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Rosuvastatin relaxes rat thoracic aorta, pulmonary artery, and trachea via nitric oxide, prostanoids, and potassium channels

Year 2023, , 419 - 431, 02.07.2023


Purpose: This study aimed to determine the functional effects and mechanisms of the action of rosuvastatin on vascular and tracheal smooth muscle tissues.
Materials and Methods: Vascular and tracheal rings (2-3 mm) isolated from the thoracic aortas, pulmonary arteries, and tracheas of Wistar Albino male rats (250-300 g) were placed in chambers in the isolated tissue bath system. As the resting tension, 1 g was selected. Vascular rings contracted with 10-6 M phenylephrine after a 90-minute equilibration period. Tracheal rings contracted with 10-5 M acetylcholine. After the contraction was steady, rosuvastatin (10-8-10-4 M) was cumulatively applied to the vascular and tracheal rings. The defined experimental methodology was repeated following the incubation of selective inhibitors of signaling pathways and K+ channel blockers to ascertain rosuvastatin's functional effect mechanisms.
Results: In the precontracted rat vascular and tracheal rings, rosuvastatin induced concentration-dependent relaxation. The maximal relaxation level in vessel samples was 96%. On the other hand, the maximal relaxation level in tracheal samples was found to be 75%. The vasorelaxant effects of rosuvastatin were dramatically attenuated by endothelium removal, L-NAME treatment, and indomethacin incubation (up to 27%). With the incubation of tetraethylammonium, glyburide, 4-Aminopyridine, and anandamide, rosuvastatin-mediated vascular smooth muscle relaxation levels were significantly decreased (up to 38%). Moreover, With the incubation of tetraethylammonium, glyburide, and 4-Aminopyridine rosuvastatin-mediated tracheal smooth muscle relaxation levels were significantly decreased (up to 30%).
Conclusion: Rosuvastatin has a noticeable relaxing effect on the vascular and tracheal smooth muscles. The vasorelaxant effect of rosuvastatin involves intact endothelium, nitric oxide, prostanoids, and K+ channels (BKCa, KV, and KATP channels). Furthermore, nitric oxide, prostanoids, BKCa channels, KV channels, and KATP channels play a role in rosuvastatin-induced tracheal smooth muscle relaxation

