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Paternal depresyon ve baba-bebek bağlanması arasındaki ilişki

Year 2020, , 1663 - 1671, 27.12.2020


Amaç: Bu çalışma erken bebeklik döneminde paternal depresyon ve baba-bebek bağlanması arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi amacıyla yürütülmüştür.
Gereç ve Yöntem: Tanımlayıcı ve kesitsel tipteki bu araştırma, İzmir’de bir üniversite hastanesinde eşi doğum yapmış, örneklem kriterlerine uyan 124 baba ile yürütülmüştür. Veriler, Birey Tanıtım Formu, Edinburgh Postpartum Depresyon Ölçeği (EPDÖ) ve Baba-Bebek Bağlanma Ölçeği kullanılarak ve iki izlem yapılarak toplanmıştır. Birinci izlem doğum sonrası birinci gün babalarla yüzyüze, ikinci izlem ise doğumdan sonra ikinci ayda telefon ile görüşülerek yapılmıştır.
Bulgular: Babaların doğum sonrası birinci günde EPDÖ puan ortalaması 5,25±4,58, ikinci ayda 4,58±4,20 olup, aralarındaki fark istatistiksel olarak anlamlıdır. Doğum sonrası birinci günde depresyon riski %16,9 iken, bu oran ikinci ayda %14,5’tir. Doğum sonrası birinci günde ve ikinci ayda depresyon riski yüksek olan babaların doğum sonrası ikinci aydaki Baba-Bebek Bağlanma Ölçeği toplam puan ortalaması depresyon riski olmayan babalara göre istatistiksel olarak anlamlı şekilde düşüktür.
Sonuç: Araştırmadan elde edilen bulgulara göre, babalardaki depresyon riski erken bebeklik döneminde baba-bebek bağlanmasını olumsuz etkilemektedir. Paternal postpartum depresyon riski doğum sonrası birinci güne göre ikinci ayda azalmış olmasına rağmen halen devam etmektedir.

Supporting Institution

Herhangi bir kurum tarafından desteklenmemiştir.

