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Sürdürülebilir Ürün Tasarımında Tanım Ve Yöntemler

Year 2009, Volume: 18 Issue: 2, 458 - 480, 01.09.2009




  • AMMENBERG, J.; SUNDIN, E. (2005). “Products in Environmental Management Systems: Drivers, Barriers and Experiences”. Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol.13: 405-415.
  • BAUMANN, H.; BOONS, F.; BRAGD, A. (2002). “Mapping the Green Product Development Field: Engineering, Policy and Business Perspectives”. Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol.10: 409-425. BRICK, K. (2008). “Barriers for Implementation of the Environmental Load Profile and Other LCA-Based Tools”. (18.05.2008)
  • BYGGETH, S.; BROMAN, G.; ROBERT, K.H. (2007). “A Method for sustainable Product Development Based on a Modular System of Guiding Questions”. Journal of Cleaner Production, 15: 1-11. CERIN P.; LAESTADIUS, S. (2003), “The Efficiency of Becoming Eco-efficient”, Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal, Vol. 14 (2): 221-241.
  • CHAVAN, M. (2005). “An Appraisal of Environment Managing Systems”. Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal. Vol.16 (5): 444-463.
  • DARNALL, N.; JOLLEY, G.J.; HANDFIELD, R. (2008). "Environmental Management Systems and Green Supply Chain Management: Complements for Sustainability?". Business Strategy and the Environment, 18: 30–45.
  • DeMENDONÇA, M.; BAXTER, T. E. (2001), “Design for the Environment (DFE)”, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, Vol.20 (2): 267-291.
  • DOGRU A.H.; DONALD H. SEBASTIAN, D.H. (1998). "Regional Process Modeling for Design for Environment". Journal of Systems Integration, 8: 159–181.
  • DONNELLY, K.; BECKETT-FURNELL, Z.; TRAEGER, S.; OKRASINSKI, T.; HOLMAN, S. (2006). “Eco-design Implemented through a Product-based Environmental Management System”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 14: 1357-1367.
  • DOWLATSHAHI, S. (2000). “Developing a Theory of Reverse Logistics”. Interfaces, 30 (3): 143-155. EKVALL, T.; FINNVEDEN, G. (2001). “Allocation in ISO 14041-A Critical Review”. Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol.9: 197-208.
  • EQD - Environment Quality Division (2001), “Product Innovation the Green Advantage. An Introduction to Design for Environment for Australian Business”. Environment Australia. Department of the Environment and Heritage. Australia. ISBN: 0642547238
  • FRANKL, P. (2002). “Life Cycle Assessment as a Management Tool”. (Ed: Ayres, R.U.; Ayres, L.W.), A Handbook of Industrial Ecology (138-149), Edward Elgar Publishing, Inc., USA.
  • GADENNE, D.L.; KENNEDY, J.; McKEIVER, C. (2009). "An Empirical Study of Environmental Awareness and Practices in SMEs". Journal of Business Ethics, 84: 45–63.
  • GLUCKMAN, J. (2007). "Encouraging Sustainable Product Design – an Update on Practical New Zealand Activity". The New Zealand Society for Sustainability Engineering and Science. 2nd International Conference on Sustainability Engineering and Science. 20-23 February 2007, New Zealand.
  • HAES, H.A. (2002), "Industrial Ecology and Life Cycle Assessment". (Ed: Ayres, R.U.; Ayres, L.W.), A Handbook of Industrial Ecology (138-149), Edward Elgar Publishing, Inc., USA.
  • HAUSCHILD, M.Z.; DREYER, L.C.; JORGNSEN, A. (2008). "Assessing Social Impacts in a Life Cycle Perspective-Lessons Learned". CIRP Annals, Manufacturing Technology, 57: 21-24
  • HAUSCHILD, M.Z.; JESWIET, J.; ALTING, L. (2004). “Design for Environment – Do We Get the Focus Right?”. CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology. Vol.53 (1): 1-4.
  • HAUSCHILD, M.Z.; JESWIET, J.; ALTING, L. (2005). "From Life Cycle Assessment to Sustainable Production: Status and Perspectives" CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, Vol.54 (2):1-21.
  • JESWIET, J.; HAUSCHILD, M. (2005). “EcoDesign and Future Environmental Impacts”. Materials and Design, Vol.26: 629-634.
  • JOHANSSON, G. (2006). “Incorporating Environmental Concern in Product Development: A Study of Project Characteristics”, Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal, Vol. 17 (4): 421-436.
  • JONES, P., CLARKE-HILL, C., COMFORT, D.; HILLIER, D. (2007). “Marketing and Sustainability”, Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 26 (2): 123-130.
  • KAEBERNICK, H.; KARA, S.; SUN, M. (2003). “Sustainable Product Development and Manufacturing by Considering Environmental Requirements”. Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing Vol.19: 461-468.
  • KAMARA, M.; COFF, C.; WYNNE, B. (2006). “GMO‟s and Sustainability”,
  • KARLSSON, R.; LUTTROPP, C. (2006). “EcoDesign: What‟s Happening? An Overview of the Subject Area of EcoDesign and of the Papers in this Special Issue”. Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol.14: 1291-1298.
