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Year 2010, Issue: 27, 38 - 49, 01.12.2010


The purpose of the study is firstly to describe disciplinary practices of mothers , secondly, to examine the relationship among these practices and child abuse. This study type is a descriptive research. The working group was consisted of 247 mothers. A questionnaire form made up of open-ended questions was used to gather data and the data obtained was analyzed SPSS program. The results revealed that verbal and physical methods were the frequently used disciplinary techniques by mothers in order to increase the positive and decrease the negative behaviors of children. Most of these punishments are accepts as child abuse to consult the relevant literature.


  • Achenbach, T.M., Edelbrock, C., Howell, C.T. (1987). Empirically based assessment of the behavioral/emotional problems of 2- and 3-year-old children. J Abnorm Child Psych, 15, 629–50.
  • Apel, R., Kaukinen, C. (2008). On the relationship between family structure and antisocial behavior: Parental cohabitation and blended households. Criminology, 46(1): 35-70.
  • Sadık, F. ve Saban, A.İ. (2008). Disiplin ve disiplin modelleri. Aktaş-Arnas, Y., Sadık, F. (Ed). Okul Öncesi Eğitimde Sınıf Yönetimi. (1. Baskı). Ankara: Kök Yayıncılık, 278- 319.
  • Aydoğmuş, K., Batlaş, A., Batlaş, Z., Davaslıgil, Ü., Güngörmüş, O. (2003). Ana-Baba Okulu. (10. baskı) İstanbul: Remzi Kitabevi, 17-21.
  • Balcı, A. (2001). Sosyal Bilimlerde Araştırma Yöntem, Teknik ve İlkeler.(1. Baskı). Ankara: Pegem Yayıncılık, 23, 92, 96.
  • Banks, J.B. (2002). Childhood discipline: Challenges for clinicians and parents. Am Fam Physician, 66, 1447-52.
  • Baran, G. (1999). Korunmaya Muhtaç Çocuk ve Benlik Kavramı. (1. Baskı). Ankara: Yaysan Matbaacılık A.Ş., 12-36.
  • Bilgin, A., Kartal, H. (2009). Anne-babaların kız ve erkek çocuklarına uyguladıkları şiddet içermeyen disiplin tekniklerinin türleri ve sıklıkları Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 2(6), 71-79.
  • Bilir, S., Arı, M., Dönmez, N.B.(1986). Physical abuse in 16000 children with 2-4 years of age. J Child Dev Edu, 1, 7-14.
  • Bower-Russa, M.E., Knutsoni, J.F., Winebarger, A. (2001). Disciplinary history, adult disciplinary attitudes and risk for abusive parenting. J Community Psychol, 29 (3): 219-40.
  • CHEO. (2003). Joint statement on physical punishment of children and youth 2003. http:// www (Erişim Tarihi: 2.01.2010).
  • Clement, M.E., Chamberland, C.(2007). Physical violence and psychological aggression towards children: Five year trends in practices and attitudes from two population surveys. Child Abuse Neglect , 31, 1001-11.
  • Deater-Deckard, K., Ivy, L., Petrill, S.A. (2006). Maternal warmth moderates the link between physical punishment and child externalizing problems:A parent—offspring behavior genetic analysis. Parent-Sci Pract, 6: 59–78.
  • Degnan, K.A., Calkins, S.D., Keane, S.P., Hill-Soderlund, S. (2008). Profiles of disruptive behavior across early childhood: Contributions of frustration reactivity, physiological regulation, and maternal behavior. Child Dev, 79, 1357–76.
  • Eamon, K.E. (2001). Antecedents and sociemotional consequences of physical punishment on children in two-parent families. Child Abuse Neglect, 6, 787-802.
  • Earls, F., McGuire, J., Shay, S. (1994). Evaluating a community intervention to reduce the risk of child abuse: Methodological strategies in conducting neighborhood surveys. Child Abuse Neglect, 18, 473-85.