Project Number





  • 1. Da Costa D, Zelkowitz P, Dasgupta K, Sewitch M, Lowensteyn I, Cruz R, Khalifé S. Dads get sad too: Depressive symptoms and associated factors in expectant first-time fathers. American Journal of Men's Health, 2017;11(5):1376-1384.
  • 2. Helle N, Barkmann C, Bartz-Seel J, Diehl T, Ehrhardt S, Hendel A, Bindt C. Very low birth-weight as a risk factor for postpartum depression four to six weeks postbirth in mothers and fathers: Cross-sectional results from a controlled multicentre cohort study. Journal of Affective Disorders, 2015;180:154-161.
  • 3. Tissot H, Favez N, Ghisletta P, Frascarolo F, Despland JN. A longitudinal study of parental depressive symptoms and coparenting in the first 18 months. Fam Process. 2017;56(2):445-458.
  • 4. Gutierrez-Galve L, Stein A, Hanington L, Heron J, Lewis G, O’Farrelly C, Ramchandani PG. Association of maternal and paternal depression in the postnatal period with offspring depression at age 18 years. JAMA Psychiatry, 2019;76(3):290-296.
  • 5. Musser AK, Ahmed AH, Foli KJ, Coddington JA. Paternal postpartum depression: what health care providers should know. Journal of Pediatric Health Care, 2013;27(6):479-485.
  • 6. Davis RN, Davis MM, Freed GL, Clark SJ. Fathers’ depression related to positive and negative parenting behaviors with 1-year-old children. Pediatrics, 2011;127(4):612-618.
  • 7. Weitzman M, Rosenthal DG, Liu YH. Paternal depressive symptoms and child behavioral or emotional problems in the United States. Pediatrics, 2011;128(6):1126-1134.
  • 8. Aslan E, Erturk S, Demir H, Aksoy O. Fathers’ attachment status to their ınfants. International Journal of Caring Sciences, 2017;10(3):1410-1418.
  • 9. Beesley A, Karwatzki E, Sullivan K. Anxiety and depression symptoms in fathers during their partner's pregnancy: How does this impact paternal fetal attachment?. Journal of Prenatal & Perinatal Psychology & Health. 2019;33(3):294-303.
  • 10. Wong MS, Mangelsdorf SC, Brown GL, Neff C, Schoppe‐Sullivan SJ. Parental beliefs, infant temperament, and marital quality: Associations with infant–mother and infant–father attachment. Journal of Family Psychology, 2019;23:828–838.
  • 11. Carson C, Redshaw M, Gray R, Quigley MA. Risk of psychological distress in parents of preterm children in the first year: Evidence from the UK Millennium Cohort Study. BMJ Open, 2015;5(12):e007942.
  • 12. Glasser S, Lerner-Geva L. Focus on fathers: paternal depression in the perinatal period. Perspectives in Public Health, 2019;139(4):195-198.
  • 13. Condon JT, Corkindale C, Boyce P, Gamble E. A longitudinal study of father-to-infant attachment: Antecedents and correlates. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 2013;31:15–30.
  • 14. Ustunsoz A, Guvenc G, Akyuz A, Oflaz F. Comparison of maternal–and paternal–fetal attachment in Turkish couples. Midwifery, 2010;26(2): e1-e9.
  • 15. Goyal K, Purbiya P, Lal SN, Kaur J, Anthwall P, Puliyel JM. Correlation of infant gender with postpartum maternal and paternal depression and exclusive breastfeeding rates. Breastfeed Medicine, 2017;12:279-282.
  • 16. Sethna V, Murray L, Edmondson O, Iles J, Ramchandani PG. Depression and playfulness in fathers and young infants: A matched design comparison study. Journal of Affective Disorders. 2018;229:364-70.
  • 17. Sethna V, Murray L, Ramchandani PG. Depressed fathers’ speech to their 3-month-old infants: A study of cognitive and mentalizing features in paternal speech. Psychol Med. 2012;42(11):2361-2371.
  • 18. Peker GC, Okutucu AC, Tekiner AS, Dağlı Z. Babalarda doğum sonu depresyonu ve etkili olan faktörlerin değerlendirilmesi. Konuralp Tıp Dergisi, 2016;8(2):141-146.
  • 19. Güleç D, Kavlak O. Baba- bebek bağlanma ölçeğinin Türk toplumunda geçerlilik güvenilirliğinin incelenmesi. International Journal of Human Sciences 2013;10(2):170-181.
  • 20. Top ED, Cetisli NE, Guclu S, Zengin EB. Paternal depression rates in prenatal and postpartum periods and affecting factors. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 2016;30(6):747-752.
  • 21. Sethna V, Murray L, Netsi E, Psychogiou L, Ramchandani PG. Paternal depression in the postnatal period and early father–infant interactions. Parenting, 2015;15(1):1-8.
  • 22. Cox JL, Holden JM, Sagovsky R. Detection of postnatal depression: development of the 10-item Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 1987;150(6):782-786.
  • 23. Mortensen JA, Mastergeorge AM. A meta‐analytic review of relationship‐based interventions for low‐income families with infants and toddlers: Facilitating supportive parent–child interactions. Infant Mental Health Journal, 2014;35(4):336-353.
  • 24. Engindeniz AN, Küey L, Kültür S. Edinburgh Doğum Sonrası Depresyon Ölçeği Türkçe formu geçerlilik ve güvenilirlik çalışması. Bahar Sempozyumları, 1997;1(1):51-52.
  • 25. Condon JT, Corkindale CJ, Boyce P. Assessment of postnatal paternal–infant attachment: development of a questionnaire instrument. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 2008;26(3):195-210.
  • 26. Ayinde O, Lasebikan VO. Factors associated with paternal perinatal depression in fathers of newborns in Nigeria. J Psychosom Obstet Gynaecol. 2017;16:1-9.
  • 27. Cameron EE, Sedov ID, Tomfohr-Madsen LM. Prevalence of paternal depression in pregnancy and the postpartum: an updated meta-analysis. Journal of Affective Disorders, 2016;206:189-203.
  • 28. Gawlik S, Müller M, Hoffmann L, Dienes A, Wallwiener M, Sohn C, Reck C. Prevalence of paternal perinatal depressiveness and its link to partnership satisfaction and birth concerns. Archives of Women's Mental Health, 2014;17(1):49-56.
  • 29. Koh YW, Chui CY, Tang CSK, Lee AM. The prevalence and risk factors of paternal depression from the antenatal to the postpartum period and the relationships between antenatal and postpartum depression among fathers in Hong Kong. Depression Research and Treatment, 2014; ID 127632.
  • 30. Konishi M, Tachibana Y, Tang J, Takehara K, Kubo T, Hashimoto K, Ohya Y. A comparison of self-rated and female partner-rated scales in the assessment of paternal prenatal depression. Community Mental Health Journal, 2016;52(8):983-988.
  • 31. Nishimura A, Fujita Y, Katsuta M, Ishihara A, Ohashi K. Paternal postnatal depression in Japan: An investigation of correlated factors including relationship with a partner. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 2015;15(1):128.
  • 32. Philpott LF, Corcoran P. Paternal postnatal depression in Ireland: Prevalence and associated factors. Midwifery, 2018;56:121-127.
  • 33. Shaheen NA, AlAtiq Y, Thomas A, Alanazi HA, AlZahrani ZE, Younis SA, Hussein MA. Paternal postnatal depression among fathers of newborn in Saudi Arabia. American Journal of Men's Health, 2019;13(1):1557988319831219.
  • 34. Suto M, Isogai E, Mizutani F, Kakee N, Misago C, Takehara K. Prevalence and factors associated with postpartum depression in fathers: A regional, longitudinal study in Japan. Res Nurs Health. 2016;39(4):253-262.
  • 35. Takehara K, Suto M, Kakee N, Tachibana Y, Mori R. Prenatal and early postnatal depression and child maltreatment among Japanese fathers. Child Abuse & Neglect, 2017;70:231-239.
  • 36. Underwood L, Waldie KE, Peterson E, D’Souza S, Verbiest M, McDaid F, Morton S. Paternal depression symptoms during pregnancy and after childbirth among participants in the growing up in New Zealand study. JAMA psychiatry, 2017;74(4):1-10.
  • 37. Zhang YP, Zhang LL, Wei HH, Zhang Y, Zhang CL, Porr C. Post partum depression and the psychosocial predictors in first-time fathers from northwestern China. Midwifery, 2016;35:47-52.
  • 38. Yu CY, Hung CH, Chan TF, Yeh CH, Lai CY. Prenatal predictors for father–infant attachment after childbirth. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 2012;21(1112):1577-83.
  • 39. Barkmann C, Helle N, Bindt C. Is very low infant birth weight a predictor for a five-year course of depression in parents? A latent growth curve model. Journal of Affective Disorders, 2018;229:415-420.
  • 40. Nath S, Psychogiou L, Kuyken W, Ford T, Ryan E, Russel G. The prevalence of depressive symptoms among fathers and associated risk factors during the first seven years of their child’s life: Findings from the millennium cohort study. BMC Public Health, 2016;16:509.
  • 41. Gutierrez-Galve L, Stein A, Hanington L, Heron J, Ramchandani P. Paternal depression in the postnatal period and child development: mediators and moderators. Pediatrics, 2015;135(2):e339-e347.

