels, T., 2001. Thermal Degradation of Polyurethane and Polyurethane/expandable Graphite Coatings, Polym. Degrad. Stab., 74(3) 493-499.
  • 26. Ismar, E., Sarac, A.S., 2016. Synthesis and Characterization of Poly (Acrylonitrile-co-acrylic acid) as Precursor of Carbon Nanofibers, Polym. Adv. Technol., 27(10), 1383-1388.
  • 27. Zhu, S.W., Shi, W.F., 2002. Flame Retardant Mechanism of Hyperbranched Polyurethane Acrylates Used for UV Curable Flame Retardant Coatings, Polym. Degrad. Stab., 75(3), 543–547.
  • 28. Goddard, R.J., Cooper, S.L., 1995. Polyurethane Cationomers with Pendant Trimethylammonium Groups. 1. Fourier Transform Infrared Temperature Studies, Macromolecules, 28(5), 1390–1400.
  • 29. Masson, F., Decker, C., Andre, S., Andrieu, X., 2004. UV-curable Formulations for UV-Transparent Optical Fiber Coatings: I. Acrylic Resins, Prog. Org. Coat., 49(1), 1–12.
  • 30. Obrenović, Z., Milanović, M., Djenadic, R., Stijepović, I., Giannakopoulos, K., Perusic, M., Nikolic, L., 2011. The Effect of Glucose on the Formation of the Nanocrystalline Transition Alumina Phases. Ceramics International- Ceram Int. 37(8), 3253-3263.
  • 31. L i, W., Franco, D.C., Yang, M.S., Zhu, X., Zhang, H., Shao, Y., Zhang, H., Zhu, J., 2019. Investigation of the Performance of ATH Powders in Organic Powder Coatings,” Coatings., 9(2), 110, 1–14.
  • 32. Keller, L., Decker, C., Zahouily, K., Benfarhi, S., Le Meins, J.M., Miehe-Brendle, J.,2004. Synthesis of Polymer Nanocomposites by UV-Curing of Organoclay Acrylic Resins, Polymer 45, 7437-7447.
  • 33. B ardi, M.A.G., Machado, L.D.B., 2012. Accompanying of Parameters of Color, Gloss and Hardness on Polymeric Films Coated with Pigmented Inks Cured by Different Radiation Doses of Ultraviolet Light, Radiat. Phys. Chem., 81, 1332-1335.
  • 34. Wypych, G., 2016. 2 – Fillers-origin, Chemical Composition, Properties, and Morphology, in Handbook of Fillers (Fourth Edition), Chem Tec Publishing, 13–266.
  • 35. J udeinstein, P., Sanchez, C., 1996. Hybrid Organic–inorganic Materials: a Land of Multidisciplinarity, J. Mater. Chem., 6(4), 511-525.
  • 36. Girardin, B., Fontaine, G., Duquesne, S., Försth, M., Bourbigot, S., 2015. Characterization of Thermo-Physical Properties of EVA/ATH: Application to Gasification Experiments and Pyrolysis Modeling, Materials, 8(11), 7837-7863.
  • 37. Kumagai, S., Yoshimura, N., 2001. Tracking and Erosion of HTV Silicone Rubber and Suppression Mechanism of ATH, IEEE Trans. Dielectr. Electr. Insul., 8(2), 203–211.
  • 38. Jicheng, X., Xinshan, R., Tongyao, C., Ming, W., Yingying, W., Dongya, Y., Fengxian, Q., 2013. Preparation, Characterization of UV-Curable Waterborne Polyurethane-Acrylate and the Application in Metal Iron Surface Protection, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 130(5), 3142–3152.
  • 39. Qiu, F., Xu, H., Wang, Y., Xu, J., Yang, D., 2012. Preparation, Characterization and Properties of UV-curable Waterborne Polyurethane Acrylate/SiO2 Coating, J. Coat. Technol. Res., 9(5), 503–514.
  • 40. Xu, H., Qiu, F., Wang, Y., Wu, W., Yang, D., Guo, Q., 2012. UV-curable Waterborne Polyurethane-acrylate: Preparation, Characterization and Properties, Prog. Org. Coat., 73(1), 47–53.
