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Importance of Religious Activities in Aging from the Point of View of Social Support

Year 2004, Volume: 2 Issue: 5, 81 - 99, 01.01.2004



  • Ainlay, S. C., Singleton, R. Jr., &: Swigert, V. L. (1992). Aging and religious participation: Re­ considering the effects of health. Journal far the Scienific Study of Religion, 31 (2), 175-188.
  • Aldridge, j. (1993). Self esteem, loving yourself at eveıy age. Birmingham: Doxa Books.
  • Argyle, M., &: Beit-Hallahmi, B. (1975) . The social psychology of religion. London: Routledge &: Kegan Paul.
  • Ataç, F. (1991). İnsan yaşamında psikolojik gelişim. İstanbul: Beta Yayınevi
  • Billig, N. (2000). Üçüncü bahar, yaşlılık ve bilgelik (çe v. Gültekin Yazgan). İstanbul: Evrim Yay. Comfort, A. (1972 ). Yaşaın yaşlılık (çev. Armağan İlkin). lstanbul: Gelişim Yay.
  • Commerford, M. C., &: Reznikoff, M. (1996). Relationship of religion and perceived social support to self-esteem and depression in nursing home resident. Journal of Psychology Inter-disciplinary & Applied, 130 (1), 35-51.
  • Cox, H. G. &: Hammonds, A. (1988). Religiosity, aging, and life satisfaction. Joıırnal of Religion and Aging, 5 (1-2), 1-21.
  • Duman, A. (1999). Yetişkinler eğitimi, Ankara: Ütopya Yayınevi
  • Easterbrook, G. (1999). Faith healers. New Republic, 221 (3/4) , 20-24.
  • Elias, J. L. (1982). The foundations and practice of adult religious education. Florida: Robert E Krieger Pub. Company.
  • Ellison, C. G., &: George, L. K. (1994). Religious involvement, social ties, and social support in a southeastern community. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 33 (1), 46-61.
  • Harris, D. K., &: Cole, W. E. (1980) . Sociology of aging. Florida: Houghton Mifflin.
  • Hays, J. C., Landerman, L. R., Blazer, D. G., Koenig, H. G., Carroll, J. W., & Musick, M. A. (1998). Aging, health, and the 'electronic church'. Journal of Aging & Health, 1O (4), 458-482.
  • Hurlock, E. (1995) . Yaşlılık döneminde dini ilgiler (çev. Naci Kula). Uludağ Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi. 4 (4), 343-346.
  • İmamoğlu, O. (1999). Some corraletes of religiosity among Turkish adults and elderly within a cross - cultural perspective. In L. Eugene Thomas & Susan A. Eisenhander (Eds.), Religion, Belief, and Spirituality in Late Life (pp. 93-110). New York Spiringer.
  • Johnson, T. R. (1995) . The Significance of religion for aging well. Amerian Behavioral Scientist, 39 (2), 186-209 .
  • Koenig, H. G. (1994). Aging and god, spiıitual pathways to mental health in midlif e and later years. New York: The Haworth Pastoral Press.
  • Köktaş, M. E. (1993) . Türkiye'de dini hayat. İstanbul: İşaret Yay.
  • Kollar, N. (1988). Personality theories, religious education and older adults. In J. L. Elias (Ed.), Religious Education in Adulthood 35-50 . New Haven: Religious Education Association of USA and Canada.
  • Litwin, H., &: Landau, R. (2000). Social network type and social support among the old-old. Journal of Aging Studies, 14 (2), 213-229.
  • Maves, P. B. (1971). Religious development in adulthood. In M. P. Strommen (Ed.), Research on Religious Development: A Comprehensive Handbook (pp. 777-793). New Yorlc Hawthom Books Inc.
  • McKenzie, L. (1986). The purpose and scope of adult religious education. In N. T.
  • Foltz (Ed.), Handbook of Adult Religious Education (p p. 7-23). Birmingham, Alabama: Religious Education Press.
  • Mehta, K. K. (1997). The impact of religious beliefs and practices on aging a cross - cultural comparision. Aging Studies, 11 (2), 101-115.
  • Musick, M. A. (2000). Religious activity, alcohol use, and depression in a sample of elderly baptists. Research on Aging, 22 (2), 91-117.
  • Onur, B. (1995) . Gelişim psikolojisi: Yetişkinlik, yaşlılık, ölüm. Ankara: İmge Kitabevi.
  • Palouitzian, R. F. (1996). Invitation to the psychology of religion. Bostan: Allyn and Bacon.
  • Payne, B.. P. (1990). Research and theoretical approaches to spirituality and aging, Generations, 14 (4), 11-15.
  • Reitzes, D. C. &: Mutran, E. J. (1995). Activities and self esteem . Research on Aging, 17 (3), 260-278.
  • Shand, J. D. (2000). The Effects of life experiences over a 50-year period on the certainty of belief and disbelief in God. International Journal for the Psychology of Religion, 10 (2), 85-101.
  • Siebert, D. C. &: Mutran, E. J. (1999) . Friendship and social support: The importance of role identity to aging adults. Social Work, 44 (6), 522-534.
  • Taplamacıoğlu, M. (1962). Yaşlara göre dini yaşayışın şiddet ve kesafeti üzerine bir anket. Ankara Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 10, 140-151.
  • Vogel, L. J. (1984). The religious educalion of older adults. Birmingham Alabama: Religious Education Press.
  • Zom, C. R., &: Johnson, M. T. (1997). Religious well-being in noninstitutionalized elderly women. Health Care for Women lnternational, 18 (3), 209-220.

