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Çiftlerin doğum kontrolünde çekilme yöntemine yönelik tutumları

Year 2019, , 794 - 803, 30.09.2019


Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı çiftlerin geri çekme yöntemine ilişkin tutumlarının belirlenmesidir. 

Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmanın örneklemini geri çekme yöntemini kullanan 15-49 yaş aralığında olan 245 çift (490 birey) oluşturmuştur. Verilerin toplanmasında anket formu ve Geri Çekme Yöntemi Tutum Ölçeği kullanılmıştır.. 

Bulgular: Araştırmada, kadınların ölçek puan ortalaması erkeklerden, eğitim düzeyi düşük olan çiftlerin puan ortalaması, eğitim düzeyi yüksek olan çiftlerden, anadili Kürtçe olan çiftlerin, puan ortalaması anadili Türkçe olan çiftlerin puan ortalamasından daha yüksek ve yönteme ilişkin tutumlarının daha olumlu olduğu ve aralarındaki fark istatistiksel olarak önemli bulunmuştur. Geri çekme yöntemi tutum ölçeğinin beş alt boyutuna ilişkin kadınların puan ortalamasının, erkeklerden daha yüksek ve yönteme ilişkin tutumlarının daha olumlu olduğu ve aralarındaki farkın istatistiksel olarak önemli  olduğu belirlenmiştir. 

Sonuç: Bu çalışmada, çiftlerin geri çekme yöntemine ilişkin tutumlarının olumlu olması nedeniyle sağlık personeline önemli bilgiler sağlamaktadır. Geri çekme yönteminin aile planlaması alanında verilen eğitim ve danışmanlık hizmetlerinin içerisine entegre edilmesi önerilmektedir. 