  • 41. Almeida Pinto, U., Visconte, L.L.Y., Gallo, J., Nunes, R.C.R., 2000. Flame Retardancy in Thermoplastic Polyurethane Elastomers (TPU) with Mica and Aluminum Trihydrate (ATH), Polym. Degrad. Stab., 69(3), 257–260.
  • 42. Wang, Z.Y., Liu, Y., Wang, Q., 2010. Flame Retardant Polyoxymethylene with Aluminium Hydroxide/melamine/novolac Resin Synergistic System, Polym. Degrad. Stab., 95(6), 945-954.
  • 43. Hoffendahl, C., Fontaine, G., Duquesne, S., Taschner, F., Mezger, M., Bourbigot, S., 2015. The Combination of Aluminum Trihydroxide (ATH) and Melamine Borate (MB) as Fire Retardant Additives for Elastomeric Ethylene Vinyl Acetate (EVA), Polym. Degrad. Stab., 115, 77-88.
  • 44. Chang, M.K., Hwang, S.S., Liu, S.P., 2014. Flame Retardancy and Thermal Stability of Ethylene-vinyl Acetate Copolymer Nanocomposites with Alumina Trihydrate and Montmorillonite, J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 20(4), 1596-1601.

Enhancing the Flame Retardancy of UV Curable Polyurethane Acrylate Coated Films with Alumina Trihydrate Filling

Year 2019, Volume: 34 Issue: 3, 11 - 20, 30.09.2019


In this study, the flame retardancy of ultra violet (UV) curable polyurethane acrylate (PU) coated films were enhanced. For this aim, alumina trihydrate (ATH) filling material was mixed with the pastes including a photoinitiator and a UV curable PU. ATH filling ratio was preciously adjusted to obtain a uniform coating. The coated films were cured with a UV curing system equipped with gallium (Ga) and mercury (Hg) lamps. The chemical changes and the curing degree of the UV cured films were examined by a Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrum (FTIR) and a pendulum hardness tester. The thermal properties of the UV cured films were evaluated using a Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC). Moreover, vertical flammability and limiting oxygen index (LOI) measurements were conducted in order to determine the burning behavior of the UV cured films. The successful curing of the films was evidenced by means of FTIR results. The addition of ATH slightly increased the hardness values of the films. DSC results showed that ATH addition not only increased the enthalpy values but also enhanced the flame retardant property of the coated films and maximum LOI was achieved as 31.5%.  


  • 1. Asif, A., Shi, W., Shen, X., Nie, K., 2005. Physical and Thermal Properties of UV Curable Waterborne Polyurethane Dispersions Incorporating Hyperbranched Aliphatic Polyester of Varying Generation Number, Polymer, 46(24), 11066–11078.
  • 2. Bai, C.Y., Zhang, X.Y., Dai, J.B., Li, W.H., 2006. A New UV Curable Waterborne Polyurethane: Effect of CC Content on the Film Properties, Prog. Org. Coat., 55(3), 291–295.
  • 3. Chattopadhyay, D.K., Raju, K.V.S.N., 2007. Structural Engineering of Polyurethane Coatings for High Performance Applications, Prog. Polym. Sci., 32(3), 352–418.
  • 4. Schwalm, R., 2007. UV Coatings: Basic, Recent Developments and New Application, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 316.
  • 5. Chang, W.Y., Pan, Y.W., Chuang, C.N., Guo, J.J., Chen, S.H., Wang, C.K., Hsieh, K.H., 2015. Fabrication and Characterization of Waterborne Polyurethane (WPU) with Aluminum Trihydroxide (ATH) and Mica as Flame Retardants, J. Polym. Res., 22(12), 243.
  • 6. Akbulut, G., Karagüzel Kayaoğlu, B., Eren, M., Yıldız, B., Orbay, M., 2016. The Effect of Different Radiation Sources for the UV Curing of a Screen-printed, Water-based Polyurethane Acrylate Binder, Color. Technol., 132(4), 269-279.
  • 7. Sow, C., Riedl, B., Blanchet, P., 2011. UV-Waterborne Polyurethane-acrylate Nanocomposite Coatings Containing Alumina and Silica Nanoparticles for Wood: Mechanical, Optical, and Thermal Properties Assessment, J. Coat. Technol. Res., 8(2), 211–221.
