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Türkiye imalat Sanayinde Toplam Faktör Verimliliği Ve Beşeri Sermaye ilişkisi

Year 2011, Volume: 20 Issue: 2, 223 - 242, 01.06.2011


It is put forward that there is positive relationship between total factor productivity and human capital in Endogenous Growth Theory In this paper it was investigated this relationship in Turkey Manufacturing Industry sample According to the findings it was found positive relationship between TFP and human capital in the sectors by high and medium level technology and the sectors by high level technology It couldn 8223;t found this relationship for employees with high level educated but it was found for employees with medium and lower level educated These findings fort he period considered in Turkey is not yet sufficiently take advantage of human capital factors Keywords: Human capital Total Factor Productivity TFP Panel Data Analysis


  • AGHION, P. and P. HOWITT (1992), “A Model of Growth Through Creative Destruction”, Econometrica, Vol. 60(2): 323–351.
  • ATEŞ, S., (1998), Yeni İçsel Büyüme Teorileri ve Türkiye Ekonomisinin Büyüme Dinamiklerinin Analizi, Çukurova Üni. SBE Doktora Tezi, Adana.
  • AY, A. ve P.YARDIMCI (2008), “Türkiye‟de Beşeri Sermaye Birikimine Dayalı Ak Tipi İçsel Ekonomik Büyümenin Var Modeli İle Analizi (1950–2000)”, Maliye Dergisi, Sayı:155: 39–54.
  • BAIER, S.L., G.P. DWYER and R. TAMURA (2005), “How Important Are Capital and Total Factor Productivity for Economic Growth?”, FRB Atlanta Working Paper, No. 2002-02: 1-66. erişim tarihi: 03.07.2010.
  • BALLOT, G., F. FAKHFAKH and E. TAYMAZ (2001), “Firms‟ Human capital, R&D and Performance: A Study on French and Swedish Firms”, Labour Economics, No. 8: 443-462.
  • BECKER, G.S., K.M. MURPHY ve R. TAMURA (1990), “Human Capital, Fertility and Economic Growth”, Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 98(5): 12–37.
  • BENHABIB, J. and M. M. SPIEGEL (1994), “The Role of Human Capital in Economic Development Evidence from Aggregate Cross-Country Data”, Journal of Monetary Economics, No. 34: 143–173.
  • BLACK, S.E. and L.M. LYNCH (1996), “Human-Capital Investments and Productivity”, The American Economic Review, Vol. 86(2): 263–267.
  • COE, D.T. and E. HELPMAN (1995), “International R&D Spillovers”, European Economic Review, Vol. 39: 859-887.
  • EICHER, T.S. (1996), “Interaction Between Endogenous Human Capital and Technological Change”, Review of Economic Studies, Vol. 63: 127-144.
  • ENGELBRECHT, H.J. (1997), “International R&D Spillovers, Human Capital and Productivity in OECD Economies: An Epirical Investigation”, European Economic Review, Vol. 41: 1479–1488.
  • ERCAN, N.Y. (2002), “İçsel Büyüme Teorisi: genel Bir Bakış”, DPT Planlama Dergisi, erişim:05.04.2011. Yıl Özel Sayı, s.129-138.
  • FRANTZEN, D. (2000) “R&D, Human Capital and International Technology Spillovers: A Cross-country Analysis”, Scand. J of Economics, Vol. 102(1): 57–75.
  • GENÇ, M. C. ve Y. ATASOY (2010), “Ar&Ge Harcamaları ve Ekonomik Büyüme İlişkisi: Panel Veri Analizi”, The Journal of Knowledge Economy and Management, Cilt: V(II): 15-22. erişim tarihi: 04.04.2011.
  • GENÇ, M.C., M.K. DEĞER ve M. BERBER (2009), “Beşeri Sermaye, İhracat ve ekonomik Büyüme: Türkiye Ekonomisi Üzerine Nedensellik Analizi”, Uluslar arası 7. Bilgi, Ekonomi ve Yönetim Kongresi, Yalova, 48-60.
  • GREENE, W.H. (2002), Econometric Analysis, 5th Edition, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, USA.
  • GROSSMAN G. H. and E. HELPMAN (1989), “Product Development and International Trade ”, The Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 97(6 ): 1261-1283.