  • 1. United Nations. World Contraceptive Use. Availbale from publications/contraceptive2011/ wallchart_front.pdf. (Accessed at 17 March 2012). 2. Turkey Demographic and Health Survey 2008. Ankara, Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies, 2008. 3. Özalp S, Tanır H.M. Effects of unwanted pregnancy and miscarriages on women health. The Actual Medicine. 2001;6:42-4. 4. Kitapçıoğlu G, Yanıkkerem E. Fertility stories of women giving birth at the maternity hospital in manisa, family planning behavior and counseling for postpartum family planning. Ege Medical Journal. 2008;47:87-92. 5. Finger WR. Withdrawal popular in some cultures. Contraceptive update. Netw Res Triangle Park N C. 1996;17(1):15-6.. 6. Goldberg HI, Toros A. The use of traditional methods of contraception among Turkish couples. Stud Fam Plann. 1994;25:122–8. 7. Oodit G. Male contraception. Withdrawal: a time-honoured but risky method? Plan Parent Chall. 1996;2:25. 8. Ergöçmen BA, Koç İ, Yiğit EK, Senlet P, Roman E. Analytical study on the traditional contraceptive method: use of withdrawal method in Turkey. Turkey population and health research advanced analysis study. hacettepe university ınstitute of population studies, Ankara, Orkide Printing House;1998. 9. Male ınvolvement in family planning. International Planned Parenthood Federation. 1984:73–76, 79–80. 10. Samtow G. Coitus interruptus and the twentieth century. Popul Dev Rev. 1993;19:767-92. 11. Moore KA, Rogow D. Family Planning and Reproductive Health: Briefing Sheets for a Gender Analysis. New York, Population Council, 1994. 12. Cebeci SD, Erbaydar T, Kalaca S, Harmanci H, Cali S, Karavus M. Resistance against contraception or medical contraceptive methods; a qualitative study on women and men in Istanbul. Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care. 2004;9:94–101. 13. Öztürk A, Güzel H, Gün I, Ostürk Y. Opinions of imams about family planning and their use of methods in Kayseri, Turkey. Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care. 2002;7:144–9. 14. Rogow D, Horowitz S. Withdrawal: A review of the literature and an agenda for research. Stud Fam Plann. 1995;26:140-53. 15. Yılmaz ÖG. Status of family planning use among the women undergone ınduced abortion (Curettage) and determination of the factors associated with. (Master tezi). Ankara, Hacettepe University, 2001. 16. Weiss PDS, Diaz L, Andrade Palos P, David HP. Effect of sex education on the sexual and contraceptive practices of female teenagers in Mexico city. J Psychol Human Sex. 1990;3:71-93. 17. Sable MR, Libbus MK. Beliefs concerning contraceptive acquisition and use among low-income women. J Health Care Poor Underserved. 1998;9:262-75. 18. Family Planning Organization. Family planning and unwanted pregnancies, Family Planning Organization. Available from Accessed at 15 December 2009.. 19. Singh KK, Bloom SS, Tsui AO. Husbands’ reproductive health knowledge, attitudes, and behavior in Uttar Pradesh, India. Stud Fam Plann. 1998;29:388–99. 20. McCarty D. Changing contraceptive usage ıntentions: A test of the fishbein model of ıntention. J Appl Soc Psychol. 1981;11:192-211. 21. Bhargava M, Kapoor SD. Personal and socio–economic variables in relation with towards planned family. Indian J Clin Psychol. 1981;8:35-8. 22. Department of Statistics Data. Republic of Turkey Kars Provincial Health Directorate Kars. 2009. Ankara, Department of Statistics Data, 2009. 23. Sümbüloğlu V, Sümbüloğlu K. Biostatistics 10th ed., Ankara, Hatipoğlu Printing House, 2002. 24. Samtow G. Coitus interruptus and the control of natural fertility. Popul Stud. 1995;49:19-43. 25. Hoff T, Greene L, Davis J. National survey of adolescents and young adults: Sexual health knowledge, attitudes, and experiences 2003. Henry J. Kaiser Foundation, Accessed: 10 February 2010, 26. Güngör S, Başer İ, Göktolga Ü, Eşber Ö, Uğur K. Efficacy of coitus interruptus (withdrawal) method and importance of training level. Gülhane Medical Journal. 2006;48:8-10. 27. Berkiten A, Aslan H. Effects of Family planning methods on sexual life in women [abstract]. III. National Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics. 13–16 September 2001; İstanbul. 28. Yanıkkerem E, Acar H, Elem E. Withdrawal users’ perceptions of and experience with contraceptive methods in Manisa, Turkey. Midwifery. 2006;22:274-84. 29. Eryılmaz H. The effects of used contraceptive methods on spouses and usage errors. Nurs Forum. 1999;2:114-18. 30. Aytekin N, Pala K, Irgil E, Aytekin A. Family planning choices and some characteristics of coitus ınterruptus users in Gemlik, Turkey. Women’s Health Issues. 2001;11:442-47. 31. Odimegwu CO. Family planning attitudes and use in Nijeria: A factor analysis. Int Family Plann Perspect. 1999;25:86- 91. 32. Örsal Ö. Development of family planning attitude scale for individuals living in the border of ankara municipality [PhD Thesis]. Ankara, Hacettepe University, 2006. 33. Aghajanian A, Mehryar AH, Delavar B, Kazemipour S, Zinab HE. Continuing us of whitdrawal as a contraceptive method in Iran. Can Stud Popul. 2007;34:179-90. 34. Myntti C, Ballan A, Dewachi O, El-Kak F, Deeb ME. Challenging the stereotypes: Men, withdrawal, and reproductive health in Lebanon. Contraception. 