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Girişimci Ve Yöneticilerin Öğrenilmiş Gereksinimleri ile Kontrol Odaklarının Kıyaslanmasına Yönelik Bir Araştırma

Year 2007, Volume: 16 Issue: 2, 439 - 456, 01.09.2007


The purposes of this study are to present the motivational and cognitive entrepreneurial personality traits to compare entrepreneurs and managers on the basis of these traits to identify the similarities and differences and to determine whether demographic variables have any effects on these traits Survey method and questionnaire technique are used the planned research for realizing the purpose of the study is applied on entrepreneurs 70 and managers 90 from Izmir Denizli and Bursa As the result of the study it was established that the entrepreneurs have a higher need for achievement and autonomy whereas the managers have a higher need for dominance than the other needs Entrepreneurs scored significantly higher in need for achievement and need for autonomy however the managers scored significantly higher in need for power The level of locus of control was not significantly different for the entrepreneurs and the managers It was found that the participants who are only child of their parents have a higher level of internal locus of control than the participants who have brothers and sisters Besides the entrepreneurs having a father who is an owner manager have a higher need for achievement than the entrepreneurs having a father who is civil servant worker or self employed Key Words: Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurial Personality Traits Manifest Needs Locus of Control


  • Ahmed, S. U. (1985). Nach, Risk Taking Propensity, Propensity, Locus of Control and Entrepreneurship. Personality and Individual Differences, 6. 781–782.
  • Apospori, E.; Papalexandris N. ve Galanaki, E. (2005). Entrepreneurial And Professional Ceo’s, Differences In Motive And Responsibility Profile, Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 26 (2), 141–162.
  • Audretsch, D. B. Ve Thurik, R. (2001/2). Linking Entrepreneurship to Growth, OECD Science, Technology and Industry Working Papers, OECD Publishing, USA.
  • Baron, R. A. (1998). Cognitive Mechanisms in Entrepreneurship: Why and When Entrepreneurs Think Differently Than Other People, Journal of Business Venturing, 13, 275–294.
  • Becherer, R. C. ve Maurer, J.G. (1999). The Proactive Personality Disposition and Entrepreneurial Behavior Among Small Company Presidents, Journal of Small Business Management, 37(1), 28–36.
  • Begley, T. ve Boyd, D. (1987). A Comparison of Entrepreneurs and Managers of Small Business Firms, Journal of Management, 13 (1), 99–108.
  • Birley, S. ve Westhead, P. (1994). A Taxonomy Of Business Start-Up Reasons And Their Impact On Firm Growth And Size. Journal of Business Venturing, 9, 7–31.
  • Brockhaus, R. H. (1980). Risk Taking Propensity of Entrepreneurs, Academy of Management Journal, 23 (3),509–20.
  • Brockhaus, R. H. (1975). I–E Locus of Control Scores as Predictors of Entrepreneurial Intentions, Academy of Management Proceedings, 433–435.
  • Brooks, I. (2003). Organizational Behavior, Prentice Hall, Second Edition, UK.
  • Buergin, A. O. (1998). Differences between Swiss Entrepreneurs and Swiss Managers in Brain Dominance, Achievement Motivation, and Locus of Control. Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Walden University. Applied Management and Decision Sciences.
  • Burch, J. G. (1986). Entrepreneurship, John Wiley & Sons, USA.
  • Bygrave, W. D. ve Hofer C. W. (1991). Theorizing about Entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 16 (2), 13–22.
  • Can, H. (1985). Başarı Güdüsü ve Yönetsel Başarı, H. Ü. İİBF. Yayın No: 12. Ankara.
  • Chay, Y. W. (1993). Social Support, Individual Differences and Well-Being: A Study of Small Business Entrepreneurs And Employees. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 66: 285- 302.
  • Ciavarella, M. A.; Buhholtz, A. K.; Riordan, C. M.; Gatewood, R. D. ve Stokes, G. S. (2004). The Big Five And Venture Survival: Is There A Linkage?, Journal Of Business Venturing 19 , 465–483.
  • Cromie, S ve Johns, S. (1983). Irish Entrepreneurs: Some Personal Characteristics, Journal of Occupational Behavior, 4, 317–324.
  • Cromie, S. (2000). “Assessing Entrepreneurial Inclinations”, European Journal Of Work And Organizational Psychology, 9 (1), 7–30.