  • GROSSMAN G. H. and E. HELPMAN (1990), “Comparative Advantage and Long- Run Growth”, The American Economic Review, Vol. 80(4): 796-815.
  • GÜRAK, H. (2006), “Yaratıcı Zihinsel Emek ve Teknolojik Yenilikler”, 05.07.2010 erişim:
  • KİBRİTÇİOĞLU, A. (1998), “İktisadi Büyümenin Belirleyicileri ve Yeni Büyüme Modellerinde Beşeri Sermayenin Yeri”, A.Ü. Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi Dergisi, Cilt.53(1-4): 207-230.
  • KÖK, R. ve E. DELİKTAŞ (2003), Endüstri İktisadında verimlilik Ölçme ve Strateji Geliştirme Teknikleri, DEÜ İİBF Yay., İzmir. KÖK, R. ve N. ŞİMŞEK (2011), “Panel Veri Analizi”, 5.04.2011 erişim:
  • KYRIACOU, G.A. (1991), “Level and Growth Effects of Human Capital: A Cross- Country Study”, Economic Research Reports, No.91–26: 1–31.
  • LIPSEY, R.G. and K.I. CARLAW (2004) “Total Factor Productivity and the Measurement of Technological Change”, The Canadian Journal of Economics, Vol. 37(4): 1118–1150.
  • Lucas, R.E., (1988), “On the Mechanics of Economic Development”, Journal of Monetary Economics, Vol. 22: 3-32.
  • MAUDOS, J., J.M. PASTOR and L. SERRANO (1999), “Total Factor Productivity Measurement and Human Capital in OECD Countries”, Economics Letters, No. 63: 39–44.
  • MILLER, S.M. and M.P. UPADHYAY (1997), “The Effects of Trade Orientation and Human Capital on Total Factor Productivity”, Department of Economics Working Paper Series, No. 1997–07: 1–40., erişim tarihi: 08.01.2010
  • MILLER, S.M. and M.P. UPADHYAY (2002), “Total Factor Productivity, Human Capital and Outward Orientation: Differences by Stage of Ddevelopment and Geographic Regions”, Department of Economics Working Paper Series, No. 2002–33: 1–37.
  • NADIRI, M. I. (1973), “International Studies of Factor Inputs and Total Factor Productivity: A Brief Survey”, Review of Income and Wealth, Vol. 19(4): 129–154.
  • ÖZSOY, C. (2007)“Türkiye‟de Eğitim ve İktisadi Büyüme Arasındaki İlişkinin Var Modeli ile Analizi” Bilgi Ekonomi ve Yönetim Kongresi, Eskişehir, 1-13.
  • PACK, H. (1994), “Endogenous Growth Theory: Intellectual Appeal and Empirical Shortcomings”, The Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol. 8(1): 55–72.
  • PRESCOTT, E.C. (1997), “Needed: A Theory of Total Factor Productivity”, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Research Department Staff Report, No. 242: 1–52, 05.07.2010. erişim
  • REBELO, S. (1991), “Long-Run Policy Analysis and Long-Run Growth”, Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 99(3): 500–521.
  • ROMER, P. (1986), “Increasing Return and Long-Run Growth”, Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 94(5): 1002-1037.
  • SARGENT, T.C. and E.R. RODRİGUEZ (2001), “Labour or Total Factor Productivity: Do We Need to Choose?”, Department of Finance Working Papers, No.01–04: 1–14.
  • SAYGILI, Ş. (2003), Bilgi Ekonomisine Geçiş Sürecinde Türkiye Ekonomisinin Dünyadaki Konumu, DPT Yay, No: 2675: 1-121
  • SUN, H. and A. PARIKH (2001), “Exports, Inward Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and Regional Economic Growth in China”, Regional Studies, Vol. 35(3): 187–196.
  • YARDIMCI, P. (2006), “İçsel Büyüme Modelleri ve Türkiye Ekonomisinde İçsel Büyümenin Dinamikleri”, Selçuk Üniversitesi Karaman İİBF Dergisi, Yıl: 9(10): 96-115.
  • YEŞİLYURT, M.E. (2008), “Sectoral Transformation Ratios (Isıc Revise 2 And Revise 3)”, Ege University Working Papers in Economics, No. 08 /08: 1-22.
  • YILMAZ, Ö. ve V. KAYA, (2008), “Bölgesel Kamu Harcamaları ve Bölgesel Ekonomik Büyüme İlişkisi: Türkiye İçin Panel Veri Analizi”, Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, C.12(2): 412-426.
  • YÜLEK, M.A. (1997), “İçsel Büyüme Teorileri, Gelişmekte Olan Ülkeler ve Kamu Politikaları Üzerine”, Hazine Dergisi, Sayı: 6: 1–15.


