Use of Thermal Imaging Cameras to Identify Best Locations For Rail Temperature Monitoring Systems (RTMS): Development of Rapid Analysis Methods
Year 2024,
, 141 - 154, 31.07.2024
Ferhat Çeçen
Bekir Aktaş
Global warming and climate change are having an increasing impact around the world. The use of modern Rail Temperature Monitoring Systems (RTMS), which provide instantaneous/continuous data, has thus become a necessity for railways. However, there is uncertainty about where these measuring and monitoring devices will be located on the hundreds of kilometers of railway lines. Thermal cameras are expected to be useful in this area. Yet, there is a lack of studies in the literature on how these cameras can be used for rail temperature measurement. In this study, detailed measurements and analyses have been carried out on the subject and it has been found that it is more appropriate to take thermal images of the rail web, using the ambient air temperature value as the reflected temperature value in the analyses, and the average value of the rail web emission coefficient which is determined in the study can give results that are consistent with the actual rail temperature values.
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- [3] PEBS News Hour, “Heat Wave Causes Kinks in Rail Tracks,” 2010. [Online]. Available:
- [4] K. Dobney, “Quantifying the effects of an increasingly warmer climate with a view to improving the resilience of Great Britain's railway network: Is a new stressing regime the answer?,” PhD Thesis, University of Birmingham, Department of Engineering, School of Civil Engineering, 2010
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- [8] Climate Central, “Derailments May Increase as 'Sun Kinks' Buckle Tracks,” 2014. [Online]. Available:
- [9] K. Dobney, C. J. Baker, L. Chapman, A. D. Quinn, “The future cost to the United Kingdom’s railway network of heat-related delays and buckles caused by the predicted increase in high summer temperatures owing to climate change,” Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, vol. 224 (1), pp. 25-34, 2009, doi:
- [10] T. C. Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı, Ankara, Türkiye. Raylı Sistemler Teknolojisi: UKR (Uzun Kaynaklı Ray). (2013). Accessed: 10.01.2024. [Online]. Available:
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- [12] AMTRAK, “Weather & Rail Temperature Monitoring System, [Online]. Available: [Accessed 10.01.2024]
- [13] Railway Gazette International, “Northern Intelligent Train rail infrastructure monitoring demonstrator,” 2023. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 10.01.2024]
- [14] N. Mirkovic, L. Brajovic, Z. Popovic, G. Todorovic, L. Lazarevic, M. Petrovic, “Determination of temperature stresses in CWR based on measured rail surface temperatures,” Construction and Building Materials, vol. 284, ID: 122713
- [15] A. Berg., K. Öfjall, J. Ahlberg, M. Felsberg, “Detecting rails and obstacles using a train-mounted thermal camera,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 9127, 2015
- [16] O. Yaman, M. Karaköse, “Complex fuzzy automata based fault detection approach using thermal images in railways,” in International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Data Processing (IDAP), Malatya, Turkey, 28-30 September 2018, pp. 1-5
- [17] K. Stypułkowski, P. Gołda, K. Lewczuk, J. Tomaszewska, “Monitoring system for railway infrastructure elements based on thermal imaging analysis,” Sensors, vol. 21, ID: 3819, 2021
- [18] FILIR, Online documentation for FLIR Ex series, Reference documentation, Thermography (English), Accessed: 10.01.2024. [Online]. Available: Available [Online]:
Ray Sıcaklığı Takip Sistemleri (RSTS) için En Uygun Yerlerin Belirlenmesinde Termal Kameralardan Yararlanılması: Hızlı Analiz Metotları Geliştirilmesi
Year 2024,
, 141 - 154, 31.07.2024
Ferhat Çeçen
Bekir Aktaş
Küresel ısınma ve iklim değişikliği tüm dünyada etkisini artırmaktadır. Bu nedenle modern demiryollarında anlık/sürekli veri sağlayan ray sıcaklığı takip sistemlerinin (RSTS) kullanılması, artık bir gereklilik hâlini almıştır. Ancak söz konusu cihazların yüzlerce kilometrelik demiryolu hat kesimleri içerisinde nerelere konumlandırılacağı konusunda belirsizlikler söz konusudur. Termal kameraların bu alanda fayda sağlayabileceği öngörülmektedir. Bununla birlikte literatürde bu kameraların ray sıcaklığı ölçümünde hangi prosedürlerle kullanılabileceğine dair çalışmalar oldukça yetersizdir. Bu çalışmada konu hakkında detaylı ölçüm ve analizler gerçekleştirilmiş ve ray gövdesinden termal görüntü alınmasının daha uygun olduğu, analizlerinde yansıyan sıcaklık değeri olarak ortam hava sıcaklığı değerinin, ray gövdesi emisyon katsayısı olarak çalışma içerisinde belirlenen ortalama değerin kullanılmasının gerçek ray sıcaklığı değerleri ile örtüşen sonuçlar sağlayabildiği belirlenmiştir.
