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A Critique of Values on Mathematics Education

Year 2004, Volume: 2 Issue: 7, 65 - 79, 20.07.2004



  • Kaynakça
  • Anderman E. M.. Yoon, K. S.. Roeser R., & Blunwnfeld P. (1995, March). Learning to value mathematics: Individual differences and classroom effects. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Indianapolis.
  • Bishop, A. J. (1992, September). Removing cultural barriers to numeracy. Paper presented at the National Conference of Australian Council for Adult Literacy, university of Sydney.
  • Bishop, A J. (1998). Mathematics teaching and values education-an intersection in need of research. http:/,/;fiz/pubIications/zdm/zdm991a-I.pdf web adresinden 3 Ekim 2004 tarihinde edinilmiştir.
  • Bishop, A. .J. (2000). Critical challenges in researching cultural issues in mathematics learning. Journal of Intercultural Studies, 23 (2), 119-131.
  • Bishop. A. J. (2000, August). Overcoming obstacles to the democratization of mathematics education. Paper presented at IIR Ninth International Congress on MathenY1tics education, Makuhari, Japan.
  • Bishop, A. .J. 12001). What values do you- teach when you teach mathematics? Teaching Children Mathematics. 7, 346-249.
  • Bishop, A. -J. (2002, April). Research, policy and practice: The case of value. Paper presented at the Biennial International Conference on Mathematics Education and Society, Helsingor, Denmark.
  • Bishop, A. J.. & Seah, W. T. (2002). Values, mathematics and society: Making the connections. web adresinden 10 Ekim 2004 tarihinde edinilmiştir.
  • Brooks, J. G. & Brooks, M. G. (1993). The search of understanding: The case for constructivist classrooms.
  • Burton, Leon H. (1998, August). An explicit or implicit curriculmn: Which is better for young children. Paper presented at the World Congress of the Organization Moncliale Pour L'Education Prescholire, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Campbell, R. .J., & Kyriakide.s, l.. (2000). The national curriculum and standards in schools: A comparative perspective. Comparative Education, 36, 383-395.
  • Clarkson, P. C., FitzSitnons. G. E., & Seal). W. T. (2004). Values relevant to mathematics? I'd like to see that. web adresinden 3 Ekim 2004 tarihinde edinilmiştir.
  • Davis, Philip J. & Hersh, R. (1983). The mathematical experience. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books.
  • Ernest, P (1991). The philosophy of mathematics edncation, London: Falmer Press.
  • Ernest, P. (1999). Is mathematics discovered or invented? Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal, 12 [Electronic -Journal].
  • Ernest. P. (1996). The nature of mathematics and teaching. Philosophy QI Mathematics Education Journal, 9 [Electronic Journal).
  • FitzSimons, G. E. , Bishop, A. J., Seah, W. T., & Clarkson, P. C. (1999). Conceptions of values and mathematics educational ed. by Australian primary teachers: Preliminary findings from VAMP. Paper presented at Australian Association for Research in Education Annual Conference, Melbourne, Australia.
  • FitzSimons, G. E., Bishop, A. J., Seah, W. T., & Clarkson, P. C. (2001). Values portrayed by mathematics teachers. (n C. Vale, J. Horvvood & J. Roumeliotis (Egls.), A mathematical odyssey (pp. Melbourne, Australia: The Mathematical Associaton of Victoria.
  • Golafshani. Nahid. (2002). Teacher's conceptions of mathematics and instructional practices. Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal, 15 [Electronic Journal.
  • Jurdak, M. (1999). The role of values in matheme tics education. Humanistic Mathematics Network Journal, 21, 39-45.
  • Learman, S. (1998). The intension/intention of teaching mathematics. In C. Kanes, M. Goos, & E. Warren (Eds.), Teaching mathematics in new times (pp. 29-44). Griffith University, Brisbane: Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia.
  • NCTM. (2000). Principles and standards for school mathematics. web adresinden 20 Ekim 2004 tarihinde edinilmiştir.
  • Sandholtz, J. H., Ringstaff, C. & Dwyer, D. C. (1997). Teaching with technology: Creating student centred classrooms. New York: Teachers College Press.
  • Seah, W. T., & Bishop, A. J. (2003). Values, mathematics and society: Making the.connection. Prime Number, 18 (3), 4-9.
  • Seah, W. T. (2000). Down from the ivory tower: Bringing research into the classroom-what (values) the mathematics textbook also teaches. web adresinden 20 Ekim 2004 tarihinde edinilmiştir.
  • Seah, W. T. (2001 Exploring issues of control over values teaching in the mathematics classroom. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Australian Association for Research in Education, Fremantle, Australia.
  • Seah W. T.. (2002). The perception of. and interaction with, value differences by imMigrant teachers of mathematics in two Australian secondary classrooms. Journal of Intercultural Studies, 23, 189-210.
  • Seah, W. T. , & Bishop, A. J. (2000, Nisan). Values in mathematics textbooks: A view through two Australasian regions. Paper presented at the 81st Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans.
  • Sosniac, L. A., Ethington, C. A. , & Varelas, M. (1991). Teaching mathematics without a coherent point of view: Findings from the IEA Second International Mathematics Study. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 23 (2), 119-131.
  • TTKB. (2004). MEB ilkögretim programları. web adresinclen 3 Ekim 2004 tarihinde edinilmiştir.