2002;65:165-70. 35. Marchi NM, de Alvarenga AT, Osis MJD, Bahamondes L. Contraceptive methods with male participation: a perspective of Brazilian couples. Int Nurs Rev. 2008;55:103-9. 36. Ali M, Rizwan H, Ushijima H. Men and reproductive health in rural Pakistan: The case for increased male participation. Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care. 2004;9:260-66. 37. Crosby RA, Yarber WL, Meyerson B. Prevention strategies other than male condoms employed by low-income women to prevent HIV infection. Public Health Nurs. 2000;17:53–60. 38. Gilliam ML, Warden MM, Tapia B. Young Latinas recall contraceptive use before and after pregnancy: A focus group study. J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol. 2004;17:279–87. 39. Sullivan M. Teenage males’ beliefs and practices about contraception: Findings from comparative ethnographic research in high-risk neighborhoods. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Population Association of America, San Francisco. 1995. 40. Horner JR, Salazar LF Romer D, Vanable PA, DiClemente R, Carey MP, et al. Withdrawal (coitus interruptus) as a sexual risk reduction strategy: Perspectives from African-American adolescents. Arch Sex Behav. 2009;38:779–87. 41. Sanders SA, Graham CA, Bass JL, Bancroft J. A prospective study of the effects of oral contraceptives on sexuality and well-being and their relationship to discontinuation. Contraception. 2001;64:51-8. 42. Pasinlioğlu T, Bülbül F. Couples’ reasons for quitting family planning methods. Journal of Ataturk University School of Nursing. 2003;6:40–8. 43. Çiftçioğlu S, Erci B. Coitus interruptus as a contraceptive method: Turkish women’s perceptions and experiences. J Adv Nurs. 2009;65:1569-775. 44. Tezbaşaran A. Likert type scale development guideline. Ankara, Turkish Psychological Association. 1997. 45. Türk R, Terzioğlu F, Gelbal S. A scale development study to determine couples’ attitudes towards the withdrawal method of family planning. Internatıonal Refereed Academıc Journal of Sports, Health And Medıcal Scıences. 2016;18:45-61. 46. Bulut A, Çilingiroğlu N, Bertran M. Is withdrawal a handicap for fertility regulation? Journal of Population Science. 1986;8:45-55. 47. Novelli GG, Tocchella F, Pinto A. Study of the use of contraceptives by a town and a country population of Northern Italy. Acta Eur Fertil. 1980;11:167-79. 48. Rutenberg N, Ayad M, Ochoa LH, Wilkinson M. Knowledge and use of contraception. Demographic and Health Surveys Comparative Studies, No.6. Columbia, MD, Institute for Resource Development/Macro Systems, 1991. 49. Kulczycki A. The determinants of withdrawal use in Turkey: A husband’s imposition or women’s choice. Soc Sci Med. 2004;59:1019–33. 50. Musallam BF. Sex and Society in Islam: Birth control before the Nineteenth Century. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1983. 51. Population Council . Withdrawal use in Pakistan. Islamabad, Pakistan, Population Council, 1998. 52. Okun BS. Family planning in the Jewish population of Israel: Correlates of withdrawal use. Stud Fam Plann. 1997;28:215-27. 53. Türkistanlı E. The role of nurse consulting to catche the missed opportunities for family planning. Quality Symposium about Education and Practices of Nursing-Midwifery, Kayseri. 1998. 54. Bain J. Male contraception. Adv Contracept. 1989;5:263-69. 55. Anthony G. Sociology (Trans: Güzel C). Ankara, Ayraç Publishing House, 2000. 56. Güven S. Obstetrics and birth diagnosis and treatment. In Contraception (Ed S Günalp, S Tuncer):604-29. Ankara, Pelikan Publishing. 2004. 57. Who makes reproductive decisions?” Popul Rep. 1994;23:18–9. 58. Akin A. Cultural and psychosocial factors affecting contraceptive use and abortion in two provinces of Turkey. In Abortion in Developing World (Eds AI Mundigo, C Indriso):191-211. London, Zed Books, 1999. 59. Yurdakul M, Vural G. Reasons for using traditional methods and role of nurses in family planning. Contraception. 2002;65:347–50. 60. Schneider J, Schneider P. Sex and respectability in an age of fertility decline: A Sicilian case study. Soc Sci Med. 1991;33:885–95. 61. Ministry of Health General Directorate of Mother and Child Health and Family Planning . Family Planning and Reproductive Health, National Family Planning Services Guideline, Ankara, Damla Printing, 2005. 62. Bobak M, Perry E, Lowdermilk L. Maternity and Women’s Health Care, 6th edition. Maryland Heights, MI, Mosby, 1997. 63. Özyurda F. National Family Planning Services Guideline, Family Planning and Reproductive Health 3th ed., Ankara, Damla Printing, 2000. 64. Yılmaz AC. Effect of used contraceptive methods on sexuality in women [Master of Science Thesis]. Istanbul, Marmara University, 2003. 65. Örnek SV. Etinoloji Sözlüğü. Ankara, Dil Tarih ve Coğrafya Fakültesi, 1997. 66. Nar MŞ. Tibbi antropoloji: akraba evliliklerinin patolojik etkileri. Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Dergisi - DTCF Dergisi. 2012;52:219-38. 67. Hussaın R. Community perceptions of reasons for preferance for consanguineous marriage in Pakistan. J Biosoc Sci. 1999;31:449-61. 68. Turkey Statistical Institute. Youth in Statistics. Ankara, Turkey Statistical Institute, 2011.