  • KNIGHT, P.; JENKINS, J. (2008). “Eco-Design: A Practitioner‟s Perspective”. IEMA Conference. "Aligning Environmental and Economic Priorities". Bournemouth International Centre, 5 June 2008.
  • KOU, T.; HUANG, S.H.; ZHANG, H. (2001). “Design for Manufacture and Design for “X”: Concepts, Applications and Perspectives”. Computers and Industrial Engineering. Vol.41: 241- 260.
  • KURK, F.; EAGAN, P. (2007). “The Value of Adding Design-for-the-Environment to Pollution Prevention Assistance Options”. Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol.XX: 1-5.
  • LAESTADIUS, S.; KARLSON, L. (2001). “ Eco-efficient Products and Services Through LCA in R&D/Design”, Environmental Management and Health, Vol. 12 (2): 181-190.
  • LUTTROPP, C.; LAGERSTEDT, J. (2006). “EcoDesign and Ten Golden Rules: Generic Advice for Merging Environmental Aspects into Product Development”. Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol.14: 1396-1408.
  • MASCLE, C.; ZHAO, H.P. (2008). “Integrating Environmental Consciousness in Product/Process Development Based on Life-Cycle Thinking”. International Journal of Production Economics, 112: 5-17.
  • MASUI, K.; SAKAO, T.; KOBAYASHI, M.; INABA, A. (2003). “Applying Quality Function Deployment to Environmentally Conscious Design”. International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management. Vol.20 (1): 90-106.
  • MAXWELL, D.; VAN DER VORST, R. (2003). “Developing Sustainable Products and Services”. Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol.11: 883-895.
  • MIRVIS, P. H. (1994), “Environmentalism in Progressive Businesses”, Journal of Organizational Change Management”, 7/4, 82-100.
  • NAKIBOĞLU, G.; ZEREN, D. (2008). “Çevreci Ürün Tasarımı”. 13. Ulusal Pazarlama Kongresi, “Sürdürülebilirlik ve Pazarlama”. 30 Ekim-1 Kasım 2008, Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana.
  • NIELSEN, P.H.; WENZER, H. (2002) “Integration of Environmental Aspects in Product Development: A Stepwise Procedure Based on Quantitative Life Cycle Assessment”. Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol.10: 247-257.
  • ORTIZ, I.M. (2006). "Life Cycle Assessment as a Tool for Green Chemistry: Application to Different Advanced Oxidation Processes for Wastewater Treatment". Doktora Tezi. Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona.
  • ÖLUNDH-SANDSTRÖM, G.; TİNGDTÖM, J. (2008). “Management of Radical Innovation and Environmental Challenges: Development of the DryQ Capacitor at ABB”, European Journal of Innovation Management, Vol. 11 (2): 182- 198.
  • PARK, P.; TAHARA, K. (2008). “Quantifying Producer and Consumer-based Eco-efficiencies for the Identification of Key Ecodesign Issues”. Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol.16: 95-104.
  • PERRINGS, C.; ANSUATEGI, A. (2000). “Sustainability, Growth and Development”. Journal of Economic Studies. Vol.27 (1-2): 19-54.
  • PICKETT-BAKER, J.; OZAKİ, R. (2008), “Pro-environmental Products: Marketing Influence on Consumer Purchase Decision”, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 25/5: 281-293.
  • PUJARI, D.; PEATTIE, K.; WRIGHT, G. (2004). “Organizational Antecedents of Environmental Responsiveness in Industrial New Product Development”. Industrial Marketing Management, Vol.33: 381-391.
  • PUJARI, D. (2006). “Eco-Innovation and New Product Development: Understanding the Influences on Market Performance”. Technovation. Vol.26: 76-85.
  • RITZEN, S.; BESKOW, C. (2001). “Actions for Integrating Environmental Aspects into Product Development”, The Journal of Sustainable Product Design, 1: 91-102.
  • SAKAO, T. (2007). "A QFD-centred Design Methodology for Environmentally Conscious Product Design". International Journal of Production Research, Vol.45 (18–19): 4143–4162.
  • SANTOS-REYES, D.E.; LAWLOR-WRIGHT, T. (2001). “A Design for the Environment Methodology to Support an Environmental Management System”, Integrated Manufacturing Systems, 12 (5): 323-332.
  • SCHALTEGGER, S. (1997). “Economics of Life Cycle Assessment: Inefficiency of the Present Approach”, Business Strategy and the Environment, Vol. 6 (1): 1-8.
  • THOMPSON, B.S. (1999). "Environmentally-sensitive Design: Leonardo Was Right ". Materials and Design, 20: 23-30.
  • TINGSTROM, J. (2007). “Product Development with a Focus on Integration of Environmental Aspects” Doktora Tezi. Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm.
  • VON PAUMGARTTEN, P. (2003). “The Business Case for High-performance Green Buildings: Sustainability and its Financial Impact”. Journal of Facilities Management. Vol.2 (1): 26-34.
  • WAAGE, S.A. (2007). "Re-considering Product Design: A Practical „„Road-map‟‟ for Integration of Sustainability Issues". Journal of Cleaner Production, 15: 638-649.
  • YARWOOD, J.M.; EAGAN, P.D. (1998). “Design for Environment Toolkit: A Competitive Edge for the Future”. Minnesota Office of Environmental Assistance. Minnesota Technical Assistance Program. Minnesota, USA.