Matematik Eğitiminde Değerler Üzerine Bir Deneme

Year 2004, Volume: 2 Issue: 7, 65 - 79, 20.07.2004


Matematik, sosyal bilibmlerden farklı olarak değer-içermeyen (value-free) bir alan şekilde görülmektedir. Öğrenme ve öğretmeyle ilgili geliştirilen teorilerdeki farklılıklar, genel olarak eğitime, özel olarak matematik öğrenmeye uyarlandığında, bu genel görüşün aksine, matematiğin de kendine özgü farklı değerleri içeriğinin farkına varmamızı sağlamıştır. Bu makalede, öğrenme teorilerindeki farklılığın, matematik öğrenirken veya öğretirken nasıl çeşitli/farklı/zengin değerler ortaya çıkardığının farkına varmamızı sağlayacak bir takım ip uçları vermek amaçlanmıştır.


  • Kaynakça
  • Anderman E. M.. Yoon, K. S.. Roeser R., & Blunwnfeld P. (1995, March). Learning to value mathematics: Individual differences and classroom effects. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Indianapolis.
  • Bishop, A. J. (1992, September). Removing cultural barriers to numeracy. Paper presented at the National Conference of Australian Council for Adult Literacy, university of Sydney.
  • Bishop, A J. (1998). Mathematics teaching and values education-an intersection in need of research. http:/,/;fiz/pubIications/zdm/zdm991a-I.pdf web adresinden 3 Ekim 2004 tarihinde edinilmiştir.
  • Bishop, A. .J. (2000). Critical challenges in researching cultural issues in mathematics learning. Journal of Intercultural Studies, 23 (2), 119-131.
  • Bishop. A. J. (2000, August). Overcoming obstacles to the democratization of mathematics education. Paper presented at IIR Ninth International Congress on MathenY1tics education, Makuhari, Japan.
  • Bishop, A. .J. 12001). What values do you- teach when you teach mathematics? Teaching Children Mathematics. 7, 346-249.
  • Bishop, A. -J. (2002, April). Research, policy and practice: The case of value. Paper presented at the Biennial International Conference on Mathematics Education and Society, Helsingor, Denmark.
  • Bishop, A. J.. & Seah, W. T. (2002). Values, mathematics and society: Making the connections. web adresinden 10 Ekim 2004 tarihinde edinilmiştir.
  • Brooks, J. G. & Brooks, M. G. (1993). The search of understanding: The case for constructivist classrooms.
  • Burton, Leon H. (1998, August). An explicit or implicit curriculmn: Which is better for young children. Paper presented at the World Congress of the Organization Moncliale Pour L'Education Prescholire, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Campbell, R. .J., & Kyriakide.s, l.. (2000). The national curriculum and standards in schools: A comparative perspective. Comparative Education, 36, 383-395.
  • Clarkson, P. C., FitzSitnons. G. E., & Seal). W. T. (2004). Values relevant to mathematics? I'd like to see that. web adresinden 3 Ekim 2004 tarihinde edinilmiştir.
  • Davis, Philip J. & Hersh, R. (1983). The mathematical experience. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books.
  • Ernest, P (1991). The philosophy of mathematics edncation, London: Falmer Press.
  • Ernest, P. (1999). Is mathematics discovered or invented? Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal, 12 [Electronic -Journal].
