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Yıl 2015, Cilt: 17 Sayı: 1, 79 - 117, 01.06.2015


İşyerinde yaşa dayalı olarak ortaya çıkan ve haklı nedenle gerekçelendirilemeyen ayrımcı muamele, hem uluslararası hukuk hem de ulusal
hukuk alanında yasaklanmıştır. Yaşa dayalı ayrımcılık gençleri de kapsamasına rağmen, uygulamada daha ziyade yaşlı kişilerin bu ayrımcılığa
maruz kaldıkları görülmektedir. Yaşa dayalı ayrımcılık, özellikle AB’nin
gelecekteki demografik verileri göz önüne alındığında daha büyük bir önem
arzetmektedir. Doğum oranlarının azalması ve belirli bir yaşın üzerindeki bireylerin ortalama yaşam sürelerinin uzamasının, üye devletlerin sosyal
güvenlik harcamalarında ciddi artışlara yol açması beklenmektedir. İstatistiklere göre AB’nin aktif işgücü azalmaktadır ve bu sebeple AB’nin, önümüzdeki yıllarda yaşlı ve bağımlı nüfusun ihtiyaçlarını karşılamada, Birliğe
üye devletler tarafından emeklilik yaşlarının yükseltilmesi ve yaşlıların
istihdam oranlarının arttırılması gibi önlemler alınmadığı takdirde güçlük
yaşaması kuvvetle muhtemeldir. Bu önlemlerin aynı zamanda AB’nin global
düzeydeki rekabetini ve üretimini arttırması da beklenmektedir.
AB hukuk düzeninde, istihdamda yaşa dayalı ayrımcılık yapılması
yasağı, 2000/78 Sayılı Yönerge çerçevesinde korunmaktadır. Bu Yönerge
md.6/1’e göre, üye devletler haklı ve makul şekilde ve meşru bir amaç
çerçevesinde gerekçelendirilmek suretiyle yaşa dayalı farklı muamelede
bulunabilirler. ABAD’ın önüne gelen pek çok dava, üye devletler tarafından
özellikle ulusal planlarında farklı meslek grupları için öngörülen zorunlu
emeklilik yaşlarına ilişkin ortaya konulan meşru amaçların haklı şekilde
gerekçelendirilebilmesine ilişkindir. İlk bakışta, üye devletler tarafından
özellikle de genç işssizlikle mücadele esnasında alınan bu tür önlemler, yaşlı
çalışanların Birlik seviyesinde istidam oranını arttırmayı hedefleyen ortak
amaçla çatışır nitelikte gözükmektedir. Bununla birlikte konunun daha
derinden analiz edilmesi gerekmektedir.
Bu sebeple bu çalışmada, söz konusu olası çatışmanın mevcudiyeti/
kabul edilebilirliği sorununun, AB’nin demografik verileri ışığında ve
ABAD’ın bu konudaki güncel içtihat hukuku, üye devletlerin zorunlu
emeklilik planları öngörürkenki takdir yetkilerinin sınırları, sebepleri ve
ABAD’nın bu davaları incelerkenki kriterleri çerçevesinde incelenmesi


