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Safety assessment in primary Mycobacterium tuberculosis smear microscopy centres in Blantyre Malawi: a Facility based Cross Sectional Survey.

Year 2014, Volume: 39 Issue: 2, 262 - 271, 22.07.2014


Purpose: Tuberculosis (TB) is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis and is transmitted through coughing, sneezing, laughing and singing. Laboratory workers" risk of infection is 3 to 9 times higher than the general public as they handle potentially infectious samples. Laboratory safety should therefore be prioritized and optimized to provide sufficient safety to laboratory workers. The aim of this study was to assess the safety of the laboratory workers in TB primary microscopy centres in Blantyre urban. Material and Methods: TB primary microscopy centers in Blantyre urban were assessed in aspects of equipment availability, facility layout, and work practice, using a standardized WHO/AFRO ISO 15189 checklist for the developing countries which sets the minimum safety score at ≥80%. Each center was graded according to the score it earned upon assessment. Results: The safety hoods were not functional in Ndirande, Lirangwe and Chileka microscopy centres. No safety hood was found in South Lunzu. In Ndirande and Limbe the exhaust ducts face the patients" waiting area and door to the laboratory, putting them (patients and laboratory technicians) to a greater risk of infection when smear preparation begins. Bangwe, Chilomoni, Ndirande, Chileka, South Lunzu and Limbe microscopy centres had no sputum transportation boxes. Conclusion: There is a great compromised safety in the TB microscopy centers in Blantyre urban. Only one (1) microscopy center out of nine (9) reached the minimum safety requirement representing an 89 percent (%) failure of TB primary microscopy centers to provide safety to laboratory workers. Laboratory conditions and safety procedures in TB primary smear microscopy centres in Blantyre urban are poor. Government and other stake holders should therefore be committed in addressing the safety challenges of TB laboratories in the country (in primary Tb microscopy centres and other referral centres which face the same challenges) to ensure safety to the laboratory workers.


  • Salaniponi, Felix ML.Guidelines For Infection Prevention And Control For Tb Including Mdr-Tb And Xdrtb. Lilongwe. National TB Control Program, 2008.
  • Sewell D, Laboratory-Associated Infections and Bio safety. American Society for Microbiology; Clinical Microbiology Reviews, 1995;389–405.
  • Nyirenda TE et al, safety in laboratories carrying out sputum smear microscopy: a dilemma for resourcepoor countries. International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases; 1998;2:690-3.
  • Mulu A, Kassu A. Assessment of physical conditions and current practice in laboratories carrying out sputum smear microscopy in Northwest Ethiopia. Tropical Doctor; 2005;35:215-7.
  • Addo KK, Situation analysis of TB microscopy centres in Ghana. International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases; 2006;10(8):870-5.
  • DeRiemer K et al, Survey Of Mycobacteriology Laboratory Practices in an Urban Area with Hyper endemic Pulmonary Tuberculosis. International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases.2000;4:776-83.
  • The global plan to stop TB 2011–2015: stopTB partnership, http://www.stopTBpartnership/ Global initiative; 2010.
  • Harries AD et al, Tuberculosis in health care workers in Malawi: transactions of The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 1999;93:32-5.
  • National Tuberculosis Control Programme Manual:6th editon, Ministry of Health, Malawi. 2007.
  • Nyangulu DS, Harries AD, Kang’ombe C et al. Tuberculosis in a prison population in Malawi. Lancet 1997;350:1284–87 31.
  • Salaniponi, Felix ML.Guidelines For Infection Prevention And Control For Tb Including Mdr-Tb And Xdrtb. Lilongwe: National TB Control Program, 2008.
  • Reid DD, Incidence of Tuberculosis among workers in Medical Laboratory: British Medical journal, 1957; 2:10-. IJTLD 2007;11:138-42.
  • Vincent, V.Summary Report Guidance On BioSafety Related To Tb Laboratory Diagnostic Procedures. Geneva, Switzerland: WHO, 9 A prıl 200 World health Organization, Laboratory Accreditation Checklist For Clinical and Public Health Laboratories. December, 2009.
  • Yazışma Adresi / Address for Correspondence: Dr. Isaac Thom Shawa University of Malawi, College of Medicine, Pathology & Medical Laboratory Sciences, P/Bag 360 Blantyre 3 e mail: geliş tarihi/received :11.11.2013 kabul tarihi/accepted:16.12.2013

Blantyre, Malawi"de Bulunan Yayma Mikroskopi Merkezlerindeki Primer Mycobacterium Tüberkülozis vakalarının Güvenlik Değerlendirmesi: Merkez Bazlı Kesitsel Çalışma

