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Possible Factors that Affect Testis Volume in Varicocele Patients

Year 2015, , 233 - 238, 14.09.2015


Purpose: Aim of this study is define possible factors that could affect testis volume in varicocele patients. Material and Methods: 104 patients who is diagnosed varicocele between November 2013- April 2014 included to study. Patient age, height, weight and smoking habit data’s are collected from hospital database retrospectively. Body mass index is calculated by division of weight as kilograms to square of height as meters. And smoking amount is calculated with multiplication of years of smoking and smokes packages per day. Testicular volumes are measured by ultrasonography at time of diagnosis. Statistical analyses are done with Pearson, Spearman’s rho, Mann-Whitney-U, Kruskal-Wallis, Wilcoxon rank test. Results: Left varicocele degree is associated with left and right testis volume (r=-0,436 p<0,001; r=-0,316 p=0,001). There was no relationship between right varicocele degree and testis volumes (p>0,05). Height, weight and body index mass was not associated with testis volume (p>0,05). Left and right testis volumes were not statistically different between smokers and non-smokers (p=0,163 p=0,513). Age of starting smoking and smoking amount is not associated with testis volumes. Conclusion: Left varicocele degree is associated with decrease in testis volume. There was no relationship between testis volume and body mass index or smoking habit. Early varicocele diagnosis is important to protect testis volume


  • J. P. Jarow Effects of varicocele on male fertility Human Reproduction Update, 2001;7:59–64
  • Pasqualotto FF, Lucon AM, de Góes PM, Hallak J, Sobreiro B, Pasqualotto EB et al., Testicular growth, sperm concentration, percent motility, and pregnancy outcome after varicocelectomy based on testicular histology Fertility and Sterility, 2005;83:362–6
  • Zini A, Buckspan M, Berardinucci D, Jarvi K Loss of left testicular volume in men with clinical left varicocele: correlation with grade of varicocele Arch Androl. 1998;41:37-41
  • Masanori Yamamoto, Hatsuki Hiei, Satoshi Katsuno Koji Miyake Effects of varicocelectomy on testis volume and semen parameters in adolescents: a randomized prospective study. Nagoya J. Med. Sci. 1995;58:127–32.
  • Fisch H., Hyun G. Hensle T.W. Testicular growth and varicocele repair in adolescent males BJU Int. 2003;91:75–8.
  • Sinanoglu O, Eyyupoglu SE, Ekici S Ipsilateral Testicular Catch-Up Growth Rate Following Microsurgical Inguinal Adolescent Varicocelectomy ScientificWorldJournal. 2012;2012:1-4
  • Jensen TK, Andersson AM, Jİrgensen N, Andersen AG, Carlsen E, Petersen JH, et al Body mass index in relation to semen quality and reproductive hormones among 1,558 Danish men. Fertil Steril. 2004;82:863-70.
  • Kort HI, Massey JB, Elsner CW, Mitchell-Leef D, Shapiro DB, Witt MA, et al. Impact of body mass index values on sperm quantity and quality. J Androl. 2006;27:450-2.
  • Fejes I, Koloszár S, Závaczki Z, Daru J, Szöllösi J, Pál A. Effect of body weight on testosterone/estradiol ratio in oligozoospermic patients. Arch Androl. 2006;52:97-102.
  • Jong Y. Bahk, Jae H. Jung, Lee M. Jin, Seung K. Min Cut-off Value of Testes Volume in Young Adults and Correlation Among Testes Volume, Body Mass Index, Hormonal Level, and Seminal Profiles Urol. 2010;75:1318 –23.
  • Badereddin Mohamad Al–Ali, Rany Shamloul, Martin Pichler, Herbert Augustin, Karl Pummer Clinical and laboratory profiles of a large cohort of patients with different grades of varicocele Cent European J Urol. 2013;66:71-4.
  • Ku JH, Kim ME, Jeon YS, Lee NK, Park YH. Factors influencing testicular volume in young men: results of a community-based survey BJU Int. 2002;90:446-50.
  • Xue J, Yang J, Yan J, Jiang X, He L, Wu T, Guo J. Abnormalities Of The Testes And Semen Parameters In Clinical Varicocele J South Med Univ. 2011;32:439-42
  • Aslan Y, Atan A, Omur Aydın A, Nalçacıoğlu V, Tuncel A, somatometric parameters: a study in healthy young Turkish men. Asian J Androl. 2011;13:339-41
  • Goldstein M, Eid JF Elevation of intratesticular and scrotal skin surface temperature in men with varicocele. J. Urol 1989;743-5.
  • Harrison RM, Smith SD, Roberts JA Testicular temperatures measures by thermistor probe and contact thermography Fertil Steril. 1990;54:173-4.
  • Kaas EJ, Stork BR, Steinert BW Varicocele in adolescence induces left and right testicular volume loss BJU Int. 2001;87:499-501
  • Ku JH, Son H, Kwak C Impact of varicocele on testicular volume in young men: significance of compensatory hypertrophy of contralateral testis. J Urol. 2002;168:1541-4.
  • Alukal JP, Zurakowski D, Atala A, Bauer SB, Borer JG, Cilento BG Jr et al Testicular hypotrophy does not correlate with grade of adolescent varicocele. J Urol. 2005;174:2367-70.
  • Jensen TK, Jİrgensen N, Punab M, Haugen TB, Suominen J, Zilaitiene B et al. Association of In Utero Exposure to Maternal Smoking with Reduced Semen Quality and Testis Size in Adulthood: A Cross- Sectional Study of 1,770 Young Men from the General Population in Five European Countries Am J Epidemiol. 2004;159:49-58.
  • Mamsen LS, Lutterodt MC, Andersen EW, Skouby SO, Sİrensen KP, Andersen CY, Byskov AG. Cigarette smoking during early pregnancy reduces the number
  • of embryonic germ and somatic cells Hum Reprod. 2010;25:2755-61.

