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Evaluation of sexually abused adolescents cases by the repertory grid technique: a cross-sectional study

Year 2019, , 1007 - 1016, 30.09.2019


Purpose: In this study, we aim to explore how the adolescent girls who have experienced sexual abuse (SA) perceives themselves, their families and their surroundings, using repertory grid technique (RGT) within the scope of personal construct theory (PCT).

Materials and Methods: 30 adolescent girls with SA and 25 adolescent girls with no SA were included in the study. RGT was used to assess how the adolescents perceive themselves, their families and their surroundings and the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES) was used to measure self-esteem. Individual and familial characteristics of the participants were evaluated with a sociodemographic data form developed by the researchers.

Results: Based on RGT, it was found that adolescents who had experienced SA perceived themselves as more different and distant from their mothers, their siblings and their close female friends compared with those with no SA. However, they perceived themselves as more similar to their friends that they think who have negative properties. In addition, it was determined that the sexually abused girls had excessive cognitive complexity and higher “self-ideal self” discrepancy than those of nonabused controls. Sexually abused adolescents had lower self-esteem on the RSES scores.

Conclusion: SA negatively affects self-perception and perception of the surrounding and it damages self-confidence and the confidence towards the world, thus sexually abused adolescents should be followed up for these problems.


  • Kaynaklar:1. Kelly GA. The psychology of personal constructs. Volume one. A theory of personality (2nd edition). London: Routledge, 1955/1991.
  • 2. Kelly GA. The psychology of personal contructs. Volume two. Clinical diagnosis and psychotherapy (2nd Edition). New York: Routlledge, 1955/1991.
  • 3. Neimeyer RA. An appraisal of constructivist psychotherapies. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 1993;61(2):221-34.
  • 4. Johnson CF. Child sexual abuse. Lancet, 2004;364:462–470
  • 5. Finkelhor D, Browne A. The traumatic impact of child sexual abuse: a conceptualization. Am J Orthopsychiat 1985;55:530-541.
  • 6. Davis JL, Petretic-Jackson PA. The Impact of Child Sexual Abuse on Adult Interpersonal Functioning. A Review and Synthesis of the Empirical Literature, Aggres Violent Behav 2000;5:291-328.
  • 7. Tebbutt J, Swanston H, Oates RK, O’Toole BI. Five years after child sexual abuse: persisting dysfunction and problems of prediction. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatr 1997;36:330-339.
  • 8. Erbes CR, Harter SL. Constructions of abuse: Understanding the effects of childhood sexual abuse. In JD Raskin & SK Bridges (Eds.), Studies in meaning: Exploring constructivist psychology. New York, NY: Pace University Press. 2002,pp. 27–48.
  • 9. Harter SL, Neimeyer RA. Long-term effects of child sexual abuse: Toward a constructivist theory of trauma and its treatment. In RA Neimeyer & GJ Neimeyer (Eds.) Advances in personal construct psychology, Vol. 3, Greenwich, CT: JAI Press. 1995,pp. 229–269.
  • 10. Sewell KW. An approach to traumatic stress. The essential practitioners handbook of personal construct psychology. In F. Fransella (Ed.), Chichester, UK: Wiley 2005,pp. 163–73.
  • 11. Maitland HA, Viney LL. Disclosing childhood sexual assault in close relationships: The meanings and emotions women associate with their experiences and their lives now. Personal Construct Theory & Practice 2008;5:149-64.
  • 12. Sporle T, Winter D, Rhodes J. Childhood Sexual Abuse and Construction of Self and Others in People Who have Experienced Psychosis, Journal of Constructivist Psychology 2011;24(3):185-207.
  • 13. Space LG, Dingemans PM, Cromwell RL. Self-construing and alienation in depressives, schizophrenics, and normals. Applications of personal construct theory. In J Adams-Webber, JC Mancuso (Eds.) San Diego, CA: Academic Press 1983,pp. 365-78.
