Research Article
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Year 2020, , 477 - 507, 20.11.2020


The flow of time inevitably brings change, which in turn creates different
needs that must be governed by new rules. The way that this process has shaped
different eras can also be seen in the field of law. For example, when religious
freedoms were restricted or even banned, diplomatic law allowed the privilege
of droit de chapelle – the right for ambassadors to have a private place of
worship in their residences and mission premises in foreign countries. This was
founded on the then-accepted theory of ex-territoriality, on which all an
ambassador’s privileges and immunities were based. By the 19th century,
however, once religious tolerance had triumphed over bigotry, this privilege
became unnecessary. During the 20th century, as it seems, this right became
well established and widely practised among States. This might suggest that
there was no longer any need for provisions relating to droit de chapelle while
codifying the rules of diplomacy, particularly as reflected in the 1961 Vienna
Convention on Diplomatic Relations. Yet, is this really the case? After
determining if droit de chapelle really is common in practice and clear in
content, this article considers whether it is still necessary to regulate it in a
provision within the international law of diplomacy.


  • Anderson, J. & Whitten, L., The Diplomatic Immunity Charade, Washington Post, November 15 1975, s. C18.
  • Aybay, R., Tarih ve Hukuk Açısından Konsolosluk, Gözden Geçirilmiş ve Güncellenmiş İkinci Bası, İstanbul, 2020.
  • Berridge, G.R., British Diplomacy in Turkey, 1583 to the Present: A Study in the Evolution of the Resident Embassy, Leiden, 2009.
  • Berridge, G.R., Embassies in Armed Conflict, New York, 2012. Berridge, G.R. & James, A., A Dictionary of Diplomacy, 2nd Edition, New York, 2003.
  • Bynkershoek, van C., De Foro Legatorvm Liber Singvlaris: A Monograph on the Jurisdiction over Ambassadors in Both Civil and Criminal Cases, (translated by Laing), Oxford, 1946. (Reproduction of the Text of 1747)
  • Capone, D., Diplomatic Asylum: A New Path Forward, North Carolina Journal of International Law, vol. 41/2, 2016, s. 221-247.
  • Casa, J.M., İstanbul’da Bir Fransız Sarayı: Fransa ile Türkiye Arasında 500 Yıllık İttifak/Le Palais de France à Istanbul: Un demi-millénaire d’alliance entra la Turquie et la France, İstanbul, 1995. (Bilingual)
  • Chisholm, H. (ed.), Diplomacy, Encyclopedia of Britannica: A Dictionary of Arts, Science, Literature and General Information, vol. VIII (Demijohn-Edward), 11th Edition, Cambridge, 1910, s. 294-300. Clark, E., Corps Diplomatique, Bristol, 1973.
  • Çamyamaç, A., Uluslararası Hukukta Elçilik Binalarına Dair Bazı Teknik Konular Üzerine Bir İnceleme, Terazi (Aylık Hukuk Dergisi), Cilt 13 Sayı 145, Eylül 2018, s. 73-92.
  • Çamyamaç, A. & İnci, Z.Ö., Diplomatik Ajanın Özel Hizmetçisinin Ceza Yargısından Bağışıklığı, İnönü Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, Cilt: 9, Sayı: 2, 2018, s. 1-22.
  • Çamyamaç, A. & İnci, Z.Ö., Uluslararası Hukuk ve Ceza Hukuku Yönleriyle Diplomatik Bağışıklık Olarak Ceza Yargısından Muafiyet, Ankara, 2020.
  • Denza, E., Diplomatic Law: Commentary on the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, New York, 1976.
  • Denza, E., Diplomatic Law: Commentary on the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, 3rd Edition, Oxford, 2008.
  • Denza, E., Diplomatic Law: Commentary on the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, 4th Edition, Oxford, 2016.
  • “Diplomatic Privileges and Immunities: Harvard Research”, American Journal of International Law Supplement, vol. 26/1, 1932, s. 15-192.
  • do Nascimento e Silva, G.E., Diplomacy in International Law, Leiden, 1972. do Nascimento e Silva, G.E., Diplomacy, Encyclopedia of Public International Law, vol. I, edited by Bernhardt, Amsterdam, 1995, s. 1024-1033.
  • Fiore, P., International Law Codified and Its Legal Sanction or the Legal Organization of the Society of States, (translated by Borchard from the 5th Italian Edition), New York, 1918.
  • Fox, J.R., Dictionary of International and Comparative Law, 3rd Edition, New York, 2003.
  • Frey, L.S. & Frey, M.L., The History of Diplomatic Immunity, Columbus, 1999. Gallaudet, E.M., A Manual of International Law, New York, 1879.
  • Gamboa, M.J., A Dictionary of International Law and Diplomacy, Quezon City, 1972.
  • Grant, J.P. & Barker, J.C., Encyclopædic Dictionary of International Law, 3rd Edition, New York, 2009.