Varikoselli Hastalarda Testis Hacmini Etkileyebilecek Olası Faktörler

Year 2015, , 233 - 238, 14.09.2015


Amaç: Çalışmanın amacı varikoselli hastalarda testis hacmini etkileyebilecek olası faktörleri belirlemektir. Materyal ve Metod: Kasım 2013- Nisan 2014 tarihleri arasında varikosel tanısı alan 104 hasta çalışmaya dahil edilmiştir. Hastaların yaşları, boy uzunlukları, vücut ağırlıkları ve sigara kullanım alışkanlıkları hastane veri tabanından elde edilmiştir. Beden kitle endeksi vücut ağırlığının kilogram cinsinden değerinin boy uzunluğunun metre cinsinden karesine bölünmesi ile hesaplanmıştır. Sigara tüketimi günlük sigara kullanımımın paket cinsinden değeri ile sigara kullanım yılının çarpımı ile hesaplanmıştır. Testis hacimleri tanı anında ultrasonografi ile ölçülmüştür. İstatistiksel analizler uygun duruma göre Pearson, Spearman’s rho, Mann-Whitney-U, Kruskal-Wallis, Wilcoxon rank testi yöntemleri ile yapıldı. Bulgular: Sol varikosel derecesi sol ve sağ testis hacmi ile ilişkili bulundu (p<0,001 r=-0,436;p=0,001 r=-0,316). Sağ varikosel derecesi ile testis hacimleri arasında ilişki saptanmadı (p>0,05). Boy uzunluğu, vücut ağırlığı ve beden kitle endeksi ile testis hacimleri arasında ilişki saptanmadı (p>0,05). Sol ve sağ testis hacimleri açısından sigara kullanan ve Araştırma Makalesi / Research Article 233 Demiray ve ark. Cukurova Medical Journal kullanmayan gruplar arasında istatiksel anlamlı fark izlenmedi (p=0,163 p=0,513). Sigaraya başlama yaşı ve sigara kullanım miktarı ile her iki testis hacmi arasında istatiksel anlamlı ilişki saptanmadı. Tartışma: Sol varikosel derecesi testis hacminde azalma ile ilişkili bulunmuştur. Beden kitle endeksi ve sigara alışkanlığı ile testis hacmi arasında ilişki tespit edilmedi. Varikoselin erken tanısı ve tedavisi testis hacmini korumak için önemlidir.