Bu çalışmalardaki katkılarından dolayı TCDD 4. Bölge Müdür Yrd. Sn. Suat OCAK’a, Yol Bak. Onr. Şefi ve Müh. Sn. Erdal MELEMEZ’e, Yol Servis Müd. Müh. Sn. Ahmet ELMA ve Ali PAMUKÇU’ya, TCDD Sivas Beton Trv. Fab. Müd. Yrd. Sn. Fatih ÖZALTIN’a ve Bak. Onr. Grup Müd. Sn. Ahmet DOĞAN’a teşekkürlerimizi sunarız.
- [1] N T. C. Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı, Ankara, Türkiye. Raylı Sistemler Teknolojisi: Demiryolu İnşaatı. (2011). Accessed: 10.01.2024. [Online]. Available:
- [2] E. Ferranti, L. Chapman, C. Lowe, S. McCulloch, D. Jaroszweski, A. Quinn, “Heat-related failures on southeast England’s railway network: Insights and implications for heat risk management,” Wea. Climate Soc., vol. 8, pp. 177–191, 2016, doi:
- [3] PEBS News Hour, “Heat Wave Causes Kinks in Rail Tracks,” 2010. [Online]. Available:
- [4] K. Dobney, “Quantifying the effects of an increasingly warmer climate with a view to improving the resilience of Great Britain's railway network: Is a new stressing regime the answer?,” PhD Thesis, University of Birmingham, Department of Engineering, School of Civil Engineering, 2010
- [5] Transportation Safety Board of Canada, “Railway Investigation Report R02M0050,” 2002. [Online]. Available:
- [6] CNN Türk, “Sıcaktan tren rayları bile genleşti!,” 2010. [Online]. Available:
- [7] I. V. Sanchis, R. I. Franco, P. M. Fernandez, P. S. Zuriaga, J. B. F. Torres, “Risk of increasing temperature due to climate change on highspeed rail network in Spain,” Transportation Research Part D, vol. 82, ID: 102312, 2020, doi:
- [8] Climate Central, “Derailments May Increase as 'Sun Kinks' Buckle Tracks,” 2014. [Online]. Available:
- [9] K. Dobney, C. J. Baker, L. Chapman, A. D. Quinn, “The future cost to the United Kingdom’s railway network of heat-related delays and buckles caused by the predicted increase in high summer temperatures owing to climate change,” Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, vol. 224 (1), pp. 25-34, 2009, doi:
- [10] T. C. Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı, Ankara, Türkiye. Raylı Sistemler Teknolojisi: UKR (Uzun Kaynaklı Ray). (2013). Accessed: 10.01.2024. [Online]. Available:
- [11] B. Işık, A. Cebeci, “Eddy-current fren sisteminin Türkiye’deki yüksek hızlı demiryolu hatları ile uyumunun analizi,” Demiryolu Mühendisliği, vol. 11, pp. 86-97, Ocak 2020.
- [12] AMTRAK, “Weather & Rail Temperature Monitoring System, [Online]. Available: [Accessed 10.01.2024]
- [13] Railway Gazette International, “Northern Intelligent Train rail infrastructure monitoring demonstrator,” 2023. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 10.01.2024]
- [14] N. Mirkovic, L. Brajovic, Z. Popovic, G. Todorovic, L. Lazarevic, M. Petrovic, “Determination of temperature stresses in CWR based on measured rail surface temperatures,” Construction and Building Materials, vol. 284, ID: 122713
- [15] A. Berg., K. Öfjall, J. Ahlberg, M. Felsberg, “Detecting rails and obstacles using a train-mounted thermal camera,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 9127, 2015
- [16] O. Yaman, M. Karaköse, “Complex fuzzy automata based fault detection approach using thermal images in railways,” in International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Data Processing (IDAP), Malatya, Turkey, 28-30 September 2018, pp. 1-5
- [17] K. Stypułkowski, P. Gołda, K. Lewczuk, J. Tomaszewska, “Monitoring system for railway infrastructure elements based on thermal imaging analysis,” Sensors, vol. 21, ID: 3819, 2021
- [18] FILIR, Online documentation for FLIR Ex series, Reference documentation, Thermography (English), Accessed: 10.01.2024. [Online]. Available: Available [Online]: