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Cyber Bullying: The New Period of Childhood and Nursing Approaches in Children

Yıl 2021, , 261 - 267, 15.07.2021


In the 21st century electronic communication tools such as mobile phones, online games, e-mail, messaging, and various social media platforms have an important place in the lives of adolescents and even children. Children and adolescents with these technology-dependent lifestyles encounter with many risks online. In this situation, which is the new face of bullying and called cyberbullying, children are victims or perpetrators. Cyberbullying, which is associated with behavioral problems in both cases, negatively affects children's physical, psychological, and mental health. In both conditions, cyberbullying associated with behavioral problems, adverse effects on children's physical, psychological, and mental health. Accordingly, it is a very important problem in terms of both public and child health. Healthcare professionals, like all occupational groups working with children, need to be aware of warning signs and optimal prevention strategies in children. The purpose of this review is to examine the characteristics, frequency, risk factors, effects on child health and nursing approaches of cyberbullying, and to raise awareness on the subject. The purpose of this review is to examine cyberbullying in children and nursing approaches, as well as to increase the awareness of nurses about cyberbullying.


  • 1. Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu. Hanehalkı Bilişim Teknolojileri (BT) Kullanım Araştırması, 2020. URL: Erişim Tarihi: 29.03.2021.
  • 2. Smahel D, Machackova H, Mascheroni G, Dedkova L, Staksrud E, Ólafsson K et al. EU Kids Online 2020: Survey results from 19 countries. URL: Erişim Tarihi: 29.03.2021.
  • 3. Livingstone S, Mascheroni G, Staksrud E. European research on children’s internet use: Assessing the past and anticipating the future. New Media Soc 2018;20(3),1103-1122.
  • 4. Drane C, Vernon L, O’Shea S. The impact of ‘learning at home’on the educational outcomes of vulnerable children in Australia during the COVID-19 pandemic. 2020. URL: Erişim Tarihi: 11.07.2020.
  • 5. United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). How to keep your child safe online while stuck at home during the COVID19 outbreak. URL: Erişim tarihi 10.06.2020.
  • 6. Aboujaoude E, Savage MW, Starcevic V, Salame WO. Cyberbullying: Review of an old problem gone viral. J Adolesc Health 2015;57(1),10-18.
  • 7. Fisher K, Cassidy B, Mitchell AM. Bullying: effects on school-aged children, screening tools, and referral sources. J Community Health Nurs 2017;34(4),171-179.
  • 8. Chang FC, Chiu CH, Miao NF, Chen PH, Lee CM, Chiang JT, Pan YC. The relationship between parental mediation and Internet addiction among adolescents, and the association with cyberbullying and depression. Compr Psychiatry 2015;57,21-28.
  • 9. Gürhan N. Her Yönü ile Akran Zorbalığı. Turkiye Klinikleri Psychiatric Nursing- Special Topics 2017;3(2),175-81. 10. National Center for Missing Exploited Children. Helping Students Deal With Cyberbullying. NASN Sch Nurse 2009;24(5),200-203.
  • 11. Carter JM, Wilson FL. Cyberbullying: A 21st century health care phenomenon. Pediatr Nurs 2015;41(3),115-125.
  • 12. Tsitsika A, Janikian M, Wójcik S, Makaruk K, Tzavela E, Tzavara C, et al. Cyberbullying victimization prevalence and associations with internalizing and externalizing problems among adolescents in six European countries. Comput Human Behav 2015;51,1-7.
  • 13. Kowalski RM, Giumetti GW, Schroeder AN, Lattanner MR. Bullying in the digital age: A critical review and metaanalysis of cyberbullying research among youth. Psychol Bull 2014;140(4),1073-1137.
  • 14. Thomas SP. A new approach to prevention and reduction of youth violence. Issues Ment Health Nurs 2009;30(9),529- 529.
  • 15. Carpenter LM, Hubbard GB. Cyberbullying: implications for the psychiatric nurse practitioner. J Child Adolesc Psychiatr Nurs 2014;27(3),142-148.
  • 16. Pelfrey Jr WV, Weber NL. Keyboard gangsters: Analysis of incidence and correlates of cyberbullying in a large urban student population. Deviant Behav 2013;34(1),68-84.
  • 17. Ouytsel JV, Walrave M, Vandebosch H. Correlates of cyberbullying and how school nurses can respond. NASN Sch Nurse 2015;30(3),162-170.
  • 18. Uludaşdemir D, Küçük S. Cyber Bullying Experiences of Adolescents and Parental Awareness: Turkish Example. J Pediatr Nurs 2019;44,84-90.
  • 19. Williams SG, Godfrey AJ. What is cyberbullying & how can psychiatric-mental health nurses recognize it? J Psychosoc Nurs Ment Health Serv 2011;49(10),36-41.