  • J. P. Jarow Effects of varicocele on male fertility Human Reproduction Update, 2001;7:59–64
  • Pasqualotto FF, Lucon AM, de Góes PM, Hallak J, Sobreiro B, Pasqualotto EB et al., Testicular growth, sperm concentration, percent motility, and pregnancy outcome after varicocelectomy based on testicular histology Fertility and Sterility, 2005;83:362–6
  • Zini A, Buckspan M, Berardinucci D, Jarvi K Loss of left testicular volume in men with clinical left varicocele: correlation with grade of varicocele Arch Androl. 1998;41:37-41
  • Masanori Yamamoto, Hatsuki Hiei, Satoshi Katsuno Koji Miyake Effects of varicocelectomy on testis volume and semen parameters in adolescents: a randomized prospective study. Nagoya J. Med. Sci. 1995;58:127–32.
  • Fisch H., Hyun G. Hensle T.W. Testicular growth and varicocele repair in adolescent males BJU Int. 2003;91:75–8.
  • Sinanoglu O, Eyyupoglu SE, Ekici S Ipsilateral Testicular Catch-Up Growth Rate Following Microsurgical Inguinal Adolescent Varicocelectomy ScientificWorldJournal. 2012;2012:1-4
  • Jensen TK, Andersson AM, Jİrgensen N, Andersen AG, Carlsen E, Petersen JH, et al Body mass index in relation to semen quality and reproductive hormones among 1,558 Danish men. Fertil Steril. 2004;82:863-70.
  • Kort HI, Massey JB, Elsner CW, Mitchell-Leef D, Shapiro DB, Witt MA, et al. Impact of body mass index values on sperm quantity and quality. J Androl. 2006;27:450-2.
  • Fejes I, Koloszár S, Závaczki Z, Daru J, Szöllösi J, Pál A. Effect of body weight on testosterone/estradiol ratio in oligozoospermic patients. Arch Androl. 2006;52:97-102.
  • Jong Y. Bahk, Jae H. Jung, Lee M. Jin, Seung K. Min Cut-off Value of Testes Volume in Young Adults and Correlation Among Testes Volume, Body Mass Index, Hormonal Level, and Seminal Profiles Urol. 2010;75:1318 –23.
  • Badereddin Mohamad Al–Ali, Rany Shamloul, Martin Pichler, Herbert Augustin, Karl Pummer Clinical and laboratory profiles of a large cohort of patients with different grades of varicocele Cent European J Urol. 2013;66:71-4.
  • Ku JH, Kim ME, Jeon YS, Lee NK, Park YH. Factors influencing testicular volume in young men: results of a community-based survey BJU Int. 2002;90:446-50.
  • Xue J, Yang J, Yan J, Jiang X, He L, Wu T, Guo J. Abnormalities Of The Testes And Semen Parameters In Clinical Varicocele J South Med Univ. 2011;32:439-42
  • Aslan Y, Atan A, Omur Aydın A, Nalçacıoğlu V, Tuncel A, somatometric parameters: a study in healthy young Turkish men. Asian J Androl. 2011;13:339-41
  • Goldstein M, Eid JF Elevation of intratesticular and scrotal skin surface temperature in men with varicocele. J. Urol 1989;743-5.
  • Harrison RM, Smith SD, Roberts JA Testicular temperatures measures by thermistor probe and contact thermography Fertil Steril. 1990;54:173-4.
  • Kaas EJ, Stork BR, Steinert BW Varicocele in adolescence induces left and right testicular volume loss BJU Int. 2001;87:499-501
  • Ku JH, Son H, Kwak C Impact of varicocele on testicular volume in young men: significance of compensatory hypertrophy of contralateral testis. J Urol. 2002;168:1541-4.
  • Alukal JP, Zurakowski D, Atala A, Bauer SB, Borer JG, Cilento BG Jr et al Testicular hypotrophy does not correlate with grade of adolescent varicocele. J Urol. 2005;174:2367-70.
  • Jensen TK, Jİrgensen N, Punab M, Haugen TB, Suominen J, Zilaitiene B et al. Association of In Utero Exposure to Maternal Smoking with Reduced Semen Quality and Testis Size in Adulthood: A Cross- Sectional Study of 1,770 Young Men from the General Population in Five European Countries Am J Epidemiol. 2004;159:49-58.
  • Mamsen LS, Lutterodt MC, Andersen EW, Skouby SO, Sİrensen KP, Andersen CY, Byskov AG. Cigarette smoking during early pregnancy reduces the number
  • of embryonic germ and somatic cells Hum Reprod. 2010;25:2755-61.
There are 22 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research

Özay Demiray This is me

Ferhat Cüce This is me

Serdar Kalemci This is me

Vusal Ahmedov This is me

Ümit Eskidemir This is me

Publication Date September 14, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015


MLA Demiray, Özay et al. “Possible Factors That Affect Testis Volume in Varicocele Patients”. Cukurova Medical Journal, vol. 40, no. 2, 2015, pp. 233-8, doi:10.17826/cutf.26216.