  • Ben-Israil, R. and P. Foubert: “Equality and Prohibition of Discrimination in Employment”, in Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations in Industrialized Market Economies, Roger Blanpain, Kluwer Law Int., 2004.
  • Communication from the Commission Europe 2020- A Strategy for Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth, Brussels 3.3.2010, COM (2010) 2020 final.
  • Eurostat Population Structure and Ageing, Eurostat Statistics Explained, available at: Population_structure_and_ageing [10.06.2015]
  • Europe 2020 Strategy - How is the European Union progressing towards its Europe 2020 targets?”European Commission Press Release Database, 2 March 2015, available at: 4525_en.htm [13.06.2015]
  • “Employment rate of people aged 20 to 64 in the EU up to 69.2% in 2014”, Eurostat News Release, 7 May 2015, available at: eurostat/documents/2995521/6823708/3-07052015-AP-EN.pdf/ 7e507ea0 -43c7-452f-8e6a-b479c89d2bd6 [13.06.2015]
  • Dewhurst, Elaine: “The Development of EU Case-Law on Age Discrimination in Employment: ‘Will You Still Need Me? Will You Still Feed Me? When I’m Sixty-Four’”, European Law Journal, Vol.19, No.4, July 2013, pp.517-544.
  • Ellis, Evelyn: EU Anti-Discrimination Law, Oxford University Press, New York, 2005, pp. 295-296.
  • İçduygu, Ahmet and Ayşem Biriz Karaçay: “Demography and Migration in Transition: Reflections on EU-Turkey Relations, in Turkey, Migration and the EU: Potentials, Challenges and Opportunities, eds. Seçil Paçacı Elitok and Thomas Straubhaar, (Hamburg Institute of International Economics, edition HWWI, 2012)
  • Kaya, Gözde: “The Quest for Turkish Migration to the European Union, Exploring the Misconceptions” (Chapter Three) in Global Migration, Old Assumptions, New Dynamics, eds. Diego Acosta Arcarazo and Anja Wiesbrock, Volume 2, Prager, May 2015.
  • Kaya, Gözde: Avrupa Birliği İş Hukuku’nda Cinsiyet Aycımcılığı, Avrupa Birliği Bakanlığı Akademik Araştırmalar Serisi-1, Ankara, 2012.
  • Meenan, Helen: “The Future of Ageing and the Role of Age Discrimination in the Global Debate”, Journal of International Ageing, Law and Policy, Vol.1, Fall 2015, pp.1-44.
  • Numhauser-Henning, Ann: “The EU Ban on Age-Discrimination and Older Workers: Potentials and Pitfalls”, The International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations 29, no.4, 2013, pp.391-414.
  • O’Cinneide, Colm: “Age Discrimination and Mandatory Retirement”, European Anti-Discrimination Law Review, No.6/7, 2008, pp.13-21.
  • Schiek, Dagmar: “Age Discrimination Before the ECJ-Conceptual and Theoretical Issues”, Common Market Law Review, Vol.48, No. 3, July 2011, pp. 777-799.
  • Schlachter, Monika: “Mandatory Retirement and Age Discrimination under EU Law”, The International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations, Vol.27, No. 3, 2011, pp.287-299.
  • Sargeant, Malcolm: “Employer Justified Retirement Ages”, Paper Presented at the Academy of European Law Anti-Discrimination Seminar (ERA) 8 October 2012, available at: Age/2012_Sargeant_2_EN.pdf [17.06.2015]
  • Tobler, Christa: Indirect Discrimination, A Case Study into the Development of the Legal Concept of Indirect Discrimination under EC Law, E.M. Meijers Instituut, Social Europe Series, Vol.10, Intersentia, Belgium, 2005.
  • “The 2015 Ageing Report: Underlying Assumptions and Projection Methodologies”, European Commission (DG ECFIN) and the Economic Policy Committee (AWG) European Economy 8/2014 available at : 014/pdf/ee8_en.pdf [13.05.2015]
  • “Unemployment Statistics, Main Statistical Findings-Recent Developments in Unemployment at a European and Member State Level”, Eurostat Statistics Explained, available at: statistics [12.06.2015]


Yıl 2015, Cilt: 17 Sayı: 1, 79 - 117, 01.06.2015


Unjustified discrimination on grounds of age in workplace is prohibited under both national and international law. Though age discrimination covers also young people, in practice, it is mostly the older people who suffer more from this unfair treatment. Discrimination on age becomes more critical when the future demographic challenges the EU is likely to face, are taken into account. Those changes such as the decrease in fertility rates and the increase in life expectancy of older people have serious effects in the increase of social burdens imposed on the Member States. Statistics reveal that the working age population of the EU is likely to decrease and hardly to confront the old age dependency within the coming decades unless the Member States invoke some concrete measures which include raising the retirement ages and increasing the employment rate of older workers that is inevitably expected to increase productivity and enhance competitiveness of the EU at the global level. In EU legal system, non-discrimination on grounds of age in employment is a protected right under Directive 2000/78. Article 6(1) of the Directive provides the Member States with the opportunity to invoke differentiated treatment on grounds of age if it is objectively and reasonably justified by a legitimate aim. Most of the recent cases brought before the ECJ have common points for raising the need to question the justifiability of the legitimate aims pursued by the Member States when requiring compulsory retirement ages for different professions in national legal schemes. At first sight, such measures undertaken by Member States, while coping with higher unemployment rates among younger workers (with the possible incentives that recruitment opportunities of young people are likely to be increased by dismissing older people)seem to contradict with the
common aim of increasing the employment rate of older workers at the
Union level. Yet, this is worth to be taken under a closer and deeper
analysis. Hence, this study seeks to question in light of EU’s demographic challenges, the reality/acceptability of this possible contradiction by analysing the recent case law of the ECJ through focusing on the underlying reasons and the boundaries/limits of Member States’ discretion when they are introducing compulsory retirement schemes and the criteria the ECJ has been invoking when deciding on those cases.