  • 8. Hilado, C.J., 1998. Flammability Handbook for Plastics, Fifth Edition. CRC Press.
  • 9. Prabhakar, M.N., Shah, A.U.R., J.I., Song, 2015. A Review on the Flammability and Flame Retardant Properties of Natural Fibers and Polymer Matrix Based Composites, Compos. Res., 28(2), 29–39.
  • 10. Sain, M., Park, S.H., Suhara, F., Law, S., 2004. Flame Retardant and Mechanical Properties of Natural Fibre-PP Composites Containing Magnesium Hydroxide, Polym. Degrad. Stab., 83(2), 363-367.
  • 11. Wang, X., Kalali, E.N., Wan, J.T., Wang, D.Y., 2017. Carbon-family Materials for Flame Retardant Polymeric Materials, Prog. Polym. Sci. 69, 22-46.
  • 12. Yu, L., Chen, L., Dong, L.P., Li, L.J., Wang, Y.Z., 2014. Organic–inorganic Hybrid Flame Retardant: Preparation, Characterization and Application in EVA, RSC Adv., 4(34), 17812-17821.
  • 13. Yeh, J.T., Yang, H.M., Huang, S.S., 1995. Combustion of Polyethylene Filled with Metallic Hydroxides and Crosslinkable Polyethylene, Polym. Degrad. Stab., 50(2), 229-234.
  • 14. Hornsby, P.R., 2001. Fire Retardant Fillers for Polymers, Int. Mater. Rev., 46(4), 199–210.
  • 15. Beyer, G., 2001. Flame Retardant Properties of EVA-nanocomposites and Improvements by Combination of Nanofillers with Aluminium Trihydrate, Fire Mater., 25(5), 193-197.
  • 16. Duquesne, S., Bras, M., Bourbigot, S., Delobel, R., Camino, G., Eling, B., Lindsay, C., Roels, T., Vezin, H., 2001. Mechanism of Fire Retardancy of Polyurethanes using Ammonium Polyphosphate, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 82(13), 3262-3274.
  • 17. Chapple, S., Anandjiwala, R., 2010. Flammability of Natural Fiber-reinforced Composites and Strategies for Fire Retardancy: A Review, J. Thermoplast. Compos. Mater., 23(6), 871-893.
  • 18. Duquesne, S., Bras, M., Bourbigot, S., Delobel, R., Vezin, H., Camino, G., Eling, B., Lindsay, C., Roels, T., 2003. Expandable Graphite: A Fire Retardant Additive for Polyurethane Coatings, Fire Mater., 27(3), 103–117.
  • 19. Vroman, I., Giraud, S., Bourbigot, S., Tighzert, M.R., 2005. Flame Retarded Polyurea with Microencapsulated Ammonium Phosphate for Textile Coating, Polym. Degrad. Stab., 88(1), 106–113.
  • 20. Chattopadhyay, D.K., Webster, D.C., 2009. Thermal Stability and Flame Retardancy of Polyurethanes, Prog. Polym. Sci., 34(10), 1068-1133.
  • 21. Hu, Y., Yu, B., Song, L., 2017. 3 - Novel Fire-retardant Coatings, in Novel Fire Retardant Polymers and Composite Materials, Wang, D.Y., Ed. Woodhead Publishing, 53–91.
  • 22. Dando, N.R., Kolek, P.L., Martin, E.S., Clever, T.R., 1996. Performance Optimization of 100% Solids, UV-cure Inks and Wood Fillers Using Aluminum Trihydroxide (ATH) Filler., J. Coat. Technol., 68(859), 67–72.
  • 23. Parker, A.A., Martin, E.S., Clever, T.R., 1994. Aluminum Trihydroxide (ATH)-a UV Transparent Filler for UV-Curable Coatings., J. Coat. Technol., 66(829), 39-46.
  • 24. Camino, G., Maffezzoli, A., Braglia, M., De Lazzaro, M., Zammarano, M., 2001. Effect of Hydroxides and Hydroxycarbonate Structure on Fire Retardant Effectiveness and Mechanical Properties in Ethylene-vinyl Acetate Copolymer, Polym. Degrad. Stab., 74(3), 457-464.