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  • Istvan ES, Deisenhofer J. Structural mechanism for statin inhibition of HMG-CoA reductase. Science. 2001;292:1160-4.
  • Vagelos PR. Are prescription drug prices high? Science. 1991;252:1080-4.
  • Abdul-Rahman T, Bukhari SMA, Herrera EC, Awuah WA, Lawrence J, de Andrade H et al. Lipid-lowering therapy: an era beyond statins. Curr Probl Cardiol. 2022;47:101342.
  • Oesterle A, Laufs U, Liao JK. Pleiotropic effects of statins on the cardiovascular system. Circ Res. 2017;120:229-43. Erratum in: Circ Res. 2018;123:e20.
  • Okyay K. Pleiotropic effects of statins: new evidences. Turk Kardiyol Dern Ars. 2021;49:533-5.
  • Razavi AC, Mehta A, Sperling LS. Statin therapy for the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease: Pros. Atherosclerosis. 2022;356:41-5.
  • Wasim R, Ansari TM, Ahsan F, Siddiqui MH, Singh A, Shariq M, Parveen S. Pleiotropic benefits of statins in cardiovascular diseases. Drug Res (Stuttg). 2022;72:477-86.
  • López-Canales JS, Lozano-Cuenca J, López-Canales OA, Aguilar-Carrasco JC, Aranda-Zepeda L, López-Sánchez P et al. Pharmacological characterization of mechanisms involved in the vasorelaxation produced by rosuvastatin in aortic rings from rats with a cafeteria-style diet. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol. 2015;42:653-61.
  • Sönmez Uydeş-Doğan B, Topal G, Takir S, Ilkay Alp F, Kaleli D, Ozdemir O. Relaxant effects of pravastatin, atorvastatin and cerivastatin on isolated rat aortic rings. Life Sci. 2005;76:1771-86.
  • Jebari-Benslaiman S, Galicia-García U, Larrea-Sebal A, Olaetxea JR, Alloza I, Vandenbroeck K et al. Pathophysiology of atherosclerosis. Int J Mol Sci. 2022;23:3346.
  • Verma K, Shukla R, Dwivedi J, Paliwal S, Sharma S. New insights on mode of action of vasorelaxant activity of simvastatin. Inflammopharmacology. 2023. doi:10.1007/s10787-023-01219-8.
  • Sahinturk S. Metformin relaxes rat thoracic aorta via nitric oxide, AMPK, potassium channels, and PKC. Iran J Basic Med Sci. 2023. doi:10.22038/ijbms.2023.69728.15179.
  • Sahinturk S. Elabela relaxes rat pulmonary artery and trachea via BKCa, KV, and KATP channels. Prostaglandins Other Lipid Mediat. 2023;167:106735.
  • Tan CS, Loh YC, Tew WY, Yam MF. Vasorelaxant effect of 3,5,4'-trihydroxy-trans-stilbene (resveratrol) and its underlying mechanism. Inflammopharmacology. 2020;28:869-75.
  • Mitchell JA, Ali F, Bailey L, Moreno L, Harrington LS. Role of nitric oxide and prostacyclin as vasoactive hormones released by the endothelium. Exp Physiol. 2008;93:141-7.
  • Nurullahoğlu-Atalık KE, Kutlu S, Solak H, Koca RÖ. Cilostazol enhances atorvastatin-induced vasodilation of female rat aorta during aging. Physiol Int. 2007;104:226-34.
  • Nurullahoglu-Atalik KE, Oz M, Shafiyi A. Rosuvastatin-induced responses in calf cardiac vein. Bratisl Lek Listy. 2015;116:494-8.
  • Guresir MS, Nurullahoglu KE. Role of the nitric oxide on rosuvastatin-induced relaxation of the calf cardiac vein during cooling. Bratisl Lek Listy. 2014;115:753-6.
  • Castro MM, Rizzi E, Rascado RR, Nagassaki S, Bendhack LM, Tanus-Santos JE. Atorvastatin enhances sildenafil-induced vasodilation through nitric oxide-mediated mechanisms. Eur J Pharmacol. 2004;498:189-94.
  • Almukhtar H, Garle MJ, Smith PA, Roberts RE. Effect of simvastatin on vascular tone in porcine coronary artery: potential role of the mitochondria. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 2016;305:176-85.
  • Pérez-Guerrero C, Alvarez de Sotomayor M, Herrera MD, Marhuenda E. Endothelium modulates contractile response to simvastatin in rat aorta. Z Naturforsch C J Biosci. 2000;55:121-4.
  • Jackson WF. Potassium channels in regulation of vascular smooth muscle contraction and growth. Adv Pharmacol 2017;78:89-144.
  • Tykocki NR, Boerman EM, Jackson WF. Smooth muscle ion channels and regulation of vascular tone in resistance arteries and arterioles. Compr Physiol. 2017;7:485-581.
  • Ulusoy KG, Dogan MF, Cam SA, Arslan SO, Yildiz O. Propofol relaxes isolated rat aorta through BKCa activation. Ann Vasc Surg. 2019;60:397-406.
  • Mitzner W. Airway smooth muscle: the appendix of the lung. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2004;169:787-90.
  • Knox AJ, Tattersfield AE. Airway smooth muscle relaxation. Thorax. 1995;50:894-901.
  • Pereira-de-Morais L, Silva AA, da Silva RER, Ferraz Navarro DMDA, Melo Coutinho HD, Menezes IRA et al. Myorelaxant action of the Dysphania ambrosioides (L.) Mosyakin & Clemants essential oil and its major constituent α-terpinene in isolated rat trachea. Food Chem. 2020;325:126923.
  • Enilari O, Sinha S. The global impact of asthma in adult populations. Ann Glob Health. 2019;85:2.
  • Menezes PMN, Brito MC, de Paiva GO, Dos Santos CO, de Oliveira LM, de Araújo Ribeiro LA et al. Relaxant effect of Lippia origanoides essential oil in guinea-pig trachea smooth muscle involves potassium channels and soluble guanylyl cyclase. J Ethnopharmacol. 2018;220:16-25.
  • Memarzia A, Amin F, Saadat S, Jalali M, Ghasemi Z, Boskabady MH. The contribution of beta-2 adrenergic, muscarinic and histamine (H1) receptors, calcium and potassium channels and cyclooxygenase pathway in the relaxant effect of Allium cepa L. on the tracheal smooth muscle. J Ethnopharmacol. 2019;241:112012

Rosuvastatin, sıçan torasik aortunu, pulmoner arterini ve trakesini nitrik oksit, prostanoidler ve potasyum kanalları yoluyla gevşetir