  • 20. Gaffney H, Farrington DP, Espelage DL, Ttofi MM. Are cyberbullying intervention and prevention programs effective? A systematic and meta-analytical review. Aggress Violent Behav 2019;45,134-153.
  • 21. O'Neill B, Livingstone S, McLaughlin S. Final recommendations for policy, methodology and research. 2011; London: EU Kids Online. ISSN 2045-256X.
  • 22. Kann L, McManus T, Harris WA, Shanklin SL, Flint KH, Hawkins J, et al. Youth risk behavior surveillance—United States, 2015. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report: Surveillance Summaries. 2016;65(6),1-174.
  • 23. Peker A. Analyzing the risk factors predicting the cyberbullying status of secondary school students. Egitim ve Bilim 2015;40(181),57-75.
  • 24. Doane AN, Pearson MR, Kelley ML. Predictors of cyberbullying perpetration among college students: An application of the theory of reasoned action. Comput Human Behav 2014;36,154-162.
  • 25. Ahern NR., Kemppainen J, Thacker P. Awareness and knowledge of child and adolescent risky behaviors: A parent's perspective. J Child Adolesc Psychiatr Nurs 2016;29(1),6-14.
  • 26. Keeley B, Little C. The State of the Worlds Children 2017: Children in a Digital World. UNICEF. 2017; 3 United Nations Plaza, New York, NY 10017. ISBN: 978-92-806-4930-7.
  • 27. Ortega R, Elipe P, Mora‐Merchán JA, Genta ML, Brighi A, Guarini A, et al. The emotional impact of bullying and cyberbullying on victims: a European cross‐national study. Aggress Behav 2012;38(5),342-356.
  • 28. Wang J, Nansel TR, Iannotti R.J. Cyber and traditional bullying: Differential association with depression. J Adolesc Health 2011;48(4),415-417.
  • 29. Sourander A, Klomek AB, Ikonen M, Lindroos J, Luntamo T, Koskelainen M, et al. Psychosocial risk factors associated with cyberbullying among adolescents: A population-based study. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2010;67(7),720-728.
  • 30. Patchin JW, Hinduja S. Bullies move beyond the schoolyard: A preliminary look at cyberbullying. Youth Violence Juv Justice 2006;4(2),148-169.
  • 31. Nixon CL. Current perspectives: the impact of cyberbullying on adolescent health. Adolesc Health Med Ther 2014;5,143-158.
  • 32. Karakuş T, Çağıltay K, Kaşıkcı D, Kurşun E, Ogan C. Türkiye ve Avrupa’daki çocukların internet alışkanlıkları ve güvenli internet kullanımı. Eğitim ve Bilim 2014;39(171),230-243.
  • 33. Savage MW, Tokunaga RS. Moving toward a theory: Testing an integrated model of cyberbullying perpetration, aggression, social skills, and Internet self-efficacy. Comput Human Behav 2017;71,353-361.
  • 34. Brewer G, Kerslake J. Cyberbullying, self-esteem, empathy and loneliness. Comput Human Behav 2015;48,255-260.
  • 35. Vaillancourt T, Faris R, Mishna F. Cyberbullying in children and youth: Implications for health and clinical practice. Can J Psychiatry 2017;62(6),368-373.
  • 36. Tanrıkulu I. Cyberbullying prevention and intervention programs in schools: A systematic review. Sch Psychol Int 2018;39(1),74-91.
  • 37. Pontes NM, Ayres CG, Pontes MC. Additive Interactions Between Gender and Bullying Victimization on Depressive Symptoms and Suicidality: Youth Risk Behavior Survey 2011–2015. Nurs Res 2018;67(6),430-438.
  • 38. Ortega-Barón J, Buelga S, Ayllón E, Martínez-Ferrer B, Cava MJ. Effects of intervention program Prev@cib on traditional bullying and cyberbullying. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2019;16(4),527-539.
  • 39. Sorrentino A, Baldry A, Farrington D. The efficacy of the Tabby improved prevention and intervention program in reducing cyberbullying and cybervictimization among students. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2018;15(11),2536- 2549.
  • 40. Del Rey R, Casas JA, Ortega R. Impact of the ConRed program on different cyberbulling roles. Aggress Behav 2016;42(2),123-135.
  • 41. Hutson E, Kelly S, Militello LK. Systematic review of cyberbullying interventions for youth and parents with implications for evidence‐based practice. Worldviews Evid Based Nurs 2018;15(1),72-79.
  • 42. Bal PN, Kahraman S. The effect of cyber bullying sensibility ımprovement group training program on gifted students. Journal of Gifted Education Research 2015;3(1),48-57.
  • 43. İstanbul Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü. Siber Güvenlik ve Medyanın Doğru Kullanımı Çalıştay Kitabı. 2018. Erişim Adresi: Erişim tarihi: 10.07.2020.
  • 44. Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı. Siber Güvenlik Portalı. Erişim Adresi: Erişim Tarihi: 10.12.2019.

