Submission Checklist

Submission Checklist
Ensure that the following items are present:
• Has the Journal Copyright Transfer Form been uploaded?
• Has the ethics committee document been uploaded?
• Has the title page been uploaded separately?
• Has it been checked that the author's information is not included in the main text of the manuscript?
• Has a plagiarism report been uploaded with a maximum of 20% "Excluding Abstract, Bibliography, Tables, and Figures"?

All research articles and reviews should not exceed 20 pages. (Including tables, figures, and References)
Is the font 12-point, Times New Roman?
Is line spacing set to 1.5?
Are the page margins set to 1.5 cm on all four sides?
Is the title page uploaded separately?
Are the Turkish Abstract start from the 1st page, the English Abstract from the 2nd page, and the main text from the 3rd page?
Are all headings written without numbering?
Are the section headings (Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion, Implications for Practice, References, etc.) title case, bold and center aligned?
Are subheadings title case, italic, bold, and left aligned?
Are second subheadings title case, italic, and left aligned?
Underlines should not be used in texts (Words to be emphasized can be written in italics or bold). Is this criterion meet?
Are the first paragraphs after all the headings left aligned , and the following paragraphs indented?
Are the first lines of the next paragraphs indented 1.25 cm (one tap)?
Is the text justified alignment?
There should be no spacing before the closing punctuation; the Sentence should start with a single space after the period. Is this criterion meet?
Incorrect use: “Manuscripts should be submitted to the journal via e-mail .Before sending , they should be checked in terms of spelling rules , and any errors should be corrected . ”
Correct use: “Manuscripts should be submitted to the journal via e-mail. Before sending, they should be checked in terms of spelling rules, and any errors should be corrected.”
Is there a single space between words and no space before the comma? (As in the example above)
Are periods, not commas, used when separating decimals?
Was it written without any spaces between the % sign and numbers? For example, 38.5%
Is the percent sign written before the number in Turkish articles and after the number in English articles? For example, for Turkish; %38.5; For English; 38.5%
In cases where “( )” , “ ” and / are used; Is it written without any spaces before and after the sentence/word inside the signs?
For example,
Incorrect use: ( Space must not be left after opening and before closing the parenthesis in the expressions specified in parentheses ).
Correct use: (Space must not be left after opening and before closing the parenthesis in the expressions specified in parentheses).
Bulleted list, “•”, should be used instead of a number list. Is this criterion meet?
Various statistics, such as analysis of variance values (F, t, z), correlations (R, r), and other statistical indicators can be reported in italics. Is this criterion meet?
Do research articles consist of Title page, Abstract in Turkish and English, Introduction, Purpose, Method, Results, Discussion, Limitations, Implications for Practice, Disclosure (Acknowledgements, if any), References, Abbreviations, and Appendices sections?
Do case reports consist of Title page, Abstract in Turkish and English, Introduction, Case Report, Discussion, and References sections?
Do review articles consist of Title page, Abstract in Turkish and English, Introduction, Development, Conclusion, and References sections?

Is there a running head as a header in the upper right corner of all pages including the cover?
Is the running head written in 9-points, title case, maximum 4 words, not exceeding 50 characters?
Are there five spaces between the page number and the running head?
Is the running head appear as a header on all pages?
Are the page numbers started from 1, in the upper right corner, including the title page?
Are the page numbers written in 9-points?
Are there Turkish and English titles of the manuscript?
Are the Turkish and English titles of the manuscript written in title case, bold, and centered?
Is the title of the manuscript not longer than 12 words?
Abbreviations should not be used in the title. Is this criterion meet?
Is all the information on the title page written in 12- points?
Are the authors' names, titles, affiliations, addresses, and ORCID written?
Are the e-mail address and phone number of the corresponding author written?
Is the information on the title page written left aligned?
Are there double spaces between the title, author names, and institutions?
If the article has been presented as a paper before, has it been specified? (If it is presented as a paper, the place and date of the paper, if any, funding should be specified.)

Is the Turkish Abstract of research articles consist of a maximum of 250 words and the Turkish Abstract of the review articles consist of a maximum of 200 words? Özler 12 punto ile yazılmalıdır. Is this criterion meet?
The title should not be repeated in abstracts. Is this criterion meet?
Is the text “Oz/Abstract” center aligned, title case, and bold?
The first line of the abstract paragraph should be left aligned, should not indent. Is this criterion meet?
Is the research article abstract consist of the subheadings "Background, Purpose, Method, Findings, Conclusion, and Keywords"?
Are the subheadings of the abstract (Background, Purpose, Method, Findings, Conclusion, and Keywords) left aligned, bold, title case?
Is the abstract of the case report/review article written without subheadings with a maximum of 200 words?
References should not be cited in the abstract. Is this criterion meet?
Are there three to five keywords in English and Turkish?
Is the first letter of each keyword capitalized? Is there closing punctuation after the last keyword?
For example,
Keywords: Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, Nursing Education.

Is the main text started on a new page? (page 4)
Is the main text divided into sections Introduction, Purpose, Method, Findings, Discussion, Limitations, Implications for Practice, Disclosure (Acknowledgements of the authors should be written), References, Abbreviations, and Appendices, if any?
If it is a review article, is it divided into sections Introduction, Development, Conclusion, Disclosure, and References?
If it is a case report, is it divided into sections Introduction, Case Report, Discussion, and References?