Sürdürülebilir Ürün Tasarımında Tanım Ve Yöntemler

Year 2009, Volume: 18 Issue: 2, 458 - 480, 01.09.2009


Dünya Çevre ve Kalkınma Komisyonu 8223;nun Brundtland Raporu ile çevre açısından sürdürülebilir geli 290;meye ili 290;kin temel tehditler ortaya konmu 290;tur Sürdürülebilir ürünler tasarlamak bu tehditlerin üstesinden gelebilmek için izlenecek adımların en kritik olanlarından biridir Sürdürülebilir ürünler üretebilmek için ürün tasarım ve geli 290;tirme süreçlerine sürdürülebilir yakla 290;ımlar adapte edebilmek 21 yüzyılın en önemli konularındandır Bu nedenle sürdürülebilir ürün tasarımına ili 290;kin oldukça fazla çalı 290;ma gerçekle 290;tirilmi 290;tir Yapılan ara 290;tırmalar sürdürülebilir ürün tasarımı için yöntem ve araçlar geli 290;tirmek sürdürülebilir tasarımı ürün geli 290;tirme sürecine entegre edebilmek ve sürdürülebilir tasarımla çevreci yönetim sistemlerini bir araya getirmek gibi alanları kapsamaktadır Bu çalı 290;ma farklı bakı 290; açılarından ve uygulama sistemlerinden yararlanarak sürdürülebilir ürün tasarımına yönelik kavram yöntem ve araçları bir araya getiren bir literatür taraması sunmayı ve gelecek çalı 290;malar için yol gösterici bir kavramsal altyapı olu 290;turmayı amaçlamaktadır Anahtar Sözcükler: sürdürülebilir ürün tasarımı; sürdürülebilirlik; çevreci yönetim stratejileri; çevreci ürün