Siber Zorbalık: Çocuklarda Zorbalığın Yeni Dönemi ve Hemşirelik Yaklaşımları

Yıl 2021, , 261 - 267, 15.07.2021


Akıllı telefonlar, online oyunlar, e-posta, mesajlaşma ve çeşitli sosyal ağ siteleri gibi elektronik iletişim araçları 21. yüzyılda ergenlerin hatta çocukların hayatlarında önemli bir yer tutmaktadır. Çocuk ve ergenlerin teknolojiye bağlı bu yaşam tarzları onları birçok çevrimiçi risk ile karşı karşıya getirmektedir. Zorbalığın yeni yüzü olan ve siber zorbalık olarak adlandırılan bu durumda çocuklar mağdur ya da fail konumundadırlar. Her iki durumda da davranışsal sorunlarla ilişkili olan siber zorbalık, çocukları fiziksel, ruhsal ve zihinsel olarak olumsuz etkilemektedir. Bu doğrultuda hem toplum hem de çocuk sağlığı açısından oldukça önemli bir problemdir. Çocuk ile çalışan tüm meslek grupları gibi sağlık profesyonellerinin de çocuklardaki uyarı işaretleri ve en uygun müdahale stratejilerinin farkında olmaları gerekmektedir. Bu derlemenin amacı, çocuklarda görülen siber zorbalığı ve hemşirelik yaklaşımlarını incelemek aynı zamanda hemşirelerin siber zorbalık ile ilgili farkındalıklarını arttırmaktır.