  • 25. Duquesne, S., Bras, M., Bourbigot, S., Delobel, R., Camino, G., Eling, B., Lindsay, C., Roels, T., 2001. Thermal Degradation of Polyurethane and Polyurethane/expandable Graphite Coatings, Polym. Degrad. Stab., 74(3) 493-499.
  • 26. Ismar, E., Sarac, A.S., 2016. Synthesis and Characterization of Poly (Acrylonitrile-co-acrylic acid) as Precursor of Carbon Nanofibers, Polym. Adv. Technol., 27(10), 1383-1388.
  • 27. Zhu, S.W., Shi, W.F., 2002. Flame Retardant Mechanism of Hyperbranched Polyurethane Acrylates Used for UV Curable Flame Retardant Coatings, Polym. Degrad. Stab., 75(3), 543–547.
  • 28. Goddard, R.J., Cooper, S.L., 1995. Polyurethane Cationomers with Pendant Trimethylammonium Groups. 1. Fourier Transform Infrared Temperature Studies, Macromolecules, 28(5), 1390–1400.
  • 29. Masson, F., Decker, C., Andre, S., Andrieu, X., 2004. UV-curable Formulations for UV-Transparent Optical Fiber Coatings: I. Acrylic Resins, Prog. Org. Coat., 49(1), 1–12.
  • 30. Obrenović, Z., Milanović, M., Djenadic, R., Stijepović, I., Giannakopoulos, K., Perusic, M., Nikolic, L., 2011. The Effect of Glucose on the Formation of the Nanocrystalline Transition Alumina Phases. Ceramics International- Ceram Int. 37(8), 3253-3263.
  • 31. L i, W., Franco, D.C., Yang, M.S., Zhu, X., Zhang, H., Shao, Y., Zhang, H., Zhu, J., 2019. Investigation of the Performance of ATH Powders in Organic Powder Coatings,” Coatings., 9(2), 110, 1–14.
  • 32. Keller, L., Decker, C., Zahouily, K., Benfarhi, S., Le Meins, J.M., Miehe-Brendle, J.,2004. Synthesis of Polymer Nanocomposites by UV-Curing of Organoclay Acrylic Resins, Polymer 45, 7437-7447.
  • 33. B ardi, M.A.G., Machado, L.D.B., 2012. Accompanying of Parameters of Color, Gloss and Hardness on Polymeric Films Coated with Pigmented Inks Cured by Different Radiation Doses of Ultraviolet Light, Radiat. Phys. Chem., 81, 1332-1335.
  • 34. Wypych, G., 2016. 2 – Fillers-origin, Chemical Composition, Properties, and Morphology, in Handbook of Fillers (Fourth Edition), Chem Tec Publishing, 13–266.
  • 35. J udeinstein, P., Sanchez, C., 1996. Hybrid Organic–inorganic Materials: a Land of Multidisciplinarity, J. Mater. Chem., 6(4), 511-525.
  • 36. Girardin, B., Fontaine, G., Duquesne, S., Försth, M., Bourbigot, S., 2015. Characterization of Thermo-Physical Properties of EVA/ATH: Application to Gasification Experiments and Pyrolysis Modeling, Materials, 8(11), 7837-7863.
  • 37. Kumagai, S., Yoshimura, N., 2001. Tracking and Erosion of HTV Silicone Rubber and Suppression Mechanism of ATH, IEEE Trans. Dielectr. Electr. Insul., 8(2), 203–211.
  • 38. Jicheng, X., Xinshan, R., Tongyao, C., Ming, W., Yingying, W., Dongya, Y., Fengxian, Q., 2013. Preparation, Characterization of UV-Curable Waterborne Polyurethane-Acrylate and the Application in Metal Iron Surface Protection, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 130(5), 3142–3152.
  • 39. Qiu, F., Xu, H., Wang, Y., Xu, J., Yang, D., 2012. Preparation, Characterization and Properties of UV-curable Waterborne Polyurethane Acrylate/SiO2 Coating, J. Coat. Technol. Res., 9(5), 503–514.
