ARMSTRONG-STASSEN, M.(1998), “Downsizing the Federal Government: A Longitudinal Study of Managers‟ Reactions”, Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, Vol.15, No.4, pp.310-321.
AY, Ünal (2003), İşletmelerde Etik ve Sosyal Sorumluluk, 1. Basım, Nobel Kitabevi, Adana.
BEUCHAMP, T.L ve N.E. Bowie (1983), Ethical Theory and Business, 2 nd ed., Prentice Hall Inc, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., der: Chryssides, G.D. ve J.H. (1999), An Introduction to Business Ethics, International Thomson Publishing ınc, London, 118.
CEYLAN, Adnan ve Nigar DEMİRCAN (2004), “Çalışanların Örgüte Bağlılığı ile İşten Ayrılma Niyeti Arasındaki ilişkilere yönelik Bir Araştırma”,, (ErişimTarihi: 08.07.2004).
DECOTIIS, T. A. ve T.P. Summers (1987), A path analysis of a model of the antecedents and consequencesof organizational commitment. Human Relations, 40, 7: 445- 470.
GEARTNER, K. N. ve S.D. Nollen (1989), Career experiences, perceptions of employment practices and psychological commitment to the organization. Human relations 42, 11: 975-991.
GLISSON, C., M. Durick (1988), Predictors of Job Satisfaction and organizational commitment in human sevice organizations. Adminisrative science quarterly 33: 61-81.
GOODELL, R. (1994), National business survey findings. Ethics J. (Fall/Winter);1,3,5.
HARDY, C. (1987), “Investing in Retrenchment: Avoiding thr Hidden Costs”, California Management Review, Vol.29, no4, pp. 111-125.
HREBINIAK, L.G; J.A. Alutto (1972), Personel and role related factors in the development of organizaional commitment, Administrative science quarterly 17, 4: 555-5573.
HUNT, Shelby, D. Morgan (1994), Organizatioanal commitment: One way of Many Commitments or Key Mediating Construct. Academy of Management Journal, Vol 37, Is.6: 1568-1587.
KINNIE, N.; S. Hutchinson & J. Purcell (1998), “Downsizing: It is Allways Lean and Mean?”, Personal Review, Vol.27, No.4, pp.296-311.
KOHLBERG, L. (1976), “Moral stages and moralization”, Aktaran: Longston J.M. ve K.Yuthas (1997), “Corparate social performance, stakeholder orientation, and organizational moral development”, Journal of Business Ethics, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 16, 1213-1226.
LUTHANS, Fred (1995), Organizational Behaviour, Seventh Edition, McGraw-Hill, Inc., Newyork.
MC KENNA, Eugene (1994), Business Psychology and Organizational Behaviour, East Sussex: Lawrance Earlbaum Associates Ltd
MINTZ, Steven (1992), Cases in Accounting Ethics and Professionalizm, Second Edition McGraw-Hill Inc., USA.
MORROW, P.C. (1983), Concept redundancy in organizational research: The case of work commitment. Journal of occupational behaviour 7: 139-145.
RANDALL, D.M. ve J.A. Cote (1991), Interrelationships of work commitment constructs. Work and ocupations 18, 2: 194-211.
REICHERS, A. E. (1985), A review and reconceptualization of organizational commitment. Academy of management review, Vol 10 : 465-476
SCHLEGELMILCH, B. (1998), Marketing Ethics, İnternational Thomson Business Press, UK 1.ed, 3-134.
SCHWEPKER, Jr. Charles H. (2001), “Ethical Climate‟s Relationship to Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment and Turnover Intention In The Salesforce”, Journal of Business Research, 54, Pp.39-52.
Bu çalışmada Adana İl 8223;inde ulusal ve çokuluslu olarak faaliyet gösteren ilaç ve sigorta şirketlerinin bölge müdürlüklerinde çalışan satış elemanlarının iş davranışlarının iş tatmini örgütsel bağlılık ve işten ayrılma niyeti örgütsel etik iklim ile ilişkisi incelenmiştir Bu amaçla; 16 8223;sı ilaç sektöründe 14 8223;ü sigorta sektöründe olmak üzere 30 firmada toplam 186 kişiye anket uygulanmıştır Çalışmada kullanılan ölçekler önceki çalışmalardan Charles H Schwepker 2001; Goodell 1994; Kohlberg 1976 yararlanılarak oluşturulmuştur Katılımcılardan elde edilen verilere SPSS 15 programı yardımıyla güvenilirlik anova korelasyon ve regresyon analizleri uygulanmış elde edilen bulgular yönetim bakış açısıyla yorumlanmıştır Anahtar Kelimeler: Etik Etik Yönetim Etik Davranışlar Örgütsel Etik İklim İş tatmini Örgütsel Bağlılık İşten Ayrılma Niyeti
ARMSTRONG-STASSEN, M.(1998), “Downsizing the Federal Government: A Longitudinal Study of Managers‟ Reactions”, Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, Vol.15, No.4, pp.310-321.