Is it include the purpose or research question/hypothesis (Purpose may or may not be in a separate heading)?

Is the Method section divided into subheadings?
• Type of the Research
• Place of the Research
• Universe/Sample of the Research
• Data Collection Tools-Validity and reliability information
• Action/Intervention (must be if the research is experimental or quasi-experimental)
• Evaluation of the Data

Ethical Aspect of the Research
Is the ethical aspect of the research specified?
• Ethics committee approval/institution permission date and number
• Obtaining consent from individuals (written/verbal consent)
• Information that the scales used have been granted permission to use
In the case report articles, is information given in the Case Report section that informed written consent was obtained from the patient?
Is it stated in the manuscript that research and publication ethics are complied with?

Are descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation, number, percentage, etc.), test values (t, F, r, etc.), and p-value clearly written? (the value should be specified exactly. ex: p=.031, instead of p<.05)
No leading zeros should be used when reporting Cronbach Alpha (α), correlation coefficients (r), and p values. p values should be given as three decimal, Factor loads, Alpha, and r values should be given as two decimal. Is this criterion meet?
Incorrect use: r=0.341, p=0.001
Correct use: r=.34, p=.001
When using the “=, >,<, ±” symbols, there must be one character space before and after the symbols. Is this criterion meet?

Is it prepared as a Microsoft Word file?
Are the tables placed in the relevant places in the text?
Are tables cited in the text?
Is the table header appear above the table?
Is the header left aligned, 10-point font size, title case, italic and bold?
Is the table prepared with single row spacing?
Is a period(.) used instead of a colon(:) after the table number?
Correct use: Table 1.
Incorrect use: Table 1:
Is there 1 line spacing between the table and the table header?
Is the second line of the table header started from the left, not indented?
Incorrect use:
Table 1. Examining the Factors Affecting Women's Use of Family Planning Method
Correct use:
Table 1. Examining the Factors Affecting Women's Use of Family Planning Method

If the ratio is written as “Percentage” in the table headings, the % sign should not be used. Is this criterion meet?
Incorrect use: “percent (%)”
Correct use: “%” or “Percent”
Are the tables written in 10-points?
Is there a table number?
The sections and values to be highlighted in the table can be used in bold font. Is this criterion meet?
There should be no vertical lines. Is this criterion meet?
Are the explanations of the table written in 9-points with a line spacing under the table?
When more than one footer is given under the table, is the “*” ”**” sign used for a citation?
Each table should be no longer than one page. Is this criterion meet?

Are the figures/graphics numbered?
Are the figures/graphics titled at the bottom?
Are the figure/graphic headers left aligned, in 10-point,title case, italic and bold?
Are the figures/graphics placed in relevant places in the text?
Is the source written under the figures/graphics taken from another source?
Is there 1 line spacing between the figures/graphics and its header?
Is the second line of the table header started from the left, not indented?
Is the number of tables, figures, graphics, or pictures limited to a maximum of six?
Abbreviations and related explanations should be written in 9-points, using “*,** or letters such as “a, b.” under tables, figures, and graphics. Is it suitable?
Are the figures and pictures in JPEG format?

Are the findings of the study been discussed and interpreted in the light of the literature, with the results of other studies?

Are the limitations of the study specified?
Have the contributions of the results of the study to the field of practice been explained, have recommendations been made based on the findings?

Is the Acknowledgments section included at the end of the manuscript?
Are the authors' contribution rates indicated as a separate paragraph at the end of the manuscript?
Is the name of the ethics committee, the date, and the decision number (must be given twice in the method section and at the end of the manuscript) stated as a separate paragraph at the end of the manuscript?
Is a conflict of interest statement specified as a separate paragraph at the end of the manuscript?
Is Disclosure Statement (project-fund etc.) indicated as a separate paragraph at the end of the manuscript?

Are Appendices start from a new page?
If there are appendices such as scales and questionnaires, are they written in 10-points font size?

Citation in text
E-Journal of Dokuz Eylul University Nursing Faculty adheres to the APA style. The journal’s citation check is done using the Crossref Similarity Check.

Cited articles should date within the last five years. If necessary, sources up to 10 years can be used. If a source is the main source, cannot be dispensed with, and must be cited, then older sources can be used.

Reference list
At the end of the text, the references should be numbered in alphabetical order and given in a separate list in the references section. A maximum of 45 references should be cited in the articles.

A maximum of 45 references should be cited in the articles.

Please click for reference.

NOTE: The templates from which you can follow the author guidelines during the article submission process can be downloaded from the Article Templates section at the bottom of the journal homepage.
Theses cannot be cited as a source.

Last Update Time: 2/2/21, 9:08:42 PM

E-Journal of Dokuz Eylul University Nursing Faculty was indexed by ULAKBİM Turkish Medical Index, Turk Medline, Turkiye Atıf Dizini, (since february 2021) EBSCO HOST, (since 26th of october 2021) DOAJ and (since 18th of January) Index Copernicus. 

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E-Journal of Dokuz Eylul University Nursing Faculty is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.