  • Cromie, S.; Callaghan, I. Ve Jansen, M. (1992). “Entrepreneurial Tendencies Of Managers: A Research Note”, British Journal of Management, 3 (1), 1–5.
  • Döm, S. (2006). Girişimcilik ve Küçük İşletme Yöneticiliği, Detay Yayıncılık,Ankara
  • Drucker, P. F. (1985). Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Harper And Row Publishers, New York.
  • Durand, D. ve Shea, D. (1974). Entrepreneurial Activity as a Function of Achievement Motivation And Reinforcement Control, Journal Of Psychology, 88,57–63.
  • Duygulu, E. (2004). Değerler, Algılanan Kurumsal Görünüm ve Girişimcilik Yönelimi İlişkisi, 12. Ulusal Yönetim ve Organizasyon Kongresi, 27–29 Mayıs. İİBF İşletme Bölümü, Uludağ Üniversitesi, Bursa.
  • Entrialgo, M.; Fernandez, E. Ve Vazquez C. J. (2000). Psychological Characteristics And Process: The Role Of Entrepreneurship In Spanish SMES, European Journal of Innovation Management, 3 (3), 137–149
  • Evans, D. S. ve Leighton, L. S. (1989). Some Empirical Aspects of Entrepreneurship, The American Economic Review, 79 (3), 519–535.
  • Gartner, W. B. (1989). Some Suggestions For Research On Entrepreneurial Traits and Characteristics, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 14 (1), 27–37.
  • Gatewood, E. J.; Shaver, K. G., ve Gartner, W. B. (1995). A Longitudinal Study Of Cognitive Factors Influencing Start-Up Behaviors And Success At Venture Creation. Journal of Business Venturing, 10, 371–391.
  • Green, R.; David, J. ve Dent, M. (1996). The Russian Entrepreneur: A Study of Psychological Characteristics, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 2 (1), 49–58.
  • Gülen, A. (1998). Başarı Motivasyonu ve İş Örgütlerinde Yönetim: Orta ve Üst Kademe Yöneticileri Üzerine Bir Çalışma. Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitisü.
  • Hansemark, O. C. (2003). Need For Achievement, Locus Of Control And The Prediction Of Business Start-Ups: A Longitudinal Study, Journal Of Economic Psychology, 24, 301–319.
  • Heckhausen, H. (1967). The Anatomy of Achievement Motivation, Academic Pres Inc., USA.
  • Heckert, T. M.; Cuneio, G.; Hannah, A. P.; Adams, P. J.; Droste, H. E.; Mueller, M. A.; Wallis, H. A.; Griffin, C. M. ve Roberts, L. L. (1999). Creation of A New Needs Assessment Questionnaire, Journal of Social Behavior And Personality,15 (1), 121–136.
  • Hisrich, R. D. ve Peters, M. P. (1989). Entrepreneurship/ Starting, Developing and Managing A New Enterprise, PBI-Irwin, USA.
  • Hornaday, J. A. ve Bunker, C. S. (1970). The Nature of the Entrepreneur. Personnel Psychology, 23: 47–54.
  • Hornaday, J. A. ve Aboud, J. (1971). Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneurs, Personel Psychology, 24 (2), 141–55.
  • Hull, D. L., Bosley, J. J., ve Udell, G. G. (1980). Renewing the Hunt for the Heffalump: Identifying Potential Entrepreneurs by Personality Characteristics. Journal of Small Business, 18 (1), 11–18.
  • Kao, J. J. (1989). The Entrepreneurship, Creativity, Organization, Prentice Hall, USA.
  • Kets De Vries, M. (1977). The Entrepreneurial Personality: A Person at the Crossroads. The Journal of Management Studies, 14, 34-58.
  • Kets De Vries, M. (1985). “The Dark Side of Entrepreneurship”, Harvard Business Review, Vol. 63 No. 6, 160–7.
  • Koh, H. C. (1996). Testing Hypotheses of Entrepreneurial Characteristics, Journal Of Managerial Psychology, 11(3), 12–25.
  • Korunka, C.; Frank, H.; Lueger, M. ve Mugler, J. (2003). The Entrepreneurial Personality In The Context Of Resources, Environment, And The Startup Process —A Configurationally Approach, Entrepreneurship Theory And Practice,28 (1), 23–42.