The relationship between paternal depression and father-infant attachment

Year 2020, , 1663 - 1671, 27.12.2020


Purpose: This study was conducted to examine the relationship between paternal depression and father-infant attachment in early infancy.
Materials and Methods: This descriptive and cross-sectional study was conducted with 124 fathers meeting the sample criteria whose spouse gave birth in a university hospital, in İzmir. Data were collected by using Individual Identification Form, Edinburgh Postpartum Depression Scale (EPDS) and Postnatal Paternal-Infant Attachment Questionnaire (PPAQ) and by realizing to follow-up. While the first follow-up was performed through face-to-face interviews with fathers on the postpartum first day, the second follow-up was carried out via telephone in the postpartum second month.
Results: The mean EPDS scores of the fathers regarding the postpartum first day was 5.25±4.58 and 4.58±4.20 for the postpartum second month, thus, the difference between them is statistically significant. While the risk of depression on the postpartum first day was 16.9%, it was 14.5% for the postpartum second month. The mean total score of PPAQ of the fathers with high risk of depression on the postpartum first day and postpartum second months were statistically significantly lower compared to fathers without risk of depression.
Conclusion: Based on the results of the research, it is possible to say that the risk of depression in fathers adversely affects father-infant bonding during early infancy. Although the risk of paternal postpartum depression has decreased in the postpartum second months compared to the postpartum first day, the risk continues.