Year 2011, Volume: 20 Issue: 2, 223 - 242, 01.06.2011


İçsel Büyüme Teorilerinde TFV ile beşeri sermaye arasında pozitif bir ilişki olduğu ileri sürülmektedir. Bu çalışmada TFV ile beşeri sermaye arasındaki bu ilişki Türkiye imalat sanayi örnekleminde araştırılmıştır. Elde edilen bulgulara göre; yüksek ve orta düzey teknolojili sektörler ile yüksek teknolojili sektörlerde TFV ile beşeri sermaye arasında pozitif ilişkiye rastlanmıştır. Ancak bu ilişki yüksek düzeyli eğitimli personel için bulunamamış; orta ve alt düzey eğitimli personel için saptanmıştır. Bu bulgular, ele alınan dönem için Türkiye’de henüz yeterince beşeri sermaye faktöründen yararlanılmadığını göstermektedir.


  • AGHION, P. and P. HOWITT (1992), “A Model of Growth Through Creative Destruction”, Econometrica, Vol. 60(2): 323–351.
  • ATEŞ, S., (1998), Yeni İçsel Büyüme Teorileri ve Türkiye Ekonomisinin Büyüme Dinamiklerinin Analizi, Çukurova Üni. SBE Doktora Tezi, Adana.
  • AY, A. ve P.YARDIMCI (2008), “Türkiye‟de Beşeri Sermaye Birikimine Dayalı Ak Tipi İçsel Ekonomik Büyümenin Var Modeli İle Analizi (1950–2000)”, Maliye Dergisi, Sayı:155: 39–54.
  • BAIER, S.L., G.P. DWYER and R. TAMURA (2005), “How Important Are Capital and Total Factor Productivity for Economic Growth?”, FRB Atlanta Working Paper, No. 2002-02: 1-66. erişim tarihi: 03.07.2010.
  • BALLOT, G., F. FAKHFAKH and E. TAYMAZ (2001), “Firms‟ Human capital, R&D and Performance: A Study on French and Swedish Firms”, Labour Economics, No. 8: 443-462.
  • BECKER, G.S., K.M. MURPHY ve R. TAMURA (1990), “Human Capital, Fertility and Economic Growth”, Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 98(5): 12–37.
  • BENHABIB, J. and M. M. SPIEGEL (1994), “The Role of Human Capital in Economic Development Evidence from Aggregate Cross-Country Data”, Journal of Monetary Economics, No. 34: 143–173.
  • BLACK, S.E. and L.M. LYNCH (1996), “Human-Capital Investments and Productivity”, The American Economic Review, Vol. 86(2): 263–267.
  • COE, D.T. and E. HELPMAN (1995), “International R&D Spillovers”, European Economic Review, Vol. 39: 859-887.
  • EICHER, T.S. (1996), “Interaction Between Endogenous Human Capital and Technological Change”, Review of Economic Studies, Vol. 63: 127-144.
  • ENGELBRECHT, H.J. (1997), “International R&D Spillovers, Human Capital and Productivity in OECD Economies: An Epirical Investigation”, European Economic Review, Vol. 41: 1479–1488.
  • ERCAN, N.Y. (2002), “İçsel Büyüme Teorisi: genel Bir Bakış”, DPT Planlama Dergisi, erişim:05.04.2011. Yıl Özel Sayı, s.129-138.
  • FRANTZEN, D. (2000) “R&D, Human Capital and International Technology Spillovers: A Cross-country Analysis”, Scand. J of Economics, Vol. 102(1): 57–75.
  • GENÇ, M. C. ve Y. ATASOY (2010), “Ar&Ge Harcamaları ve Ekonomik Büyüme İlişkisi: Panel Veri Analizi”, The Journal of Knowledge Economy and Management, Cilt: V(II): 15-22. erişim tarihi: 04.04.2011.
  • GENÇ, M.C., M.K. DEĞER ve M. BERBER (2009), “Beşeri Sermaye, İhracat ve ekonomik Büyüme: Türkiye Ekonomisi Üzerine Nedensellik Analizi”, Uluslar arası 7. Bilgi, Ekonomi ve Yönetim Kongresi, Yalova, 48-60.
  • GREENE, W.H. (2002), Econometric Analysis, 5th Edition, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, USA.
  • GROSSMAN G. H. and E. HELPMAN (1989), “Product Development and International Trade ”, The Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 97(6 ): 1261-1283.
  • GROSSMAN G. H. and E. HELPMAN (1990), “Comparative Advantage and Long- Run Growth”, The American Economic Review, Vol. 80(4): 796-815.
  • GÜRAK, H. (2006), “Yaratıcı Zihinsel Emek ve Teknolojik Yenilikler”, 05.07.2010 erişim:
  • KİBRİTÇİOĞLU, A. (1998), “İktisadi Büyümenin Belirleyicileri ve Yeni Büyüme Modellerinde Beşeri Sermayenin Yeri”, A.Ü. Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi Dergisi, Cilt.53(1-4): 207-230.