Year 2014, Volume: 39 Issue: 2, 262 - 271, 22.07.2014


Amaç: Tüberküloz (TB) mycobacterium tuberculosis tarafından oluşmakta ve öksürme, hapşırma, gülme ve şarkı söyleme yoluyla yayılmaktadır. Laboratuvar çalışanları normal populasyona göre 3-9 kat daha fazla enfeksiyon riski altındadırlar. Laboratuvar çalışanları için gerekli güvenliği sağlamak için laboratuvar güvenliği öncelikli hedefler arasına alınmalı ve laboratuar koşulları optimize edilmelidir. Blantyre şehri TB primer mikroskobi merkezi laboratuvar çalışanlarında işçi güvenliğini değerlendirmek. Materyal ve Metod: Blantyre şehri TB primer mikroskobi merkezi ekipman uygunluğu, tesisin yerleşimi ve iş pratiği açısından değerlendirildi. WHO/AFRO ISO 15189 un standardize edilmiş kontrol listesi kullanıldı ve gelişmekte olan ülkeler için minimum güvenlik skoru >80 dir. Her merkez bu skor kullanılarak aldığı puanlara göre derecelendirildi. Bulgular: Ndirande, Lirangve ve Chileka mikroskobi merkezlerindeki güvenlik kabinleri fonksiyonel değildi. South Lunzuda güvenlik kabini bulunamadı. Ndirande ve Limbe de hastaların bekleme odası ve laboratuvar kapılarında bulunan havalandırma kanalları özellikle yayma hazırlama sırasında enfeksiyonun bulaş riskinin artmasına neden olmaktadırlar. Bangwe, Chilomoni, Ndirande, Chileka, Güney Lundzu ve Limbe mikroskobi merkezleri balgam taşıma kutularına sahip değillerdi. Sonuç: Blantyre kenti TB mikroskobi merkezlerinde büyük bir güvenlik tehlikesi vardı. Dokuz merkezeden sadece bir tanesi minumum güvenlik şartlarını karşılamıştır ki bu incelenen merkezlerde toplam %89"luk bir başarısızlığı işaret etmektedir. Sonuç olarak Blantyre şehir merkezindeki TB yayma mikroskopi merkezleri laboratuvar koşulları ve güvenlik prosedürleri oldukça zayıftır. Hükümet ve diğer ilgili makamlar bir araya gelerek ülkedeki TB laboratuvarlarının ve benzer sorunlar yaşayan diğer merkezlerin güvenlik sorunlarını ele alarak laboratuvar çalışanlarının güvenliğini sağlamalıdırlar.


  • Salaniponi, Felix ML.Guidelines For Infection Prevention And Control For Tb Including Mdr-Tb And Xdrtb. Lilongwe. National TB Control Program, 2008.
  • Sewell D, Laboratory-Associated Infections and Bio safety. American Society for Microbiology; Clinical Microbiology Reviews, 1995;389–405.
  • Nyirenda TE et al, safety in laboratories carrying out sputum smear microscopy: a dilemma for resourcepoor countries. International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases; 1998;2:690-3.
  • Mulu A, Kassu A. Assessment of physical conditions and current practice in laboratories carrying out sputum smear microscopy in Northwest Ethiopia. Tropical Doctor; 2005;35:215-7.
  • Addo KK, Situation analysis of TB microscopy centres in Ghana. International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases; 2006;10(8):870-5.
  • DeRiemer K et al, Survey Of Mycobacteriology Laboratory Practices in an Urban Area with Hyper endemic Pulmonary Tuberculosis. International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases.2000;4:776-83.
  • The global plan to stop TB 2011–2015: stopTB partnership, http://www.stopTBpartnership/ Global initiative; 2010.
  • Harries AD et al, Tuberculosis in health care workers in Malawi: transactions of The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 1999;93:32-5.
  • National Tuberculosis Control Programme Manual:6th editon, Ministry of Health, Malawi. 2007.
  • Nyangulu DS, Harries AD, Kang’ombe C et al. Tuberculosis in a prison population in Malawi. Lancet 1997;350:1284–87 31.
  • Salaniponi, Felix ML.Guidelines For Infection Prevention And Control For Tb Including Mdr-Tb And Xdrtb. Lilongwe: National TB Control Program, 2008.
  • Reid DD, Incidence of Tuberculosis among workers in Medical Laboratory: British Medical journal, 1957; 2:10-. IJTLD 2007;11:138-42.
  • Vincent, V.Summary Report Guidance On BioSafety Related To Tb Laboratory Diagnostic Procedures. Geneva, Switzerland: WHO, 9 A prıl 200 World health Organization, Laboratory Accreditation Checklist For Clinical and Public Health Laboratories. December, 2009.
  • Yazışma Adresi / Address for Correspondence: Dr. Isaac Thom Shawa University of Malawi, College of Medicine, Pathology & Medical Laboratory Sciences, P/Bag 360 Blantyre 3 e mail: geliş tarihi/received :11.11.2013 kabul tarihi/accepted:16.12.2013
There are 14 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research

Jonathan Geophrey Majamanda This is me

Philemon Ndhlovu This is me

İsaac Thom Shawa This is me

Publication Date July 22, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 39 Issue: 2


MLA Majamanda, Jonathan Geophrey et al. “Blantyre, Malawi"de Bulunan Yayma Mikroskopi Merkezlerindeki Primer Mycobacterium Tüberkülozis vakalarının Güvenlik Değerlendirmesi: Merkez Bazlı Kesitsel Çalışma”. Cukurova Medical Journal, vol. 39, no. 2, 2014, pp. 262-71, doi:10.17826/cutf.40645.