  • 14. Erbes CR, Harter SL. Domain-specific cognitive complexity in survivors of child abuse. Journal of Constructivist Psychology, 1999;12:215–38.
  • 15. Harter SL, Erbes CR, Hart CC. Content Analysis of the Personal Constructs of Female Sexual Abuse Survivors Elicited Through Repertory Grid Tehnique. Journal of Constructivist Psychology 2004;17(1):27-43.
  • 16. Harter SL, Alexander PC, Neimeyer RA. Long-term effects of incstuous child abuse in college women: Social adjustment, social cognition, and family characteristics. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 1988;56:5-8.
  • 17. Harter SL. Quantitative measures of construing in child abuse survivors. Journal of Constructivist Psychology 2000;13:103–16.
  • 18. Neimeyer RA, Harter SL, Alexander PC. Group perceptions as predictors of outcome in the treatment of incest survivors. Psychotherapy Research 1991;1:1-11.
  • 19. Rosenberg M. Society and the adolescent self-image. New Jersey: Princeton University, 1965.
  • 20. Çuhadaroğlu F. Adölesanlarda benlik saygısı (Yayımlanmamış Uzmanlık Tezi). Ankara, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Tıp Fak, Psikiyatri ABD, 1986.
  • 21. Kaufman J, Birmaher B, Brent D. Schedule for affective disorders and schizophrenia for school-age children-present and lifetime version (K-SADS-PL): initial reliability and validity data. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 1997;36:980-8.
  • 22. Gökler B, Ünal F, Pehlivantürk B. Okul çağı çocukları için duygulanım bozuklukları ve şizofreni görüşme çizelgesi-şimdi ve yaşam boyu şekli-Türkçe uyarlamasının geçerlik ve güvenirliği. Çocuk ve Gençlik Ruh Sağlığı Dergisi 2004;11:109-16.
  • 23. Bannister D. The rationale and clinical relevance of repertory grid technique. British J Psychiatry 1965;111:977-82.
  • 24. Slater P. The Principal Components of a Repertory Grid. London; Vincent Andrews, 1964.
  • 25. Briere J. Child abuse trauma: Theory and treatment of the lasting effects. London, England: CA: Sage Publications, Inc, 1992.
  • 26. Büyükberker Ç. Şizofrenik Yapılaşma ve Kişisel Yapıtlar (Grid Tekniği ile Mukayeseli Bir Araştırma) (Yayınlanmamış Doçentlik Tezi). Ankara, Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fak, 1969.
  • 27. Winter D. Psychological disorder as imbalance. International handbook of personal construct psychology. In F. Fransella (ed.), Chichester, UK: Wiley, 2003 pp. 201–209.
  • 28. Briere J. Cognitive Complexity-Simplicity and Predictive Behavior. J Abnormal Social Psychology 1955;51:263-8.
  • 29. Fransella F, Bannister D. A manual for repertory grid technique. San Diego, CA: Academic Pres, 1977.
  • 30. Grice JW. Bridging the idiographic - nomothetic divide in ratings of self and others on the Big Five. Journal of Personality 2004;72:203-41.
  • 31. Coffey P, Leitenberg H, Henning K, Turner T, Bennet RT. Mediators of the long-term impact of child sexual abuse: Perceived stigma, betrayal, powerlesness, and self-blame. Child Abuse and Neglect 1996;20:447-55.
  • 32. Dube SR, Anda RF, Whitfield CL, Brown DW, Felitti VJ, Dong M, Giles WH. Long term consequences of childhood sexual abuse by gender of victim. Am J Prev Med, 2005;28(5):430-8.
  • 33. Carey PD, Walker JI, Rossouw W, Seeadt S, Stein DJ. Risk indicators and psychopathology in traumatised children and adolescents with a history of sexual abuse. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatr, 2008;17:93-8.
  • 34. Taner HA, Çetin FH, Işık Y, İşeri E. Cinsel istismara uğrayan çocuk ve ergenlerde psikopatoloji ve ilişkili risk etkenleri. Anadolu Psikiyatri Dergisi 2015;16:294-300.
  • 35. Bahalı K, Akçan R, Tahiroğlu AY, Avcı A. Child sexual abuse: Seven years in practice. J Forensic Sci. 2010;55:633-6.

Cinsel istismara uğrayan ergen olguların repertuar grid tekniği ile değerlendirilmesi: kesitsel bir çalışma

Year 2019, , 1007 - 1016, 30.09.2019


Amaç: Bu çalışmada cinsel istismar (Cİ) mağduru kız ergenlerin kendisini, ailesini ve çevresini algılayışlarının kişisel yapı kuramı (KYK) çerçevesinde repertuar grid tekniği (RGT) ile incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır.

Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmaya Cİ mağduru 30 kız ergen ve Cİ öyküsü olmayan 25 kız ergen dahil edilmiştir. Ergenlerin kendisini, ailesini ve çevresini algılayışlarını değerlendirmek için RGT, benlik saygısı ölçümü için Rosenberg Benlik Saygısı Ölçeği (RBSÖ) kullanılmıştır. Katılımcıların bireysel ve ailesel özellikleri sosyodemografik veri formu ile değerlendirilmiştir.

Bulgular: RGT’de Cİ mağdurlarının Cİ öyküsü olmayanlara göre anne, kardeş ve yakın kız arkadaşlarını kendilerinden daha farklı ve uzak algıladıkları, olumsuz nitelikler yükledikleri arkadaşlarına kendilerini daha özdeş hissettikleri, aşırı bilişsel karmaşıklıklarının olduğu ve ‘‘ben-ideal ben’’ uzaklığının daha fazla olduğu bulunmuştur. Ek olarak Cİ mağdurlarında benlik saygılarının daha düşük olduğu saptanmıştır.

Sonuç: Bulgularımız Cİ’nin hem kendilik algısını hem de çevreyi algılamayı olumsuz etkilediğini, kişinin kendine ve tüm dünyaya karşı güveninin sarsıldığını göstermekte, dolayısıyla istismara maruz kalmış ergenlerin bu sorunlar açısından takip edilmeleri gerektiğine işaret etmektedir.