  • Lachman, R. (1980). Toward Measurement of Entrepreneurial Tendencies. Management International Review, 20 (2), 108–116.
  • Littunen, H. (2000). Entrepreneurship and Characteristics Of The Entrepreneurial Personality, International Journal Of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, l. 6, 295–309.
  • Low, M. B. ve Macmillan, I. C. (1988). Entrepreneurship: Past Research And Future Challenges, Journal of Management, 14 (2), 139–161.
  • McClelland, D. C. (1961). The Achieving Society. Princeton, NY: Van Nostrand.
  • McClelland, D.C. (1965). N Achievement And Entrepreneurship: A Longitudinal Study, Journal Of Personality And Social Psychology, 1 (4), 389–392.
  • McClelland, D. C. ve Burnham D. H. (1976). Power Is The Great Motivator, Harvard Business Review, Motivating People, January, 2003, 1–11.
  • Mitton, D. G. (1989). The Complete Entrepreneur. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 13 (3), 9–20.
  • Mueller, S. L. ve Thomas, A. S. (2000). Culture and Entrepreneurial Potential: A Nine Country Study Of Locus Of Control And Innovativeness, Journal Of Business Venturing, 16, 51–75.
  • Özdamar, K. (2004). Paket Programlar ile İstatistiksel Veri Analizi, Genişletilmiş 5. Baskı, Kaan Kitapevi, Eskişehir.
  • Palmer, M. (1971). The Application of Psychological Testing to Entrepreneurial Potential. California Management Review, 13 (3), 32–39.
  • Rahim, A. (1996). Stress, Strain, and Their Moderators: An Empirical Comparison of Entrepreneurs and Managers. Journal of Small Business Management, 1, 46–58.
  • Sagie, A. ve Elizur, D. (1999). Achievement Motive and Entrepreneurial Orientation: A Structural Analysis, Journal of Organizational Behavior. 20, 375–387.
  • Scarborough, N., M. ve Zimmerer, T., W. (2003). Effective Small Business Management an Entrepreneurial Approach, Seventh Edition, Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
  • Sexton, D. L. ve Bowman, N. (1985). The Entrepreneur: A Capable Executive and More, Journal Of Business Venturing, 1 (1), 129–40.
  • Shaver, K. G. ve Scott, L. R. (1991). Person, Process, Choice: The Psychology Of New Venture Creation, Entrepreneurship Theory And Practice, 16, 23–45.
  • Schaper, M. ve Volery, T. (2004). Entrepreneurship and Small Business, John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd., Australia.
  • Steers, R. M. (1981). Introduction to Organizational Behavior, Goodyear Publishing Company Inc., USA.
  • Stevenson, H. H.; Roberts, M. J. ve Grousbeck, H. I. (1994). New Business Ventures And The Entrepreneur, Mcgraw-Hill Co., USA.
  • Stewart, W. H. Jr.; Watson W. E.; Carland J. C. Ve Carland, J. W. (1998). A Proclivity For Entrepreneurship: A Comparison of Entrepreneurs, Small Business Owners, And Corporate Managers, Journal Of Business Venturing 14, 189–214.
  • Stewart, W. H. Jr. (1995). Small Business Owner-Managers and Corporate Managers: A Comparative Study Of Achievement Motivation, Risk Taking Propensity And Preference For Innovation. Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, The University of North Texas
  • Tan, J. (2001). Innovation and Risk-Taking In A Transitional Economy: A Comparative Study Of Chinese Managers And Entrepreneurs. Journal of Business Venturing. 16, 359–376.
  • Venkatapathy, R. (1984). Locus of Control among Entrepreneurs: A Review. Psychological Studies, 29 (1), 97–100.
  • Wennekers, S. ve Thurik, R. (1999). Linking Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth, Small Business Economics, 13, 27–55.
  • Wortman, M. (1987). Entrepreneurship: An Integrating Typology and Evaluation Of The Empirical Research In The Field. Journal of Management, 13 (2), 259-279.