  • Hamilton, K. Langhorne, R., The Practice of Diplomacy: Its Evolution, Theory and Administration, 2nd Edition, Oxon, 2011.
  • Hardy, M., Modern Diplomatic Law, Manchester, 1968. Hoenkamp-Mazgon, M., İstanbul’da Hollanda Sarayı: 1612’den beri Elçilik Binası ve Sakinleri, 2. Baskı, İstanbul, 2006.
  • Hyde, C.C., International Law Chiefly Interpreted and Applied by the United States, vol. II, 2nd Revised Edition, Boston, 1947.
  • Jennings, R. & Watts, A., Oppenheim’s International Law, vol. I (Peace), 9th Edition, London, 1996.
  • Kuran, E., Avrupa’da Osmanlı İkamet Elçiliklerinin Kuruluşu ve İlk Elçilerin Siyasi Faâliyetleri 1793-1821, Ankara, 2008.
  • Lawrence, T.J., The Principles of International Law, Revised & Rewritten 4th Edition, Boston, 1910.
  • Lee, L.T., Consular Law and Practice, 2nd Edition, London, 1991. Levi, L., International Law: With Materials for a Code of International Law, New York, 1888.
  • Lyons, B.A., Diplomatic Immunities-Some Minor Points, British Yearbook of International Law, vol. 34, 1958, s. 368-374.
  • Martens von, G.F., A Compedium of the Law of Nations, Founded on the Treaties and Customs of the Modern Nations of Europe: to Which Is Added a Complete List of All the Treaties, Conventions, Compacts, Declarations from the Year 1731 to 1788, Inclusive, Indicating the Several Works in Which They are to be Found, (translated by Corbett), London, 1802.
  • Mastyn, A., Letter from M. Mastyn to M. Diena, American Journal of International Law Supplement, vol. 20/3, 1926, s. 166-175.
  • Mattingly, G., Renaissance Diplomacy, New York, 1988. (published from the 1955 Edition)
  • McAuliffe, W.C. Jr., Jurisdictional Immunities, International Legal Studies (Naval War College), vol. 62, 1980, s. 646-666.
  • McClanahan, G.V., Diplomatic Immunity: Principles, Practices, Problems, London, 1989.
  • Mervyn Jones, J., Immunities of Servants of Diplomatic Agents and the Statute of Anne 7, C.12., Journal of Comparative Legislation & International Law, vol. 22/1, 1940, s. 19-31.
  • Murty, B.S., The International Law of Diplomacy: The Diplomatic Instrument and World Public Order, New Haven, 1989.
  • Nahlik, S.E., Development of Diplomatic Law. Selected Issues, Recueil des cours, vol. 222, 1990-III, 1990, s. 187-364.
  • Nussbaum, A., A Concise History of the Law of Nations, Revised Edition: 4th Printing, New York, 1962.
  • Oelfke, C., Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations of 18 April 1961: Commentaries on Practical Application, Berlin, 2018.
  • Oppenheim, L., International Law: A Treatise, vol. I (Peace), 2nd Edition, New York, 1912.
  • Parry, C., International Governments and Diplomatic Privilege, Modern Law Review, vol. 10/2, 1947, s. 97-121.
  • Phillimore, R., Commentaries upon International Law, vol. II, Philadelphia, 1855.
  • Reçber, K., Diplomasi ve Konsolosluk Hukuku, Bursa, 2011. Satow, E., A Guide to Diplomatic Practice, vol. I, London, 1917. Satow, E., A Guide to Diplomatic Practice, 3rd Edition, London, 1932. Sucharitkul, S., Immunities of Foreign States before National Authorities, Recueil des cours, vol. 149, 1976-I, 1976, s. 87-215.
  • Taylor, H., A Treatise on International Public Law, Chicago, 1901.
  • Textor, J.W., Synopsis Juris Gentium, vol. II (translated by Bate), Washington D.C., 1916. (translated from 1680 Edition in Basel)
  • Theolin, S., İstanbul’da Bir İsveç Sarayı: İsveç ile Türkiye Arasında Bin Yıllık İşbirliği/The Swedish Palace in Istanbul: A Thousand Years of Cooperation between Turkey and Sweden (çeviri: S. Okyay), İstanbul, 2000. (bilingual)
  • Trimble, W.R., The Embassy Chapel Question, 1625-1660, Journal of Modern History, vol. 18/2, 1946, s. 97-107. Tuncer, H., Eski ve Yeni Diplomasi, 4. Baskı, Ankara, 2005.
  • Twiss, T., The Law of Nations Considered as Independent Political Communities on the Rights and Duties of Nations in Time of Peace, Oxford, 1884.
  • Vattel, de E., The Law of Nations or Principles of the Law of Nature, Applied to the Nations and Sovereigns, with Three Early Essays on the Origin and Nature of Natural Law and on Luxury, (translated by Chitty), Indianapolis, 2008. (Translated from 1797 Edition)
  • Wheaton, H., Elements of International Law, London, 1878. Wood, J.R. & Serres, J., Diplomatic Ceremonial and Protocol: Principles, Procedures and Practices, New York, 1970.
  • Young, E., The Development of the Law of Diplomatic Relations, British Yearbook of International Law, vol. 40, 1964, s. 141-182 98 .
  • Zouche, R., Iuris et Iudicii Fecialis, sive, Iuris Inter Genter, et Quaestionum de Eodem Explicatio, vol. I (translated by Brierly), Washington D.C., 1911.