Year 2023, , 419 - 431, 02.07.2023


Amaç: Bu çalışma rosuvastatin'in vasküler ve trakeal düz kas dokuları üzerindeki işlevsel etkilerini ve etki mekanizmalarını belirlemeyi amaçladı.
Gereç ve Yöntem: Wistar Albino erkek sıçanların (250-300 g) torasik aortları, pulmoner arterleri ve trakealarından izole edilen vasküler ve trakeal halkalar (2-3 mm), izole doku banyosu sistemindeki haznelere yerleştirildi. Dinlenme gerimi olarak 1 g seçildi. Vasküler halkalar, 90 dakikalık dengeleme periyodundan sonra 10-6 M fenilefrin ile kasıldı. Trakeal halkalar ise 10-5 M asetilkolin ile kasıldı. Kasılma stabil hale geldikten sonra, rosuvastatin (10-8-10-4 M) vasküler ve trakeal halkalara kümülatif olarak uygulandı. Rosuvastatin'in işlevsel etki mekanizmalarını belirlemek için seçici sinyal yolak inhibitörleri ve K+ kanal blokerlerinin inkübasyonu sonrasında belirlenen deneysel metodoloji tekrar edildi.
Bulgular: Rosuvastatin, ön kasılma uygulanmış sıçan vasküler ve trakeal halkalarında doz bağımlı bir gevşeme oluşturdu. Damar örneklerindeki maksimal gevşeme düzeyi % 96 idi. Öte yandan, trake örneklerindeki maksimal gevşeme düzeyi % 75 olarak bulundu. Rosuvastatin'in vazodilatör etkileri, endotelin çıkarılması, L-NAME tedavisi ve indometazin inkübasyonu ile anlamlı olarak azaldı (% 27’ye kadar). Tetraethylammonium, gliburid, ve 4-Aminopiridin inkübasyonu ile rosuvastatin kaynaklı vasküler düz kas gevşeme düzeyleri önemli ölçüde azaldı (% 38’e kadar). Dahası, tetraethylammonium, gliburid ve 4-Aminopiridin inkübasyonu ile rosuvastatin ile uyarılan trakeal düz kas gevşeme düzeyleri anlamlı olarak azaldı (% 30’a kadar).
Sonuç: Rosuvastatinin vasküler ve trakeal düz kaslarda belirgin bir gevşetici etkisi vardır. Rosuvastatin'in vazodilatör etkisi, sağlam endotel, nitrik oksit, prostanoidler ve K+ kanalları (BKCa, KV ve KATP kanalları) ile ilişkilidir. Ayrıca, nitrik oksit, prostanoidler, BKCa kanalları, KV kanalları ve KATP kanalları, rosuvastatin tarafından indüklenen trakeal düz kas gevşemesinde rol oynamaktadır.