Year 2007, Volume: 16 Issue: 2, 439 - 456, 01.09.2007


Bu araştırmada, girişimcilerin motivasyonel ve bilişsel kişilik özellikleri ortaya
konmakta ve girişimcilerle yöneticiler bu kişilik özellikleri açısından karşılaştırılarak
benzer ve farklı yanlar belirlenmekte ve demografik değişkenlerin bu özelliklere yönelik
herhangi bir etkisinin olup olmadığı sorgulanmaktadır. Survey yöntemi ve yazılı soru
sorma tekniğinden yararlanılmış, örneklem İzmir, Denizli ve Bursa illerindeki girişimci
(70) ve yöneticilerden (90) oluşmuştur. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre girişimcilerin başarı
ve bağımsızlık gereksinimlerinin, yöneticilerin ise güç gereksinimlerinin diğer
gereksinimlere oranla daha yüksek olduğu bulgulanmıştır. Girişimcilerin başarı ve
bağımsızlık gereksinimleri yöneticilerden daha yüksektir. Yöneticilerin ise güç
gereksiniminin girişimcilerden daha yüksek olduğu belirlenmiştir. Kontrol odağı
açısından ise iki grup arasında bir farklılık bulgulanmamıştır. Yapılan analizler sonucu,
tek-çocuk olanların içsel kontrol odağı düzeylerinin ilk, ortanca ve son çocuklara göre
daha yüksek olduğu, babası işletme sahibi olan girişimcilerin, babası memur, işçi ve
küçük esnaf olanlara göre başarı gereksinimi düzeyinin daha yüksek olduğu ortaya


  • Ahmed, S. U. (1985). Nach, Risk Taking Propensity, Propensity, Locus of Control and Entrepreneurship. Personality and Individual Differences, 6. 781–782.
  • Apospori, E.; Papalexandris N. ve Galanaki, E. (2005). Entrepreneurial And Professional Ceo’s, Differences In Motive And Responsibility Profile, Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 26 (2), 141–162.
  • Audretsch, D. B. Ve Thurik, R. (2001/2). Linking Entrepreneurship to Growth, OECD Science, Technology and Industry Working Papers, OECD Publishing, USA.
  • Baron, R. A. (1998). Cognitive Mechanisms in Entrepreneurship: Why and When Entrepreneurs Think Differently Than Other People, Journal of Business Venturing, 13, 275–294.
  • Becherer, R. C. ve Maurer, J.G. (1999). The Proactive Personality Disposition and Entrepreneurial Behavior Among Small Company Presidents, Journal of Small Business Management, 37(1), 28–36.
  • Begley, T. ve Boyd, D. (1987). A Comparison of Entrepreneurs and Managers of Small Business Firms, Journal of Management, 13 (1), 99–108.
  • Birley, S. ve Westhead, P. (1994). A Taxonomy Of Business Start-Up Reasons And Their Impact On Firm Growth And Size. Journal of Business Venturing, 9, 7–31.
  • Brockhaus, R. H. (1980). Risk Taking Propensity of Entrepreneurs, Academy of Management Journal, 23 (3),509–20.
  • Brockhaus, R. H. (1975). I–E Locus of Control Scores as Predictors of Entrepreneurial Intentions, Academy of Management Proceedings, 433–435.
  • Brooks, I. (2003). Organizational Behavior, Prentice Hall, Second Edition, UK.
  • Buergin, A. O. (1998). Differences between Swiss Entrepreneurs and Swiss Managers in Brain Dominance, Achievement Motivation, and Locus of Control. Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Walden University. Applied Management and Decision Sciences.
  • Burch, J. G. (1986). Entrepreneurship, John Wiley & Sons, USA.
  • Bygrave, W. D. ve Hofer C. W. (1991). Theorizing about Entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 16 (2), 13–22.
  • Can, H. (1985). Başarı Güdüsü ve Yönetsel Başarı, H. Ü. İİBF. Yayın No: 12. Ankara.
  • Chay, Y. W. (1993). Social Support, Individual Differences and Well-Being: A Study of Small Business Entrepreneurs And Employees. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 66: 285- 302.
  • Ciavarella, M. A.; Buhholtz, A. K.; Riordan, C. M.; Gatewood, R. D. ve Stokes, G. S. (2004). The Big Five And Venture Survival: Is There A Linkage?, Journal Of Business Venturing 19 , 465–483.
  • Cromie, S ve Johns, S. (1983). Irish Entrepreneurs: Some Personal Characteristics, Journal of Occupational Behavior, 4, 317–324.