Yaşlılık Döneminde Dini Etkinliklerin Sosyal destek Sağlama Açısından Önemi

Year 2004, Volume: 2 Issue: 5, 81 - 99, 01.01.2004


Yaşlılık dönemi ile din ve ruhani hayat arasındaki ilişkiyi konu alan çalışmalarda 1940'lı yıllardan itibaren artış görülmektedir. Bu araştırmalar dinin, yaşlılık dönemindeki bireyler için daha anlamlı olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır. Din, Yaşlıların hem bireysel hem de sosyal hayatlarında olumlu etkiler meydana getirmektedir. Dini inancın, Yaşlıların hayatlarında, ölüm korkusunu hafişetme, arkadaşlık temin etme, dini etkinliklere içten bir kabul gösterme ve ihtiyaç durumunda kendisine yardım edilmesi gibi pek çok faydaları bulunmaktadır. İbadet ve dini etkinliklere katılım, yaşlılık dönemindeki bireylerin topluma uyum sağlamalarına önemli katkılarda bulunmaktadır. Dini inanaç ve uygulamalar yaşlı bireylere sosyal ilişkiler fırsatı sunmak suretiyle onların özgüven ve toplum desteği kazanmalarına imkan sağlamaktadır. Dini etkinliklere katılmak suretiyle yaşlılar çevrelerinden sevgi, saygı ve destek görerek yaşlılık döneminin sorunlarıyla daha kolay başa çıkmaktadırlar.