  • Ernest. P. (1996). The nature of mathematics and teaching. Philosophy QI Mathematics Education Journal, 9 [Electronic Journal).
  • FitzSimons, G. E. , Bishop, A. J., Seah, W. T., & Clarkson, P. C. (1999). Conceptions of values and mathematics educational ed. by Australian primary teachers: Preliminary findings from VAMP. Paper presented at Australian Association for Research in Education Annual Conference, Melbourne, Australia.
  • FitzSimons, G. E., Bishop, A. J., Seah, W. T., & Clarkson, P. C. (2001). Values portrayed by mathematics teachers. (n C. Vale, J. Horvvood & J. Roumeliotis (Egls.), A mathematical odyssey (pp. Melbourne, Australia: The Mathematical Associaton of Victoria.
  • Golafshani. Nahid. (2002). Teacher's conceptions of mathematics and instructional practices. Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal, 15 [Electronic Journal.
  • Jurdak, M. (1999). The role of values in matheme tics education. Humanistic Mathematics Network Journal, 21, 39-45.
  • Learman, S. (1998). The intension/intention of teaching mathematics. In C. Kanes, M. Goos, & E. Warren (Eds.), Teaching mathematics in new times (pp. 29-44). Griffith University, Brisbane: Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia.
  • NCTM. (2000). Principles and standards for school mathematics. web adresinden 20 Ekim 2004 tarihinde edinilmiştir.
  • Sandholtz, J. H., Ringstaff, C. & Dwyer, D. C. (1997). Teaching with technology: Creating student centred classrooms. New York: Teachers College Press.
  • Seah, W. T., & Bishop, A. J. (2003). Values, mathematics and society: Making the.connection. Prime Number, 18 (3), 4-9.
  • Seah, W. T. (2000). Down from the ivory tower: Bringing research into the classroom-what (values) the mathematics textbook also teaches. web adresinden 20 Ekim 2004 tarihinde edinilmiştir.
  • Seah, W. T. (2001 Exploring issues of control over values teaching in the mathematics classroom. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Australian Association for Research in Education, Fremantle, Australia.
  • Seah W. T.. (2002). The perception of. and interaction with, value differences by imMigrant teachers of mathematics in two Australian secondary classrooms. Journal of Intercultural Studies, 23, 189-210.
  • Seah, W. T. , & Bishop, A. J. (2000, Nisan). Values in mathematics textbooks: A view through two Australasian regions. Paper presented at the 81st Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans.
  • Sosniac, L. A., Ethington, C. A. , & Varelas, M. (1991). Teaching mathematics without a coherent point of view: Findings from the IEA Second International Mathematics Study. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 23 (2), 119-131.
  • TTKB. (2004). MEB ilkögretim programları. web adresinclen 3 Ekim 2004 tarihinde edinilmiştir.
There are 31 citations in total.


Other ID JA84CD78FV
Journal Section Articles

Soner Durmuş

Publication Date July 20, 2004
Published in Issue Year 2004 Volume: 2 Issue: 7


APA Durmuş, S. (2004). Matematik Eğitiminde Değerler Üzerine Bir Deneme. Değerler Eğitimi Dergisi, 2(7), 65-79.