  • 40. Xu, H., Qiu, F., Wang, Y., Wu, W., Yang, D., Guo, Q., 2012. UV-curable Waterborne Polyurethane-acrylate: Preparation, Characterization and Properties, Prog. Org. Coat., 73(1), 47–53.
  • 41. Almeida Pinto, U., Visconte, L.L.Y., Gallo, J., Nunes, R.C.R., 2000. Flame Retardancy in Thermoplastic Polyurethane Elastomers (TPU) with Mica and Aluminum Trihydrate (ATH), Polym. Degrad. Stab., 69(3), 257–260.
  • 42. Wang, Z.Y., Liu, Y., Wang, Q., 2010. Flame Retardant Polyoxymethylene with Aluminium Hydroxide/melamine/novolac Resin Synergistic System, Polym. Degrad. Stab., 95(6), 945-954.
  • 43. Hoffendahl, C., Fontaine, G., Duquesne, S., Taschner, F., Mezger, M., Bourbigot, S., 2015. The Combination of Aluminum Trihydroxide (ATH) and Melamine Borate (MB) as Fire Retardant Additives for Elastomeric Ethylene Vinyl Acetate (EVA), Polym. Degrad. Stab., 115, 77-88.
  • 44. Chang, M.K., Hwang, S.S., Liu, S.P., 2014. Flame Retardancy and Thermal Stability of Ethylene-vinyl Acetate Copolymer Nanocomposites with Alumina Trihydrate and Montmorillonite, J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 20(4), 1596-1601.
There are 44 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Berdan Kalav This is me

Ezgi Ismar This is me

Burçak Karagüzel Kayaoğlu

Publication Date September 30, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 34 Issue: 3


APA Kalav, B., Ismar, E., & Karagüzel Kayaoğlu, B. (2019). Enhancing the Flame Retardancy of UV Curable Polyurethane Acrylate Coated Films with Alumina Trihydrate Filling. Çukurova Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 34(3), 11-20.
AMA Kalav B, Ismar E, Karagüzel Kayaoğlu B. Enhancing the Flame Retardancy of UV Curable Polyurethane Acrylate Coated Films with Alumina Trihydrate Filling. cukurovaummfd. September 2019;34(3):11-20. doi:10.21605/cukurovaummfd.637557
Chicago Kalav, Berdan, Ezgi Ismar, and Burçak Karagüzel Kayaoğlu. “Enhancing the Flame Retardancy of UV Curable Polyurethane Acrylate Coated Films With Alumina Trihydrate Filling”. Çukurova Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi 34, no. 3 (September 2019): 11-20.
EndNote Kalav B, Ismar E, Karagüzel Kayaoğlu B (September 1, 2019) Enhancing the Flame Retardancy of UV Curable Polyurethane Acrylate Coated Films with Alumina Trihydrate Filling. Çukurova Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi 34 3 11–20.
IEEE B. Kalav, E. Ismar, and B. Karagüzel Kayaoğlu, “Enhancing the Flame Retardancy of UV Curable Polyurethane Acrylate Coated Films with Alumina Trihydrate Filling”, cukurovaummfd, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 11–20, 2019, doi: 10.21605/cukurovaummfd.637557.
ISNAD Kalav, Berdan et al. “Enhancing the Flame Retardancy of UV Curable Polyurethane Acrylate Coated Films With Alumina Trihydrate Filling”. Çukurova Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi 34/3 (September 2019), 11-20.
JAMA Kalav B, Ismar E, Karagüzel Kayaoğlu B. Enhancing the Flame Retardancy of UV Curable Polyurethane Acrylate Coated Films with Alumina Trihydrate Filling. cukurovaummfd. 2019;34:11–20.
MLA Kalav, Berdan et al. “Enhancing the Flame Retardancy of UV Curable Polyurethane Acrylate Coated Films With Alumina Trihydrate Filling”. Çukurova Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 34, no. 3, 2019, pp. 11-20, doi:10.21605/cukurovaummfd.637557.
Vancouver Kalav B, Ismar E, Karagüzel Kayaoğlu B. Enhancing the Flame Retardancy of UV Curable Polyurethane Acrylate Coated Films with Alumina Trihydrate Filling. cukurovaummfd. 2019;34(3):11-20.