  • Cromie, S. (2000). “Assessing Entrepreneurial Inclinations”, European Journal Of Work And Organizational Psychology, 9 (1), 7–30.
  • Cromie, S.; Callaghan, I. Ve Jansen, M. (1992). “Entrepreneurial Tendencies Of Managers: A Research Note”, British Journal of Management, 3 (1), 1–5.
  • Döm, S. (2006). Girişimcilik ve Küçük İşletme Yöneticiliği, Detay Yayıncılık,Ankara
  • Drucker, P. F. (1985). Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Harper And Row Publishers, New York.
  • Durand, D. ve Shea, D. (1974). Entrepreneurial Activity as a Function of Achievement Motivation And Reinforcement Control, Journal Of Psychology, 88,57–63.
  • Duygulu, E. (2004). Değerler, Algılanan Kurumsal Görünüm ve Girişimcilik Yönelimi İlişkisi, 12. Ulusal Yönetim ve Organizasyon Kongresi, 27–29 Mayıs. İİBF İşletme Bölümü, Uludağ Üniversitesi, Bursa.
  • Entrialgo, M.; Fernandez, E. Ve Vazquez C. J. (2000). Psychological Characteristics And Process: The Role Of Entrepreneurship In Spanish SMES, European Journal of Innovation Management, 3 (3), 137–149
  • Evans, D. S. ve Leighton, L. S. (1989). Some Empirical Aspects of Entrepreneurship, The American Economic Review, 79 (3), 519–535.
  • Gartner, W. B. (1989). Some Suggestions For Research On Entrepreneurial Traits and Characteristics, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 14 (1), 27–37.
  • Gatewood, E. J.; Shaver, K. G., ve Gartner, W. B. (1995). A Longitudinal Study Of Cognitive Factors Influencing Start-Up Behaviors And Success At Venture Creation. Journal of Business Venturing, 10, 371–391.
  • Green, R.; David, J. ve Dent, M. (1996). The Russian Entrepreneur: A Study of Psychological Characteristics, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 2 (1), 49–58.
  • Gülen, A. (1998). Başarı Motivasyonu ve İş Örgütlerinde Yönetim: Orta ve Üst Kademe Yöneticileri Üzerine Bir Çalışma. Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitisü.
  • Hansemark, O. C. (2003). Need For Achievement, Locus Of Control And The Prediction Of Business Start-Ups: A Longitudinal Study, Journal Of Economic Psychology, 24, 301–319.
  • Heckhausen, H. (1967). The Anatomy of Achievement Motivation, Academic Pres Inc., USA.
  • Heckert, T. M.; Cuneio, G.; Hannah, A. P.; Adams, P. J.; Droste, H. E.; Mueller, M. A.; Wallis, H. A.; Griffin, C. M. ve Roberts, L. L. (1999). Creation of A New Needs Assessment Questionnaire, Journal of Social Behavior And Personality,15 (1), 121–136.
  • Hisrich, R. D. ve Peters, M. P. (1989). Entrepreneurship/ Starting, Developing and Managing A New Enterprise, PBI-Irwin, USA.
  • Hornaday, J. A. ve Bunker, C. S. (1970). The Nature of the Entrepreneur. Personnel Psychology, 23: 47–54.
  • Hornaday, J. A. ve Aboud, J. (1971). Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneurs, Personel Psychology, 24 (2), 141–55.
  • Hull, D. L., Bosley, J. J., ve Udell, G. G. (1980). Renewing the Hunt for the Heffalump: Identifying Potential Entrepreneurs by Personality Characteristics. Journal of Small Business, 18 (1), 11–18.
  • Kao, J. J. (1989). The Entrepreneurship, Creativity, Organization, Prentice Hall, USA.
  • Kets De Vries, M. (1977). The Entrepreneurial Personality: A Person at the Crossroads. The Journal of Management Studies, 14, 34-58.
  • Kets De Vries, M. (1985). “The Dark Side of Entrepreneurship”, Harvard Business Review, Vol. 63 No. 6, 160–7.
  • Koh, H. C. (1996). Testing Hypotheses of Entrepreneurial Characteristics, Journal Of Managerial Psychology, 11(3), 12–25.
  • Korunka, C.; Frank, H.; Lueger, M. ve Mugler, J. (2003). The Entrepreneurial Personality In The Context Of Resources, Environment, And The Startup Process —A Configurationally Approach, Entrepreneurship Theory And Practice,28 (1), 23–42.