  • 1. Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu. Hanehalkı Bilişim Teknolojileri (BT) Kullanım Araştırması, 2020. URL: Erişim Tarihi: 29.03.2021.
  • 2. Smahel D, Machackova H, Mascheroni G, Dedkova L, Staksrud E, Ólafsson K et al. EU Kids Online 2020: Survey results from 19 countries. URL: Erişim Tarihi: 29.03.2021.
  • 3. Livingstone S, Mascheroni G, Staksrud E. European research on children’s internet use: Assessing the past and anticipating the future. New Media Soc 2018;20(3),1103-1122.
  • 4. Drane C, Vernon L, O’Shea S. The impact of ‘learning at home’on the educational outcomes of vulnerable children in Australia during the COVID-19 pandemic. 2020. URL: Erişim Tarihi: 11.07.2020.
  • 5. United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). How to keep your child safe online while stuck at home during the COVID19 outbreak. URL: Erişim tarihi 10.06.2020.
  • 6. Aboujaoude E, Savage MW, Starcevic V, Salame WO. Cyberbullying: Review of an old problem gone viral. J Adolesc Health 2015;57(1),10-18.
  • 7. Fisher K, Cassidy B, Mitchell AM. Bullying: effects on school-aged children, screening tools, and referral sources. J Community Health Nurs 2017;34(4),171-179.
  • 8. Chang FC, Chiu CH, Miao NF, Chen PH, Lee CM, Chiang JT, Pan YC. The relationship between parental mediation and Internet addiction among adolescents, and the association with cyberbullying and depression. Compr Psychiatry 2015;57,21-28.
  • 9. Gürhan N. Her Yönü ile Akran Zorbalığı. Turkiye Klinikleri Psychiatric Nursing- Special Topics 2017;3(2),175-81. 10. National Center for Missing Exploited Children. Helping Students Deal With Cyberbullying. NASN Sch Nurse 2009;24(5),200-203.
  • 11. Carter JM, Wilson FL. Cyberbullying: A 21st century health care phenomenon. Pediatr Nurs 2015;41(3),115-125.
  • 12. Tsitsika A, Janikian M, Wójcik S, Makaruk K, Tzavela E, Tzavara C, et al. Cyberbullying victimization prevalence and associations with internalizing and externalizing problems among adolescents in six European countries. Comput Human Behav 2015;51,1-7.
  • 13. Kowalski RM, Giumetti GW, Schroeder AN, Lattanner MR. Bullying in the digital age: A critical review and metaanalysis of cyberbullying research among youth. Psychol Bull 2014;140(4),1073-1137.
  • 14. Thomas SP. A new approach to prevention and reduction of youth violence. Issues Ment Health Nurs 2009;30(9),529- 529.
  • 15. Carpenter LM, Hubbard GB. Cyberbullying: implications for the psychiatric nurse practitioner. J Child Adolesc Psychiatr Nurs 2014;27(3),142-148.
  • 16. Pelfrey Jr WV, Weber NL. Keyboard gangsters: Analysis of incidence and correlates of cyberbullying in a large urban student population. Deviant Behav 2013;34(1),68-84.
  • 17. Ouytsel JV, Walrave M, Vandebosch H. Correlates of cyberbullying and how school nurses can respond. NASN Sch Nurse 2015;30(3),162-170.
  • 18. Uludaşdemir D, Küçük S. Cyber Bullying Experiences of Adolescents and Parental Awareness: Turkish Example. J Pediatr Nurs 2019;44,84-90.
  • 19. Williams SG, Godfrey AJ. What is cyberbullying & how can psychiatric-mental health nurses recognize it? J Psychosoc Nurs Ment Health Serv 2011;49(10),36-41.
  • 20. Gaffney H, Farrington DP, Espelage DL, Ttofi MM. Are cyberbullying intervention and prevention programs effective? A systematic and meta-analytical review. Aggress Violent Behav 2019;45,134-153.
  • 21. O'Neill B, Livingstone S, McLaughlin S. Final recommendations for policy, methodology and research. 2011; London: EU Kids Online. ISSN 2045-256X.
  • 22. Kann L, McManus T, Harris WA, Shanklin SL, Flint KH, Hawkins J, et al. Youth risk behavior surveillance—United States, 2015. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report: Surveillance Summaries. 2016;65(6),1-174.
  • 23. Peker A. Analyzing the risk factors predicting the cyberbullying status of secondary school students. Egitim ve Bilim 2015;40(181),57-75.
  • 24. Doane AN, Pearson MR, Kelley ML. Predictors of cyberbullying perpetration among college students: An application of the theory of reasoned action. Comput Human Behav 2014;36,154-162.
  • 25. Ahern NR., Kemppainen J, Thacker P. Awareness and knowledge of child and adolescent risky behaviors: A parent's perspective. J Child Adolesc Psychiatr Nurs 2016;29(1),6-14.
