Writing Rules


      Writing Language

      The language of the journal is Turkey Turkish. However, we also publish the articles written in the other Turkish dialects and other languages provided that they have gone through an effective editing process before submission.

      Article Publishing Terms

     It is expected that the submitted article is not currently under consideration for another publication and has not been published before. The scholarly work to be submitted to our journal should fill various gaps in the relevant field and introduce a new scientific method or technique. Works of translation and reviews are also welcome.


All submissions are first reviewed by members of the core editorial board. Manuscripts which do not meet the format requirements of the journal are sent back to the author(s) for revision. Those manuscripts which are accepted for review are first subject to plagiarism check with the iThenticate and then sent to at least two reviewers. In case one of the reviewers report is negative a third reviewer is approached and his/her report is taken into account.

      Author Guidelines

    a) Title: It should reflect the content of the article and should be written in bold and capital letters. Turkish and English titles each should not exceed 12 words.

   b) Authors’ Names: The names and surnames of the authors should be written in bold, and their surnames should be indicated in capital letters. The authors’ affiliation and e-mail adresses should be represented with the symbol 1 as a footnote on the first page.

     c) Abstract: It should be between 300 and 500 words. 3 to 7 keywords should be written in the line at the end of the abstract. English abstract should be provided after the abstract in the language of the article. Turkish abstract is required for the articles written in English. Abstract should be 10 pt and single line spacing (6nk).

     d) Article Text: It should be written in 11 font size, with single line spacing (6nk), using Times New Roman font (If another font is used because of translation works, etc., then both the font and the .pdf format of the document should be uploaded to the system.) on an A4-page (27cmx19cm) in MS Word. The footnotes should be written in Italics and justified with 10 font size (Onk). Introduction, body and conclusion paragraphs should constitute the main headings of the manuscript lines and the methods and design of research should be written as sub-titles in the body paragraph. 

   e) In-Text Citation: In-text citations should be indicated in parantheses. Footnotes can be used for explanations but not for citations. Direct quotations should be written in quotation marks. Citations not exceeding 2.5 lines should be between the lines, and citations longer than 2.5 lines should be written as a block, with the 1 line spacing, and it should be written 0,5 cm intented from left and right in the line and should be 1 font size smaller than the text itself.


Sources with one author:

(Aksan, 2000, p. 200)

More than one publications of the same author in the same year:

(Aksan, 2000a; Aksan, 2000b ....)

Sources with more than one author:

                        (Vardar et. al. 1988, p. 20)

      f) References: It should be at the end of the article. It should be put in order starting with the surnames first. If there is more than three authors of the source, then the abbreviation et. al. should be used after the first author’s surname. The names of the books and journals should be written in Italics. If there is any, the name of the translator or editor should be written after the name of the work. In the process of writing the bibliography, click here to get help from the 6th version of the APA style.

       Submitting the Articles

       The texts that have been prepared in accordance with the layout and format of the journal should be uploaded to the system at https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/cutad. All article processing work is done through this system. The texts which are sent back for revision should be sent to process monitoring section in the same system within 1 month at the latest following the revision.

       Using the template attached to Çukurova University Journal of Turkology Studies (ÇÜTAD), you can avoid problems pertaining to the layout configurations during the transfer of the document. You are expected to use the template before you upload your article. To access the template, please click here.


     Çukurova University Journal of Turkology Studies retains the copyright of the published works. The intellectual and scientific responsibility of the articles rest on the authors while legal responsibility of the translations belong to the translators. The copyright of the works with more than one author is retained by the first author. The quotations and photographs can be cited by citing the source. To access the copyright form, please click here. ÇÜTAD does not charge any fee for printing or evaluation process.

Last Update Time: 1/10/25, 11:21:42 AM