  • Kaynaklar:1. Kelly GA. The psychology of personal constructs. Volume one. A theory of personality (2nd edition). London: Routledge, 1955/1991.
  • 2. Kelly GA. The psychology of personal contructs. Volume two. Clinical diagnosis and psychotherapy (2nd Edition). New York: Routlledge, 1955/1991.
  • 3. Neimeyer RA. An appraisal of constructivist psychotherapies. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 1993;61(2):221-34.
  • 4. Johnson CF. Child sexual abuse. Lancet, 2004;364:462–470
  • 5. Finkelhor D, Browne A. The traumatic impact of child sexual abuse: a conceptualization. Am J Orthopsychiat 1985;55:530-541.
  • 6. Davis JL, Petretic-Jackson PA. The Impact of Child Sexual Abuse on Adult Interpersonal Functioning. A Review and Synthesis of the Empirical Literature, Aggres Violent Behav 2000;5:291-328.
  • 7. Tebbutt J, Swanston H, Oates RK, O’Toole BI. Five years after child sexual abuse: persisting dysfunction and problems of prediction. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatr 1997;36:330-339.
  • 8. Erbes CR, Harter SL. Constructions of abuse: Understanding the effects of childhood sexual abuse. In JD Raskin & SK Bridges (Eds.), Studies in meaning: Exploring constructivist psychology. New York, NY: Pace University Press. 2002,pp. 27–48.
  • 9. Harter SL, Neimeyer RA. Long-term effects of child sexual abuse: Toward a constructivist theory of trauma and its treatment. In RA Neimeyer & GJ Neimeyer (Eds.) Advances in personal construct psychology, Vol. 3, Greenwich, CT: JAI Press. 1995,pp. 229–269.
  • 10. Sewell KW. An approach to traumatic stress. The essential practitioners handbook of personal construct psychology. In F. Fransella (Ed.), Chichester, UK: Wiley 2005,pp. 163–73.
  • 11. Maitland HA, Viney LL. Disclosing childhood sexual assault in close relationships: The meanings and emotions women associate with their experiences and their lives now. Personal Construct Theory & Practice 2008;5:149-64.
  • 12. Sporle T, Winter D, Rhodes J. Childhood Sexual Abuse and Construction of Self and Others in People Who have Experienced Psychosis, Journal of Constructivist Psychology 2011;24(3):185-207.
  • 13. Space LG, Dingemans PM, Cromwell RL. Self-construing and alienation in depressives, schizophrenics, and normals. Applications of personal construct theory. In J Adams-Webber, JC Mancuso (Eds.) San Diego, CA: Academic Press 1983,pp. 365-78.
  • 14. Erbes CR, Harter SL. Domain-specific cognitive complexity in survivors of child abuse. Journal of Constructivist Psychology, 1999;12:215–38.
  • 15. Harter SL, Erbes CR, Hart CC. Content Analysis of the Personal Constructs of Female Sexual Abuse Survivors Elicited Through Repertory Grid Tehnique. Journal of Constructivist Psychology 2004;17(1):27-43.
  • 16. Harter SL, Alexander PC, Neimeyer RA. Long-term effects of incstuous child abuse in college women: Social adjustment, social cognition, and family characteristics. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 1988;56:5-8.
  • 17. Harter SL. Quantitative measures of construing in child abuse survivors. Journal of Constructivist Psychology 2000;13:103–16.
  • 18. Neimeyer RA, Harter SL, Alexander PC. Group perceptions as predictors of outcome in the treatment of incest survivors. Psychotherapy Research 1991;1:1-11.
  • 19. Rosenberg M. Society and the adolescent self-image. New Jersey: Princeton University, 1965.
  • 20. Çuhadaroğlu F. Adölesanlarda benlik saygısı (Yayımlanmamış Uzmanlık Tezi). Ankara, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Tıp Fak, Psikiyatri ABD, 1986.
  • 21. Kaufman J, Birmaher B, Brent D. Schedule for affective disorders and schizophrenia for school-age children-present and lifetime version (K-SADS-PL): initial reliability and validity data. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 1997;36:980-8.
  • 22. Gökler B, Ünal F, Pehlivantürk B. Okul çağı çocukları için duygulanım bozuklukları ve şizofreni görüşme çizelgesi-şimdi ve yaşam boyu şekli-Türkçe uyarlamasının geçerlik ve güvenirliği. Çocuk ve Gençlik Ruh Sağlığı Dergisi 2004;11:109-16.
  • 23. Bannister D. The rationale and clinical relevance of repertory grid technique. British J Psychiatry 1965;111:977-82.
  • 24. Slater P. The Principal Components of a Repertory Grid. London; Vincent Andrews, 1964.
  • 25. Briere J. Child abuse trauma: Theory and treatment of the lasting effects. London, England: CA: Sage Publications, Inc, 1992.
  • 26. Büyükberker Ç. Şizofrenik Yapılaşma ve Kişisel Yapıtlar (Grid Tekniği ile Mukayeseli Bir Araştırma) (Yayınlanmamış Doçentlik Tezi). Ankara, Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fak, 1969.
  • 27. Winter D. Psychological disorder as imbalance. International handbook of personal construct psychology. In F. Fransella (ed.), Chichester, UK: Wiley, 2003 pp. 201–209.
  • 28. Briere J. Cognitive Complexity-Simplicity and Predictive Behavior. J Abnormal Social Psychology 1955;51:263-8.
  • 29. Fransella F, Bannister D. A manual for repertory grid technique. San Diego, CA: Academic Pres, 1977.
  • 30. Grice JW. Bridging the idiographic - nomothetic divide in ratings of self and others on the Big Five. Journal of Personality 2004;72:203-41.
  • 31. Coffey P, Leitenberg H, Henning K, Turner T, Bennet RT. Mediators of the long-term impact of child sexual abuse: Perceived stigma, betrayal, powerlesness, and self-blame. Child Abuse and Neglect 1996;20:447-55.
  • 32. Dube SR, Anda RF, Whitfield CL, Brown DW, Felitti VJ, Dong M, Giles WH. Long term consequences of childhood sexual abuse by gender of victim. Am J Prev Med, 2005;28(5):430-8.
  • 33. Carey PD, Walker JI, Rossouw W, Seeadt S, Stein DJ. Risk indicators and psychopathology in traumatised children and adolescents with a history of sexual abuse. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatr, 2008;17:93-8.
  • 34. Taner HA, Çetin FH, Işık Y, İşeri E. Cinsel istismara uğrayan çocuk ve ergenlerde psikopatoloji ve ilişkili risk etkenleri. Anadolu Psikiyatri Dergisi 2015;16:294-300.
  • 35. Bahalı K, Akçan R, Tahiroğlu AY, Avcı A. Child sexual abuse: Seven years in practice. J Forensic Sci. 2010;55:633-6.
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Research

Ayla Uzun Çiçek 0000-0003-2274-3457

Emine Çığıl Fettahoğlu This is me 0000-0002-8412-6238

Esin Özatalay 0000-0001-9701-4174

Seda Aybüke Sarı 0000-0003-4793-0662

Publication Date September 30, 2019
Acceptance Date February 17, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


MLA Uzun Çiçek, Ayla et al. “Cinsel Istismara uğrayan Ergen olguların Repertuar Grid tekniği Ile değerlendirilmesi: Kesitsel Bir çalışma”. Cukurova Medical Journal, vol. 44, no. 3, 2019, pp. 1007-16, doi:10.17826/cumj.480002.