Project Number



  • 1. Da Costa D, Zelkowitz P, Dasgupta K, Sewitch M, Lowensteyn I, Cruz R, Khalifé S. Dads get sad too: Depressive symptoms and associated factors in expectant first-time fathers. American Journal of Men's Health, 2017;11(5):1376-1384.
  • 2. Helle N, Barkmann C, Bartz-Seel J, Diehl T, Ehrhardt S, Hendel A, Bindt C. Very low birth-weight as a risk factor for postpartum depression four to six weeks postbirth in mothers and fathers: Cross-sectional results from a controlled multicentre cohort study. Journal of Affective Disorders, 2015;180:154-161.
  • 3. Tissot H, Favez N, Ghisletta P, Frascarolo F, Despland JN. A longitudinal study of parental depressive symptoms and coparenting in the first 18 months. Fam Process. 2017;56(2):445-458.
  • 4. Gutierrez-Galve L, Stein A, Hanington L, Heron J, Lewis G, O’Farrelly C, Ramchandani PG. Association of maternal and paternal depression in the postnatal period with offspring depression at age 18 years. JAMA Psychiatry, 2019;76(3):290-296.
  • 5. Musser AK, Ahmed AH, Foli KJ, Coddington JA. Paternal postpartum depression: what health care providers should know. Journal of Pediatric Health Care, 2013;27(6):479-485.
  • 6. Davis RN, Davis MM, Freed GL, Clark SJ. Fathers’ depression related to positive and negative parenting behaviors with 1-year-old children. Pediatrics, 2011;127(4):612-618.
  • 7. Weitzman M, Rosenthal DG, Liu YH. Paternal depressive symptoms and child behavioral or emotional problems in the United States. Pediatrics, 2011;128(6):1126-1134.
  • 8. Aslan E, Erturk S, Demir H, Aksoy O. Fathers’ attachment status to their ınfants. International Journal of Caring Sciences, 2017;10(3):1410-1418.
  • 9. Beesley A, Karwatzki E, Sullivan K. Anxiety and depression symptoms in fathers during their partner's pregnancy: How does this impact paternal fetal attachment?. Journal of Prenatal & Perinatal Psychology & Health. 2019;33(3):294-303.
  • 10. Wong MS, Mangelsdorf SC, Brown GL, Neff C, Schoppe‐Sullivan SJ. Parental beliefs, infant temperament, and marital quality: Associations with infant–mother and infant–father attachment. Journal of Family Psychology, 2019;23:828–838.
  • 11. Carson C, Redshaw M, Gray R, Quigley MA. Risk of psychological distress in parents of preterm children in the first year: Evidence from the UK Millennium Cohort Study. BMJ Open, 2015;5(12):e007942.
  • 12. Glasser S, Lerner-Geva L. Focus on fathers: paternal depression in the perinatal period. Perspectives in Public Health, 2019;139(4):195-198.
  • 13. Condon JT, Corkindale C, Boyce P, Gamble E. A longitudinal study of father-to-infant attachment: Antecedents and correlates. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 2013;31:15–30.
  • 14. Ustunsoz A, Guvenc G, Akyuz A, Oflaz F. Comparison of maternal–and paternal–fetal attachment in Turkish couples. Midwifery, 2010;26(2): e1-e9.
  • 15. Goyal K, Purbiya P, Lal SN, Kaur J, Anthwall P, Puliyel JM. Correlation of infant gender with postpartum maternal and paternal depression and exclusive breastfeeding rates. Breastfeed Medicine, 2017;12:279-282.
  • 16. Sethna V, Murray L, Edmondson O, Iles J, Ramchandani PG. Depression and playfulness in fathers and young infants: A matched design comparison study. Journal of Affective Disorders. 2018;229:364-70.
  • 17. Sethna V, Murray L, Ramchandani PG. Depressed fathers’ speech to their 3-month-old infants: A study of cognitive and mentalizing features in paternal speech. Psychol Med. 2012;42(11):2361-2371.
  • 18. Peker GC, Okutucu AC, Tekiner AS, Dağlı Z. Babalarda doğum sonu depresyonu ve etkili olan faktörlerin değerlendirilmesi. Konuralp Tıp Dergisi, 2016;8(2):141-146.
  • 19. Güleç D, Kavlak O. Baba- bebek bağlanma ölçeğinin Türk toplumunda geçerlilik güvenilirliğinin incelenmesi. International Journal of Human Sciences 2013;10(2):170-181.
  • 20. Top ED, Cetisli NE, Guclu S, Zengin EB. Paternal depression rates in prenatal and postpartum periods and affecting factors. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 2016;30(6):747-752.
  • 21. Sethna V, Murray L, Netsi E, Psychogiou L, Ramchandani PG. Paternal depression in the postnatal period and early father–infant interactions. Parenting, 2015;15(1):1-8.
  • 22. Cox JL, Holden JM, Sagovsky R. Detection of postnatal depression: development of the 10-item Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 1987;150(6):782-786.
  • 23. Mortensen JA, Mastergeorge AM. A meta‐analytic review of relationship‐based interventions for low‐income families with infants and toddlers: Facilitating supportive parent–child interactions. Infant Mental Health Journal, 2014;35(4):336-353.
