ISSN: 2147-4958
e-ISSN: 2147-4419
Founded: 2011
Cover Image

Dokuz Eylül University Journal of Humanities, which has been published regularly since 2012, aims to bring together research and study articles produced in various fields of humanities and especially on subjects involving multiple disciplines in our country with a wide audience. Our journal became to be indexed by MLA International Bibliography Index, SOBİAD and Araştırmax Scientific Publication Index in this process.

The proper understanding and explanation of the life surrounding the individual can only be achieved in the light of scientific thought. In our country, where social and human sciences which are becoming increasingly important, our duty as Dokuz Eylül University Journal of Humanities is to accelerate the studies in this field, to encourage qualified research and to pioneer the formation of new synergies in higher education. Knowledge is the most valuable inheritance that we will pass on to future generations, as required by the age that we involved in. Our mission in an information network that produces, shares and grows more is to capture the intellectual rhythm of the age and to give academic publishing the value it deserves. We hope to meet in new articles, to discover new worlds with the power of writing.

Opening Date for Article Submission: April 30, 2025

2024 - Volume: 11 Issue: 2

Research Article



The deadline for the October 2024 issue is July 10. Articles submitted after July 10 will be considered for the issues to be published in 2025.