Year 2020, , 477 - 507, 20.11.2020


Zamanın akışı yeni kurallarca yönetilmesi gereken farklı ihtiyaçları
kaçınılmaz olarak beraberinde getirir. Bu sürecin işleyişi hukuk alanında da
görülebileceği üzere farklı dönemleri şekillendirmiştir. Meselâ, dinî özgürlükler
sınırlandığında, hattâ yasaklandığında, diplomasi hukuku büyükelçiler için
yabancı ülkelerdeki rezidanslarında veya misyon binalarında ibadetleri için özel
bir yere sahip olma hakkını - ibadethâne hakkını bahşetmiştir. Bu hak, bir
büyükelçinin tüm ayrıcalık ve bağışıklıklarının dayandırıldığı o dönemde kabûl
edilen ülke dışılık teorisi üzerinde temellendirilmektedir. 19. yüzyılda bağnazlık
karşısında dinî toleransların galebe çalmasıyla bu ayrıcalık bir bakıma zarurîlik
özelliğini yitirmiştir. 20. yüzyılda, görüldüğü üzere, bu hak iyice yerleşmiş ve
devletler arasında yaygın bir biçimde uygulanmaktadır. Bu durum, özellikle
1961 tarihli Diplomatik İlişkilere Dair Viyana Sözleşmesinde yansıtıldığı üzere
diplomasi kurallarının kodifiye edilmesi esnasında ibadethâne hakkına ilişkin
hükümlerin artık zarurî olmadığına işaret etmektedir. Acaba, gerçekte durum
böyle midir? Bu makalede, ibadethâne hakkının, gerçekte içerik açısından açık
bir biçimde ele alınıp alınmadığı, uygulama açısından da genel olarak etki
kazanıp kazanmadığı belirlendikten sonra, bu hakkın, hâlen uluslararası diplo-
masi hukuku çerçevesinde pozitif bir hükümle düzenlenmesinin zarurî olup
olmadığı değerlendirilecektir.