  • AMMENBERG, J.; SUNDIN, E. (2005). “Products in Environmental Management Systems: Drivers, Barriers and Experiences”. Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol.13: 405-415.
  • BAUMANN, H.; BOONS, F.; BRAGD, A. (2002). “Mapping the Green Product Development Field: Engineering, Policy and Business Perspectives”. Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol.10: 409-425. BRICK, K. (2008). “Barriers for Implementation of the Environmental Load Profile and Other LCA-Based Tools”. (18.05.2008)
  • BYGGETH, S.; BROMAN, G.; ROBERT, K.H. (2007). “A Method for sustainable Product Development Based on a Modular System of Guiding Questions”. Journal of Cleaner Production, 15: 1-11. CERIN P.; LAESTADIUS, S. (2003), “The Efficiency of Becoming Eco-efficient”, Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal, Vol. 14 (2): 221-241.
  • CHAVAN, M. (2005). “An Appraisal of Environment Managing Systems”. Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal. Vol.16 (5): 444-463.
  • DARNALL, N.; JOLLEY, G.J.; HANDFIELD, R. (2008). "Environmental Management Systems and Green Supply Chain Management: Complements for Sustainability?". Business Strategy and the Environment, 18: 30–45.
  • DeMENDONÇA, M.; BAXTER, T. E. (2001), “Design for the Environment (DFE)”, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, Vol.20 (2): 267-291.
  • DOGRU A.H.; DONALD H. SEBASTIAN, D.H. (1998). "Regional Process Modeling for Design for Environment". Journal of Systems Integration, 8: 159–181.
  • DONNELLY, K.; BECKETT-FURNELL, Z.; TRAEGER, S.; OKRASINSKI, T.; HOLMAN, S. (2006). “Eco-design Implemented through a Product-based Environmental Management System”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 14: 1357-1367.
  • DOWLATSHAHI, S. (2000). “Developing a Theory of Reverse Logistics”. Interfaces, 30 (3): 143-155. EKVALL, T.; FINNVEDEN, G. (2001). “Allocation in ISO 14041-A Critical Review”. Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol.9: 197-208.
  • EQD - Environment Quality Division (2001), “Product Innovation the Green Advantage. An Introduction to Design for Environment for Australian Business”. Environment Australia. Department of the Environment and Heritage. Australia. ISBN: 0642547238
  • FRANKL, P. (2002). “Life Cycle Assessment as a Management Tool”. (Ed: Ayres, R.U.; Ayres, L.W.), A Handbook of Industrial Ecology (138-149), Edward Elgar Publishing, Inc., USA.
  • GADENNE, D.L.; KENNEDY, J.; McKEIVER, C. (2009). "An Empirical Study of Environmental Awareness and Practices in SMEs". Journal of Business Ethics, 84: 45–63.
  • GLUCKMAN, J. (2007). "Encouraging Sustainable Product Design – an Update on Practical New Zealand Activity". The New Zealand Society for Sustainability Engineering and Science. 2nd International Conference on Sustainability Engineering and Science. 20-23 February 2007, New Zealand.
  • HAES, H.A. (2002), "Industrial Ecology and Life Cycle Assessment". (Ed: Ayres, R.U.; Ayres, L.W.), A Handbook of Industrial Ecology (138-149), Edward Elgar Publishing, Inc., USA.
  • HAUSCHILD, M.Z.; DREYER, L.C.; JORGNSEN, A. (2008). "Assessing Social Impacts in a Life Cycle Perspective-Lessons Learned". CIRP Annals, Manufacturing Technology, 57: 21-24
  • HAUSCHILD, M.Z.; JESWIET, J.; ALTING, L. (2004). “Design for Environment – Do We Get the Focus Right?”. CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology. Vol.53 (1): 1-4.
  • HAUSCHILD, M.Z.; JESWIET, J.; ALTING, L. (2005). "From Life Cycle Assessment to Sustainable Production: Status and Perspectives" CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, Vol.54 (2):1-21.
  • JESWIET, J.; HAUSCHILD, M. (2005). “EcoDesign and Future Environmental Impacts”. Materials and Design, Vol.26: 629-634.
  • JOHANSSON, G. (2006). “Incorporating Environmental Concern in Product Development: A Study of Project Characteristics”, Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal, Vol. 17 (4): 421-436.
  • JONES, P., CLARKE-HILL, C., COMFORT, D.; HILLIER, D. (2007). “Marketing and Sustainability”, Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 26 (2): 123-130.
  • KAEBERNICK, H.; KARA, S.; SUN, M. (2003). “Sustainable Product Development and Manufacturing by Considering Environmental Requirements”. Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing Vol.19: 461-468.
  • KAMARA, M.; COFF, C.; WYNNE, B. (2006). “GMO‟s and Sustainability”,
  • KARLSSON, R.; LUTTROPP, C. (2006). “EcoDesign: What‟s Happening? An Overview of the Subject Area of EcoDesign and of the Papers in this Special Issue”. Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol.14: 1291-1298.
  • KNIGHT, P.; JENKINS, J. (2008). “Eco-Design: A Practitioner‟s Perspective”. IEMA Conference. "Aligning Environmental and Economic Priorities". Bournemouth International Centre, 5 June 2008.
  • KOU, T.; HUANG, S.H.; ZHANG, H. (2001). “Design for Manufacture and Design for “X”: Concepts, Applications and Perspectives”. Computers and Industrial Engineering. Vol.41: 241- 260.