Attitudes of couples towards withdrawal method in birth control

Year 2019, , 794 - 803, 30.09.2019


Purpose: The aim of this study was to determine the attitudes of couples towards withdrawal method.

Materials and Methods: 245 couples (490 individuals) between the ages 15-49 who use the withdrawal method took part in the study. Data was collected using a questionnaire and the Withdrawal Method Attitude Scale were used for data collection..

Results: The study shows that average scores and positive attitudes towards the withdrawal method was higher in women than men, higher in people with lower levels of education than high levels of education and higher in couples who spoke the Kurdish native language than the Turkish native language. The differences in all cases were statistically significant. Women also recorded higher scores and more positive attitudes than men when it came to the five sub dimensions of the withdrawal method attitude scale and the differences between them were statically significant.

Conclusion: This study provides important information for health professionals, due to the positive attitudes of couples towards the withdrawal method. It is recommended that the withdrawal method should be integrated into the education and consultancy services provided in the field of family planning.


  • 1. United Nations. World Contraceptive Use. Availbale from publications/contraceptive2011/ wallchart_front.pdf. (Accessed at 17 March 2012). 2. Turkey Demographic and Health Survey 2008. Ankara, Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies, 2008. 3. Özalp S, Tanır H.M. Effects of unwanted pregnancy and miscarriages on women health. The Actual Medicine. 2001;6:42-4. 4. Kitapçıoğlu G, Yanıkkerem E. Fertility stories of women giving birth at the maternity hospital in manisa, family planning behavior and counseling for postpartum family planning. Ege Medical Journal. 2008;47:87-92. 5. Finger WR. Withdrawal popular in some cultures. Contraceptive update. Netw Res Triangle Park N C. 1996;17(1):15-6.. 6. Goldberg HI, Toros A. The use of traditional methods of contraception among Turkish couples. Stud Fam Plann. 1994;25:122–8. 7. Oodit G. Male contraception. Withdrawal: a time-honoured but risky method? Plan Parent Chall. 1996;2:25. 8. Ergöçmen BA, Koç İ, Yiğit EK, Senlet P, Roman E. Analytical study on the traditional contraceptive method: use of withdrawal method in Turkey. Turkey population and health research advanced analysis study. hacettepe university ınstitute of population studies, Ankara, Orkide Printing House;1998. 9. Male ınvolvement in family planning. International Planned Parenthood Federation. 1984:73–76, 79–80. 10. Samtow G. Coitus interruptus and the twentieth century. Popul Dev Rev. 1993;19:767-92. 11. Moore KA, Rogow D. Family Planning and Reproductive Health: Briefing Sheets for a Gender Analysis. New York, Population Council, 1994. 12. Cebeci SD, Erbaydar T, Kalaca S, Harmanci H, Cali S, Karavus M. Resistance against contraception or medical contraceptive methods; a qualitative study on women and men in Istanbul. Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care. 2004;9:94–101. 13. Öztürk A, Güzel H, Gün I, Ostürk Y. Opinions of imams about family planning and their use of methods in Kayseri, Turkey. Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care. 2002;7:144–9. 14. Rogow D, Horowitz S. Withdrawal: A review of the literature and an agenda for research. Stud Fam Plann. 1995;26:140-53. 15. Yılmaz ÖG. Status of family planning use among the women undergone ınduced abortion (Curettage) and determination of the factors associated with. (Master tezi). Ankara, Hacettepe University, 2001. 16. Weiss PDS, Diaz L, Andrade Palos P, David HP. Effect of sex education on the sexual and contraceptive practices of female teenagers in Mexico city. J Psychol Human Sex. 1990;3:71-93. 17. Sable MR, Libbus MK. Beliefs concerning contraceptive acquisition and use among low-income women. J Health Care Poor Underserved. 1998;9:262-75. 