  • Eisenberg, N., Losoya, S., Fabes, R.A. (2001). Parental socialization of children’s dysregulated expression of emotion and externalizing problems. J Fam Psychol, 15: 183-205.
  • Gardner, F., Ward, S. (2000). Parent–child interaction and children’s well-being: Reducing conduct problems and promoting conscience development. In A. Buchanan (Ed.), Promoting children’s emotional well-being . NewYork: Oxford University Pres, 2000: 95–127.
  • Gershoff, E.T. (2002). Corporal punishment by parents and associated child behaviors and experiences: A meta-analytic and theoretical review. Psychol Bull , 128, 539- 79.
  • Grusec, J.E., Goodnow, J.J. (1994). Impact of parental discipline methods on the child’s internalization of values: A reconceptualization of current points of view. Dev Psychology, 30: 4-19.
  • Hemenway, D., Solnick, S., Carter, J. (1994). Child rearing violence. Child Abuse Neglect, 18, 1011-20.
  • Howard, B.J. (1991). Discipline in early childhood. Pediatr Clin North Am, 38, 1351-69.
  • Hulei, E., Zevenbergen, A.A., & Jacobs, U.C. (2006). Discipline behaviors of Chinese American and European American mothers. J Psychol: Interdisciplinary and Applied, 140(5), 459–75.
  • Hunter, W.M., Jain, D., Sadowski, L.S., Sanhueza, A.I.(2000). Risk factors for severe child discipline practices in rural India. J Pediatr Psychol , 25 (6), 435-47.
  • Kartal, H., Bilgin, A. (2009). Anne-babaların kız ve erkek çocuklarına uyguladıkları psikolojik saldırganlık davranışları. Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 2(8):230-41.
  • Keenan, K., Shaw, D., Delliquadri, E., Giovannelli, J., & Walsh, B. (1998). Evidence for the continuity of early problem behaviors: Application of a developmental model. J Abnorm Child Psych, 26, 441–54.
  • Kerr, D.C.R., Lopez, N.L., Olson, S.L., Sameroff, A.J. (2004). Parental discipline and externalizing behavior problems in early childhood: The roles of moral regulation and child gender. J Abnorm Child Psych, 32(4), 369–83.
  • Kırcaali-İftar, G. (2005). How do Turkish mothers discipline children? An analysis from a behavioural perspective. Child Care Hlth Dev , 31 (2), 193-201.
  • Knutson, J.F., DeGarmo, D., Koeppl, G., Reid, J. B. (2005). Care neglect, supervisory neglect, and harsh parenting in the development of children’s aggression: A replication and extension. Child Maltreatment, 10, 92–107.
  • Korbin, J.E. (2002). Culture and child maltreatment: cultural competence and beyond. Child Abuse Neglect, 26, 637-44.
  • Kutlu, L., Batmaz, M., Bozkurt, G. (2007). Annelere çocukluklarında uygulanan ceza yöntemleri ile çocuklarına uyguladıkları ceza yöntemleri arasındaki ilişki. Anadolu Psikiyatr Derg , 8, 22-29.
  • Lansford, J.E., Deater-Deckard, K., Dodge, K.A., Bates, J.E., & Pettit, G.S. (2004). Ethnic differences in the link between physical discipline and later adolescent externalizing behaviors. J Child Psychol Psyc, 45(4), 801–12.
  • Lansford, J.E., Chang, L., Dodge, K.A, Malone, P.S., Oburu, P., & Palmerus, K. (2005). Physical discipline and children’s adjustment: Cultural normativeness as a moderator. Child Dev, 76, 1234–46.
  • Leiber, M.J., Mack, K.Y., Featherstone, R.A.(2009). Family structure, family processes, economic factors, and delinquency. Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, 7 (2): 79-99.