  • Lachman, R. (1980). Toward Measurement of Entrepreneurial Tendencies. Management International Review, 20 (2), 108–116.
  • Littunen, H. (2000). Entrepreneurship and Characteristics Of The Entrepreneurial Personality, International Journal Of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, l. 6, 295–309.
  • Low, M. B. ve Macmillan, I. C. (1988). Entrepreneurship: Past Research And Future Challenges, Journal of Management, 14 (2), 139–161.
  • McClelland, D. C. (1961). The Achieving Society. Princeton, NY: Van Nostrand.
  • McClelland, D.C. (1965). N Achievement And Entrepreneurship: A Longitudinal Study, Journal Of Personality And Social Psychology, 1 (4), 389–392.
  • McClelland, D. C. ve Burnham D. H. (1976). Power Is The Great Motivator, Harvard Business Review, Motivating People, January, 2003, 1–11.
  • Mitton, D. G. (1989). The Complete Entrepreneur. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 13 (3), 9–20.
  • Mueller, S. L. ve Thomas, A. S. (2000). Culture and Entrepreneurial Potential: A Nine Country Study Of Locus Of Control And Innovativeness, Journal Of Business Venturing, 16, 51–75.
  • Özdamar, K. (2004). Paket Programlar ile İstatistiksel Veri Analizi, Genişletilmiş 5. Baskı, Kaan Kitapevi, Eskişehir.
  • Palmer, M. (1971). The Application of Psychological Testing to Entrepreneurial Potential. California Management Review, 13 (3), 32–39.
  • Rahim, A. (1996). Stress, Strain, and Their Moderators: An Empirical Comparison of Entrepreneurs and Managers. Journal of Small Business Management, 1, 46–58.
  • Sagie, A. ve Elizur, D. (1999). Achievement Motive and Entrepreneurial Orientation: A Structural Analysis, Journal of Organizational Behavior. 20, 375–387.
  • Scarborough, N., M. ve Zimmerer, T., W. (2003). Effective Small Business Management an Entrepreneurial Approach, Seventh Edition, Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
  • Sexton, D. L. ve Bowman, N. (1985). The Entrepreneur: A Capable Executive and More, Journal Of Business Venturing, 1 (1), 129–40.
  • Shaver, K. G. ve Scott, L. R. (1991). Person, Process, Choice: The Psychology Of New Venture Creation, Entrepreneurship Theory And Practice, 16, 23–45.
  • Schaper, M. ve Volery, T. (2004). Entrepreneurship and Small Business, John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd., Australia.
  • Steers, R. M. (1981). Introduction to Organizational Behavior, Goodyear Publishing Company Inc., USA.
  • Stevenson, H. H.; Roberts, M. J. ve Grousbeck, H. I. (1994). New Business Ventures And The Entrepreneur, Mcgraw-Hill Co., USA.
  • Stewart, W. H. Jr.; Watson W. E.; Carland J. C. Ve Carland, J. W. (1998). A Proclivity For Entrepreneurship: A Comparison of Entrepreneurs, Small Business Owners, And Corporate Managers, Journal Of Business Venturing 14, 189–214.
  • Stewart, W. H. Jr. (1995). Small Business Owner-Managers and Corporate Managers: A Comparative Study Of Achievement Motivation, Risk Taking Propensity And Preference For Innovation. Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, The University of North Texas
  • Tan, J. (2001). Innovation and Risk-Taking In A Transitional Economy: A Comparative Study Of Chinese Managers And Entrepreneurs. Journal of Business Venturing. 16, 359–376.
  • Venkatapathy, R. (1984). Locus of Control among Entrepreneurs: A Review. Psychological Studies, 29 (1), 97–100.
  • Wennekers, S. ve Thurik, R. (1999). Linking Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth, Small Business Economics, 13, 27–55.
  • Wortman, M. (1987). Entrepreneurship: An Integrating Typology and Evaluation Of The Empirical Research In The Field. Journal of Management, 13 (2), 259-279.
There are 65 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Yrd. Doç. Dr. Pınar Süral Özer This is me

Tayfun Topaloğlu This is me

Publication Date September 1, 2007
Submission Date December 29, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2007 Volume: 16 Issue: 2