  • Ainlay, S. C., Singleton, R. Jr., &: Swigert, V. L. (1992). Aging and religious participation: Re­ considering the effects of health. Journal far the Scienific Study of Religion, 31 (2), 175-188.
  • Aldridge, j. (1993). Self esteem, loving yourself at eveıy age. Birmingham: Doxa Books.
  • Argyle, M., &: Beit-Hallahmi, B. (1975) . The social psychology of religion. London: Routledge &: Kegan Paul.
  • Ataç, F. (1991). İnsan yaşamında psikolojik gelişim. İstanbul: Beta Yayınevi
  • Billig, N. (2000). Üçüncü bahar, yaşlılık ve bilgelik (çe v. Gültekin Yazgan). İstanbul: Evrim Yay. Comfort, A. (1972 ). Yaşaın yaşlılık (çev. Armağan İlkin). lstanbul: Gelişim Yay.
  • Commerford, M. C., &: Reznikoff, M. (1996). Relationship of religion and perceived social support to self-esteem and depression in nursing home resident. Journal of Psychology Inter-disciplinary & Applied, 130 (1), 35-51.
  • Cox, H. G. &: Hammonds, A. (1988). Religiosity, aging, and life satisfaction. Joıırnal of Religion and Aging, 5 (1-2), 1-21.
  • Duman, A. (1999). Yetişkinler eğitimi, Ankara: Ütopya Yayınevi
  • Easterbrook, G. (1999). Faith healers. New Republic, 221 (3/4) , 20-24.
  • Elias, J. L. (1982). The foundations and practice of adult religious education. Florida: Robert E Krieger Pub. Company.
  • Ellison, C. G., &: George, L. K. (1994). Religious involvement, social ties, and social support in a southeastern community. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 33 (1), 46-61.
  • Harris, D. K., &: Cole, W. E. (1980) . Sociology of aging. Florida: Houghton Mifflin.
  • Hays, J. C., Landerman, L. R., Blazer, D. G., Koenig, H. G., Carroll, J. W., & Musick, M. A. (1998). Aging, health, and the 'electronic church'. Journal of Aging & Health, 1O (4), 458-482.
  • Hurlock, E. (1995) . Yaşlılık döneminde dini ilgiler (çev. Naci Kula). Uludağ Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi. 4 (4), 343-346.
  • İmamoğlu, O. (1999). Some corraletes of religiosity among Turkish adults and elderly within a cross - cultural perspective. In L. Eugene Thomas & Susan A. Eisenhander (Eds.), Religion, Belief, and Spirituality in Late Life (pp. 93-110). New York Spiringer.
  • Johnson, T. R. (1995) . The Significance of religion for aging well. Amerian Behavioral Scientist, 39 (2), 186-209 .
  • Koenig, H. G. (1994). Aging and god, spiıitual pathways to mental health in midlif e and later years. New York: The Haworth Pastoral Press.
  • Köktaş, M. E. (1993) . Türkiye'de dini hayat. İstanbul: İşaret Yay.
  • Kollar, N. (1988). Personality theories, religious education and older adults. In J. L. Elias (Ed.), Religious Education in Adulthood 35-50 . New Haven: Religious Education Association of USA and Canada.
  • Litwin, H., &: Landau, R. (2000). Social network type and social support among the old-old. Journal of Aging Studies, 14 (2), 213-229.
  • Maves, P. B. (1971). Religious development in adulthood. In M. P. Strommen (Ed.), Research on Religious Development: A Comprehensive Handbook (pp. 777-793). New Yorlc Hawthom Books Inc.
  • McKenzie, L. (1986). The purpose and scope of adult religious education. In N. T.
  • Foltz (Ed.), Handbook of Adult Religious Education (p p. 7-23). Birmingham, Alabama: Religious Education Press.
  • Mehta, K. K. (1997). The impact of religious beliefs and practices on aging a cross - cultural comparision. Aging Studies, 11 (2), 101-115.
  • Musick, M. A. (2000). Religious activity, alcohol use, and depression in a sample of elderly baptists. Research on Aging, 22 (2), 91-117.
  • Onur, B. (1995) . Gelişim psikolojisi: Yetişkinlik, yaşlılık, ölüm. Ankara: İmge Kitabevi.
  • Palouitzian, R. F. (1996). Invitation to the psychology of religion. Bostan: Allyn and Bacon.
  • Payne, B.. P. (1990). Research and theoretical approaches to spirituality and aging, Generations, 14 (4), 11-15.
  • Reitzes, D. C. &: Mutran, E. J. (1995). Activities and self esteem . Research on Aging, 17 (3), 260-278.
  • Shand, J. D. (2000). The Effects of life experiences over a 50-year period on the certainty of belief and disbelief in God. International Journal for the Psychology of Religion, 10 (2), 85-101.
  • Siebert, D. C. &: Mutran, E. J. (1999) . Friendship and social support: The importance of role identity to aging adults. Social Work, 44 (6), 522-534.
  • Taplamacıoğlu, M. (1962). Yaşlara göre dini yaşayışın şiddet ve kesafeti üzerine bir anket. Ankara Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 10, 140-151.
  • Vogel, L. J. (1984). The religious educalion of older adults. Birmingham Alabama: Religious Education Press.
  • Zom, C. R., &: Johnson, M. T. (1997). Religious well-being in noninstitutionalized elderly women. Health Care for Women lnternational, 18 (3), 209-220.
There are 34 citations in total.


Other ID JA69HE28SC
Journal Section Articles

M. Akif Kılavuz This is me

Publication Date January 1, 2004
Published in Issue Year 2004 Volume: 2 Issue: 5


APA Kılavuz, M. A. (2004). Yaşlılık Döneminde Dini Etkinliklerin Sosyal destek Sağlama Açısından Önemi. Değerler Eğitimi Dergisi, 2(5), 81-99.