AY, Ünal (2003), İşletmelerde Etik ve Sosyal Sorumluluk, 1. Basım, Nobel Kitabevi, Adana.
BEUCHAMP, T.L ve N.E. Bowie (1983), Ethical Theory and Business, 2 nd ed., Prentice Hall Inc, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., der: Chryssides, G.D. ve J.H. (1999), An Introduction to Business Ethics, International Thomson Publishing ınc, London, 118.
CEYLAN, Adnan ve Nigar DEMİRCAN (2004), “Çalışanların Örgüte Bağlılığı ile İşten Ayrılma Niyeti Arasındaki ilişkilere yönelik Bir Araştırma”,, (ErişimTarihi: 08.07.2004).
DECOTIIS, T. A. ve T.P. Summers (1987), A path analysis of a model of the antecedents and consequencesof organizational commitment. Human Relations, 40, 7: 445- 470.
GEARTNER, K. N. ve S.D. Nollen (1989), Career experiences, perceptions of employment practices and psychological commitment to the organization. Human relations 42, 11: 975-991.
GLISSON, C., M. Durick (1988), Predictors of Job Satisfaction and organizational commitment in human sevice organizations. Adminisrative science quarterly 33: 61-81.
GOODELL, R. (1994), National business survey findings. Ethics J. (Fall/Winter);1,3,5.
HARDY, C. (1987), “Investing in Retrenchment: Avoiding thr Hidden Costs”, California Management Review, Vol.29, no4, pp. 111-125.
HREBINIAK, L.G; J.A. Alutto (1972), Personel and role related factors in the development of organizaional commitment, Administrative science quarterly 17, 4: 555-5573.
HUNT, Shelby, D. Morgan (1994), Organizatioanal commitment: One way of Many Commitments or Key Mediating Construct. Academy of Management Journal, Vol 37, Is.6: 1568-1587.
KINNIE, N.; S. Hutchinson & J. Purcell (1998), “Downsizing: It is Allways Lean and Mean?”, Personal Review, Vol.27, No.4, pp.296-311.
KOHLBERG, L. (1976), “Moral stages and moralization”, Aktaran: Longston J.M. ve K.Yuthas (1997), “Corparate social performance, stakeholder orientation, and organizational moral development”, Journal of Business Ethics, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 16, 1213-1226.
LUTHANS, Fred (1995), Organizational Behaviour, Seventh Edition, McGraw-Hill, Inc., Newyork.
MC KENNA, Eugene (1994), Business Psychology and Organizational Behaviour, East Sussex: Lawrance Earlbaum Associates Ltd
MINTZ, Steven (1992), Cases in Accounting Ethics and Professionalizm, Second Edition McGraw-Hill Inc., USA.
MORROW, P.C. (1983), Concept redundancy in organizational research: The case of work commitment. Journal of occupational behaviour 7: 139-145.
RANDALL, D.M. ve J.A. Cote (1991), Interrelationships of work commitment constructs. Work and ocupations 18, 2: 194-211.
REICHERS, A. E. (1985), A review and reconceptualization of organizational commitment. Academy of management review, Vol 10 : 465-476
SCHLEGELMILCH, B. (1998), Marketing Ethics, İnternational Thomson Business Press, UK 1.ed, 3-134.
SCHWEPKER, Jr. Charles H. (2001), “Ethical Climate‟s Relationship to Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment and Turnover Intention In The Salesforce”, Journal of Business Research, 54, Pp.39-52.
Ay, P., Kılıç, Y. C., & Biçer, M. (2009). İlaç Ve Sigorta Sektörlerinde Çalışan Satış Elemanlarının İş Davranışlarının Örgütsel Etik İklim ile İlişkisi Üzerine Bir Çalışma. Çukurova Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 18(2).