Project Number



  • Istvan ES, Deisenhofer J. Structural mechanism for statin inhibition of HMG-CoA reductase. Science. 2001;292:1160-4.
  • Vagelos PR. Are prescription drug prices high? Science. 1991;252:1080-4.
  • Abdul-Rahman T, Bukhari SMA, Herrera EC, Awuah WA, Lawrence J, de Andrade H et al. Lipid-lowering therapy: an era beyond statins. Curr Probl Cardiol. 2022;47:101342.
  • Oesterle A, Laufs U, Liao JK. Pleiotropic effects of statins on the cardiovascular system. Circ Res. 2017;120:229-43. Erratum in: Circ Res. 2018;123:e20.
  • Okyay K. Pleiotropic effects of statins: new evidences. Turk Kardiyol Dern Ars. 2021;49:533-5.
  • Razavi AC, Mehta A, Sperling LS. Statin therapy for the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease: Pros. Atherosclerosis. 2022;356:41-5.
  • Wasim R, Ansari TM, Ahsan F, Siddiqui MH, Singh A, Shariq M, Parveen S. Pleiotropic benefits of statins in cardiovascular diseases. Drug Res (Stuttg). 2022;72:477-86.
  • López-Canales JS, Lozano-Cuenca J, López-Canales OA, Aguilar-Carrasco JC, Aranda-Zepeda L, López-Sánchez P et al. Pharmacological characterization of mechanisms involved in the vasorelaxation produced by rosuvastatin in aortic rings from rats with a cafeteria-style diet. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol. 2015;42:653-61.
  • Sönmez Uydeş-Doğan B, Topal G, Takir S, Ilkay Alp F, Kaleli D, Ozdemir O. Relaxant effects of pravastatin, atorvastatin and cerivastatin on isolated rat aortic rings. Life Sci. 2005;76:1771-86.
  • Jebari-Benslaiman S, Galicia-García U, Larrea-Sebal A, Olaetxea JR, Alloza I, Vandenbroeck K et al. Pathophysiology of atherosclerosis. Int J Mol Sci. 2022;23:3346.
  • Verma K, Shukla R, Dwivedi J, Paliwal S, Sharma S. New insights on mode of action of vasorelaxant activity of simvastatin. Inflammopharmacology. 2023. doi:10.1007/s10787-023-01219-8.
  • Sahinturk S. Metformin relaxes rat thoracic aorta via nitric oxide, AMPK, potassium channels, and PKC. Iran J Basic Med Sci. 2023. doi:10.22038/ijbms.2023.69728.15179.
  • Sahinturk S. Elabela relaxes rat pulmonary artery and trachea via BKCa, KV, and KATP channels. Prostaglandins Other Lipid Mediat. 2023;167:106735.
  • Tan CS, Loh YC, Tew WY, Yam MF. Vasorelaxant effect of 3,5,4'-trihydroxy-trans-stilbene (resveratrol) and its underlying mechanism. Inflammopharmacology. 2020;28:869-75.
  • Mitchell JA, Ali F, Bailey L, Moreno L, Harrington LS. Role of nitric oxide and prostacyclin as vasoactive hormones released by the endothelium. Exp Physiol. 2008;93:141-7.
  • Nurullahoğlu-Atalık KE, Kutlu S, Solak H, Koca RÖ. Cilostazol enhances atorvastatin-induced vasodilation of female rat aorta during aging. Physiol Int. 2007;104:226-34.
  • Nurullahoglu-Atalik KE, Oz M, Shafiyi A. Rosuvastatin-induced responses in calf cardiac vein. Bratisl Lek Listy. 2015;116:494-8.
  • Guresir MS, Nurullahoglu KE. Role of the nitric oxide on rosuvastatin-induced relaxation of the calf cardiac vein during cooling. Bratisl Lek Listy. 2014;115:753-6.
  • Castro MM, Rizzi E, Rascado RR, Nagassaki S, Bendhack LM, Tanus-Santos JE. Atorvastatin enhances sildenafil-induced vasodilation through nitric oxide-mediated mechanisms. Eur J Pharmacol. 2004;498:189-94.
  • Almukhtar H, Garle MJ, Smith PA, Roberts RE. Effect of simvastatin on vascular tone in porcine coronary artery: potential role of the mitochondria. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 2016;305:176-85.
  • Pérez-Guerrero C, Alvarez de Sotomayor M, Herrera MD, Marhuenda E. Endothelium modulates contractile response to simvastatin in rat aorta. Z Naturforsch C J Biosci. 2000;55:121-4.
  • Jackson WF. Potassium channels in regulation of vascular smooth muscle contraction and growth. Adv Pharmacol 2017;78:89-144.
  • Tykocki NR, Boerman EM, Jackson WF. Smooth muscle ion channels and regulation of vascular tone in resistance arteries and arterioles. Compr Physiol. 2017;7:485-581.
  • Ulusoy KG, Dogan MF, Cam SA, Arslan SO, Yildiz O. Propofol relaxes isolated rat aorta through BKCa activation. Ann Vasc Surg. 2019;60:397-406.
  • Mitzner W. Airway smooth muscle: the appendix of the lung. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2004;169:787-90.
  • Knox AJ, Tattersfield AE. Airway smooth muscle relaxation. Thorax. 1995;50:894-901.
  • Pereira-de-Morais L, Silva AA, da Silva RER, Ferraz Navarro DMDA, Melo Coutinho HD, Menezes IRA et al. Myorelaxant action of the Dysphania ambrosioides (L.) Mosyakin & Clemants essential oil and its major constituent α-terpinene in isolated rat trachea. Food Chem. 2020;325:126923.
  • Enilari O, Sinha S. The global impact of asthma in adult populations. Ann Glob Health. 2019;85:2.
  • Menezes PMN, Brito MC, de Paiva GO, Dos Santos CO, de Oliveira LM, de Araújo Ribeiro LA et al. Relaxant effect of Lippia origanoides essential oil in guinea-pig trachea smooth muscle involves potassium channels and soluble guanylyl cyclase. J Ethnopharmacol. 2018;220:16-25.
  • Memarzia A, Amin F, Saadat S, Jalali M, Ghasemi Z, Boskabady MH. The contribution of beta-2 adrenergic, muscarinic and histamine (H1) receptors, calcium and potassium channels and cyclooxygenase pathway in the relaxant effect of Allium cepa L. on the tracheal smooth muscle. J Ethnopharmacol. 2019;241:112012
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Clinical Sciences
Journal Section Research

Serdar Şahintürk 0000-0002-7612-0055

Project Number -
Early Pub Date July 9, 2023
Publication Date July 2, 2023
Acceptance Date May 23, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


MLA Şahintürk, Serdar. “Rosuvastatin Relaxes Rat Thoracic Aorta, Pulmonary Artery, and Trachea via Nitric Oxide, Prostanoids, and Potassium Channels”. Cukurova Medical Journal, vol. 48, no. 2, 2023, pp. 419-31, doi:10.17826/cumj.1279122.