  • Mangır, M., Aral, N., Haktanır, G., Baran, G., Başar, F., Köksal, A. (1995).. Fiziksel yönden istismar edilen ve edilmeyen çocukların ana-baba tutumlarını algılayış şekillerinin incelenmesi.10. YA-PA Okul öncesi Eğitimi ve Yaygınlaştırılması Semineri, 81-98.
  • Oral, R., Can, D., Kaplan, S., Polat, S., Ates, N., Cetin, G. (2001). Child abuse in Turkey: an experience in overcoming denial and a description of 50 cases. Child Abuse Neglect, 25, 279-90.
  • Peterson, D., Esbensen, F.A., Taylor, T., Freng, A. (2007). Youth violence in context: The roles of sex, race and community in offending. Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, 5, 385-410.
  • Polaha, J., Larzelere, R.E., Shapiro S.K., Pettit, K. (2004). Physical discipline and child behavior problems: A study of ethnic group differences. Parent-Sci Pract, 4(4), 339– 60.
  • Polat-Unutkan, Ö. (2005). Okul öncesi dönemde sorumluluk eğitimi.(1. Baskı). İstanbul: Morpa Yayıncılık, 189-96.
  • Qasem, M., Kazem, N.A., Shah, N.M.(1998). Attitudes of Kuwaiti parents toward physical punishment of children. Child Abuse Neglect , 22(12), 1189-1202.
  • Rankin, J., Kern, R. (1994). Parental attachments and delinquency. Criminology, 32, 495-515.
  • Samuda, G.M. (1998). Child discipline and abuse in Hong Kong. Child Abuse Neglect, 12: 283-87.
  • Sheehan, M.J., Watson, M.W.(2008). Reciprocal influences between maternal discipline techniques and aggression in children and adolescents. Aggressive Behav, 34, 245–55.
  • Shor, R. (2000). Jewish immigrant parents from The Former Soviet Union: A method for studying their views of how to respond to children’s misbehavior. Child Abuse Neglect, 24, 353-62.
  • Smith, C., Krohn, M.(1995). Delinquency and family life among male adolescents: The role of ethnicity. J Youth Adolescence, 24, 69-93.
  • Socolar, R.S., Savage, E., Keyes-Elstein, L., Evans, H.(2005). Factors that affect parental disciplinary practices of children aged 12 to 19 months. South Med J , 98, 1181-91.
  • Straus, M.A., Stewart, J.H.(1999). Corporal punishment by American parents: National data on prevalence, chronicity, severity and duration in relation to Child and family characteristics. Clin Child Fam Psych , 2(2): 55-70.
  • Şimşek, F., Ulukol, B., Bingöler, B. (2004). Çocuk İstismarına Disiplin Penceresinden Bakış. Adli Bilimler Dergisi, 3 (1), 47 – 52.
  • Van Zeijl, J., Mesman, J., Van Ijzendoorn, M.H., Bakermans-Kranenburg, M.J., Juffer, F., Stolk, M.N., Koot, H.M., Alink, L.R.A. (2006). Attachment-based intervention for enhancing sensitive discipline in mothers of 1- to 3-year-old children at risk for externalizing behavior problems: A randomized controlled trial. J Consul Clin Psych , 74: 994–1005.
  • Wells, L.E., Rankin, J.H.(1991). Families and delinquency: A meta-analysis of the impact of broken homes. Soc Probl , 38, 71-93.
  • Yörükoğlu, A. (1998). Çocuk Ruh Sağlığı. (21. Baskı). İstanbul: Özgür Yayınları, Acar Matbaacılık A.Ş.,15-26.
  • Zolotor, A.J., Runyan, D.K.(2006). Social capital, family violence, and neglect. Pediatrics, 117, 1124–31.


Year 2010, Issue: 27, 38 - 49, 01.12.2010


Bu araştırmanın amacı, öncelikle annelerin uyguladıkları disiplin yöntemlerini belirlemek; ikinci olarak da bu uygulamaları çocuk istismarı açısından değerlendirmektir. Araştırma betimsel türdedir. Çalışma grubunu 247 anne oluşturmuştur. Veri toplamak amacı ile açık uçlu sorulardan oluşan anket formu kullanılmış ve elde edilen veriler SPSS programı ile değerlendirilmiştir. Sonuçlar çocukların olumlu davranışlarını artırmak, olumsuz davranışlarını azaltmak için annelerin hem sözel, hem de fiziksel cezalara başvurduklarını göstermiştir. İlgili literatür incelendiğinde bu cezaların çoğunun çocuk istismarı kapsamında ele alındığı belirlenmiştir.


  • Achenbach, T.M., Edelbrock, C., Howell, C.T. (1987). Empirically based assessment of the behavioral/emotional problems of 2- and 3-year-old children. J Abnorm Child Psych, 15, 629–50.
  • Apel, R., Kaukinen, C. (2008). On the relationship between family structure and antisocial behavior: Parental cohabitation and blended households. Criminology, 46(1): 35-70.
  • Sadık, F. ve Saban, A.İ. (2008). Disiplin ve disiplin modelleri. Aktaş-Arnas, Y., Sadık, F. (Ed). Okul Öncesi Eğitimde Sınıf Yönetimi. (1. Baskı). Ankara: Kök Yayıncılık, 278- 319.
  • Aydoğmuş, K., Batlaş, A., Batlaş, Z., Davaslıgil, Ü., Güngörmüş, O. (2003). Ana-Baba Okulu. (10. baskı) İstanbul: Remzi Kitabevi, 17-21.
  • Balcı, A. (2001). Sosyal Bilimlerde Araştırma Yöntem, Teknik ve İlkeler.(1. Baskı). Ankara: Pegem Yayıncılık, 23, 92, 96.
  • Banks, J.B. (2002). Childhood discipline: Challenges for clinicians and parents. Am Fam Physician, 66, 1447-52.
  • Baran, G. (1999). Korunmaya Muhtaç Çocuk ve Benlik Kavramı. (1. Baskı). Ankara: Yaysan Matbaacılık A.Ş., 12-36.
  • Bilgin, A., Kartal, H. (2009). Anne-babaların kız ve erkek çocuklarına uyguladıkları şiddet içermeyen disiplin tekniklerinin türleri ve sıklıkları Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 2(6), 71-79.
  • Bilir, S., Arı, M., Dönmez, N.B.(1986). Physical abuse in 16000 children with 2-4 years of age. J Child Dev Edu, 1, 7-14.
  • Bower-Russa, M.E., Knutsoni, J.F., Winebarger, A. (2001). Disciplinary history, adult disciplinary attitudes and risk for abusive parenting. J Community Psychol, 29 (3): 219-40.
  • CHEO. (2003). Joint statement on physical punishment of children and youth 2003. http:// www (Erişim Tarihi: 2.01.2010).
  • Clement, M.E., Chamberland, C.(2007). Physical violence and psychological aggression towards children: Five year trends in practices and attitudes from two population surveys. Child Abuse Neglect , 31, 1001-11.
  • Deater-Deckard, K., Ivy, L., Petrill, S.A. (2006). Maternal warmth moderates the link between physical punishment and child externalizing problems:A parent—offspring behavior genetic analysis. Parent-Sci Pract, 6: 59–78.
  • Degnan, K.A., Calkins, S.D., Keane, S.P., Hill-Soderlund, S. (2008). Profiles of disruptive behavior across early childhood: Contributions of frustration reactivity, physiological regulation, and maternal behavior. Child Dev, 79, 1357–76.
  • Eamon, K.E. (2001). Antecedents and sociemotional consequences of physical punishment on children in two-parent families. Child Abuse Neglect, 6, 787-802.
  • Earls, F., McGuire, J., Shay, S. (1994). Evaluating a community intervention to reduce the risk of child abuse: Methodological strategies in conducting neighborhood surveys. Child Abuse Neglect, 18, 473-85.