  • KÖK, R. ve E. DELİKTAŞ (2003), Endüstri İktisadında verimlilik Ölçme ve Strateji Geliştirme Teknikleri, DEÜ İİBF Yay., İzmir. KÖK, R. ve N. ŞİMŞEK (2011), “Panel Veri Analizi”, 5.04.2011 erişim:
  • KYRIACOU, G.A. (1991), “Level and Growth Effects of Human Capital: A Cross- Country Study”, Economic Research Reports, No.91–26: 1–31.
  • LIPSEY, R.G. and K.I. CARLAW (2004) “Total Factor Productivity and the Measurement of Technological Change”, The Canadian Journal of Economics, Vol. 37(4): 1118–1150.
  • Lucas, R.E., (1988), “On the Mechanics of Economic Development”, Journal of Monetary Economics, Vol. 22: 3-32.
  • MAUDOS, J., J.M. PASTOR and L. SERRANO (1999), “Total Factor Productivity Measurement and Human Capital in OECD Countries”, Economics Letters, No. 63: 39–44.
  • MILLER, S.M. and M.P. UPADHYAY (1997), “The Effects of Trade Orientation and Human Capital on Total Factor Productivity”, Department of Economics Working Paper Series, No. 1997–07: 1–40., erişim tarihi: 08.01.2010
  • MILLER, S.M. and M.P. UPADHYAY (2002), “Total Factor Productivity, Human Capital and Outward Orientation: Differences by Stage of Ddevelopment and Geographic Regions”, Department of Economics Working Paper Series, No. 2002–33: 1–37.
  • NADIRI, M. I. (1973), “International Studies of Factor Inputs and Total Factor Productivity: A Brief Survey”, Review of Income and Wealth, Vol. 19(4): 129–154.
  • ÖZSOY, C. (2007)“Türkiye‟de Eğitim ve İktisadi Büyüme Arasındaki İlişkinin Var Modeli ile Analizi” Bilgi Ekonomi ve Yönetim Kongresi, Eskişehir, 1-13.
  • PACK, H. (1994), “Endogenous Growth Theory: Intellectual Appeal and Empirical Shortcomings”, The Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol. 8(1): 55–72.
  • PRESCOTT, E.C. (1997), “Needed: A Theory of Total Factor Productivity”, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Research Department Staff Report, No. 242: 1–52, 05.07.2010. erişim
  • REBELO, S. (1991), “Long-Run Policy Analysis and Long-Run Growth”, Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 99(3): 500–521.
  • ROMER, P. (1986), “Increasing Return and Long-Run Growth”, Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 94(5): 1002-1037.
  • SARGENT, T.C. and E.R. RODRİGUEZ (2001), “Labour or Total Factor Productivity: Do We Need to Choose?”, Department of Finance Working Papers, No.01–04: 1–14.
  • SAYGILI, Ş. (2003), Bilgi Ekonomisine Geçiş Sürecinde Türkiye Ekonomisinin Dünyadaki Konumu, DPT Yay, No: 2675: 1-121
  • SUN, H. and A. PARIKH (2001), “Exports, Inward Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and Regional Economic Growth in China”, Regional Studies, Vol. 35(3): 187–196.
  • YARDIMCI, P. (2006), “İçsel Büyüme Modelleri ve Türkiye Ekonomisinde İçsel Büyümenin Dinamikleri”, Selçuk Üniversitesi Karaman İİBF Dergisi, Yıl: 9(10): 96-115.
  • YEŞİLYURT, M.E. (2008), “Sectoral Transformation Ratios (Isıc Revise 2 And Revise 3)”, Ege University Working Papers in Economics, No. 08 /08: 1-22.
  • YILMAZ, Ö. ve V. KAYA, (2008), “Bölgesel Kamu Harcamaları ve Bölgesel Ekonomik Büyüme İlişkisi: Türkiye İçin Panel Veri Analizi”, Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, C.12(2): 412-426.
  • YÜLEK, M.A. (1997), “İçsel Büyüme Teorileri, Gelişmekte Olan Ülkeler ve Kamu Politikaları Üzerine”, Hazine Dergisi, Sayı: 6: 1–15.
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Yrd. Doç.dr. Abdulvahap Özcan This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2011
Submission Date December 29, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2011 Volume: 20 Issue: 2


APA Özcan, Y. D. A. (2011). TÜRKİYE İMALAT SANAYİNDE TOPLAM FAKTÖR VERİMLİLİĞİ VE BEŞERİ SERMAYE İLİŞKİSİ. Çukurova Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 20(2), 223-242.