  • Anderson, J. & Whitten, L., The Diplomatic Immunity Charade, Washington Post, November 15 1975, s. C18.
  • Aybay, R., Tarih ve Hukuk Açısından Konsolosluk, Gözden Geçirilmiş ve Güncellenmiş İkinci Bası, İstanbul, 2020.
  • Berridge, G.R., British Diplomacy in Turkey, 1583 to the Present: A Study in the Evolution of the Resident Embassy, Leiden, 2009.
  • Berridge, G.R., Embassies in Armed Conflict, New York, 2012. Berridge, G.R. & James, A., A Dictionary of Diplomacy, 2nd Edition, New York, 2003.
  • Bynkershoek, van C., De Foro Legatorvm Liber Singvlaris: A Monograph on the Jurisdiction over Ambassadors in Both Civil and Criminal Cases, (translated by Laing), Oxford, 1946. (Reproduction of the Text of 1747)
  • Capone, D., Diplomatic Asylum: A New Path Forward, North Carolina Journal of International Law, vol. 41/2, 2016, s. 221-247.
  • Casa, J.M., İstanbul’da Bir Fransız Sarayı: Fransa ile Türkiye Arasında 500 Yıllık İttifak/Le Palais de France à Istanbul: Un demi-millénaire d’alliance entra la Turquie et la France, İstanbul, 1995. (Bilingual)
  • Chisholm, H. (ed.), Diplomacy, Encyclopedia of Britannica: A Dictionary of Arts, Science, Literature and General Information, vol. VIII (Demijohn-Edward), 11th Edition, Cambridge, 1910, s. 294-300. Clark, E., Corps Diplomatique, Bristol, 1973.
  • Çamyamaç, A., Uluslararası Hukukta Elçilik Binalarına Dair Bazı Teknik Konular Üzerine Bir İnceleme, Terazi (Aylık Hukuk Dergisi), Cilt 13 Sayı 145, Eylül 2018, s. 73-92.
  • Çamyamaç, A. & İnci, Z.Ö., Diplomatik Ajanın Özel Hizmetçisinin Ceza Yargısından Bağışıklığı, İnönü Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, Cilt: 9, Sayı: 2, 2018, s. 1-22.
  • Çamyamaç, A. & İnci, Z.Ö., Uluslararası Hukuk ve Ceza Hukuku Yönleriyle Diplomatik Bağışıklık Olarak Ceza Yargısından Muafiyet, Ankara, 2020.
  • Denza, E., Diplomatic Law: Commentary on the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, New York, 1976.
  • Denza, E., Diplomatic Law: Commentary on the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, 3rd Edition, Oxford, 2008.
  • Denza, E., Diplomatic Law: Commentary on the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, 4th Edition, Oxford, 2016.
  • “Diplomatic Privileges and Immunities: Harvard Research”, American Journal of International Law Supplement, vol. 26/1, 1932, s. 15-192.
  • do Nascimento e Silva, G.E., Diplomacy in International Law, Leiden, 1972. do Nascimento e Silva, G.E., Diplomacy, Encyclopedia of Public International Law, vol. I, edited by Bernhardt, Amsterdam, 1995, s. 1024-1033.
  • Fiore, P., International Law Codified and Its Legal Sanction or the Legal Organization of the Society of States, (translated by Borchard from the 5th Italian Edition), New York, 1918.
  • Fox, J.R., Dictionary of International and Comparative Law, 3rd Edition, New York, 2003.
  • Frey, L.S. & Frey, M.L., The History of Diplomatic Immunity, Columbus, 1999. Gallaudet, E.M., A Manual of International Law, New York, 1879.
  • Gamboa, M.J., A Dictionary of International Law and Diplomacy, Quezon City, 1972.
  • Grant, J.P. & Barker, J.C., Encyclopædic Dictionary of International Law, 3rd Edition, New York, 2009.
  • Hamilton, K. Langhorne, R., The Practice of Diplomacy: Its Evolution, Theory and Administration, 2nd Edition, Oxon, 2011.
  • Hardy, M., Modern Diplomatic Law, Manchester, 1968. Hoenkamp-Mazgon, M., İstanbul’da Hollanda Sarayı: 1612’den beri Elçilik Binası ve Sakinleri, 2. Baskı, İstanbul, 2006.
  • Hyde, C.C., International Law Chiefly Interpreted and Applied by the United States, vol. II, 2nd Revised Edition, Boston, 1947.
  • Jennings, R. & Watts, A., Oppenheim’s International Law, vol. I (Peace), 9th Edition, London, 1996.
  • Kuran, E., Avrupa’da Osmanlı İkamet Elçiliklerinin Kuruluşu ve İlk Elçilerin Siyasi Faâliyetleri 1793-1821, Ankara, 2008.
  • Lawrence, T.J., The Principles of International Law, Revised & Rewritten 4th Edition, Boston, 1910.
  • Lee, L.T., Consular Law and Practice, 2nd Edition, London, 1991. Levi, L., International Law: With Materials for a Code of International Law, New York, 1888.
  • Lyons, B.A., Diplomatic Immunities-Some Minor Points, British Yearbook of International Law, vol. 34, 1958, s. 368-374.