  • Eisenberg, N., Losoya, S., Fabes, R.A. (2001). Parental socialization of children’s dysregulated expression of emotion and externalizing problems. J Fam Psychol, 15: 183-205.
  • Gardner, F., Ward, S. (2000). Parent–child interaction and children’s well-being: Reducing conduct problems and promoting conscience development. In A. Buchanan (Ed.), Promoting children’s emotional well-being . NewYork: Oxford University Pres, 2000: 95–127.
  • Gershoff, E.T. (2002). Corporal punishment by parents and associated child behaviors and experiences: A meta-analytic and theoretical review. Psychol Bull , 128, 539- 79.
  • Grusec, J.E., Goodnow, J.J. (1994). Impact of parental discipline methods on the child’s internalization of values: A reconceptualization of current points of view. Dev Psychology, 30: 4-19.
  • Hemenway, D., Solnick, S., Carter, J. (1994). Child rearing violence. Child Abuse Neglect, 18, 1011-20.
  • Howard, B.J. (1991). Discipline in early childhood. Pediatr Clin North Am, 38, 1351-69.
  • Hulei, E., Zevenbergen, A.A., & Jacobs, U.C. (2006). Discipline behaviors of Chinese American and European American mothers. J Psychol: Interdisciplinary and Applied, 140(5), 459–75.
  • Hunter, W.M., Jain, D., Sadowski, L.S., Sanhueza, A.I.(2000). Risk factors for severe child discipline practices in rural India. J Pediatr Psychol , 25 (6), 435-47.
  • Kartal, H., Bilgin, A. (2009). Anne-babaların kız ve erkek çocuklarına uyguladıkları psikolojik saldırganlık davranışları. Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 2(8):230-41.
  • Keenan, K., Shaw, D., Delliquadri, E., Giovannelli, J., & Walsh, B. (1998). Evidence for the continuity of early problem behaviors: Application of a developmental model. J Abnorm Child Psych, 26, 441–54.
  • Kerr, D.C.R., Lopez, N.L., Olson, S.L., Sameroff, A.J. (2004). Parental discipline and externalizing behavior problems in early childhood: The roles of moral regulation and child gender. J Abnorm Child Psych, 32(4), 369–83.
  • Kırcaali-İftar, G. (2005). How do Turkish mothers discipline children? An analysis from a behavioural perspective. Child Care Hlth Dev , 31 (2), 193-201.
  • Knutson, J.F., DeGarmo, D., Koeppl, G., Reid, J. B. (2005). Care neglect, supervisory neglect, and harsh parenting in the development of children’s aggression: A replication and extension. Child Maltreatment, 10, 92–107.
  • Korbin, J.E. (2002). Culture and child maltreatment: cultural competence and beyond. Child Abuse Neglect, 26, 637-44.
  • Kutlu, L., Batmaz, M., Bozkurt, G. (2007). Annelere çocukluklarında uygulanan ceza yöntemleri ile çocuklarına uyguladıkları ceza yöntemleri arasındaki ilişki. Anadolu Psikiyatr Derg , 8, 22-29.
  • Lansford, J.E., Deater-Deckard, K., Dodge, K.A., Bates, J.E., & Pettit, G.S. (2004). Ethnic differences in the link between physical discipline and later adolescent externalizing behaviors. J Child Psychol Psyc, 45(4), 801–12.
  • Lansford, J.E., Chang, L., Dodge, K.A, Malone, P.S., Oburu, P., & Palmerus, K. (2005). Physical discipline and children’s adjustment: Cultural normativeness as a moderator. Child Dev, 76, 1234–46.
  • Leiber, M.J., Mack, K.Y., Featherstone, R.A.(2009). Family structure, family processes, economic factors, and delinquency. Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, 7 (2): 79-99.