  • Ben-Israil, R. and P. Foubert: “Equality and Prohibition of Discrimination in Employment”, in Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations in Industrialized Market Economies, Roger Blanpain, Kluwer Law Int., 2004.
  • Communication from the Commission Europe 2020- A Strategy for Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth, Brussels 3.3.2010, COM (2010) 2020 final.
  • Eurostat Population Structure and Ageing, Eurostat Statistics Explained, available at: Population_structure_and_ageing [10.06.2015]
  • Europe 2020 Strategy - How is the European Union progressing towards its Europe 2020 targets?”European Commission Press Release Database, 2 March 2015, available at: 4525_en.htm [13.06.2015]
  • “Employment rate of people aged 20 to 64 in the EU up to 69.2% in 2014”, Eurostat News Release, 7 May 2015, available at: eurostat/documents/2995521/6823708/3-07052015-AP-EN.pdf/ 7e507ea0 -43c7-452f-8e6a-b479c89d2bd6 [13.06.2015]
  • Dewhurst, Elaine: “The Development of EU Case-Law on Age Discrimination in Employment: ‘Will You Still Need Me? Will You Still Feed Me? When I’m Sixty-Four’”, European Law Journal, Vol.19, No.4, July 2013, pp.517-544.
  • Ellis, Evelyn: EU Anti-Discrimination Law, Oxford University Press, New York, 2005, pp. 295-296.
  • İçduygu, Ahmet and Ayşem Biriz Karaçay: “Demography and Migration in Transition: Reflections on EU-Turkey Relations, in Turkey, Migration and the EU: Potentials, Challenges and Opportunities, eds. Seçil Paçacı Elitok and Thomas Straubhaar, (Hamburg Institute of International Economics, edition HWWI, 2012)
  • Kaya, Gözde: “The Quest for Turkish Migration to the European Union, Exploring the Misconceptions” (Chapter Three) in Global Migration, Old Assumptions, New Dynamics, eds. Diego Acosta Arcarazo and Anja Wiesbrock, Volume 2, Prager, May 2015.
  • Kaya, Gözde: Avrupa Birliği İş Hukuku’nda Cinsiyet Aycımcılığı, Avrupa Birliği Bakanlığı Akademik Araştırmalar Serisi-1, Ankara, 2012.
  • Meenan, Helen: “The Future of Ageing and the Role of Age Discrimination in the Global Debate”, Journal of International Ageing, Law and Policy, Vol.1, Fall 2015, pp.1-44.
  • Numhauser-Henning, Ann: “The EU Ban on Age-Discrimination and Older Workers: Potentials and Pitfalls”, The International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations 29, no.4, 2013, pp.391-414.
  • O’Cinneide, Colm: “Age Discrimination and Mandatory Retirement”, European Anti-Discrimination Law Review, No.6/7, 2008, pp.13-21.
  • Schiek, Dagmar: “Age Discrimination Before the ECJ-Conceptual and Theoretical Issues”, Common Market Law Review, Vol.48, No. 3, July 2011, pp. 777-799.
  • Schlachter, Monika: “Mandatory Retirement and Age Discrimination under EU Law”, The International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations, Vol.27, No. 3, 2011, pp.287-299.
  • Sargeant, Malcolm: “Employer Justified Retirement Ages”, Paper Presented at the Academy of European Law Anti-Discrimination Seminar (ERA) 8 October 2012, available at: Age/2012_Sargeant_2_EN.pdf [17.06.2015]
  • Tobler, Christa: Indirect Discrimination, A Case Study into the Development of the Legal Concept of Indirect Discrimination under EC Law, E.M. Meijers Instituut, Social Europe Series, Vol.10, Intersentia, Belgium, 2005.
  • “The 2015 Ageing Report: Underlying Assumptions and Projection Methodologies”, European Commission (DG ECFIN) and the Economic Policy Committee (AWG) European Economy 8/2014 available at : 014/pdf/ee8_en.pdf [13.05.2015]
  • “Unemployment Statistics, Main Statistical Findings-Recent Developments in Unemployment at a European and Member State Level”, Eurostat Statistics Explained, available at: statistics [12.06.2015]
Toplam 19 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Gözde Kaya

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2015 Cilt: 17 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

Chicago Kaya, Gözde. “AB’NİN DEMOGRAFİK VERİLERİ VE ABAD’IN İÇTİHAT HUKUKU IŞIĞINDA AB’DE YAŞA DAYALI AYRIMCILIK”. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 17, sy. 1 (Haziran 2015): 79-117.

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