  • 24. Engindeniz AN, Küey L, Kültür S. Edinburgh Doğum Sonrası Depresyon Ölçeği Türkçe formu geçerlilik ve güvenilirlik çalışması. Bahar Sempozyumları, 1997;1(1):51-52.
  • 25. Condon JT, Corkindale CJ, Boyce P. Assessment of postnatal paternal–infant attachment: development of a questionnaire instrument. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 2008;26(3):195-210.
  • 26. Ayinde O, Lasebikan VO. Factors associated with paternal perinatal depression in fathers of newborns in Nigeria. J Psychosom Obstet Gynaecol. 2017;16:1-9.
  • 27. Cameron EE, Sedov ID, Tomfohr-Madsen LM. Prevalence of paternal depression in pregnancy and the postpartum: an updated meta-analysis. Journal of Affective Disorders, 2016;206:189-203.
  • 28. Gawlik S, Müller M, Hoffmann L, Dienes A, Wallwiener M, Sohn C, Reck C. Prevalence of paternal perinatal depressiveness and its link to partnership satisfaction and birth concerns. Archives of Women's Mental Health, 2014;17(1):49-56.
  • 29. Koh YW, Chui CY, Tang CSK, Lee AM. The prevalence and risk factors of paternal depression from the antenatal to the postpartum period and the relationships between antenatal and postpartum depression among fathers in Hong Kong. Depression Research and Treatment, 2014; ID 127632.
  • 30. Konishi M, Tachibana Y, Tang J, Takehara K, Kubo T, Hashimoto K, Ohya Y. A comparison of self-rated and female partner-rated scales in the assessment of paternal prenatal depression. Community Mental Health Journal, 2016;52(8):983-988.
  • 31. Nishimura A, Fujita Y, Katsuta M, Ishihara A, Ohashi K. Paternal postnatal depression in Japan: An investigation of correlated factors including relationship with a partner. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 2015;15(1):128.
  • 32. Philpott LF, Corcoran P. Paternal postnatal depression in Ireland: Prevalence and associated factors. Midwifery, 2018;56:121-127.
  • 33. Shaheen NA, AlAtiq Y, Thomas A, Alanazi HA, AlZahrani ZE, Younis SA, Hussein MA. Paternal postnatal depression among fathers of newborn in Saudi Arabia. American Journal of Men's Health, 2019;13(1):1557988319831219.
  • 34. Suto M, Isogai E, Mizutani F, Kakee N, Misago C, Takehara K. Prevalence and factors associated with postpartum depression in fathers: A regional, longitudinal study in Japan. Res Nurs Health. 2016;39(4):253-262.
  • 35. Takehara K, Suto M, Kakee N, Tachibana Y, Mori R. Prenatal and early postnatal depression and child maltreatment among Japanese fathers. Child Abuse & Neglect, 2017;70:231-239.
  • 36. Underwood L, Waldie KE, Peterson E, D’Souza S, Verbiest M, McDaid F, Morton S. Paternal depression symptoms during pregnancy and after childbirth among participants in the growing up in New Zealand study. JAMA psychiatry, 2017;74(4):1-10.
  • 37. Zhang YP, Zhang LL, Wei HH, Zhang Y, Zhang CL, Porr C. Post partum depression and the psychosocial predictors in first-time fathers from northwestern China. Midwifery, 2016;35:47-52.
  • 38. Yu CY, Hung CH, Chan TF, Yeh CH, Lai CY. Prenatal predictors for father–infant attachment after childbirth. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 2012;21(1112):1577-83.
  • 39. Barkmann C, Helle N, Bindt C. Is very low infant birth weight a predictor for a five-year course of depression in parents? A latent growth curve model. Journal of Affective Disorders, 2018;229:415-420.
  • 40. Nath S, Psychogiou L, Kuyken W, Ford T, Ryan E, Russel G. The prevalence of depressive symptoms among fathers and associated risk factors during the first seven years of their child’s life: Findings from the millennium cohort study. BMC Public Health, 2016;16:509.
  • 41. Gutierrez-Galve L, Stein A, Hanington L, Heron J, Ramchandani P. Paternal depression in the postnatal period and child development: mediators and moderators. Pediatrics, 2015;135(2):e339-e347.
There are 41 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Journal Section Research

Sabiha Işık This is me 0000-0002-0339-4338

Nuray Egelioğlu Cetişli 0000-0001-6194-3131

Project Number ---
Publication Date December 27, 2020
Acceptance Date October 15, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


MLA Işık, Sabiha and Nuray Egelioğlu Cetişli. “Paternal Depresyon Ve Baba-Bebek bağlanması arasındaki ilişki”. Cukurova Medical Journal, vol. 45, no. 4, 2020, pp. 1663-71, doi:10.17826/cumj.779530.

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