  • Mangır, M., Aral, N., Haktanır, G., Baran, G., Başar, F., Köksal, A. (1995).. Fiziksel yönden istismar edilen ve edilmeyen çocukların ana-baba tutumlarını algılayış şekillerinin incelenmesi.10. YA-PA Okul öncesi Eğitimi ve Yaygınlaştırılması Semineri, 81-98.
  • Oral, R., Can, D., Kaplan, S., Polat, S., Ates, N., Cetin, G. (2001). Child abuse in Turkey: an experience in overcoming denial and a description of 50 cases. Child Abuse Neglect, 25, 279-90.
  • Peterson, D., Esbensen, F.A., Taylor, T., Freng, A. (2007). Youth violence in context: The roles of sex, race and community in offending. Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, 5, 385-410.
  • Polaha, J., Larzelere, R.E., Shapiro S.K., Pettit, K. (2004). Physical discipline and child behavior problems: A study of ethnic group differences. Parent-Sci Pract, 4(4), 339– 60.
  • Polat-Unutkan, Ö. (2005). Okul öncesi dönemde sorumluluk eğitimi.(1. Baskı). İstanbul: Morpa Yayıncılık, 189-96.
  • Qasem, M., Kazem, N.A., Shah, N.M.(1998). Attitudes of Kuwaiti parents toward physical punishment of children. Child Abuse Neglect , 22(12), 1189-1202.
  • Rankin, J., Kern, R. (1994). Parental attachments and delinquency. Criminology, 32, 495-515.
  • Samuda, G.M. (1998). Child discipline and abuse in Hong Kong. Child Abuse Neglect, 12: 283-87.
  • Sheehan, M.J., Watson, M.W.(2008). Reciprocal influences between maternal discipline techniques and aggression in children and adolescents. Aggressive Behav, 34, 245–55.
  • Shor, R. (2000). Jewish immigrant parents from The Former Soviet Union: A method for studying their views of how to respond to children’s misbehavior. Child Abuse Neglect, 24, 353-62.
  • Smith, C., Krohn, M.(1995). Delinquency and family life among male adolescents: The role of ethnicity. J Youth Adolescence, 24, 69-93.
  • Socolar, R.S., Savage, E., Keyes-Elstein, L., Evans, H.(2005). Factors that affect parental disciplinary practices of children aged 12 to 19 months. South Med J , 98, 1181-91.
  • Straus, M.A., Stewart, J.H.(1999). Corporal punishment by American parents: National data on prevalence, chronicity, severity and duration in relation to Child and family characteristics. Clin Child Fam Psych , 2(2): 55-70.
  • Şimşek, F., Ulukol, B., Bingöler, B. (2004). Çocuk İstismarına Disiplin Penceresinden Bakış. Adli Bilimler Dergisi, 3 (1), 47 – 52.
  • Van Zeijl, J., Mesman, J., Van Ijzendoorn, M.H., Bakermans-Kranenburg, M.J., Juffer, F., Stolk, M.N., Koot, H.M., Alink, L.R.A. (2006). Attachment-based intervention for enhancing sensitive discipline in mothers of 1- to 3-year-old children at risk for externalizing behavior problems: A randomized controlled trial. J Consul Clin Psych , 74: 994–1005.
  • Wells, L.E., Rankin, J.H.(1991). Families and delinquency: A meta-analysis of the impact of broken homes. Soc Probl , 38, 71-93.
  • Yörükoğlu, A. (1998). Çocuk Ruh Sağlığı. (21. Baskı). İstanbul: Özgür Yayınları, Acar Matbaacılık A.Ş.,15-26.
  • Zolotor, A.J., Runyan, D.K.(2006). Social capital, family violence, and neglect. Pediatrics, 117, 1124–31.
There are 52 citations in total.


Other ID JA45FD84DN
Journal Section Articles

Gülümser Gültekin Akduman This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2010
Published in Issue Year 2010 Issue: 27