  • Martens von, G.F., A Compedium of the Law of Nations, Founded on the Treaties and Customs of the Modern Nations of Europe: to Which Is Added a Complete List of All the Treaties, Conventions, Compacts, Declarations from the Year 1731 to 1788, Inclusive, Indicating the Several Works in Which They are to be Found, (translated by Corbett), London, 1802.
  • Mastyn, A., Letter from M. Mastyn to M. Diena, American Journal of International Law Supplement, vol. 20/3, 1926, s. 166-175.
  • Mattingly, G., Renaissance Diplomacy, New York, 1988. (published from the 1955 Edition)
  • McAuliffe, W.C. Jr., Jurisdictional Immunities, International Legal Studies (Naval War College), vol. 62, 1980, s. 646-666.
  • McClanahan, G.V., Diplomatic Immunity: Principles, Practices, Problems, London, 1989.
  • Mervyn Jones, J., Immunities of Servants of Diplomatic Agents and the Statute of Anne 7, C.12., Journal of Comparative Legislation & International Law, vol. 22/1, 1940, s. 19-31.
  • Murty, B.S., The International Law of Diplomacy: The Diplomatic Instrument and World Public Order, New Haven, 1989.
  • Nahlik, S.E., Development of Diplomatic Law. Selected Issues, Recueil des cours, vol. 222, 1990-III, 1990, s. 187-364.
  • Nussbaum, A., A Concise History of the Law of Nations, Revised Edition: 4th Printing, New York, 1962.
  • Oelfke, C., Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations of 18 April 1961: Commentaries on Practical Application, Berlin, 2018.
  • Oppenheim, L., International Law: A Treatise, vol. I (Peace), 2nd Edition, New York, 1912.
  • Parry, C., International Governments and Diplomatic Privilege, Modern Law Review, vol. 10/2, 1947, s. 97-121.
  • Phillimore, R., Commentaries upon International Law, vol. II, Philadelphia, 1855.
  • Reçber, K., Diplomasi ve Konsolosluk Hukuku, Bursa, 2011. Satow, E., A Guide to Diplomatic Practice, vol. I, London, 1917. Satow, E., A Guide to Diplomatic Practice, 3rd Edition, London, 1932. Sucharitkul, S., Immunities of Foreign States before National Authorities, Recueil des cours, vol. 149, 1976-I, 1976, s. 87-215.
  • Taylor, H., A Treatise on International Public Law, Chicago, 1901.
  • Textor, J.W., Synopsis Juris Gentium, vol. II (translated by Bate), Washington D.C., 1916. (translated from 1680 Edition in Basel)
  • Theolin, S., İstanbul’da Bir İsveç Sarayı: İsveç ile Türkiye Arasında Bin Yıllık İşbirliği/The Swedish Palace in Istanbul: A Thousand Years of Cooperation between Turkey and Sweden (çeviri: S. Okyay), İstanbul, 2000. (bilingual)
  • Trimble, W.R., The Embassy Chapel Question, 1625-1660, Journal of Modern History, vol. 18/2, 1946, s. 97-107. Tuncer, H., Eski ve Yeni Diplomasi, 4. Baskı, Ankara, 2005.
  • Twiss, T., The Law of Nations Considered as Independent Political Communities on the Rights and Duties of Nations in Time of Peace, Oxford, 1884.
  • Vattel, de E., The Law of Nations or Principles of the Law of Nature, Applied to the Nations and Sovereigns, with Three Early Essays on the Origin and Nature of Natural Law and on Luxury, (translated by Chitty), Indianapolis, 2008. (Translated from 1797 Edition)
  • Wheaton, H., Elements of International Law, London, 1878. Wood, J.R. & Serres, J., Diplomatic Ceremonial and Protocol: Principles, Procedures and Practices, New York, 1970.
  • Young, E., The Development of the Law of Diplomatic Relations, British Yearbook of International Law, vol. 40, 1964, s. 141-182 98 .
  • Zouche, R., Iuris et Iudicii Fecialis, sive, Iuris Inter Genter, et Quaestionum de Eodem Explicatio, vol. I (translated by Brierly), Washington D.C., 1911.
There are 52 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Law in Context
Journal Section Research Article

Anıl Çamyamaç This is me 0000-0002-8476-9110

Publication Date November 20, 2020
Submission Date March 5, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


Chicago Çamyamaç, Anıl. “İBADETHÂNE HAKKI: ULUSLARARASI DİPLOMASİ HUKUKUNDA NEREDEYSE UNUTULAN BİR DİPLOMATİK AYRICALIK”. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 22, no. 2 (November 2020): 477-507.

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