  • 26. Keeley B, Little C. The State of the Worlds Children 2017: Children in a Digital World. UNICEF. 2017; 3 United Nations Plaza, New York, NY 10017. ISBN: 978-92-806-4930-7.
  • 27. Ortega R, Elipe P, Mora‐Merchán JA, Genta ML, Brighi A, Guarini A, et al. The emotional impact of bullying and cyberbullying on victims: a European cross‐national study. Aggress Behav 2012;38(5),342-356.
  • 28. Wang J, Nansel TR, Iannotti R.J. Cyber and traditional bullying: Differential association with depression. J Adolesc Health 2011;48(4),415-417.
  • 29. Sourander A, Klomek AB, Ikonen M, Lindroos J, Luntamo T, Koskelainen M, et al. Psychosocial risk factors associated with cyberbullying among adolescents: A population-based study. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2010;67(7),720-728.
  • 30. Patchin JW, Hinduja S. Bullies move beyond the schoolyard: A preliminary look at cyberbullying. Youth Violence Juv Justice 2006;4(2),148-169.
  • 31. Nixon CL. Current perspectives: the impact of cyberbullying on adolescent health. Adolesc Health Med Ther 2014;5,143-158.
  • 32. Karakuş T, Çağıltay K, Kaşıkcı D, Kurşun E, Ogan C. Türkiye ve Avrupa’daki çocukların internet alışkanlıkları ve güvenli internet kullanımı. Eğitim ve Bilim 2014;39(171),230-243.
  • 33. Savage MW, Tokunaga RS. Moving toward a theory: Testing an integrated model of cyberbullying perpetration, aggression, social skills, and Internet self-efficacy. Comput Human Behav 2017;71,353-361.
  • 34. Brewer G, Kerslake J. Cyberbullying, self-esteem, empathy and loneliness. Comput Human Behav 2015;48,255-260.
  • 35. Vaillancourt T, Faris R, Mishna F. Cyberbullying in children and youth: Implications for health and clinical practice. Can J Psychiatry 2017;62(6),368-373.
  • 36. Tanrıkulu I. Cyberbullying prevention and intervention programs in schools: A systematic review. Sch Psychol Int 2018;39(1),74-91.
  • 37. Pontes NM, Ayres CG, Pontes MC. Additive Interactions Between Gender and Bullying Victimization on Depressive Symptoms and Suicidality: Youth Risk Behavior Survey 2011–2015. Nurs Res 2018;67(6),430-438.
  • 38. Ortega-Barón J, Buelga S, Ayllón E, Martínez-Ferrer B, Cava MJ. Effects of intervention program Prev@cib on traditional bullying and cyberbullying. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2019;16(4),527-539.
  • 39. Sorrentino A, Baldry A, Farrington D. The efficacy of the Tabby improved prevention and intervention program in reducing cyberbullying and cybervictimization among students. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2018;15(11),2536- 2549.
  • 40. Del Rey R, Casas JA, Ortega R. Impact of the ConRed program on different cyberbulling roles. Aggress Behav 2016;42(2),123-135.
  • 41. Hutson E, Kelly S, Militello LK. Systematic review of cyberbullying interventions for youth and parents with implications for evidence‐based practice. Worldviews Evid Based Nurs 2018;15(1),72-79.
  • 42. Bal PN, Kahraman S. The effect of cyber bullying sensibility ımprovement group training program on gifted students. Journal of Gifted Education Research 2015;3(1),48-57.
  • 43. İstanbul Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü. Siber Güvenlik ve Medyanın Doğru Kullanımı Çalıştay Kitabı. 2018. Erişim Adresi: Erişim tarihi: 10.07.2020.
  • 44. Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı. Siber Güvenlik Portalı. Erişim Adresi: Erişim Tarihi: 10.12.2019.
Toplam 43 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Hemşirelik
Bölüm Derleme

Buket Meral 0000-0003-1664-9333

Seda Çağlar 0000-0001-8768-9282

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Temmuz 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021

Kaynak Göster

APA Meral, B., & Çağlar, S. (2021). Siber Zorbalık: Çocuklarda Zorbalığın Yeni Dönemi ve Hemşirelik Yaklaşımları. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Fakültesi Elektronik Dergisi, 14(3), 261-267.

Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Fakültesi Elektronik Dergisi ULAKBİM Türk Tıp Dizini, Türk Medline, Türkiye Atıf Dizini, Şubat 2021 tarihinden beri EBSCO Host ve 26 Ekim 2021 tarihinden itibaren DOAJ ve 18 Ocak 2022 tarihinden beri Index Copernicus tarafından indekslenmektedir.

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Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Fakültesi Elektronik Dergisi Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License ile lisanslanmıştır.