18. Family Planning Organization. Family planning and unwanted pregnancies, Family Planning Organization. Available from Accessed at 15 December 2009.. 19. Singh KK, Bloom SS, Tsui AO. Husbands’ reproductive health knowledge, attitudes, and behavior in Uttar Pradesh, India. Stud Fam Plann. 1998;29:388–99. 20. McCarty D. Changing contraceptive usage ıntentions: A test of the fishbein model of ıntention. J Appl Soc Psychol. 1981;11:192-211. 21. Bhargava M, Kapoor SD. Personal and socio–economic variables in relation with towards planned family. Indian J Clin Psychol. 1981;8:35-8. 22. Department of Statistics Data. Republic of Turkey Kars Provincial Health Directorate Kars. 2009. Ankara, Department of Statistics Data, 2009. 23. Sümbüloğlu V, Sümbüloğlu K. Biostatistics 10th ed., Ankara, Hatipoğlu Printing House, 2002. 24. Samtow G. Coitus interruptus and the control of natural fertility. Popul Stud. 1995;49:19-43. 25. Hoff T, Greene L, Davis J. National survey of adolescents and young adults: Sexual health knowledge, attitudes, and experiences 2003. Henry J. Kaiser Foundation, Accessed: 10 February 2010, 26. Güngör S, Başer İ, Göktolga Ü, Eşber Ö, Uğur K. Efficacy of coitus interruptus (withdrawal) method and importance of training level. Gülhane Medical Journal. 2006;48:8-10. 27. Berkiten A, Aslan H. Effects of Family planning methods on sexual life in women [abstract]. III. National Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics. 13–16 September 2001; İstanbul. 28. Yanıkkerem E, Acar H, Elem E. Withdrawal users’ perceptions of and experience with contraceptive methods in Manisa, Turkey. Midwifery. 2006;22:274-84. 29. Eryılmaz H. The effects of used contraceptive methods on spouses and usage errors. Nurs Forum. 1999;2:114-18. 30. Aytekin N, Pala K, Irgil E, Aytekin A. Family planning choices and some characteristics of coitus ınterruptus users in Gemlik, Turkey. Women’s Health Issues. 2001;11:442-47. 31. Odimegwu CO. Family planning attitudes and use in Nijeria: A factor analysis. Int Family Plann Perspect. 1999;25:86- 91. 32. Örsal Ö. Development of family planning attitude scale for individuals living in the border of ankara municipality [PhD Thesis]. Ankara, Hacettepe University, 2006. 33. Aghajanian A, Mehryar AH, Delavar B, Kazemipour S, Zinab HE. Continuing us of whitdrawal as a contraceptive method in Iran. Can Stud Popul. 2007;34:179-90. 34. Myntti C, Ballan A, Dewachi O, El-Kak F, Deeb ME. Challenging the stereotypes: Men, withdrawal, and reproductive health in Lebanon. Contraception. 2002;65:165-70. 35. Marchi NM, de Alvarenga AT, Osis MJD, Bahamondes L. Contraceptive methods with male participation: a perspective of Brazilian couples. Int Nurs Rev. 2008;55:103-9. 36. Ali M, Rizwan H, Ushijima H. Men and reproductive health in rural Pakistan: The case for increased male participation. Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care. 2004;9:260-66. 37. Crosby RA, Yarber WL, Meyerson B. Prevention strategies other than male condoms employed by low-income women to prevent HIV infection. Public Health Nurs. 2000;17:53–60. 38. Gilliam ML, Warden MM, Tapia B. Young Latinas recall contraceptive use before and after pregnancy: A focus group study. J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol. 2004;17:279–87. 39. Sullivan M. Teenage males’ beliefs and practices about contraception: Findings from comparative ethnographic research in high-risk neighborhoods. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Population Association of America, San Francisco. 1995. 40. Horner JR, Salazar LF Romer D, Vanable PA, DiClemente R, Carey MP, et al. Withdrawal (coitus interruptus) as a sexual risk reduction strategy: Perspectives from African-American adolescents. Arch Sex Behav. 2009;38:779–87. 41. Sanders SA, Graham CA, Bass JL, Bancroft J. A prospective study of the effects of oral contraceptives on sexuality and well-being and their relationship to discontinuation. Contraception. 2001;64:51-8. 42. Pasinlioğlu T, Bülbül F. Couples’ reasons for quitting family planning methods. Journal of Ataturk University School of Nursing. 