  • KURK, F.; EAGAN, P. (2007). “The Value of Adding Design-for-the-Environment to Pollution Prevention Assistance Options”. Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol.XX: 1-5.
  • LAESTADIUS, S.; KARLSON, L. (2001). “ Eco-efficient Products and Services Through LCA in R&D/Design”, Environmental Management and Health, Vol. 12 (2): 181-190.
  • LUTTROPP, C.; LAGERSTEDT, J. (2006). “EcoDesign and Ten Golden Rules: Generic Advice for Merging Environmental Aspects into Product Development”. Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol.14: 1396-1408.
  • MASCLE, C.; ZHAO, H.P. (2008). “Integrating Environmental Consciousness in Product/Process Development Based on Life-Cycle Thinking”. International Journal of Production Economics, 112: 5-17.
  • MASUI, K.; SAKAO, T.; KOBAYASHI, M.; INABA, A. (2003). “Applying Quality Function Deployment to Environmentally Conscious Design”. International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management. Vol.20 (1): 90-106.
  • MAXWELL, D.; VAN DER VORST, R. (2003). “Developing Sustainable Products and Services”. Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol.11: 883-895.
  • MIRVIS, P. H. (1994), “Environmentalism in Progressive Businesses”, Journal of Organizational Change Management”, 7/4, 82-100.
  • NAKIBOĞLU, G.; ZEREN, D. (2008). “Çevreci Ürün Tasarımı”. 13. Ulusal Pazarlama Kongresi, “Sürdürülebilirlik ve Pazarlama”. 30 Ekim-1 Kasım 2008, Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana.
  • NIELSEN, P.H.; WENZER, H. (2002) “Integration of Environmental Aspects in Product Development: A Stepwise Procedure Based on Quantitative Life Cycle Assessment”. Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol.10: 247-257.
  • ORTIZ, I.M. (2006). "Life Cycle Assessment as a Tool for Green Chemistry: Application to Different Advanced Oxidation Processes for Wastewater Treatment". Doktora Tezi. Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona.
  • ÖLUNDH-SANDSTRÖM, G.; TİNGDTÖM, J. (2008). “Management of Radical Innovation and Environmental Challenges: Development of the DryQ Capacitor at ABB”, European Journal of Innovation Management, Vol. 11 (2): 182- 198.
  • PARK, P.; TAHARA, K. (2008). “Quantifying Producer and Consumer-based Eco-efficiencies for the Identification of Key Ecodesign Issues”. Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol.16: 95-104.
  • PERRINGS, C.; ANSUATEGI, A. (2000). “Sustainability, Growth and Development”. Journal of Economic Studies. Vol.27 (1-2): 19-54.
  • PICKETT-BAKER, J.; OZAKİ, R. (2008), “Pro-environmental Products: Marketing Influence on Consumer Purchase Decision”, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 25/5: 281-293.
  • PUJARI, D.; PEATTIE, K.; WRIGHT, G. (2004). “Organizational Antecedents of Environmental Responsiveness in Industrial New Product Development”. Industrial Marketing Management, Vol.33: 381-391.
  • PUJARI, D. (2006). “Eco-Innovation and New Product Development: Understanding the Influences on Market Performance”. Technovation. Vol.26: 76-85.
  • RITZEN, S.; BESKOW, C. (2001). “Actions for Integrating Environmental Aspects into Product Development”, The Journal of Sustainable Product Design, 1: 91-102.
  • SAKAO, T. (2007). "A QFD-centred Design Methodology for Environmentally Conscious Product Design". International Journal of Production Research, Vol.45 (18–19): 4143–4162.
  • SANTOS-REYES, D.E.; LAWLOR-WRIGHT, T. (2001). “A Design for the Environment Methodology to Support an Environmental Management System”, Integrated Manufacturing Systems, 12 (5): 323-332.
  • SCHALTEGGER, S. (1997). “Economics of Life Cycle Assessment: Inefficiency of the Present Approach”, Business Strategy and the Environment, Vol. 6 (1): 1-8.
  • THOMPSON, B.S. (1999). "Environmentally-sensitive Design: Leonardo Was Right ". Materials and Design, 20: 23-30.
  • TINGSTROM, J. (2007). “Product Development with a Focus on Integration of Environmental Aspects” Doktora Tezi. Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm.
  • VON PAUMGARTTEN, P. (2003). “The Business Case for High-performance Green Buildings: Sustainability and its Financial Impact”. Journal of Facilities Management. Vol.2 (1): 26-34.
  • WAAGE, S.A. (2007). "Re-considering Product Design: A Practical „„Road-map‟‟ for Integration of Sustainability Issues". Journal of Cleaner Production, 15: 638-649.
  • YARWOOD, J.M.; EAGAN, P.D. (1998). “Design for Environment Toolkit: A Competitive Edge for the Future”. Minnesota Office of Environmental Assistance. Minnesota Technical Assistance Program. Minnesota, USA.
There are 50 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Arş.Gör. Deniz Zeren This is me

Arş.Gör.Dr. Gülsün Nakıboğlu This is me

Publication Date September 1, 2009
Submission Date December 29, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2009 Volume: 18 Issue: 2


APA Zeren, A. D., & Nakıboğlu, A. G. (2009). Sürdürülebilir Ürün Tasarımında Tanım Ve Yöntemler. Çukurova Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 18(2), 458-480.