2003;6:40–8. 43. Çiftçioğlu S, Erci B. Coitus interruptus as a contraceptive method: Turkish women’s perceptions and experiences. J Adv Nurs. 2009;65:1569-775. 44. Tezbaşaran A. Likert type scale development guideline. Ankara, Turkish Psychological Association. 1997. 45. Türk R, Terzioğlu F, Gelbal S. A scale development study to determine couples’ attitudes towards the withdrawal method of family planning. Internatıonal Refereed Academıc Journal of Sports, Health And Medıcal Scıences. 2016;18:45-61. 46. Bulut A, Çilingiroğlu N, Bertran M. Is withdrawal a handicap for fertility regulation? Journal of Population Science. 1986;8:45-55. 47. Novelli GG, Tocchella F, Pinto A. Study of the use of contraceptives by a town and a country population of Northern Italy. Acta Eur Fertil. 1980;11:167-79. 48. Rutenberg N, Ayad M, Ochoa LH, Wilkinson M. Knowledge and use of contraception. Demographic and Health Surveys Comparative Studies, No.6. Columbia, MD, Institute for Resource Development/Macro Systems, 1991. 49. Kulczycki A. The determinants of withdrawal use in Turkey: A husband’s imposition or women’s choice. Soc Sci Med. 2004;59:1019–33. 50. Musallam BF. Sex and Society in Islam: Birth control before the Nineteenth Century. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1983. 51. Population Council . Withdrawal use in Pakistan. Islamabad, Pakistan, Population Council, 1998. 52. Okun BS. Family planning in the Jewish population of Israel: Correlates of withdrawal use. Stud Fam Plann. 1997;28:215-27. 53. Türkistanlı E. The role of nurse consulting to catche the missed opportunities for family planning. Quality Symposium about Education and Practices of Nursing-Midwifery, Kayseri. 1998. 54. Bain J. Male contraception. Adv Contracept. 1989;5:263-69. 55. Anthony G. Sociology (Trans: Güzel C). Ankara, Ayraç Publishing House, 2000. 56. Güven S. Obstetrics and birth diagnosis and treatment. In Contraception (Ed S Günalp, S Tuncer):604-29. Ankara, Pelikan Publishing. 2004. 57. Who makes reproductive decisions?” Popul Rep. 1994;23:18–9. 58. Akin A. Cultural and psychosocial factors affecting contraceptive use and abortion in two provinces of Turkey. In Abortion in Developing World (Eds AI Mundigo, C Indriso):191-211. London, Zed Books, 1999. 59. Yurdakul M, Vural G. Reasons for using traditional methods and role of nurses in family planning. Contraception. 2002;65:347–50. 60. Schneider J, Schneider P. Sex and respectability in an age of fertility decline: A Sicilian case study. Soc Sci Med. 1991;33:885–95. 61. Ministry of Health General Directorate of Mother and Child Health and Family Planning . Family Planning and Reproductive Health, National Family Planning Services Guideline, Ankara, Damla Printing, 2005. 62. Bobak M, Perry E, Lowdermilk L. Maternity and Women’s Health Care, 6th edition. Maryland Heights, MI, Mosby, 1997. 63. Özyurda F. National Family Planning Services Guideline, Family Planning and Reproductive Health 3th ed., Ankara, Damla Printing, 2000. 64. Yılmaz AC. Effect of used contraceptive methods on sexuality in women [Master of Science Thesis]. Istanbul, Marmara University, 2003. 65. Örnek SV. Etinoloji Sözlüğü. Ankara, Dil Tarih ve Coğrafya Fakültesi, 1997. 66. Nar MŞ. Tibbi antropoloji: akraba evliliklerinin patolojik etkileri. Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Dergisi - DTCF Dergisi. 2012;52:219-38. 67. Hussaın R. Community perceptions of reasons for preferance for consanguineous marriage in Pakistan. J Biosoc Sci. 1999;31:449-61. 68. Turkey Statistical Institute. Youth in Statistics. Ankara, Turkey Statistical Institute, 2011.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Research

Rukiye Türk 0000-0002-1424-1564

Füsun Terzioğlu This is me 0000-0002-4082-7059

Publication Date September 30, 2019
Acceptance Date January 4, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


MLA Türk, Rukiye and Füsun Terzioğlu. “Attitudes of Couples towards Withdrawal Method in Birth Control”. Cukurova Medical Journal, vol. 44, no. 3, 2019, pp. 794-03, doi:10.17826/cumj.444467.